MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 44 The whole world is spending money on me (11)

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They seem to have felt the fear of being dominated by Qian Baizhi!

On the official website of Qian's Group, they have swiped countless messages—

"My God, please cancel the payment reminder! Can't you pay quietly??"

"Or don't use a voice, I'm in a **** dread of being dominated by that voice."

"Uuuuu, despair!"

"As soon as I hear Ms. Qian's voice, I subconsciously want to take out my phone and pay."

"Me too. Last time, the watch of the person next to me reminded me that I was subconsciously ready to pay!"

"Fall into the fear of being dominated by Ms. Qian's voice!!"

When they need to spend money in their lives, they are enveloped by a voice, and this voice is equated with their wallet.

As soon as the sound came out, the wallet was deflated.

After a long time, hearing this voice is like hearing the voice of debt collection.

Who can stand it? !

So please, the Qian Group, stop this torture!

This time, Qian Baizhi didn't respond, she had invented the protective shield, and everyone knew that no one could kill her.

Everyone thought that she would change from her reclusive state before. Who knew that after the other party came out and showed the watch, she became more mysterious. Whether it was the business school or the previous wave on the Internet, she did not respond, and no one even photographed her. Out of the Qian Group...

This time, she still didn't respond.

But the new general manager of Qian's Group was interviewed, and the reporter asked—

"Has the Qian Group seen the appeal of the people all over the world? Will the voice of reminding payment be changed in the future?"

"Everyone said that even if there is a payment reminder, can you not use one voice? Not to mention Qian Baizhi's voice!"

After all, many people actually regard Qian Baizhi as an idol, but because of this voice, they no longer know how to face their idols.

It's a love-hate relationship, a love-hate relationship.

The general manager of Qian's Group, newly recruited by Baizhi, said:

"The Qian Group has received everyone's opinions, but as we all know, our boss is a very character boss. She is not only a boss, but also a great scientist... We can't ignore her because of her boss status. of scientists.

"She has always been very concerned about her products, and she doesn't want to make too much profit. For ordinary people, the boss's pricing has always been beneficial to the people, and she also wants her products to be used by more people, so she I personally recorded the payment reminder, and I hope that in this way, I can make my connection with the product more closely…”


How tactful that is!

Those who understand it will quickly translate for everyone—

"We have received your opinion, but our boss will not change it."

Everyone in the world: "..."

So angry!

Qian Baizhi, be yourself!

Of course it's useless to get angry, can people still not use these products?

They have long been inseparable from these products of the Qian Group!

The Qian Group's four products are still being purchased by everyone all over the world at a terrifying speed, and the supply is in short supply!

half year later.

Qian's Group's products have thoroughly penetrated into everyone's life.

Quantum intelligent robots?

Can you not use it? !

It can free everyone from heavy housework, and can take care of babies and help them with homework. Who wouldn't buy it? !

At first, they waited and watched, but the money was not enough, and they started to snap up one after another.

Simulated pets?

Anyone who likes animals can't resist this temptation!

There are also flying buses and flying boats.

Don't ask, ask is already inseparable.

They are used to getting on the bus in the living room in the morning, and it takes ten minutes to arrive at the company. They are asked to go to the subway as before, and go out 40 minutes early in order to catch the clock for work. They can no longer accept it!

There is also the first generation of quantum smart communication watches, who is not afraid of death?

Don't you want to face-to-face when videoing with relatives, lovers, and friends?

And they have also developed a lot of gameplay. A group of people connect the videos and then sit in their respective living rooms, just like getting together, playing games and cards.

Of course, there are also tea parties and class reunions.

A communication watch, everyone knows how many tricks it has played.

With the world officially entering the age of technology and the convenience brought by Qian's Group's products, the sound of "please pay" has completely become a nightmare for everyone.


"Please pay."

"...Ah, ah, I have to spend money because of Qian Baizhi!"


"Please pay."

"Oh, **** it, you nasty woman!"


"Please pay."

"...You can spend more money than my wife!"


"Please pay."

"...Ah, I really don't want to hear your voice, Qian Baizhi!"

No matter how painful it is, they can't do without the products of Qian's Group, and they feel pain and happiness every day.

