MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 11 eleven

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Chapter Eleven:

Lin Luoqing laughed awkwardly, and then laughed again.

"Are you finished talking? It's pretty fast."

Ji Yuxiao's tone was gentle, "After all, when my wife left, she specifically told me to finish the conversation quickly. I love you so much, so naturally I don't want you to wait too long."

Lin Luoqing: ...

Ji Yun and Ji Huai behind him: ...

Ji Yuxiao looked at the stairs in front of him and said calmly, "Aren't you going to carry me down?"

Lin Luoqing hurried up, bent down and hugged Ji Yuxiao.

Ji Yun also ran up, picked up the wheelchair, and whispered, "Brother, let me help you get it down."

"Yeah." Ji Yuxiao didn't object.

Lin Luoqing hugged him and walked all the way down.

Ji Huai glanced at Ji Yuxiao with some guilt, then immediately lowered his head and followed behind Ji Yun.

It was not until the living room on the first floor that Ji Yuxiao sat back in his wheelchair again, and said to Lin Luoqing, "Let's go, go back."

Lin Luoqing let out an "oh" and pushed him out the door.

The driver had been waiting outside, and when he saw Ji Yuxiao coming out, he immediately drove over.

He took the initiative to open the door and stood at the door, ready for Ji Yuxiao to use his strength to move himself up, but he saw his young master lazily leaning on the wheelchair, and said in a leisurely tone, "Aren't you going to carry me into the car?"

driver:? ? ? ?

The driver looked down at him silently, and said to himself, don't you always get in the car by yourself?

Why do you still need to hug?

But thinking of his generous salary and the fact that their young master was disabled at a young age, the driver sincerely planned to expand his business, and would carry his young master into the car in the future.

However, just as he was about to approach, he saw that someone had already bent down and hugged Ji Yuxiao.

Who is this…

The driver, Xiao Li, recalled what his young master said when he came to pick him up, tsk, I can't tell, the young lady looks weak and weak, but she has so much energy!

But since the young lady hugged him, he is not needed, so Xiao Li quickly put the wheelchair in the trunk as usual, and returned to the driving seat.

Ji Yuxiao leaned on the car, adjusted a comfortable posture, and then looked at Lin Luoqing again.

Lin Luoqing was also looking at him, and seeing him looking over, she smiled at him and asked him, "What are you going to do next?"

"Don't do anything, I'll take you home." Ji Yuxiao said.

Lin Luoqing asked suspiciously, "Don't you want to eat?"

Ji Yuxiao seemed to realize this, "You didn't eat?"

Lin Luoqing: ...

Of course, Lin Luoqing didn't eat. They made an appointment to meet at 12:30. This time seemed to be a meal time, and the two of them were going to meet their parents, so he took it for granted that they were going to Ji's house for dinner.

It's good now, it's past two o'clock, and he hasn't eaten a bite yet.

Ji Yuxiao knew from his expression that he probably hadn't eaten.

He reviewed himself and felt that he did not make it clear yesterday. He only said that he came to see the parents, but he didn't say that he didn't plan to stay at home for a long time, let alone eat.

He nodded and said softly, "I was negligent. I didn't make it clear, and I didn't notice that you haven't eaten yet. Let me treat you."

"No need." Lin Luoqing guessed that he should have eaten, "I'll just eat it myself, there are quite a lot of restaurants over there."

"It's okay." Ji Yuxiao smiled, "You've worked hard too, so let's have a meal together."

Lin Luoqing looked at him and thought to himself, what does this hard work mean?

Does it mean that he hugged him up and down several times?

That was really hard work.

So he didn't refuse any more, just asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"What do you want to eat?"

"Steak." Lin Luoqing said with a smile, "Yesterday and the day before yesterday, I ate stir-fried vegetables. Let's change to something else."

"Okay." Ji Yuxiao looked at Xiao Li, reported the name of a steak shop, and then turned his attention to Lin Luoqing again.

He looked at Lin Luoqing without saying a word, just watched quietly.

Lin Luoqing was a little puzzled by him, "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that all of a sudden?"

"Are you curious?" Ji Yuxiao asked him, "About today's matter, our family's matter?"

Lin Luoqing nodded, "I'm a little curious."

"Then is there anything you want to ask me?"


"Why?" Ji Yuxiao smiled, "Aren't you curious?"

Lin Luoqing curled her lips, thinking that rich people like them are really troublesome.

"Honey, I'm married to you, not to your family, so if you want me to know, I just need to know. If you think I shouldn't know, I don't need to know."

"Curiosity is one of the factory settings of human beings, so it is normal for me to be curious, but I am too curious, how can I know everything? What is the end of the world? Will people still be conscious after death? If so There is reincarnation, so how can I keep the memory of my previous life, I am curious about these, but I don’t know the answer, so not every curiosity needs an answer.”

Ji Yuxiao didn't expect his fiancé, who was worthless as shown in the information, to say such a thing, and was quite surprised.

But this is naturally the best, he raised the corner of his lips, and said softly, "It's a bit troublesome to talk about now, wait until later, I will tell you slowly later."

"Okay." Lin Luo said calmly.

"However," he looked at Ji Yuxiao, "your little sister named Ji Huai is not very nice."

"Well. So you ignore her."

"Then you'd better ignore it."

