MTL - I am a Good Man-Chapter 545 Sad, weak and affectionate male second (13)

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When Shen Kexi was six months pregnant, she was already pregnant, and she could see her slightly convex belly in loose clothes.

The whole person was raised with a bit of flesh, white and tender, and perhaps he became a mother, and he spoke softly. When he was with Ji Yang, Xiaoniao was very amiable.

At this time, Shen Siqi was also pregnant.

Father Shen and Mrs. Shen are so happy, they are doing a good job, then they are about to marry into the Shao family?

How much attention was paid to Shen Kexi when she married in? How many projects did the Shen family and Ji family cooperate?

That is a win-win situation.

If Shen Siqi married into the Shao family, it would also bring countless benefits.

"Hurry up and call Shao Chi and ask him to take the Shao family home. The child is pregnant, and he can't get married right away?" The old lady Shen was very excited, and quickly wanted to talk about it.

Mother Shen didn't speak, she brought the tonic she had boiled for Shen Kexi over, and Father Shen said, "Cook a portion for Siqi too, and get a nourishment."

"This was delivered by the Ji family. When the Shao family will deliver it, let people cook it." Shen mother bluntly replied, simply thinking of the beauty.

Father Shen was gloomy.

At the urging of Mrs. Shen, Shen Siqi called Shao Chi. As soon as the other end was connected, he said gently, "Wake up? Would you like to have dinner together tonight? Then go to the movies."

Look at this tone, which is different from Ji Yang's back then.

Mother Shen pressed her lips tightly, just as if she hadn't heard it.

Shen Siqi told Shao Chi that he was pregnant, and he was stunned, and then a little excited, "Really? I'm going to be a father?"

"En." She listened to him with a smile on her eyes.

"Where are you? I'll go right away." Shao Chi said that he had already taken the car key and was walking out, his voice couldn't wait.

"at home."

"I thought you were in the hospital." Shao Chi was startled, his walking voice became slow.

"No, I'm at home. Dad and grandma said that the two families need to discuss this matter." Shen Siqi said softly.

In her opinion, does pregnancy mean getting married?

She doesn't have many requirements. There is a wedding, just get the certificate.

"Then I will pass now." Shao Chi agreed readily.

Shen Siqi hung up the phone, also a little happy.

"Just come here, don't be embarrassed for a while, the two families have discussed, set the wedding date, and then get married openly." The old lady Shen said cheerfully.

"En." Father Shen agreed.

Mother Shen didn't want to worry about anything. She sat next to Shen Kexi, looked at her and asked, "When will Ji Yang come to pick you up?"

She didn't want Shen Kexi to see such a scene.

"I don't know, he will come to pick me up after get off work. Actually, it doesn't matter if I go back by myself." Shen Kexi was scolded by Shen's mother as soon as he finished speaking, "Nothing? You are still pregnant with a child, do you know the danger?"

Shen Kexi was scolded and immersed himself in taking supplements.

She actually doesn't care about Shen Siqi's affairs. It doesn't matter if she marries anyone, Shao Chi or Li Chi, or a famous family or the richest man in the country, it doesn't matter, anyway, it's not as good as Ji Yang, her family.

Mother Shen looked at her indifferent look, but she thought too much.

Shao Chi arrived in just half an hour.

But unlike the Ji family, he is the only one here.

The old lady Shen also looked behind him several times, "Just you?"

"I can decide the matter with Siqi alone." Shao Chi nodded and looked at Father Shen, "Uncle, I really want to marry Siqi, and I won't lose her."

The words are quite sincere, but with Ji Yang's previous demonstration, there is always a contrast.

Mother Shen lowered her voice and said to Shen Kexi, "Mother Shao didn't come, I don't know if she disagrees or he didn't say it."

Even though you are marrying this person, you can't enter the house. You're too embarrassed to marry, right?