It's just that fewer and fewer people love and respect her online now, and more and more people call her "abominable", "bad taste" and "hateful".


what is the relationship?

No matter how upset or unhappy they are, they still have to keep spending money on her, and they are willing to give her money!

In the past six months, Baizhi has not launched other products, but the previous four products have cut a lot of chaebol cakes. The speeding car has not been launched yet, but the bus can be produced, and it is only a matter of time before the speeding car is launched.

Some chaebols gritted their teeth and began to transform, providing parts produced by the Qian Group and helping with processing.

In other words, they have changed from chaebols with monopoly economy to Party B of Qian's Group, and they have to rely on Party A's Qian's Group to live.

Some chaebols can accept it, some can't.

The unacceptable chaebols have less and less living space, less and less profit, less and less money, and less and less power. These people are the people who hate Bai Zhi the most.

They can't wait to pump Angelica's tendons and smash Angelica's bones.

They can't kill Qian Baizhi, so they are waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to defeat Qian Baizhi.

The Qian Ming family had a bad time.

Everyone around has robots in their homes, but theirs does not. Many people around take flying buses. Only their homes are still running around on the ground and cannot get on the flying buses.

Of course, there are still a lot of cars on the ground, but if others want to be on the ground, they will be on the ground, and if they want to be in the sky, they will be in the sky. Only their homes can only be on the ground!

Whether or not you can take a ride on your own and whether you can take a ride are two completely different things.

And, more importantly, protect the watch.

Everyone has one on their hands, adults, children, all colors, only their hands are bare and nothing.

They once wanted to find Qian Baizhi to make trouble, but just after they appeared outside the Qian Group, they were arrested by the police.

They posted countless articles on the Internet, and they were deleted if they didn't sink into the sea, or if they didn't post them for a long time.

The group of lawyers who have repeatedly litigated with them has not disbanded yet, and is still watching them closely, filing lawsuits from time to time.

When they were angry and cursed at Qian Baizhi's words, they would also be caught by them and held on to it.

The lawyers are very idle, just make trouble with them.

It's only been half a year, and the Qian Ming family is not as good as death.

Can't find a job, can only live on the mountain, and have no source of income, the original house can only be sold and live by renting a house.

Most houses have remodeled windows, and those without remodeled windows are either cramped or cramped.

They can only rent in cramped and cramped houses and live the life they once despised the most.

Since Qian Tong's death, they took a large sum of money from Sun Changdong, and life got better.

Later, Sun Changdong would give Qian Baizhi three melons and two dates from time to time, all of which were in their hands, making them feel that they were living a rich life.

They have always looked down on those poor people.

But now, even the poor people they once looked down on are starting to look down on them!

Zhang Yahui went out to buy groceries.

Along the way, you can see people of her age, with children and pets, letting children and pets play, they are wearing clean and tidy clothes, watching with a smile.

Or get together in groups of three or five, chatting, and exercising together.

They are freed from housework and only need to go home for dinner on time. The robot in their home can do all the housework for them, and there is not much left for them to do!

When she was passing by carrying a vegetable basket, she heard twos and threes pointing at her and discussing—

"It's her, what time is this, and she is still reluctant to buy a robot and do housework like a slave at home every day!"

"My husband told me not to buy it before and asked me to do the housework. Oh, my mother left the housework to him to do, and guess what? In less than three days, he collected money from his bank card to buy the robot!"

"My daughter bought my house, and my daughter is my mother's little padded jacket. It's like those men who don't know how to feel distressed."

"Hey, do you know that family? When did you move in? Why do you feel that their family is a little abnormal..."

"You should stay away from them, it's only been two months since you moved here! Don't buy robots, don't take flying buses, go out to buy groceries every day, and don't even have a protective watch! How can it be normal?!"

"Ah, that's it, that's really not normal, let's stay away from them!"

Zhang Yahui clenched her teeth when she heard this, wishing she could smash the basket in those people's faces.

Is it because their family is unwilling to use Qian's Group's products?

It's Qian Baizhi, that **** who won't let them use it!