Ji Yuxiao nodded slightly, and asked him something, "So what were you guys talking about just now? What, you can't stop, you like it very much?"

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing lowered his head to look at his legs, what did he say, how dare he say such things, especially when there are outsiders here!

He was embarrassed, when he heard a low voice coming from his ear, accompanied by the other party's breath, hitting his ear, "I heard it~"

Lin Luoqing:! !

Lin Luoqing turned her head, and saw Ji Yuxiao was already close to his face, her beautiful phoenix eyes raised slightly, her tone was soft and slow, "It is as quiet as a pillar supporting the sky, and as moving as a dragon entering an abyss, your description is quite vivid."

Lin Luoqing:! !

Lin Luoqing was instantly ashamed, "I was just talking casually, nonsense."

"It's not nonsense, it's in line with the actual situation." Ji Yuxiao stamped his seal.

Lin Luoqing: ...

"I just can't see that you like it so much. If I knew you liked it so much, I should have let you open the box and inspect the goods that day, right?"

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing silently covered her face.

Ji Yuxiao looked at his blushing ears, but felt that he was quite cute.

He smiled, stopped bullying others, and leaned back to his original position.

He waited until Lin Luoqing finally felt less ashamed, before he said, "Come here."

Lin Luoqing turned to look at him, eyes full of suspicion.

Ji Yuxiao beckoned, "I'm not teasing you."

"Why?" Lin Luoqing approached him and asked.

Ji Yuxiao raised his hand and pinched his ears, and said with a smile, "The ears are red."

Lin Luoqing: ...

"Is it because you like it too much?" He tilted his head and asked, "After all, you want to live and die, and you can't stop."

Lin Luoqing:! !

Didn't you tell me not to tease him? !

Lin Luoqing pushed him away angrily, and moved to the other side of the seat.

Ji Yuxiao couldn't hold back, and laughed softly.

Listening to his laughter, Lin Luoqing was so angry that she turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window.

"Come here." Ji Yuxiao said again.

Lin Luoqing ignored him.

Ji Yuxiao leaned on the back of the chair and said warmly, "The male **** you have been secretly in love with for many years is here, do you think it is appropriate for you to sit so far away?"

Lin Luoqing: ...

"Humble and affectionate?"

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing silently moved a little to the side.


Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing moved a little to the side again.

Ji Yuxiao chuckled, "The unattainable loyal love 1

Hold! Isn't this the nonsense he used to fool Ji Yuxiao when he first came here? He even remembered it!

Lin Luoqing moved to Ji Yuxiao's side helplessly, turning her head away from him.

Ji Yuxiao resorted to his trump card, "Do you still want to marry your male god?"

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing snorted, "You just rely on me liking you 1

Ji Yuxiao was not ashamed, "Yes."

Lin Luoqing:? ? ? ? ?

Why is he so shy, huh? !

Is he shameless? !

Seeing the shock in his eyes, Ji Yuxiao smiled happily.

Although I don't know why Lin Luoqing and his investigation seem to be different, but I have to admit that he quite likes this unexpected deviation.

very funny.

It also made him very happy.

At almost ten past three, Ji Yuxiao's car finally stopped in front of a western restaurant.

Lin Luoqing originally planned to carry Ji Yuxiao down, but probably out of face, Ji Yuxiao didn't really let him hug him this time, but just supported his hand and moved himself onto the wheelchair with his strength.

Lin Luoqing didn't say anything, and pushed him into the western restaurant.

At this time, there were not many people in the restaurant. The manager of the restaurant saw them at a glance, greeted them quickly, and chatted with Ji Yuxiao kindly.

Lin Luoqing had been hungry all afternoon, and now smelling the aroma of steak in the restaurant, she felt even hungrier.

He was thinking about what he would eat later, when he suddenly heard someone say in a drawn out tone, "Hey, long time no see, isn't this our Second Young Master Ji?"

Lin Luoqing looked up, and saw a man with a cropped head walking towards them.

Together with them were two men who didn't look too good. When they saw Ji Yuxiao, they smiled politely.

Ji Yuxiao ignored them, and Lin Luoqing didn't stop, continuing to push him forward.

Unexpectedly, the person who spoke just now saw this, and opened his mouth again, "Hey, what's wrong with Young Master Ji? Why are you still in a wheelchair?"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly realized, "Look at my memory, why did I forget, our Ji Shao's legs are crippled, and he has become a cripple."

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing felt that he talked a lot of bullshit.

But the other party not only talked a lot, but also approached him, "Who is this? I haven't seen it before, and it's quite unfamiliar. It can't be the nurse hired by Ji Shao, right?"

Lin Luoqing rolled her eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"Tsk, the nurse has a bad temper."

Lin Luoqing smiled slightly, "It's not your brain."

"What did you say?" The other party's expression changed instantly.

Lin Luoqing looked at him with a smile, "It is said that your brain is not very good, it is probably a useless person, and it is a pity that no one has installed an auxiliary device for your brain, so it is really miserable to let you become a useless person like this .”


As the man said, he raised his hand and hit Lin Luoqing.

Before Lin Luoqing could make a move, he saw a hand firmly grasping the opponent's hand in front of him.

Ji Yuxiao leaned on the wheelchair with a calm expression, as if he was holding a jumping grasshopper, "Stay away from him."