MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 264 end

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End Chapter (Part 1):

The broadcast of "Bright Sunday" not only helped Lin Luoqing consolidate his previous popularity, but also allowed him to gain a large number of CP fans on the basis of his previous fan base, ushering in a surge in fans once again.

Many netizens who had no feelings for Lin Luoqing before, because they were attracted by the interaction between him and Ji Yuxiao, for the sake of his cp fans, they learned more about him later, and gradually became his only fans. After the variety show was finished, Lin Luoqing's popularity seemed to have surpassed that of Su Tong, becoming the artist with the most traffic.

However, this is not the focus of Lin Luoqing's concern. May is here, and the annual Golden Phoenix Film Festival is about to open. Here, Yu Jiayou won two Golden Phoenix trophies at the Golden Phoenix Film Festival. What is Yu Jiayou doing at this time?

Have you signed up for the Golden Phoenix Film Festival, and will "Return to Jade" be shortlisted and finally win the award?

For this reason, he also made a special phone call to Yu Jiayou.

Yu Jiayou never thought that the purpose of his phone call was to remind him to sign up for the Golden Phoenix Film Festival, so this must be positive.

You're not really going to win an award for this, are you? !

Yu Jiayou felt that he was under more pressure!

Although he likes his films very much, and is optimistic about this cooperation between himself and Lin Luoqing, the problem now is, how can he, an unknown newcomer director, Lin Luoqing, a newcomer actor who has just made two films, get Award? !

Yu Jiayou thought so, and persuaded himself, thinking that if you get it, you will earn it, so sign up and sign up! Anyway, there are so many people who can't get the award, and there are not many others.

He let go of his guts, and simply applied for all the awards he thought were similar, and even applied for the best director for himself, um, shameless, Yu Jiayou thought, but who cares? No one paid attention to him.

However, after signing up, when the shortlist was announced in June, Yu Jiayou opened the official website nervously with anticipation. Seeing this, Yu Jiayou jumped up in fright.

He was stunned for a long time, then stared at the computer for a long time, and then he picked up the phone and called Lin Luo.

Lin Luoqing was about to check whether "Return to Jade" was shortlisted when he received a call from Yu Jiayou.

"Luo Qing, the shortlist for Golden Phoenix is ​​out." Yu Jiayou's voice trembled.

"How is it, do you have me?" Lin Luoqing asked with concern.

"" Yu Jiayou nodded blankly.

"Which award is it?" Lin Luoqing asked curiously, is it Best Director and Best Actor?

"That..." Yu Jiayou hesitated.

Lin Luoqing urged him, "Which one, tell me quickly."

"Just your best hero."

Lin Luoqing breathed a sigh of relief, but it's okay, the best actor has been retained for the time being, "Is there any more?"

"And my best director."

Lin Luoqing felt even more at ease now, leaning on the back of the chair, relaxed all over.

Well, Yu Jiayou's best director was not lost by him.

"And Shi Zheng's Best Supporting Actor."

Lin Luoqing:? ? ? ah?

Why is there one more?

Best Supporting Actor?

But he thought about it again, that's right, Shi Zheng is the future actor, and it's normal to nominate a best supporting actor.

"And me and Xiao Ning's best screenwriter."

Lin Luoqing:? ? ? ? and this?

Is this in there?

"And one for Best Photography."

Lin Luoqing: ...Good guy, there are quite a lot of nominations!

"Excellent, Director Yu." Lin Luoqing praised.

At this time, Yu Jiayou finally recovered and returned to his previous appearance.

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha." He couldn't help laughing, "I'm so awesome, I have nominated so many, good guy, Golden Phoenix is ​​worthy of being a Golden Phoenix, and the judges are brilliant."

Lin Luoqing laughed.

Yu Jiayou chattered endlessly, "That's it, let's set off together in another month, and go to the country to walk the red carpet. At that time, I must invite 200 reporters to give me full coverage, so I will write about Yu Jiayou—genius director birth."

He even thought of his own epitaph at this moment-this is a great and talented director.

Lin Luoqing was amused by his joyful appearance, and said cooperatively, "When the time comes, I will ask Wu Xinyuan to prepare in advance and buy you 20 trending searches, blowing you up from different angles."

"Then there's no need." Yu Jiayou became humble again at this time, "There are too many, two are enough, otherwise everyone should be upset."