These people love and hate Qian Baizhi. Back then, when she was in their house, she was like a servant, thin and gloomy, and she was allowed to beat and scold her!

As a result, once they gained the upper hand, they did this to them!

"Bitch, slut!" She scolded as she walked to the market.

"Bitch, you have to die!" Her old face was full of sinister viciousness, and people who saw her immediately looked away and avoided her.

It's only been half a year, and she's already a lot older.

After walking to the vegetable market, I found that there were not many vegetables in the vegetable market at all, and everyone was preparing to close the stall.

She walked to the nearest one, then picked up a handful of vegetables and frowned: "What's going on? Why is there only this?"

"It's all sent to the delivery point. There are many vegetables there, the price is fair, and there are no extra deductions. Of course, I will send it there. Only a part is left here, and they are all sold out." The aunt who bought the vegetables said while saying He said, "Whoever comes out to buy vegetables now, call a flying boat to deliver them! If you want these, I will sell them to you at a low price."

"You don't care if I call it, do you sell it or not?! Flying boat delivery, sooner or later one day it will fly and crash!" Zhang Yahui cursed, there were not many good vegetables left in front of her.

She was full of disgust.

When the aunt heard this, she was immediately unhappy, and said angrily, "I won't sell it to you yet! How can I curse people for flying and smashing it? How cost-effective is Feizhou delivery, people don't want us to take a cut at all, the buyer will pay as much as you want. How much do you give us, to curse you mad woman!"

"Crazy woman?!" Zhang Yahui's face was full of disbelief.

"Aren't you a mad woman? Cursing, cursing, and tantrums, who is used to you, hurry up, hurry up, the old lady closed the stall!" The aunt slammed her away directly.

Zhang Yahui was gasping for breath, and after scolding for a few more words, she carried the basket and returned with anger.

As soon as he entered the house, he found a mess.

"What are you crazy about?!" Zhang Yahui glared at Qian Ming.

Qian Ming looked up at her. Half a year later, he has aged a lot. His eyes are swollen and his eyes are cloudy. Obviously, his mental state and physical state are not good.

"Where's the food you bought?" Qian Ming's voice was hoarse.

He drank a lot of alcohol, could not find a job, and his life was unsatisfactory. He was excluded everywhere.

"Don't mention it, they're all a bunch of crazy old women, they've all brainwashed Qian Baizhi! Going to give money to Qian Baizhi with a shy smile, a bunch of lunatics who sell vegetables!" Zhang Yahui continued to scold.

"Enough!" Qian Ming was furious, "Don't mention that name!"

Zhang Yahui was also on fire: "Why can't you mention it? If it wasn't for your Qian family who gave out Qian Baizhi, how could we be like this?! People say that Qian Baizhi counterattacked, and we, her relatives, didn't get any light. Can't use their products yet?!"

"That's why you bullied Qian Baizhi in the first place and scolded her, otherwise she could treat us like this?! If you didn't bully her, how could we be like this now?" Qian Ming also glared at her.

"Bah, you're really nice, you didn't hit her? Qian Peng didn't hit her?! You guys are all bullying her, so what if I beat and scolded her?! We should have killed that **** in the first place. It won't be what it is today!"

Zhang Yahui roared: "One or two of you, you can't find a job, you can't earn money, and I still have to do all the housework in the house. Now everyone doesn't do housework, and they start to take care of themselves. Only I am so unlucky that I will It has something to do with your surname Qian!"

Qian Ming didn't speak. After a while, he murmured: "She should have been killed in the first place! Or... be nice to her... Then we will never live like this now..."

If Qian Baizhi was killed at the beginning, at least they would not be so miserable now.

If they were good to Qian Baizhi at the beginning, then now, they are the benefactors of Qian's chaebol...

How could they not fall to this point!

Zhang Yahui was still swearing when the door was opened and Qian Peng came in.


"Bang!" Qian Peng slammed the door.

"Take it easy, will you pay for it if it breaks?" Zhang Yahui glared at Qian Peng.

Qian Peng didn't speak, his face was gloomy.

The family sat together, all of them were unhappy.

Qian Ming asked, "How was the blind date today?"

Qian Peng said with a gloomy face: "Bitch! They're all sluts!"

