MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 248 248 [Add more] "No male guest is willing to dress up as a woman...

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Two forty eight:

Ji Yuxiao agreed, and Lin Luoqing replied to Wu Xinyuan saying that he would like to record "Bright Sunday".

[Then who are you going with? ] Wu Xinyuan asked him.

Lin Luoqing silently glanced at the people around him, and said: [Guess? 】

Wu Xinyuan thought for a while: 【Shi Zheng? 】

Lin Luoqing: [no]

Wu Xinyuan: [Qin Wu? 】

Lin Luoqing: [no]

Wu Xinyuan: [Could it be Su Tong? It's a loss, Su Tongdan please pay the same price as you, as a relative and friend, you don't have so much money! 】

Lin Luoqing: 【Do I look like someone who doesn't think carefully? 】

Wu Xinyuan: 【Then who can it be? 】

Holding the mobile phone, he said doubtfully: 【Can't I? 】

Lin Luoqing laughed, feeling that his manager's imagination was not rich enough.

Lin Luoqing: [Your boss, Mr. Jiyu Xiaoji~]

Wu Xinyuan:!

Wu Xinyuan was so frightened that he almost dropped his phone: [He agreed? 】

Lin Luoqing: [Hmm~]

Wu Xinyuan: ...

Good guy! Their boss is going to record a variety show!

It's been a long time!

As expected of the proprietress, you will save face!

Wu Xinyuan: [I wish you all a good time! 】

Lin Luoqing: [I hope~]

After he finished replying, he looked at Ji Yuxiao again. He didn't know what Ji Yuxiao's show would look like. He was looking forward to Ji Yuxiao's debut in the entertainment circle.

Lin Luoqing thought of something and sent Wu Xinyuan a WeChat message: [Remember to help control the comments, if someone scolds him, you will join the army immediately, don't let the scolding him gain the upper hand! 】

Wu Xinyuan: [Don't worry. 】

Needless to say, he would do it too, otherwise Ji Yuxiao would be upset if he scolded him, would they still be happy as employees?

But just show your face to their boss, as long as he doesn't act coquettishly, no one should scold him, right?

After all, he is so handsome, so let him be included in the star pile, he is too dazzling.

Wu Xinyuan felt that he knew the current netizens very well. As long as he was a handsome guy, they would give him three points of face for his handsome face, and the remaining seven points.

But how could Ji Yuxiao drag Lin Luoqing back, just joking.

Wu Xinyuan still has great confidence in their general manager Ji, but the confidence is confidence, and the navy team has to be prepared, in case something uncontrollable happens?

Within a few days, "Bright Sunday" officially announced Lin Luoqing.

Bright Sunday v: [Another guest is coming to the Bright House, guess who it is? 】

Attached is a silhouette.

Immediately, sharp-eyed netizens recognized it: [Isn't Fu Xi's silhouette? Lin Luoqing please? 】

[Fuck, is Lin Luoqing going to be on a variety show? He hasn't been on a variety show before, has he? 】

[Ah, ah, it really looks like Fu Xi's silhouette, Lin Luoqing, Lin Luoqing must be! 】

[Although, the first season of "Bright Sunday" doesn't have a lot of guests, Lin Luoqing is now top-notch, how is that possible. 】

[Lin Luoqing is topless? ? ? seriously? 】

[Lin Luoqing isn't top-notch yet? ? ? are you serious? 】

[Two blockbuster TV series and one blockbuster movie, if they are not top-notch, is there anyone else? 】

[Lin Luoqing's fan really knows how to blow it up, does the explosion have something to do with Lin Luoqing? 】

[Hmm, it's okay, kiss, can Lin Luoqing take a little trip to the street, kiss, and I suggest you focus on yourself, kiss. 】

【So I'm the only one who cares if Lin Luoqing is real, which relatives and friends will he bring along? 】

[Ah ah ah ah brother Zheng! Must be brother! Poetry really! 】

[Qin Wu is also very likely, from "Light" to "All the way to the West", Lin Luoqing and Qin Wu have collaborated more times. 】

[Hahaha am I the only one who wants to see him and Su Tong? He is also star-studded, and Su Tong is also star-studded, now top-notch, Wang Jianwang has so much [dog]]

[If you want me to say, bring them all, anyway, our bright house can't sit down [funny]]

Netizens talked a lot, and the program team looked at the list of relatives and friends handed over by Lin Luoqing, feeling a little pained. They also thought that Lin Luoqing would bring Shi Zheng, and they also thought that they could borrow the popularity of the Golden Gui Award, but they didn't expect Lin Luoqing to bring a Amateur friends.