"How could it be? I, Director Yu, are so handsome and talented. Everyone will think you are more perfect when they see it. Who would feel upset?"


Or he likes Lin Luoqing!

Among so many people, he is the best at talking!

"Don't flatter me, I'm easy to be proud."

"How can telling the truth be flattery." Lin Luoqing laughed.

Yu Jiayou laughed again, completely happy.

He talked with Lin Luoqing for a while, then hung up the phone reluctantly, and went to find Ning Yu and Shi Zheng and told him about being shortlisted.

It never occurred to Shi Zheng that a film he was filming casually would be shortlisted for Best Supporting Actor again, and it was Golden Phoenix.

He hung up the phone in a pleasant surprise, thinking that he was destined for the best supporting actor.

After a while, someone in the altar took stock of this year's Golden Phoenix shortlist, and was surprised to find that Lin Luoqing and Shi Zheng were among them.

[Lin Luoqing and Shi Zheng are still filming together? 】

【"Fuck", am I blind? In this shortlist, is Lin Luoqing shortlisted for Best Actor? 】

[Male lead! what movie? ? Shouldn't Wen Ziming and Hou Wenyu be more appropriate for "All the Way West"? 】

[It's not "All the Way to the West", it's a movie called "Return to Jade", I haven't heard of it, but Shi Zheng also got nominated for this, did they film it together? 】

[Hahahaha Shi Zheng is the best supporting actor again this time [covering face], the last Golden Ouija Award was also the best supporting actor. 】

【When did Lin Luoqing film this movie? Why doesn't he have any impression? 】

[According to his fans, it seems that the shooting was low-key from October to January last year, so many people didn't know about it. 】

[Yes, "Return to Jade" was filmed not long after "All the Way to the West", but "Return to Jade" was not promoted much, so not many people except fans know about it. 】

[My God, this crew is quite awesome, the director has also been shortlisted, and has been shortlisted for several items. 】

[This director has never heard of it? 】

[This director is really transparent, so fans were still worried about this drama at the time, but they didn't expect it to be such a powerful director. 】

[New director, Lin Luoqing is quite daring! 】

[I guess the script is good, otherwise Lin Luoqing would have become popular at that time, there is no need to make this kind of movie with an unknown director. 】

[Yeah, he had just cooperated with Director Li at that time. 】

[The script must be good, otherwise can he be shortlisted for the Golden Phoenix? This is the golden phoenix! 】

[Laughing to death, I remembered that Heizi picked up something at the time and said that he was obviously returned by the film industry for making this movie, and the resources were downgraded. up. 】

[There is a saying, at that time, I felt that Lin Luoqing was probably making a literary film. Many directors of literary films are like this, and they go straight to the awards, so it seems that the box office may not be good, but the art will be better. 】

[This one is obvious. It will be screened at the film festival in the country where it was submitted. Even if he didn’t win the award, he is now shortlisted, and it will be easy to promote it when the time comes. 】

[I'm envious, grabbing popular works with both hands, who doesn't say Lin Luoqing is awesome after reading it. 】

[Fans should be cool, what do you want, woo, it's amazing. 】

【No. 】

At critical moments, some sunspots always jump out to pour cold water:

[No, no, that's just blowing it up, those who didn't know thought Lin Luoqing won the Best Actor! 】

[There are so many shortlisted, only a few won the prize. Lin Luoqing fans don't really think that Lin Luoqing can win the prize, do they? 】

[Hahahaha fans are so heartbroken, they don't even look at whether their brother is worthy or not? 】

Lin Luoqing's fans immediately counterattacked:

[Is it not worthy of being shortlisted? Jin Fenghuang has already recognized his acting skills, but if you don't admit it, you really deserve it! 】

[I don't think Lin Luoqing can win the award, but the shortlist is also very good, can't we praise it? 】

[Hahahaha he's anxious again, he's anxious again, the sour smell is sour! 】

[Forget it, let's argue with Heizi. Anyone who sees that he has been hacked for so long now wants to be popular, to have works, to have box office, and he is shortlisted for an award. . 】

[Hahahaha Heizi is furious, telling the truth. 】

Quickly, Lin Luoqing's fans rubbed Lin Luoqing's sunspots on the ground.

