MTL - I Am Invincible After Awakening the Superman Gene-Chapter 13 How are you going to thank me?

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  Chapter 13 How are you going to thank me?

  However, if you think about it carefully, this is also very reasonable.

  Qin Mo has always been envious of Superman's thermal vision, so he basically didn't lose sight enhancement.

  Every time you accumulate enough light energy points, you will always add two or three points to your vision.

  Unknowingly, his eyesight has reached 17, second only to the power of 19.

  As for the newly awakened thermal imaging skill, as the name suggests, it can use the different values ​​of the temperature of each part of the human body to judge the opponent's state.

   Moreover, the display of temperature can also allow him to see other people's actions more intuitively and clearly.

  Qin Mo couldn't do this before. After the holographic vision was opened, although the coverage range was a full two hundred meters, he couldn't see so far.

  The movement in the distance is basically judged by the skill radar.

  New skills make up for this very well.

  Qin Mo had a thought, and he was going to activate his skills to try the effect of thermal imaging.

   But who knew, there was a sudden change in the Superman Gene Awakening panel, and the thermal image in the skill bar slowly disappeared.

How is this going?

  Qin Mo was puzzled, but soon, he thought of a certain possibility.

   I saw him activate the holographic vision again, covering the entire hospital building.

  Medical staff, patients, and the awakened people from the security department immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

  But what Qin Mo saw was a completely different picture.

   All objects with a temperature exceeding -273°C, whether they are biological or not, are marked with different colors.

   "Sure enough, the new vision skills have been integrated into the holographic vision, and..."

  Qin Mo raised the corners of his mouth and murmured, "It actually evolved from black and white to color."

  After the skills are fused, it will become more convenient to use, which is of course a good thing.

   As he thought, he eliminated useless things, leaving only the people in the building.

   Who is lying on the hospital bed, who is walking in the corridor, whether the left foot or the right foot is first... Qin Mo can now see all these subtleties clearly.

   And these are not the real uses of this skill.

  Qin Mo eliminated ordinary people again, leaving only the awakened ones.

  There are currently eighteen awakened people in the building. They are scattered at this time, and they are guarding important places such as wards, stairs, and elevators.

  Although there is a high probability that the Tiandihui will not organize a second surprise attack in a short period of time, the necessary defense is still to be done.

   No matter how rebellious Li Yuan is, she is still the eldest lady of the Li family in Qingyang.

  The thermal imaging of these awakened people is very different from that of ordinary people.

  Among them, there are ten people's arms, showing very obvious colors.

  Among the remaining eight people, apart from their arms, five of them had very distinct colors on their lower limbs. In addition, there were two other people whose torsos were similar to their limbs.

   "F-level awakeners can strengthen the arms, E-level awakeners can strengthen the lower limbs, and D-level awakeners can strengthen the torso..."

  Recalling the information of the awakened ones, Qin Mo easily distinguished the respective levels of these people.

   And before he punched the D-rank last night, he couldn't tell what level he was, but now it is different.

   Today's Qin Mo doesn't need to distinguish the strength of the heartbeat, but can easily know who is the awakened one.

  He looked at Li Yuan in the ward, and saw that nearly half of her torso had a stronger color than the other half.

  Qin Mo pondered: "It seems that the team leader is not far from being promoted to D rank."

  He still doesn't know how the awakened person advanced, after all, he is different from others.

  And among the eighteen awakened people in the building, there is the last one, who is also different from other awakened people.

   That is, the chief of the security department, Li Mo.

  Qin Mo moved his gaze away, and a crimson human figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

  From head to toe, every part of his body showed strong colors.

   Obviously, Li Mo is extremely powerful, he is a high-level awakener.

  Qin Mo looked down at himself again, his whole body was also red.

  He thought to himself: "I have always developed in a comprehensive and balanced way. It is natural to have such a thermal image, but I didn't expect the director to be like this.

   What rank is the Director? C grade or B grade? Or... A-level? "

  The only thing Qin Mo can be sure of is that Li Mo is definitely not S rank.

  Because of her S-rank status and terrorist strength, it is absolutely impossible for her to be a small director of the Security Bureau.