Shen Siqi originally had a smile in his eyes, but slowly dimmed and stopped talking. Shao Chi sat beside her, still holding her hand, and talking with Father Shen.

Mrs. Shen insisted that Shao's mother come. What would it be like if she didn't come?

But Shao Chi said that they are not in China.

what else can we do?

In the end, only Shao Chi talked with them. He said that he would receive the certificate, but the wedding may be delayed. There is no problem with the bride price, and Shen Siqi will not be wronged. If you get married, it will be done in a big way.

Listening to that, it will be even bigger than that of the Ji family.

Father Shen was satisfied, but Shen Siqi was unhappy, especially when Shao Chi took her away in the end, she turned back and took things to see Ji Yang and Shen Kexi.

When Ji Yang just arrived, Shen Kexi walked out from inside, reached out to hug him, wearing flat shoes, and had to stand on tiptoes to kiss him. She stubbornly said, "Head down."

He chuckled, put his arms around her waist, and bowed his head slightly.

Shen Siqi had never seen that look. When he had a good impression of her before, he would only treat her better and help her solve some troubles, but he would not be so close, nor would he smile so softly.

For a while, she was a little dazed.

Did Ji Yang really like her? The other party didn't express it very clearly. Could it be that she misunderstood?

In her sight, Shen Kexi kissed him a few times and hid in his arms with her eyebrows bent, "You were half an hour late today. I thought you forgot about me and the baby."

"How come?" Ji Yang smiled helplessly, "That can't."

The two were tired and crooked for a while, Ji Yang took her in and said goodbye to Mother Shen, and Shen Siqi was urged by Shao Chi to call.

When Shen Kexi was nine months pregnant, Shen Siqi was three months pregnant.

There is still no news about the marriage.

The old lady Shen is still a bit feudal, and her pregnant daughter cannot live at home, unless, like Shen Kexi, she goes back to live before the wedding, and Ji Yang picks it up at night when she comes back.

I heard that this is bad luck, if the child can't keep it, this house will not be able to live in.

At this time, Shen Siqi can't live at home. She told Shao Chi to get the certificate, but she hasn't gotten it yet. She can only live in a house under his name.

That kind of feeling is not righteous, and I wash my face with tears every day, and it is very depressed.

It suddenly occurred to Shen Kexi, why is it so simple for the other party to get married? It feels like taking a form.

When she arrived, Mother Shao knew that she was pregnant, and she didn't make a single phone call. At that time, Shen Kexi received several cold calls all day long.

Because of this noisy, she and Shao Chi have been fighting for a few days.

Hope, hope, this day, Mother Shao took the initiative to come to the door, but brought Li Rui, and looked at her condescendingly, with sarcasm, without showing any affection.

Shen Siqi is weak, crying and crying, crying and crying, just know crying.

He even made the decision to break up with Shao Chi and wanted to raise the children by himself.

In the evening.

Shen Kexi was leaning against the bed, reading a book in his hand, and Ji Yang was looking for clothes in the cabinet and was going to take a bath.

"Wear that set." She pointed to the checkered pajamas for lovers, and then opened the quilt. "I am wearing this set today, the same as mine."

"En." Ji Yang nodded.

"Hurry up and wash it out, people are waiting for you." Shen Kexi's voice was soft and she looked at him eagerly.

Ji Yang was slapped with fire.

When falling in love, Shen Kexi likes to wait for him the most. When he washes out, it is just a meal. It is not just greedy, but the body will also take action.

"Let's wait for Dad." Shen Kexi said and touched her stomach, the little guy inside kicked her too, very cooperative.

Ji Yang looked at her, and squinted his eyes. Someone pretended not to understand, "Hurry up. My baby and I will wait for a while. If we don't come out, we will sleep first."

Doesn't he have to get used to it?

I took a quick shower, dried my hair, and then went to bed.

Shen Kexi was holding a cub, and he was no longer able to crawl on him as flexibly as before, so he had to take the initiative to hug her, hug her on his body, talk with his arms around, and coax her from time to time.