Fans sincerely sent Lin Luoqing a private message: [Brother, you are already great, it doesn't matter whether you win the prize or not, brother, you are the best! 】

Ji Yuxiao also thought so, although he had jokingly told Lin Luoqing as early as when he was just married, "If Xingyi has an actor, you must be the first actor of Xingyi", but now, Lin Luoqing He was one step away from the film king, but he didn't want Lin Luoqing to be under too much pressure.

"I saw him say that awarding is quite particular. Sometimes, even if you are outstanding, you didn't win the award. But sometimes, famous directors and actors just took a rest, so it's okay to be a little bit better." Winning an award. It can be seen that luck accounts for a lot in winning an award, and it doesn't all depend on strength."

Lin Luoqing nodded.

This is true for winning awards in the film and television industry. The right time, place and people are all important, but even so, he still wants to win awards.

If this award is related to him alone, he can look at it rationally and feel that it is okay to take it or not. At his age, it is already a great honor and affirmation for his second starring movie to be nominated for the Golden Phoenix , even if he does not win an award, it is enough for him to have a better development in the film industry in the future.

But it was related to Yu Jiayou, he didn't want the other party's stardom to be damaged, so he was very persistent in this trophy.

If he can work hard, he has already worked hard, and now there is nothing to improve, so he can quietly wait for the final result.

Lin Luoqing was not in a calm mood and waited and waited, from the reveal of the shortlist in June to the upcoming awards ceremony in July.

In this episode, he didn't expect that Jin Fenghuang was fine, and he couldn't help being nervous when he thought of it.

Finally, on the eve of the Golden Phoenix Awards Ceremony, Lin Luoqing packed her things and went abroad with Yu Jiayou, Shi Zheng, and Ning Yu.

Before leaving, Ji Yuxiao gave him an air, "Come on, I believe you will be able to get this trophy, even if you can't get it, you will always be the actor in my heart."

Lin Luoqing hugged him with a smile, and said "um", leaning against his arms and feeling the strength he gave her.

Ji Yuxiao sent him to the airport, watched his back as he left, and made a silent decision in his heart.

Lin Luoqing hadn't been out of the country since crossing over, but now that she suddenly arrived in the country, she couldn't help being a little curious.

It was also the first time for Shi Zheng and Ning Yu to go abroad, so there was something novel about them.

Seeing this, Yu Jiayou took him to play all afternoon, and didn't let him go away until after ten o'clock in the evening.

Lin Luoqing drank some wine, the wine was sweet, like some kind of ripe fruit, but the alcohol content was not low.

He was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, and when he was dizzy, he thought of looking at Ji Yuxiao again.

I don't know what Ji Yuxiao is doing now?

Missing him?

He really misses Ji Yuxiao.

He felt Ji Yuxiao's shadow looming in front of him, and he reached out to grab it, but he couldn't catch it.

Lin Luoqing muttered to tell him not to run away, but the other party faintly passed through his fingers and escaped from his heart.

Lin Luoqing kept grabbing anxiously, and just as she was grabbing, she heard the phone ring.

He was busy catching Ji Yuxiao who was playing hide-and-seek with him, but he didn't answer.

But after a while, the phone rang again.

Lin Luoqing snorted dissatisfiedly at Ji Yuxiao who still refused to be caught by him, and said in his heart to ignore you.

He turned around and answered the phone with a sticky voice, "Hello."

"Have you gone back?" Ji Yuxiao asked him.

"Hmm." Listening to the familiar voice, Lin Luoqing called him, "Ji Yuxiao."

"What's wrong?" Ji Yuxiao asked with a good temper.

"It's gone." Lin Luoqing said in a low voice.

Ji Yuxiao before him was gone.

He was still there just now, why did he suddenly disappear?

Lin Luoqing was a little sad, but heard Ji Yuxiao's voice again, "What's missing?"

He looked at the mobile phone in his hand in a daze, and thought, so he ran into the mobile phone.

Lin Luoqing grabbed the phone and said with a smile, "I got it."

Ji Yuxiao listened to his unreasonable words and asked him, "Have you been drinking?"

"Yeah." Lin Luoqing answered him, "Sweet, delicious."

Ji Yuxiao patted the center of his eyebrows, thinking that he was really drunk.

"Then go to bed early and have a good rest."

"En." Lin Luoqing's voice was obedient.

He said so, but he never hung up the phone.

