MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 21 collapse

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"Your Majesty, although the dog has no talents, but also for the people, it is absolutely impossible to make such things that are reviled by the people of the world, please take a look at it!"

"You really want to be beautiful. How many people in the world know the name of your family?" Ban Huai Yin Yang blame, "I just want everyone in the world to marry you, you have not been able to bear it."

"Ban Shuiqing!" Zhong Pingbo couldn't bear to anger. "I have been forbearing for a long time, you should not make trouble unreasonable!"

"I just said one truth, Zhong Pingbo does not have to be so angry," Ban Huai sighed. "But, I am not willing to care about these little things with you. Xie Jiada Lang is famous all over the world, no one in the world, no People don't know, is this right?"

"You, you..." Zhong Pingbo felt that every word and every expression of Ban Huai was humiliating him and thanking him. Under the urgency, he rushed up the board.

"Zhong Pingbo, can't make it!"

There was a singer who screamed, and suddenly he got up in the hall, and one of them was moving faster, and he was in front of Ban Huai, but the man’s arm was heavily stunned.

"At the foot of the emperor, how dare you go to the church? Do you put your squat in your eyes?!" Ban Huai quickly pulled Zhang Anbo, who was in front of him, so that Zhong Pingbo would continue to go crazy. .

The military commander standing next to him turned his back to Zhong Pingbo and put him on the ground.

"Zhong Pingbo, offended."

The generals looked at Huaihuai and Zhongpingbo, and returned a face with a face.

"Cheng Aibo, is your arm okay?" Ban Huai saw that Zhong Pingbo had been kneeling on the ground. He turned to look at Rong Rong and was grateful and grateful. "I am tired of this, I am sorry."

“Hou’s words are heavy,” Rong Rong looked at the loyal Ping Bo and made a martyr to him. “Zhong Pingbo, you and Jing Tinghou are the official, and there is nothing wrong with it. It’s so angry, it hurts the body and mind!”

"Hey!" Yun Qing, who sat on the top, calmed his face and took a throne. "Look at him, he is angry and angry, and he doesn't put his eyes in his eyes."

"Your Majesty, Chen has no intention of offending Tianyan, but Jingting Hou is really deceiving too much. The whole day is looking for the troubles of the Weichen. The Weichen can't stand it anymore. Only then is the impulsive impulse to make such a big mistake. Please kneel down and observe." Zhong Pingbo was martial. When I fell to the ground, I was already awake. When I heard the wrath of my knees, he regretted it and hated Huaihuai who had never been with him all day.

Yun Qingdi knows the grievances of the two families. In his opinion, Banyan is a lovable younger generation. Although he will not let his son go to jealousy, it does not mean that he can look at the faces of others who have gone to work. . Who is Ban Yu, his grandfather, the granddaughter of the Grand Princess, and the royal family, married to Xie Jiayu's second son, which is called low marriage.

I know that Xie Jiaxuan’s second son actually ran away with the fireworks woman, which not only hit the face of the class, but also hit his face.

Who knows that he loves the class, but his favorite younger generation has been fleeing. Is this not to look at him, or to laugh at him for not seeing him, petting a girl who has been fleeing by a man?

As a father of Banyan, Ban Huai satirized him a few words. When his son fled the marriage, he did not see him so excited. After listening to a few gossips, he wanted to beat a high-ranking Houye. Simply scorn the court.

Yun Qingdi was not happy, and there was a small emotion, so what Zhong Pingbo said was a nonsense in his heart.

He did not look at Zhong Pingbo, and said to the left, Yan Hui: "That is the case, you will thoroughly investigate the matter, Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. Before the early case was found out, Xie Zhongjin was temporarily imprisoned in the prison, not allowed. People visit!"

"His Majesty!"

Zhongping Bo stunned in the hall, his voice trembled: "Your Majesty, the dog is awkward!"

"I don't know what to do, I only know when things are clear." Yun Qingdi stood up impatiently, "Retreating!"

"Congratulations to your majesty."

