MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 262 262 [Add more] Mr. Ji, you are not right! (Barrage……

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Two six two:

Lin Luoqing followed Ji Yuxiao into the small door of the secret room, and walked forward, the room was very dark, Ji Yuxiao was holding a flashlight, Lin Luoqing grabbed his arm, trembling.

Suddenly, he felt someone patting him, and immediately screamed "Ji Yuxiao" and hugged the people around him tightly.

Ji Yuxiao couldn't laugh or cry, "What's wrong?"

"Yes, yes...someone!" Lin Luoqing said tremblingly.

Ji Yu Xiaowu pulled out his tightly held arm, and put his arm around his shoulder instead, so that he could lean in his arms.

"It's okay, they are all NPCs, people, not ghosts."

Lin Luoqing knew it too, but he was just afraid!

He silently clung to Ji Yuxiao, clutching his clothes tightly.

Netizens watched, and "Lu" let out a hey laugh: [Tie Tie~]

【The scared Qingqing is so cute~】

[Qingqing is not afraid, Mr. Ji will give you a hug! 】

[Hahaha yesterday's script killing was Mr. Ji's crazy initiative, and today's Chamber of Secrets Lun Qingqing took the initiative to post it, cp fans are satisfied! 】

[Same satisfaction! 】

Seeing that he was scared, Ji Yuxiao couldn't help speeding up his pace, wanting to leave the village early so that Lin Luoqing could feel at ease, but after a while, he heard Lin Luoqing calling his name.

"What's wrong?" Ji Yuxiao asked suspiciously.

Lin Luoqing looked down at his feet, lifted them up, but didn't lift them up, his voice was trembling, "My feet seem to be entangled in something."

Ji Yuxiao lowered his head and took a photo with his flashlight. It was a ball of rope that was wrapped around Lin Luoqing's ankle.

He squatted down and lowered his head to untie the rope for Lin Luoqing. Lin Luoqing looked at him, and he glanced at him, but felt a flash of light. He chased after him and saw an npc looking at him with a grimace.

Lin Luoqing squatted down in fright, and hugged Ji Yuxiao who was untying the rope for him.

"What's wrong?" Ji Yuxiao said with a smile.

Lin Luoqing felt wronged, "He scared me!"

Ji Yuxiao smiled and patted his head, "It's nothing, it's just to tease you, don't be afraid."

After he finished speaking, he took a flashlight to look around helplessly, and said to the npc in the dark, "Don't scare him, just remind me if there is any plot that needs to be triggered."

Lin Luoqing was silent in her heart, saying yes yes yes, scare Ji Yuxiao, Ji Yuxiao is not afraid.

Wait, he reacted belatedly, how could Ji Yuxiao not be afraid, obviously during breakfast, he said he was afraid of ghosts?

"Aren't you afraid of ghosts?" He wondered.

Netizens looked at him and laughed for the first time: 【Is he finally conscious? 】

[My silly son, he lied to you. 】

[Hahahahahaha he is not afraid of ghosts, the one who is afraid of ghosts is you, brother. 】

[My brother is really a simple man. 】

Ji Yu nodded, without changing his expression, "Yes."

"Then why are you so calm?"

"I'm not calm either," Ji Yuxiao coaxed him, "I'm actually panicking inside."


"Take it as true, isn't it just pretending to be strong in front of you." Ji Yuxiao continued to coax him.

Lin Luoqing was very suspicious.

Ji Yuxiao looked sincere, "Just like some people don't show their faces when drinking, I'm afraid ghosts don't show their faces, so ordinary people can't see it."

Netizen: [? ? ? ? also? 】

[What's the point of being afraid of ghosts if you don't show your face? ! 】

[Not only are you shameless, you are not afraid of anything at all! 】

[Just spoil him, Mr. Ji! 】

[Mr. Ji is so good, a good man should be so sweet! 】

[It's so sweet, so sweet, Boss Ji really dotes on a man. 】

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 】

Lin Luoqing became even more skeptical after hearing what he said.