Obviously, it didn't go well.

Why say it again?

Because he has been blind date countless times, but every time the result is not good.

Their family couldn't use Qian's Group's products, they couldn't find a job, and they had no choice but to hope that Qian Peng would get married, in order to change this situation.

With the help of the Yue family, it won't be so miserable again.


Failed again and again.

"It's all because of Qian Baizhi! It's all because of her slut!" Qian Peng angrily smashed the items on the table to the ground, "She forbids us to use Qian's Group's products. Today that woman was quite satisfied with me, but later When I saw that I didn't have a watch, I immediately turned my face! They're all sluts!"

Qian Peng was furious.

Today, he went on a blind date. Originally, the other party was polite, and he couldn't see what his intention was. Later, the other party found out that he did not have a protective watch, and asked him whether he did not have it or bought it. Qian Peng said that he did not buy it.

At that time, he couldn't control his emotions and belittled the watch.

As a result, the woman on the other side actually said—

"If your family doesn't buy a watch, or you're very, very poor, or you value money over your life, we don't need to talk about these two. And you still devalue protective watches, it's enough to explain Your narrow-mindedness and watching the sky, we are not suitable, so don't meet again."

After that, the woman left.

Qian Peng was so angry that he still hadn't sorted it out.

Both Qian Ming and Zhang Yahui's faces turned ugly.

Qian Ming murmured, "Is she really giving us no way to survive..."

Zhang Yahui scolded: "Qian Baizhi! You are not human! You are not good enough to die! You..."

They scolded Qian Baizhi for a while, but finally returned to reality.

The reality is that they are in a terrible situation, and if they just sit back and relax, the money from selling the house will not last a lifetime.

Qian Peng looked at Qian Ming: "Dad, can we still ask Sun Changdong for money? Otherwise, we will threaten him again. The disgusting things he did at the beginning must be afraid that Qian Baizhi will know. We only need to use this point to keep threatening him. Enough!"

Qian Ming shook his head with a sullen face: "I had to arrive a few times before, but the situation of the Sun family is also very bad. If he hadn't been afraid of attracting Qian Baizhi's attention, he wouldn't have given us a single one a few times before. I called last time. Asking for money, he said...if we want any more, he will use this money to buy and kill you..."

Qian Peng shrank for a moment.

He didn't have a protective watch, it was too easy to kill him.

"Dad, Dad, what should we do then?" Qian Peng looked at Qian Ming with a broken expression.

Qian Ming also looked desperate.

There is nothing he can do!

"Ding-" the phone rang.

Qian Ming took a look at the phone and was slightly taken aback.

- Sun Changdong.

"Old Qian, I know you have a hard time, so I will introduce you to a few big bosses. You can cooperate, not only to solve your current predicament, but also to get a lot of money..." On the phone, Sun Changdong's voice full of temptation.

Baizhi has not appeared in front of people for half a year, but the topic of Qian Baizhi has always been popular. On the forum of Qian's Group's official website, there is a hot post every day—

"It's another day dominated by the three words Qian Baizhi!"

Therefore, when someone claimed that Qian Baizhi forced him to have no way out, it quickly caused waves on the Internet.

"What has no way out? Aren't we being forced by Qian Baizhi to have no way out every day? 23333."

"Fuck, as soon as I hear Qian Baizhi's name, I will think of her voice subconsciously, and then... ah ah ah, my wallet!"

"What is there to talk about on this topic? Isn't everyone like this? People all over the world are the same, they love and hate the Qian Group."

"Calm down, this time is different from what we complained about. It seems that Qian Baizhi's uncle's family is suing Qian Baizhi at the door of Qian's group, and there is also a live broadcast."

"Give me a link, thanks."

"Go, let's watch together: link."

This time is indeed different from the previous accusations.

Everyone in the world wants to sue Qian Baizhi every day, which is really normal.

But what they complained about was different from what Uncle Qian Baizhi's family complained about. Moreover, this time, they stood outside the Qian Group, but no one could drive them away. The live broadcast link was also put on the Internet, and they were behind the scenes. When used, it was instantly known to the world.

