MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 19 Town house to break evil

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Zhou Yi turned the book back and forth several times, and he memorized it by heart.

The breakthrough of the innate realm is not only the force of force, or the force of force is only an external appearance, but in fact it is the transformation of essence, qi, and spirit into higher-level beings.

Memory is not far from being unforgettable.

"I originally thought that Martial Dao would get stuck in a bottleneck, and I was looking for a few exercises to practice. Now that I have the art of talisman, I can be considered a half-immortal cultivator after learning it."

Practitioners regard talismans and other skills as the art of protecting the Tao, the cultivation of the immortal way is the foundation of enlightenment, and seeking art without the foundation is an act of abandoning the foundation and chasing the end.

Zhou Yi has attained the fruit of immortality, and his perspective on problems is different from that of practitioners.

All the means in the world that can increase one's strength, whether it is a practice technique or a talisman refining tool, etc., are the techniques of protecting the fruit of longevity.

"The talisman is made of white fox tail hair, and the century-old white fox is the best."

"The talisman paper is still made of animal skins. The older the beast, the higher the success rate..."

Zhou Yi does not need to hunt by himself. Shenjing is the place where the essence of Fengyang country gathers, and rare and precious things such as the fur of a century-old white fox will definitely be sent to Shenjing for sale.

The money is not enough, you can owe it first!

The next day.

When Zhu Xiaowei heard that the thieves from the Heavenly Prison had been eradicated, he found that Yu Jie had disappeared, and he was horrified.

"Old Zhou, you are our Heavenly Dinosaur Poseidon!"

The news of Zhou Yi's forging body getting dirty will soon spread to Jin Yiwei, and someone will definitely come to win over him.

The five-generation jailer of the Zhou family can be said to have a clean background.

"Master Zhu, don't worry, I can't bear to be in prison."

Zhou Yi said that it was false to say that the inheritance of talismans might be hidden in the imperial prison, but he was patient enough to wait for the opportunity.

Time will always stand on Zhou Yi's side!

After January.

The pens and talisman paper were successfully made.

Zhou Yi taught himself to draw talismans according to the book. Naturally, he would not succeed at first. The true essence was condensed on the tip of the pen and could not be integrated into the talisman at all.

"There is nothing difficult in this world, but you are familiar with it!"

In the blink of an eye, two years have passed.

Zhou Yi lived a three-point and one-line life without any disturbances, but he also heard a lot of important things from his colleagues.

At the beginning of the thirteenth year of Hongchang, that is, shortly after Zhou Yi broke through the innate, Fengyang Kingdom and Dayong formally signed a peace agreement.

The Minister of the Household reported that the treasury was empty and requested to abolish the army in northern Xinjiang. Since Emperor Hongchang ascended the throne, there have been constant wars of various sizes in the thirteen years. This reason is very reasonable.

Rumor has it that the first assistant Zhang Zhengyang respectfully asked Li Wu in front of Emperor Hongchang and hundreds of civil and military officials in Fengtian Hall: "The matter is of great importance, and the frontier army can be abolished only if the Duke of Zhen Guo nods his approval!"

What happened after that, there are various versions spread among the people, some Li Wu Dangtang scolded Shoufu, some Li Wu gave in, and finally 70% of the army of one million in Northern Xinjiang was disbanded.

The courtroom is turbulent, and the rivers and lakes are also treacherous.

I don't know when the rumors emerged that the Cang family of the Jiangnan noble family has a magic power that can swallow people's inner qi.

The Cang family has never entered the elite local clan, and in just over ten years, top and first-class masters have appeared successively, and the clan members seem to have become talented martial arts prodigies.

Moreover, the Cang family is specialized in inner qi, which is in line with the rumors spread in the rivers and lakes.

In the 14th year of Hongchang, the Cang family was besieged by more than a dozen sects headed by Buddhism and Taoism, and more than a thousand people died.

Someone asked the master Fang Yuan of Huasheng Temple: "Does the Cang family have the magic power to swallow people's inner qi?"

With a compassionate face, Master Fangyuan proclaimed the Buddha's name.

"Amitabha! Maybe someone has found it."

This word spread to the rivers and lakes, and Buddhism became more tainted, which made various sects and sects ridicule for a while, and after a few months, no one mentioned it again.