Ji Yuxiao didn't rush him, and quietly enjoyed the tranquility of this moment.

After a long time, he heard Lin Luoqing say unhappy, "It's gone."

"It's gone again."

"Where did you go this time, Ji Yuxiao?"

Ji Yuxiao laughed, thinking that it's a good thing he didn't hang up the phone.

"It's still there," he replied.

Lin Luoqing was happy again when she heard his voice.

He was lying on the bed, holding his mobile phone, as if holding Ji Yuxiao, and he was in a daze.

He said, "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too." Ji Yuxiao said.

"Why do you miss me?" Lin Luoqing asked with her eyes closed.

"Then why do you miss me?" Ji Yuxiao asked him back.

"Of course it's because I like you." Lin Luoqing didn't hesitate.

When he said this, he laughed, raised his mobile phone, and shouted, "I like you."

The flower in Ji Yuxiao's heart bloomed with a "bang", and the moon fell into the water, causing ripples.

"I like it so much." He said deliberately.

Lin Luoqing said "um", her voice was soft and soft, like a secret hidden deep in her heart.

"I didn't like it that much before, but the lie has been told a thousand times and it has become the truth. I always say I like you, I have a crush on you, and I have said it a thousand times, it seems that I really have a crush on you for a long, long, long time. "

Lin Luoqing was lying on the bed, her thoughts a little chaotic.

His mind was full of pictures, and those things that he would not say to Ji Yuxiao when he was awake, he just casually said them.

He had already forgotten when he fell in love with Ji Yuxiao.

Is it the first time I saw him and thought he was so handsome; it was the first time he fell asleep in front of me, and he squatted down to see his sleeping face from the bottom up; or it was the first day he shared the bed, He woke up in his arms, and he deliberately approached his ear to tease him; or he was obviously inconvenient, but he was still willing to travel thousands of miles to the set to see him.

Of course he has never had a crush on Ji Yuxiao, but he has said it so many times, over and over again, that sometimes, he suddenly feels that he really seems to have had a crush on Ji Yuxiao for fifteen years and has gone through wind and rain. Snow, through time, came to him.

It would be nice if he really had a crush on him.

It would be fine if he really had a crush on him for fifteen years as he said.

In that way, his youth should also be wonderful.

"I like you." He said in a low voice, he liked it so much that he wanted to go back in time, back to his elementary school, to see Ji Yuxiao who was also young, and to put someone down in his heart.

The greatest lie in the world is the true lie.

It is a lie told in the end that the lie becomes true.

Lin Luoqing used to say that when I had a crush on you, it was to avoid the plot, but later he stopped saying that, because he regretted that he didn't meet him so early, and didn't really fall in love with him.

"It would be great if I could really have a crush on you for fifteen years." He whispered.

Ji Yuxiao didn't expect him to say that.

He remembered the snowy night last year, when Lin Luoqing was also drunk, and stubbornly told him that he was the one chasing him, and that he had a crush on him.

He disagreed with what he said and said that it was Ji Yuxiao who chased him. He insisted that he must be the one who chased him, and he had a crush on him.

At that time, he was once confused by his firm attitude, thinking that he had missed something all this time, maybe he really had a crush on him.

Only now did he know that it was so.

He likes him, so he wants to make what he said come true, and he wants to really love him like he said.

But Ji Yuxiao couldn't bear it.

Fifteen years old, Guo Lin Luoqing had been secretly in love with him for fifteen years, and if he thought about it, his heart would ache.

"You don't need to have a crush on me." He replied, "As long as you appear in front of me, I will definitely like you, so there is no need to have a crush on me."

You don't even need Ming Lian, just stand in front of him and appear by his side.

No matter when, if he is him, he will be attracted to him involuntarily, and will be "fascinated" by him involuntarily.

So there is no need for a secret love, let alone fifteen years.

Ji Yuxiao is fortunate, fortunate that Lin Luoqing has never had a crush on him, no one has gone through a long love, no love, no tossing and turning for him, restless all night.

He was glad that what he gave Lin Luoqing was all joy and joy, and it was his bright color.

He didn't let him get hurt in loving him, which is the happiest thing he has ever done.

"I love you." Ji Yuxiao said cherishingly.

Because I love you, I can't bear your loneliness.

So you don't need to have a crush on me.

It's a pity that Lin Luoqing was already asleep and didn't hear this sentence.