"Qian Baizhi!"

"Qian Baizhi, come out and we will confront you!"

"I'm your uncle. When your parents died unexpectedly, we brought you up. We don't have anything to do with you being rich, but why do you force us to have no way out?! Look, this is the place on earth. Your aunt, you grew up eating the food she made when you were young!"

Qian Ming held the microphone and complained hoarsely.

Countless cameras and reporters, as well as countless audiences, all looked at him. On the Internet, countless people around the world began to eat melons through live broadcasts.

On the top floor, Angelica has just come up from the laboratory.

There was a live broadcast on the computer next to her. She stood by the window and looked down calmly. Not only was she in no hurry, she even had a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth.

The secretary and the current general manager of Qian's Group were standing behind her, looking at her from the corner of their eyes, and seeing her calm, they were relieved.

- Baizhi recruits people with first-class ability and loyalty.

In his mind, 444 asked: "Qian Ming, why did they make such a big noise all of a sudden? How can these people still have a face?!"

When Bai Zhi heard the words, the corners of her lips rose slightly: "Of course they can't make such a big noise. There is a group of grasshoppers in the autumn behind them, doing the final jumping."

If it was just Qian Ming himself, the police would have come to arrest them, but not a single one had come, so it was obvious that someone had put pressure on them.

After all, he is a chaebol, even if it is not as good as before, and Yu Wei is still here, many things can still be done.

As soon as 444 saw her expression, the light group immediately formed a group, and the group became more round.

A moment of silence for those people.

Bai Zhi has moved many people's cakes, and some chaebols have been squeezed to the point of not having much living space. They are unwilling to adapt to Qian Baizhi, and still want to control the economic lifeline of the empire, and do not accept the provocation of others, so for the past six months... their situation getting worse.

Finally, they waited for an opportunity to launch a final counterattack.

Is it the Qian Ming family?

No, they are just pathfinder stones, and the back is the point.

Are you afraid of Angelica?

When they were still strong, she could easily beat them down, not to mention a group of grasshoppers...


Qian Ming's eyes were red, he held the microphone and looked at the camera, crying—

"We really don't want to be in the limelight of Qian Baizhi. She is my brother's child. My brother only has such a child. She is fine. We don't expect or want to be in the light. But she actually hates us, so we can't find her. work, and we are not allowed to use Qian's Group products!"

He cried bitterly and very sincerely.

This is their last chance. After success, not only will there be no more pressure from Baizhi, but also a huge amount of money!

Next to him, the reporter immediately asked, "May I ask what happened to this man on the ground?"

The camera shot timely to the woman lying on the ground, with a pale face and closed eyes, apparently still in a drowsiness, but not sleeping well.

Her leg was amputated and both legs were missing.

It looked really terrifying to be so empty.

Qian Ming looked at Zhang Yahui, and his face was full of tears again—

"This is my wife, Zhang Yahui, Qian Baizhi's aunt. At the beginning, Qian Baizhi was an orphan. If she hadn't agreed to adopt Qian Baizhi, I still don't know what to do! She is a good person, and she has always been very kind to Qian Baizhi. Good! However, Qian Baizhi only remembers that she made a mistake and we scold her, but I don't remember our love for her! "

He raised his head, looked at the camera, and shouted: "She was amputated in an accident the day before yesterday. The doctor said that if she had a protective watch, she would not have an accident at all! But don't we buy the protective watch? It's her money. Bai Zhi does not allow us to buy it! She is murdering!"


Bai Zhi looked at the empty legs shown by the camera on the screen, and shook her head: "I'm really willing to start."

In order to mobilize the emotions of netizens around the world, they even cut Zhang Yahui's legs off. Now Zhang Yahui is still asleep, it is estimated that when she wakes up, everything will fall to the ground.

They are really cruel. If they cut off a pair of legs, they cut them off. Those chaebols are cruel, Qian Ming and Qian Peng, a husband and a son, are really not human, otherwise they would not watch Zhang Yahui lose his legs.

Downstairs, Qian Peng also shouted with red eyes: "We really don't want to be glorified, as long as we are like everyone else and can buy Qian's Group's products, my mother will not have an accident, it will not become like this! Qian! Bai Zhi, what do you want from us?! Just kill us!"