The editor-director sighed, okay, amateurs are amateurs, anyway, they also rushed to Lin Luoqing, relatives and friends are not important.

Netizens in the program group discussed it for two days before releasing the answer.

Bright Sunday v: All the way west, to the bright cabin, friends in the car don’t come in for a cup of coffee? Lin Luoqing.

Lin Luoqing reposted a comment, saying: [Thank you for adding "milk" and sugar. 】

Lin Luoqing's fans screamed: [Ahhh, really brother, brother is going to record a variety show! 】

[Go to make up the variety show now, is there anyone with me? 】

[Together, together, ah, ah, brother finally recorded a variety show, I'm so happy! 】

【Me too, brother, come on, have fun! 】

Netizens were also shocked and said: [Fuck, the guests you invited before the first season are not as good as the last season, why are you holding back your big move? ! Good guy, Lin Luoqing was really invited here! 】

[Is it Lin Luoqing's first variety show? Terrific bright! 】

[As expected of Mingliang, I like it as soon as you ask me, I hope I will follow it up! 】

【When is Lin Luoqing going to record, can tomorrow be it? I have a plane ticket! 】

[Do I remember the live broadcast of the season change? Program group! When the time comes, start broadcasting when Lin Luoqing enters, and broadcast until he leaves! 】

[I would like to open vip, 24-hour live broadcast arrangement! 】

[Flies rub their hands, can't wait! 】

[Wait, Luo Qing, who do you want to take with you? Bro, I am not reconciled! 】

[Sister Qin, Sister Qin, Sister Qin! 】

[Luo Qing, look at Brother Zheng, isn't Brother Zheng's declaration of love not romantic enough? 】

[Sister Qin's thank you quotes are also very sincere! 】

[Go away go away! Listen to our program group, for the volume of broadcasts, you must get Su Tong! 】

[Yes! Want the king to see the king, want the king to see the king! If Lin Luoqing doesn't invite Su Tong, you guys from the program team should go and invite Su Tong! 】

After a while, [Lin Luoqing's Bright House] became a trending search, and Shi Zheng, Qin Wu, and Su Tong also saw a trending search one after another.

Shi Zheng: ..., is it really him?

Qin Wu hesitated, shouldn't she?

Su Tong is very confident, he is so expensive, it is impossible for him.

He sent a WeChat message and asked Lin Luoqing: [Who are you taking? 】

Lin Luoqing looked at his WeChat, and knew the "Bright House" he should ask: 【Do you want to go? 】

Su Tong: [It depends on who you want to take. 】

[Ji Yuxiao. 】Lin Luo said honestly.

Su Tong:!

Su Tong looked up at his manager, "Can I go record "Bright Cabin"? It's Lin Luoqing's episode."

"No." The manager glanced at him and said helplessly, "Your schedule is in July, unless Lin Luoqing goes to record in July, otherwise you can only go with him heartily and stay!"

Su Tong: ... Alas, the time for the top class is so crowded.

[Although I really want to see your excitement, but I don't have a schedule. ] Su Tong regretted.

Lin Luoqing: ...Then thank you for not having a schedule!

[But I can watch the live broadcast at that time haha, you let Ji Yuxiao behave well, don't come out at that time, and you have to criticize the military control [funny]]

Lin Luoqing: ...The relationship between you and Ji Yuxiao doesn't look so good now!

Lin Luoqing: [Can't you have some confidence in your boss? 】

Su Tong: [Oh, then boss, please come on, lady boss, please come on too. 】

Lin Luoqing: ...the last sentence is unnecessary!