Both the big and the small are quite obedient.

However, before he slept today, his cell phone rang, he reached out and took it and pressed to answer.

"Brother Ji me...I have a stomachache." Shen Siqi was speechless over there, crying, as if tolerated to the extreme, a very helpless voice.

Shen Kexi was drowsy, she was about to sit up and was surrounded by his arms, only to hear him ask, "Who are you?"

Shen Siqi: "..."

Shen Kexi first twitched the corners of her mouth, and then said, "It's Siqi."

"Oh." Ji Yang nodded, "what's the matter with you?"

"My stomach hurts." The other side was already talking intermittently, and he felt like he could faint at any time.

Ji Yang was still confused, and Shen Kexi had already brought the phone over, "Where is Shao Chi? Have you called an ambulance?"

"He didn't answer the phone." Shen Siqi cried over there.

"Then you take an ambulance." Shen Kexi was speechless, "Where are you? I will go now."

Shen Siqi is pregnant. If no one is there, he may die.

No matter how emotional she is, she won't look at it, she will be a mother, and her heart will be softer.

Shen Siqi kept crying over there, Shen Kexi got up to get dressed, Ji Yang stopped her, "What are you going to do? It's so late, you are not allowed to go!"

Shen Kexi originally thought that Ji Yang would feel distressed. He liked it before, but now he is very anxious to rush over. As a result, he doesn't care about it and refuses to let her go.

It seems that she really didn't like it, she had misunderstood it before.

"She will die."

Ji Yang: "Didn't I call an ambulance? I notified Shao Chi. My secretary lives nearby. I let him go there immediately. You can't solve the problem if you rush over."

Shen Kexi thought about it, but she didn't sleep either. After confirming that Shen Siqi was safely in the hospital, she couldn't help but complain, "Shao Chi can't get through the phone, it's enough!"

Ji Yang didn't reply, so she covered her with a quilt and coaxed her to sleep.

What's this?

Isn't that all the overbearing president Xiao Baiwen? When it is critical, the president will never see anyone. If a word can solve the problem, the heroine will always have her tongue knotted, so she must not say it.

The male match and the female match are always cannon fodder, and the female lead and the male lead are fascinating.

When Shen Kexi woke up the next day, she was about to go for a birth check. She went ahead of schedule and also looked at Shen Siqi. She was pale and slept on the bed, her eyes were red and swollen, and she was absent and hollow.

Shao Chi came after she left.

One kept apologizing and the other was crying. It was a heart-to-heart clip. After another month of entanglement, he reunited again and received the marriage certificate. However, Shao Chi asked her to get this certificate in private. The Shao family did not People admit.

In the same month, Shen Kexi gave birth to a boy.

When Mrs. Ji went to hold her, her hands were trembling, and she burst into tears, "Our Xiaoyang's children, Xiaoyang's children..."

"Yes." Li Zi's eyes were also a little red.

Ji Yang was accompanying Shen Kexi, awkwardly rubbing her body, the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was him, with a slight smile on her weak face, "What about the baby?"

"Does it hurt?" he asked, and then said again, "the nurse will hold him over in a while."

She shook her head, "Fortunately, I am painful."

Distressed in his eyes.

"It won't hurt after you kiss." She still had the energy to joke with him, and sighed, "Finally unloaded."

Ji Yang couldn't laugh or cry, and was wiping her hands, picking up and kissing her.

"Closer, you have to give me a hug." She asked.

He got up, gave her a hug, rubbed her hair, and kissed her forehead again.

"You didn't shave today." She stared at his close face, and then smiled. "But it's still pretty, I still like it."

Ji Yang laughed and grabbed her hand, "I haven't closed my eyes since you entered the delivery room and watched you all night."

She was warm in her heart, holding his hand backhand, and staring at him.

The sunlight outside the window shone on the two of them, as if they were coated with a layer of light.