The dedication of a pair of legs can really arouse the emotions of netizens. Coupled with the help of some people, the trend on the Internet is instantly biased towards the side that is not conducive to Bai Zhi—

"This...I think it's a bit too much."

"Yes, no matter what the contradiction between them is, after all, it is the person who raised Qian Baizhi. Once he develops, he is ruthless and unjust like all capitalists?"

"You should stop praising her for benefiting the people. Look at her character. You can do this to those who raised her. It's a sly wolf."

"Oh my god, there are no legs! If Qian Baizhi treats them like ordinary people, with a protective watch, of course this kind of thing will not happen!"

"So pitiful, this family looks really pitiful..."

Of course, there are also a little more sober-

"Everyone, when the grievances are unclear, don't stand in line casually."

"I always feel that Qian Baizhi should not be such a person. There should be a reason for not allowing this family to use Qian's Group products?"

"And! The point is! She can't blame Qian Baizhi for an accident. Qian Baizhi does not allow them to use protective watches, but the protective watches are made by Qian Baizhi. If there is no Qian Baizhi, there is no protection. Watch, who can I go to in an accident?"

"I also think, and when I saw someone investigating Qian Baizhi's experience before, it seemed that she had been abused since she was a child?"

Because of the "payment" reminder, many people were already dissatisfied with Qian Baizhi, so some people followed the rhythm of the Internet and complained about Qian Baizhi.

Some people think there must be a reason.

More people are waiting and waiting for the official response from the Qian Group.

However, Qian Ming and the others had been making trouble downstairs for a whole day, and their voices were hoarse. Qian Baizhi never responded, and the official website of Qian's Group did not make any news.

The Internet has been quarreling, but they are very calm.

"She won't come out..." Qian Ming pursed his lips and looked at a middle-aged man in a suit.

The man looked calm: "It's okay, your task is to continue to shout tomorrow."

"Then the money promised to us..." Qian Peng asked hurriedly.

The man gave them a scornful look: "What are you worried about? Will we still take that money into our eyes? Continue tomorrow, and there will still be someone here to help you stay here. When this is over, someone will take the money send it to you."

After saying that, the man turned around and left.

Qian Ming and Qian Peng opened their mouths, but did not dare to say anything.

They were very afraid of this person, and they had to be afraid. After Sun Changdong's phone call before, he came to them and told them that if they wanted to solve their predicament, they had to make sacrifices.

Who will make this sacrifice?

Qian Ming and Qian Peng were father and son. Qian Ming was willing to give up his son. Qian Peng opened his mouth and did not decide. Therefore, Qian Ming chose Zhang Yahui.

After confirming that Zhang Yahui had made a sacrifice, they actually pulled Zhang Yahui away, and when they came back, they lost their legs!

Moreover, they were afraid that she would make a mistake, so they gave her an injection and told them that she would sleep for several days, and asked them to take her to the downstairs of the Qian Group to make trouble.

Such cruelty, how could they not be afraid? !

What if this cruelty was against them?

So, the next day, Qian Ming and Qian Peng continued to make trouble downstairs with the fainted Zhang Yahui, and major news reported, all of which led public opinion in the direction of accusing Qian Baizhi of being wrong.

"Is Qian Baizhi still not responding?"

"To be honest, she's really a bit too cruel. The uncle's family who raised her is so miserable, and there is no response at all!"

"What else do you need to respond to? What are the capital and chaebols like, don't you know?"

"It's all exploitation, and it's exploitation in a different way. Don't brag about Qian Baizhi, it's all the same."

"So vicious and ruthless!"

"Why is Qian Baizhi so ungrateful? I'm very worried about her character now. A person with such a character can monopolize an empire. No, it is the economic lifeline of the whole world. Is it really okay?"

Yes, is it really okay?

So, someone came out to speak again, and it was quite a famous capital tycoon—

[Qian Baizhi and the Qian Group have risen so fast that no one has noticed—the impact of the rise of the Qian Group on the entire world. Everyone is immersed in the convenience of the age of technology, and also in the legend of Qian Baizhi's "grassroots counterattack", but they ignore how terrifying it is that she looks at the funds so quickly!