The moonlight shone on the glass window, gently crowning his dream, in which he returned to his childhood, passing by Ji Yuxiao with a glimpse.

He looked back, the young Ji Yuxiao had bright eyes, he smiled and waved at him, the sun shone on his face, and he shone into Ji Yuxiao's heart.

He had been secretly in love with each other for fifteen years, and kissed each other carefully fifteen years later.

The sky is long and the years are quiet.

Lin Luoqing was still in a daze until Wu Xinyuan woke him up.

He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have a phone call with Ji Yuxiao last night, but he wasn't sure. He didn't realize it was true until he saw the call records on his phone.

However, upon seeing this, Lin Luoqing was instantly puzzled, did he talk to Ji Yuxiao for five hours?

How can we talk for so long.

Lin Luoqing curiously sent Ji Yuxiao a WeChat account: [What did we say last night? five hours? 】

Ji Yuxiao thought that it was because his mobile phone was out of battery, otherwise it would have been more than five hours!

Ji Yuxiao: [I'll tell you when I get back. 】

Lin Luoqing was even more curious: [Can't you reveal it in advance? 】

Ji Yuxiao: [I can't~]

Lin Luoqing: ...It's still mysterious.

Lin Luoqing didn't think much about it, anyway, he was going back tomorrow, so he would know tomorrow.

He followed Wu Xinyuan to choose the suit he wore on the red carpet this time, and sat in front of the dressing table to let the stylist help him with makeup.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Luoqing walked the red carpet with Shi Zheng, Yu Jiayou, and Ning Yu.

This is his first time to come to the Golden Phoenix Awards Ceremony, but Lin Luoqing knows that this will not be the last time.

Golden Phoenix did not broadcast live, so when the red carpet photos were sent back to China, Lin Luo had already entered the venue early in the morning, waiting for the awards ceremony to start.

Lin Luoqing's fans looked at his red carpet picture and screamed: 【Ahhhh, Qingqing is so handsome! 】

[The suit looks good, it's so clean! 】

[Brother is beautiful and kills me! 】

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomy 】

[So nervous, so nervous, brother, come on! 】

Other netizens looked at the red carpet of the "Return to Jade" crew and couldn't help but sigh:

[Fuck! Is this cast all so good-looking? 】

[I know Lin Luoqing and Shi Zheng, who are the two handsome guys next to him? Director and other actors? 】

[The one in the picture is obviously the director, this director is quite handsome. 】

【Not only handsome, but also young! 】

[Oh my god, he can make his debut in a group, and his face is absolutely amazing! 】

[Brother Zheng is standing next to Qingqing, the poetic mood is here again! 】

【Hahahaha, this is the first time Brother Zheng has officially cooperated with Qingqing. The previous "Peaches and Plums Don't Talk" doesn't count, and Brother Zheng didn't have much role at that time. 】

[Lin Luoqing really loves him so much, she never forgets him when making movies. 】

[? ? ? Lin Luoqing's favorite is obviously Ji Yuxiao, okay? Poetry is true friends at first glance, they are all cooperation in work, and passion is the real sweetness. 】

[Yes, passion is the sweetest thing, poetry is obviously work! 】

[Oh my god, I don't want cp fans anymore, why don't we watch handsome guys together? 】

【Hahahaha, come to fight sugar, let me see whether it is poetry or passion, I haven't eaten candy from these two companies yet. 】

For a while, the forum was full of Lin Luoqing's posts again.

At about eight o'clock, the awards ceremony officially began.

Lin Luoqing sat on the seat in a nervous mood, secretly thinking, I must win the prize, I must win the prize!

Both he and Yu Jiayou will win prizes!

He fidgeted and clasped his hands. After a while, he heard the host say in English, "The next thing to be presented is this year's Golden Phoenix Best Director Award."

Lin Luoqing sat up straight in an instant.

The big screen on the stage played the representative works of the shortlisted directors one after another.

Lin Luoqing saw his camera flash across the screen, and finally he heard the prize winner call out Yu Jiayou's English name in a high voice.

Lin Luoqing was stunned for a second, then the smile on his face couldn't stop spreading, and he clapped his hands quickly.

Yu Jiayou looked at the lottery guests on the podium in surprise, and then at Lin Luoqing and Ning Yu beside him. was him?

It really is him!