  However, his authority is not enough, and he cannot see the information of awakened people above D level.

   Li Mo quickly left the coverage of the holographic vision. After Qin Mo tried a wave, he closed the vision and looked at the new skills.

  He also added 5 points to the breath this time. After all, Superman's breath is also a very powerful means of output. Blowing a breath can freeze people into ice cubes, and even blow out a star directly.

  Of course, the current Qin Mo is still far away from a real superman.

   Qin Mo just awakened the skill Turtle Breath, which allows him to have a stronger heart and lung ability.

  The lungs take in more oxygen, the heart pumps better, and the activity of the organs and muscles increases.

   In short, Qin Mo's endurance has been greatly improved.


  He pushed the air out of his lungs as much as possible, and then took a deep breath.

   Immediately afterwards, Qin Mo held his breath and ran from the hospital to his home.

  He deliberately slowed down, and got stuck for an hour just to get home, and only when he stood behind the door of the house did he start to breathe.

   "I can hold my breath for an hour now..." Qin Mo said to himself, and at the same time took out the key from his pocket to open the door.

  He doesn't need to watch the night tonight. The other two ordinary people in the seventh group will take turns. Qin Mo can wait until tomorrow.



   Nothing to say all night, the next afternoon.

  Qin Mo sat beside the hospital bed, holding a water glass in his hand, with a straw inserted in the glass, and the other end of the straw was in Li Yuan's mouth.

   She has been drinking water like this all day today, and seems to be in love with straws.

  Actually, Qin Mo really wanted to complain.

   "Leader, you are only injured in the abdomen... Can't you still move your arms and hands?"

   But he was just talking in his heart, Li Yuan is his team leader after all.

   "That night, thank you." Li Yuan said suddenly.

  Hearing this, Qin Mo was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Li Yuan to thank him. This was really... caught off guard.

   "Eh? You're welcome, ahem, you really don't have to be so ignorant, team leader." Qin Mo scratched his head and said.

   "Without you, I can only wait to die on the bed, thank you." Li Yuan gave him a cold look, as if she had regained her usual indifference.

  Unfortunately, now that Qin Mo knows her two little secrets, her pretense has long been worthwhile.

   "All right, how is the team leader going to thank me?" Qin Mo asked as he put down his water glass.

  His question stopped Li Yuan from asking.

  How can I thank you?

   Isn't a verbal thank you enough?

   It seems that it is not enough.

   Li Yuan was dumbfounded. She hadn't considered this level at all. Facing Qin Mo's gaze at this time, her eyes showed a trace of panic.

   "Then, then treat you to a meal."

  Qin Mo followed closely and asked, "When?"

   "Well... I'll go there when I get out of the hospital." Her calm face concealed a bit of embarrassment.

   "Okay, the team leader has to keep his word."

  Qin Mo smiled, and then he got up and said, "Team leader, rest, I'll go to the cafeteria to buy food for you."

   After saying that, he ran out of the ward in a flash, without giving Li Yuan any time to react.

   Li Yuan stared blankly at his back, slightly stunned at the corners of his eyes.

  She has grown up so much, it seems that she hasn't taken the initiative to invite someone of the opposite **** to dinner...

  Walking on the road of the Imperial Hospital, the corners of Qin Mo's mouth inadvertently curled up slightly.

  The team leader's temperament is obviously not that cold.

  The binocular vision quietly focused on the eyes, and the awakening panel opened.

   Vision: 17

  Listening: 8

   Intelligence: 8

   Breathing: 7

   Strength: 19

   Speed: 14

   Recovery: 3

   Defense: 7

  Skills: Holographic vision (perspective, radar, thermal imaging), deliberate punching, Shunpo, thinking like a fountain, hardening, tortoise breathing.

   Light energy points: 14 (freely assignable)

   Seeing that the skill column was full, the corners of Qin Mo's mouth raised another three points.

  However, the light energy points accumulated today need careful consideration.

  He thought about it, took out 4 points and added it to recovery, and the heat flow covered the whole body again.

   "Recovery: 7, Awakening Skill: Rapid Healing."

  (end of this chapter)