The relatives and friends of the guests of "Bright House" do not need to be officially announced. Therefore, if you want to see which relatives and friends the guests bring, you have to wait until the show is recorded.

Shi Zhengzheng had asked Lin Luoqing, knowing that Lin Luoqing planned to take Ji Yuxiao, he was a little surprised, and soon understood that it was impossible for Lin Luoqing to hide Ji Yuxiao for the rest of his life, he would definitely want to be with Ji Yuxiao. It's announced, it's better to let the fans know that there is someone in advance.

【come on. 】He sent Lin Luoqing a WeChat account: 【I went to have fun. 】

【Um. ] Lin Luoqing returned him a cat point.

Soon, March came to the world in the fragrance of winter jasmine accompanied by the singing of birds.

Lin Fei and Ji Leyu went to school again, and "All the Way to the West" hadn't been released yet, so as soon as the two of them entered the school, someone secretly watched them.

Someone ran up to them and asked Lin Fei, "Are you little Fu Xi?"

Lin Fei was too lazy to speak, Ji Le Yu shook, "No."

"Then you Xiaoxi?"

"Who is Xiaoxi?" Ji Leyu looked innocent.

"It's just the little boy in that movie." The little boy who stopped them wondered, "Didn't you watch that movie? The one played by Lin Luoqing."

Ji Le Yu Yao, "No."

Seeing this, the little boy thought that they only looked alike, so he didn't ask any more questions. Ji Leyu pulled Lin Fei and walked towards the class.

However, as soon as they entered the class, they surrounded them.

Curious students chirped and asked them if it was fun to make movies, why did they go to make movies, and will they continue to make movies in the future?

Lin Fei pushed them away coldly and walked to his seat.

Ji Leyu smiled, "It's fun, but I won't take pictures in the future, and I won't take pictures when I have to go to class."

"If I can make movies, I won't go to school." A little boy said.

The girl next to him immediately refuted him, "I still have to go to school, my mother said, children have to go to school."

Lin Feijing calmly took out his own, while Ji Leyu waved his hand to drive away the classmates who still wanted to talk to him.

The semester of 2019 begins again.

The recording time of Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao was set on March 12, Arbor Day. Lin Fei and Ji Leyu were going to participate in the school's watering of small trees, and they also had to go out to the program recording site.

"Dad and your father won't be back tomorrow night. Uncle Li will pick you up at that time and sleep with you at home tomorrow night. Dad and father will be back the day after tomorrow." Lin Luoqing told them.

Ji Leyu shook her little feet, blinked her amber eyes, and didn't understand, "Father is going too?"

"Well, he works with me." Lin Luoqing smiled.

Ji Leyu immediately raised her hand, "I can also work with Dad."

"Let's wait later." Lin Luoqing made a bun for him, "I can't take you and your brother for the first time, you and your brother will go to water the young trees well, dad and your father will go to work, and then we will meet the day after tomorrow."

"Oh~" Ji Leyu laughed, as if thinking of something, sweetly, "Dad, you go to the world of two people, go to the honeymoon~"

Lin Luoqing:? ? ? ?

Lin Luoqing felt that he knew quite a lot.

"It's only a honeymoon if you get married and go together, it's not a honeymoon." He corrected.

"But aren't you getting married?"

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing couldn't laugh or cry, "That's different, you'll know it when you grow up."

Ji Leyu smiled, "Father, you guys have fun, don't worry about me and brother, brother will take care of me."

Ji Yuxiao listened to what he said, and laughed, "Can't you take care of your brother? And brother will take care of you, are you ashamed?"

Ji Leyu was eloquent, "My brother said, my brother, he takes care of me, I don't need to take care of him."

Lin Fei said calmly, "Yes."

Ji Leyu only needs to be obedient.

Others are not necessary.

Hearing this, Ji Leyu raised her face with a proud look.

Ji Yuxiao saw that he was not ashamed but proud, and felt that Lin Fei was spoiling him, "Then you have to listen to your brother and be obedient, you know?"