Zhong Pingbo sat squatting on the ground and knew that it would be like this. He should not transfer his eldest son back to Beijing. The second son broke one eye, and the eldest son was to be detained into the dungeon. Which of the evil spirits did they thank the family?

"Zhong Pingbo, are you still not going?"

Zhong Pingbo climbed up from the ground, looked at the generals who spoke to him, and walked away from the temple.

Suddenly, he remembered something and looked back at the military commander: "If I remember correctly, General Cao seems to be the old department of Jingting Gong?"

General Cao touched Hu Wei on his chin. "At the end of the early years, it will be the old department of the great princess, and Zhong Pingbo asked what to do?"

"I am your military commander. I am disappointed with the descendants of Jingting public. I didn't think of it..." Zhong Pingbo shook his head. "You generals are affectionate."

General Cao looked at Zhong Pingbo inexplicably: "What are you talking about?"

Zhong Pingbo looked at him like this, could not help but frown, is he thinking more?

"Rong Boye, be careful of the steps." Ban Huai sent Rong Rong back to Cheng'an Bofu. After he came to the doctor who was good at the injury, he took a long sigh of relief.

"Hou Ye, there is no injury in the next." Rong Yu put the sleeves up, there is a large group of bruises on it, it looks a little scary.

"Everything is so big, still not hurt?" Ban Huai turned to look at the doctor, "Taiwan, you help to see if there is any bone damage?"

According to the biography of the grandfather, he is good at Dan calligraphy. He can even write at the same time. If it hurts his hand, how can his conscience pass?

"Ban Houye is relieved, Rong Boye is only a skin injury, it will be good to wipe the ointment for a few days." Taiji’s heart was a little scared, and Rong Boye was so shocked and brilliant, how to make up with the old man like Ban Houye. In one piece?

Isn't it...

He looked at the class, and the class was so beautiful. Do you want to be a pro?

It’s just that the class of the county is beautiful, but is it not appropriate to be with Rong Bo?

At this time in the Jingting Houfu, Banyan was urging the class to practice hard work, and Ban Heng screamed, but did not dare to sit on the ground, he was afraid of the whip on his sister's hand.

"Sister, is it a quarter of an hour?"

"It's still early," Ban said staring at the bowl on top of his head. "You don't shake, then shake the water and overflow the bowl. Be careful, I will smoke you."

Ban Heng gnashed his teeth and said: "Sister, my first sister of my great business, you let me take a slow breath, just take a sip."

Ban Yi looked at Ban Heng faintly: "Heng Di, if you don't exercise well, wait for your parents to be old, what do you take to protect them?"

"You are not good at poetry, you can't be a literati in the future."

Ban Heng’s knees are soft and soft.

"Not good at Danqing, can't sell pictures."

Ban Heng knees soft again.

"Not good at arithmetic, can't do Mr. Account."

Ban Heng’s knees are too soft to be soft.

"I am not good at riding and shooting, and I can't be an Orion."

Ban Heng is going to leave his sister.

"You don't have to work in the four bodies, you don't know how to grow the land. The only thing you can do is to train your strength and earn money by relying on your strength. Even if you don't have such a hard time in the future, at least you have a good body. Let the monks not dare to move you."

Ban Heng finally slammed down.

"Sister! I am wrong."

Banyan took out the handkerchief and wiped the water on his face. He patted his head with satisfaction: "Know it, change your clothes, then come back."

"Yes." Ban Heng climbed up from the ground and looked at the broken bowl on the ground. He began to calculate in his mind. After a few years, he had to pick up a few bags of goods at the dock to buy such a fine porcelain bowl.

In the afternoon, he went to the housekeeper and inquired about it. The bowl he broke was produced by the official kiln. The price of a bowl is about twenty-two, which is enough for one ordinary farmer to spend a year. The docker can get five pennies for a bag of goods. This also requires good luck. The foreman encountered is kind.

One or two silvers are exchanged for one thousand texts, twenty-two silvers are 20,000 words, so he has to buy five thousand bags of goods to buy a bowl he uses now?

"Sister!" Ban Heng Ghost rushed into the courtyard of the class, "Let's go and bury the money!"