After all, there are too many major events in the Jianghu Chaotang, and Buddhism cannot account for a few days of hot searches.

For example, Zhou Yi became a first-class master, and it was still a big news in Tianjing, and there were some ripples in Shenjing, and in Fengyang Kingdom, it was not even a drop of water.

Jinyiwei sent people to recruit, first promising the captain, and later the conditions were raised to a small flag.

Zhou Yi refused several times in a row, and it was over.

The eyes of the world always pay attention to the latest people and things. Two years have passed, and no one pays attention to the mere jailer. Occasionally, when he mentions it at the wine table, he will scorn and contempt.

"Even if these people are masters, they can't support the wall with mud!"

At the end of the thirteenth year of Hongchang, New Year's Eve is approaching.

An edict spread all over the world, and the crown prince, who had been vacant for many years in Fengyang Kingdom, finally had a place to belong.

The eldest prince, Zhao Xian, and his wife are the direct daughter of the imperial teacher Zhang Zhengyang.

"It's no wonder that he can be ranked as the first assistant, this old man is very capable!"

Zhou Yi clicked his tongue a few times and put this matter to the back of his mind.

Chaotang is like a cloud of smoke for him, far less interesting than the art of talisman.

After two years of copying and depicting, several talisman pens have been ruined, and an unknown amount of talisman paper has been destroyed. The description of the four types of talismans is close to instinct, and the complex strokes are completed in one go.

Zhenyuan condenses the tip of the pen, and as the strokes are integrated into the talisman, the cinnabar becomes crystal clear on the talisman paper.


With a light sound, the real essence in the cinnabar collapsed, and the talisman paper shattered into powder.

Zhou Yi was accustomed to it for a long time. After carefully recalling the reason for the mistake, he changed a piece of talisman paper and continued to draw.

It took two years to go from ignorant to beginner, and it was just like this, one by one, to correct mistakes one by one. Zhou Yi had a hunch in his heart that the day of becoming a talisman was not far away.

"The talisman paper is almost used up, so I have to get a few more on credit."

Zhou Yi heard that the Tiger Hall, a gang in the south of the city, recently got a white tiger skin.

"Since they are fellow disciples who practice Five Tiger Fist, they should borrow it and use it!"

The master of Menghu Hall was under the tutelage of Luo Hu. He did not participate in the rebellion at that time. After that, he took advantage of the closure of the boxing gym by Jinyiwei, and obtained follow-up boxing manuals and nourishing prescriptions. UU Kanshu has now become a party boss.

"...It's clearly empty, and the amulet is self-contained!"

Zhou Yi's spirit was empty, the last stroke fell, and there was a faint flash of aura on the talisman paper.

"Huh? It's not broken!"

Zhou Yi was surprised. He picked up the Zhen Zhai Talisman and observed it carefully. It was the same as the description in the book.

The real essence is poured, and the talismans spontaneously ignite without fire.

An invisible and intangible wave swept across the entire courtyard.

at this time.

It was the middle of winter, and the night was quiet.

There was a sudden gust of overcast wind in the courtyard, and there was a humming sound.


Zhou Yi's eyes were like electricity, and he suddenly looked at the location of the jujube tree in the courtyard.

Originally, it was empty and uninhabited, with black mist floating around, vaguely resembling a human shape, with only two red awns on his face.

He turned his head to look under the grape racks where he usually eats, drinks, tea, and drinks. Some are hidden on the shelves, some are sitting on the stone pier, and there are even two ghosts lying on the dining table.

More than a dozen pairs of red eyes stared at Zhou Yi with resentment, as if rushing over to bite at any time.


Zhou Yi didn't have any fear in his heart, instead he was full of interest, and his true essence gathered together and grabbed a ghost.

As a result, the ghost shadow touched the real essence, let out a shrill scream, and then turned into nothingness.

"It's too fragile to be called a ghost, but a remnant at most."

Zhou Yi Zhenyuan protected his body and walked towards the ghost.

woo woo woo...

The sinister and sinister ghosts were so frightened that they retreated again and again, and finally squeezed into the corner of the wall, overlapping like smoke and mist.

"I died in my hands before I was alive, and I wouldn't dare to resist if I turned into a ghost. It's boring! It's boring!"

After Zhou Yi said that, the real essence condensed into a sword edge, shuttled back and forth in the ghost shadows several times, and died once again.