Ji Yuxiao helped him untie the rope, took his hand and stood up, "Okay, let's move on."

Lin Luo cleared his head.

Ji Yuxiao took the initiative to hug him, Lin Luoqing realized that they were recording a program, it was a live broadcast, and he only let Ji Yuxiao know how to behave today.

So he shrugged and distanced himself, "It's okay, I'm not so scared now, so it's okay."

Looking at his calm appearance, Ji Yuxiao was rather skeptical, "Really?"

"It's done." Lin Luoqing said firmly, "I'm not afraid, I just didn't get used to it for a while."

The barrage laughed loudly: [Qingqing, why are you so stubborn! 】

[Not afraid of ghosts Lin Luoqing [dog head]]

[Qingqing, it's not that you're not used to it, you're not used to it at all. 】

[Hahahaha, are you a duck? 】

[Press a cucumber, five minutes later, Qingqing will fall into Mr. Ji's arms again. 】

[Who do you look down on, three minutes is about the same [funny]]

[Hahahaha I guess for a minute]

[Good guy, good guy, everyone is a fake fan, obviously 30 seconds can't be more! 】

Everyone was talking, when they heard a loud "Ji Yuxiao", the next second, the person who said that he was not afraid just now hugged Ji Yuxiao beside him tightly, supplemented by a trembling voice, " Yes, yes... moving eastward."

Ji Yuxiao chuckled, how long did Xin Dao just leave his arms? Have thirty seconds?

It's really honest.

He hugged Lin Luoqing again, "Let's go and have a look together."

Lin Luoqing felt anxious.

Netizens never thought that he would fall back into Ji Yuxiao's arms so quickly, and asked:

[Is there thirty seconds? 】

[Hahaha not for thirty seconds, Qingqing, don't be stubborn! 】

[Hmph, do we really want children? 】

[I heard the words "Jiyuxiao Jiyuxiao Jiyuxiao" all the way, and died laughing. 】

[Mr. Ji: What can I do? Still can't be pampered. 】

[Hahaha Qingqing is so cute, if I were Mr. Ji, I would also like to spoil him. 】

[That's when, and Qingqing is still good-looking, cute and good-looking, Mr. Ji, can you bear it? 】

[It can be tolerated, it can be said that Ji is always a straight man. 】

[I don't think so, a straight man can hold another straight man in his arms, touch his head and say "Don't be afraid, be good" [funny]]

[That's right, if there is no adultery, I won't drink CP in the future! 】

【Me too! 】

When Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao came out after receiving the task, not only the netizens watching the live broadcast, but even the guests waiting outside were full of the words "Ji Yuxiao".

"Brother Lin's voice is quite clear." Qian Yongan said with emotion.

"And it has penetrating power." Peng Feijie added.

"The enunciation is very clear, no wonder the lines are good." Song Xiuwen analyzed.

"Emotions are also very abundant, emotional." Zhai Tinglan continued.

Zhao Yaming: ...

Zhao Yaming thought for a while and commented, "Then he is quite suitable to be the host."

Sun Liang: "Yes."

The barrage times are full of cheerful atmosphere.

When everyone had had enough laughs, Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao also came out.

Several people combined the leading clues, and were surprised to find that it was a math problem.

Everyone looked at each other. Seeing this, Lin Luoqing thought to himself that he should try it himself.

He sat at the table, picked up the pen and paper on the table, and started to calculate the problems, but now it was some time before he graduated, and Lin Luo forgot some complicated formulas early on.

Just as he was thinking, Ji Yuxiao's voice came from his ear.

When Lin Luoqing turned his head, Ji Yuxiao was lowering his head, his chin almost touched his shoulder, watching his steps to solve the problem.

Seeing him, Ji Yuxiao looked back at him, his eyes met, the distance between the two was a bit ambiguous.