"I know." Ji Leyu tilted her little head, "I'm so good, I don't care what my brother says, I just listen to whatever."

"It's not too bad." Ji Yuxiao said with a smile.

After agreeing with the two babies, Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao went out to the airport on the afternoon of March 12th.

In the recording of "Bright Sunday", in addition to Lin Luoqing as a guest, there are two other guests, a recent popular traffic Xiaohua Song Xiuwen, and a young student Peng Feijie who has just emerged on the rise.

Lin Luoqing didn't know them. Out of politeness, before he went, he checked their works and their likes and dislikes online, and shared them with Ji Yuxiao. Along with the share, there were hosts Liu Yaming and Sun Liang. Likes and dislikes and some of the games they have played with guests before.

Ji Yuxiao looked at the games they had played before. Fortunately, he had played them before, and it was not difficult.

He got off the plane confidently, and followed Lin Luoqing to the recording site - a big villa.

Lin Luoqing said "Wow", "The bright hut is really bright, but it's not small at all."

"Would you like it? We can also change to a bigger one." Ji Yuxiao was absent.

Lin Luoqing immediately reminded him, "After a while, you won't be able to say such things, or you will be exposed easily."

Ji Yuxiao made an "ok" gesture, "Don't worry."

The two of them climbed up the stairs, Wu Xinyuan was behind them, suddenly worried that their true identity would be exposed by their inattentive Mr. Ji.

Probably not, Wu Xinyuan thought, he's not that careless, is he... right?

Lin Luoqing knocked on the door, and after a while, the door opened. The one who opened it was Liu Yaming, the hostess of a show.

She was wearing a plain dress and looked very gentle, "I guess you two, come in quickly, I'll wait for you."

Lin Luo counted and walked in with Ji Yuxiao.

Others have arrived.

Zhai Tinglan, a friend in Song Xiuwen's circle, was sitting on the sofa listening to Peng Feijie talking.

A boy about his age was sitting next to Peng Feijie. When he heard the voice turn around and saw Lin Luoqing walking in, he stood up proactively and said hello to him, "Brother Lin, my name is Qian Yongan. Jay brought me here."

After he finished speaking, Peng Feijie also stood up and called him Brother Lin.

Seeing this, Song Xiuwen and Zhai Tinglan quickly stood up and introduced themselves to him with a smile.

Lin Luoqing listened to their introduction, and said courteously, "Ji Yuxiao, my friend, but he is different from us, he is not in our circle, so you may not have seen him."

It wasn't until the other guests came to their senses that they said why the person in front of them was so strange, so handsome and extravagant, but he had no name in the circle, it was simply unscientific.

It turns out that they are amateurs at all.

Liu Yaming and Sun Liang had known the friends in Lin Luoqing's circle for a long time, so they were not surprised. They smiled and said to them, "Sit, what are you doing standing up, sit down quickly."

"What do you two want to drink?" She asked Lin Luoqing.

"I drink water." After Lin Luoqing finished speaking, she turned to look at Ji Yuxiao.

Ji Yuxiao said lightly, "Same."

Liu Yaming turned around to fetch water for the two of them, while Song Xiuwen pushed the fruit plate in front of her to Lin Luoqing and the others.

"Thank you." Lin Luoqing said.

Song Xiuwen smiled and said softly, "You're welcome."

Once the guests are all here, everyone can chat about tomorrow's recording, which is a live broadcast, so many things need to be prepared.

"Let's talk about tomorrow's game first." Liu Yaming sat on the sofa, and naturally began to host the scene, "Tomorrow we will play drama killing, okay?"

There were a few episodes of guests who played this game before, and everyone did some homework on the show before coming, so that doesn't count, "Yes."

"Then we have a small problem now." Liu Yaming looked at the four male and two female guests in front of him, "Tomorrow we will play a four female and three male guest, but we only have three girls now, so is there any male guest who would like to play?" How about dressing up as a woman?"

She smiled, "First exclude my husband, his little detective tomorrow, and the remaining four, does anyone think they can do it?"