The following is an estimate of the assets of Qian's Group since its rise to the present and this year. Tututu.jpg. Because the Qian Group's four products are sold all over the world, flying boats and flying buses have spread all over the world for more than half a year. What she has now is equivalent to the total national assets of a superpower! Her speed of accumulating wealth has not stopped at all. She has the economy of a superpower. What is she going to do? Or just keep it in your hands and do nothing?

How terrible, and her massive wealth accumulation will inevitably lead to a shock to the global economy. Of course, everyone may not feel it in particular, but feel that the cost is a bit large, but when the three words "Qian Baizhi" sounded, they fell into an inexplicable fear...

The most terrible thing I want to tell you now, I believe everyone is gradually realizing this! The emergence of Qian's Group and Qian Baizhi's products has caused the disappearance of double-digit industries, caused more than 30 major groups to go bankrupt, all employees lost their jobs, and tens of thousands of people around the world lost their jobs!

The Qian Group has been recruiting, but can they really use so many people? Now that the period of massive expansion has passed, every household has robots, flying boats and flying buses do not need to be mass-produced, and simulated pets and protective watches do not need to be mass-produced as they were when they were first rolled out, and layoffs will inevitably occur!

You lost your job and found a job at the Qian's Group, but when the period of worldwide demand for their products has passed, you must lose your job again! In other words, these people are all about to lose their jobs! This is only at present, this trend will become more and more terrible. If it continues to develop like this, the next unemployed may be you.

Qian Baizhi's behavior is to boil a frog in warm water, and let the disaster fall on the heads of everyone in the world unknowingly! Even if she keeps developing new products, does everyone have to go to the factory and put them into production?

So I want to say that what Qian Baizhi brings is not the era of science and technology, but the era of destruction! Unless she can solve the employment problem of all people in the world! But... can she fix it? 】


This is the bomb thrown in the crowd.

Qian Baizhi is selfish? Qian Baizhi is a white-eyed wolf? Qian Baizhi is ruthless? Ruthless?

After all, that is for the Qian Ming family, it has little to do with them, but now, when Qian Baizhi may affect them, they are no longer as calm as they used to be.

"It's terrible. There are people around me who are unemployed. I used to have a decent job. Now I can only work in the Qian's Group's factory. Although the salary is the same, the job is different!"

"Damn it, I'm stupid after reading the analysis, Qian Baizhi is so harmful?!"

"Ah, ah, I am afraid when I think that I will lose my job in the future. I must not miss work!"

"Qian Baizhi! Qian Group, you must give us an explanation."

"Fuck, she is really too cruel, this is going to destroy the whole world!"

"No, Qian Baizhi and Qian's Group cannot exist, otherwise the whole world will be destroyed in the future!"

"Can't exist!"

"Destroy the Qian Group!"

That's what those chaebols are for.

Qian Ming's family is just exploring the way, just telling everyone - Qian Baizhi's ruthlessness and cruelty.

Then, they throw back the focus.

These hazards are all real, but in fact, all monopolistic chaebols will bring about this kind of crisis. The inevitable development is to exploit the lower class to satisfy the upper class, causing the whole world to deform.

The Qian Group's rise is too fast and its power is too great, so this phenomenon is very obvious and can be felt by many people.

These chaebols have been holding back until now, just to hit a hit!

Their strategy is completely correct. The chaebols control everything, and the chaebols are very powerful, but the chaebols have no way to be the enemy of the whole world. Coincidentally, Qian Baizhi's career has achieved the whole world and is closely related to the whole world.

When the whole world is against her, unless she is a god, how can she turn things around?

Unfortunately, unfortunately.

Bai Zhi, she is like a god!

The official website of Qian's Group, which has not responded, sent two notices—

[Ms. Qian Baizhi said that the Qian Group will solve the employment problem of all people in the world. There are only shortages, no layoffs, and the jobs provided cover almost all occupations. 】

[At nine o'clock tomorrow evening, the official website will broadcast live, and Ms. Qian Baizhi will explain it to everyone in person. 】