The cp fans who watched the live broadcast hugged themselves tightly, screaming excitedly: [Fucking kiss! 】

[Ahhhhh why didn't you press the head team? Press the heads of both of them for me! 】

[Kiss, kiss, hurry up! Mom orders you to kiss! 】

[Why am I not here now! I'm dying of anxiety! 】

[Whoever comes, quickly press the heads of the two of them! 】

【"Fuck", what kind of idol drama plot, it's really too pure and ambiguous, you two dare to say that you are nothing? 】

[Mr. Ji dare not say [狗头]]

【Qingqing dare not say [funny]】

In the end, it was Lin Luoqing who reacted, turned his head in time, and looked down at the blank paper in front of him.

Ji Yuxiao coughed uncomfortably, the sound was not loud, but it was deafening in the ears of CP fans.

【Have you listened? Boss Ji coughed! 】

[Listen, listen, if he is a straight man, why would he cough! Shouldn't he be embarrassed? 】

[Mr. Ji, you are wrong! You are so wrong! 】

[Mr. Ji must like Qingqing, if not, I ate my computer! 】

[Although, Mr. Ji's cough sounded nice [cover face]]

[Mr. Ji's voice is already very nice. 】

[And he is also very smart, I forgot such a complicated formula, but he still remembers it. 】

[Still handsome! 】

[There is still money! Oh my god, perfect man, Qingqing, just agree! 】

[Yes, Mom agrees that you are together! 】

Ji Yuxiao watched Lin Luoqing hold the pen with his head down but didn't move for a long time. He repeated what he had just said before Lin Luoqing reacted and continued to count according to what he said.

His mind is chaotic, and the scene just now always reappears, his mind is full of Ji Yuxiao's expression just now, and he can't concentrate. Fortunately, he doesn't have to think about anything for a while, what Ji Yuxiao said to him Whatever you write, you need to calculate according to what he said, and you can calculate the final answer.

Netizens saw the tacit cooperation between the two of them, either Kua Jiyu Xiao Xueba, or Kua Lin Luoqing's smartness, the last time they said that they are a perfect match.

Peng Feijie entered the password according to the answer, the door opened and everyone escaped successfully.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also applauded and cheered for them: [Success! Great! 】

[One mvp has to be given to Ji Yuxiao, if it wasn't for him in the end, he definitely wouldn't be able to figure out the password. 】

[Yes, although Qingqing is also very good, but Qingqing is really afraid of ghosts [cover face]. 】

[Both of them performed very well, and yesterday's script killed them both also performed very well, which is quite rare. 】

[It's really surprising that Mr. Ji can perform so well as an amateur, and Lin Luoqing, who watched his play before, didn't expect him to be so interesting in real life. 】

[I hope that Qingqing and Ji can go to other variety shows to play, smart and open, variety show lovers are ecstatic! 】

[Yes, yes, please think about it! 】

[Please, go to Lian Zong, I can already imagine the sweetness of their love! 】

[Same request! 】

Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao pretended not to know what netizens thought of them, and they were walking back with Zhao Yaming and Sun Liang with other guests.

Lin Luoqing thought about it after a while, and thought it was fun to escape from a secret room. Hey, ghosts are not that scary, so he said how could he be afraid of ghosts?

And at 11:30 in the evening, when he was lying on the bed, when he closed his eyes, the scene of playing in the secret room during the day always appeared.

For a while, the people under the table grinned at him, and for a while, the people on the wall made faces and looked at him.

The wind blew the leaves, Lin Luoqing opened her eyes in fright, and silently wrapped her little quilt tightly.

Ji Yuxiao was lying on the bed, and when he was about to fall asleep, he heard a moderate knock on the door.

The voice was not coherent, and the visitor seemed hesitant.

Ji Yuxiao barely opened his eyes, got out of bed in doubt, opened the door, and saw his little boyfriend standing outside the door.

"I'm afraid you'll have nightmares at night, so I'm here to accompany you." Lin Luoqing said awkwardly.

Ji Yuxiao nodded, thinking, I understand, it seems that I was scared during the day and afraid of having nightmares at night, so I dare not sleep alone.

He opened the door with a smile, looking overjoyed, "That's really great, I was too scared to sleep just now."

Lin Luoqing quickly slipped in, thinking to himself, fortunately, it's time to get locked up.