MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 197 Extra-Joke

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"Are you ready? George."

"Are you ready? Syl."

Sylvia and George sit on the rug in the girls room. The former had just finished training as a trainee Auror, and the latter had just been ordered by Fred to pick up his prospective sister-in-law to the trick shop. It was a very nice day today, the sun shining from the skylight was reflected on the carpet and two people's faces.

"I'm ready," Sylvia said.

George reached out and grabbed a long hair of Sylvia and put it into the compound decoction in his hand. The color of the decoction turned into a nice tender red, and there was a fresh fruity scent.

"It looks good." George said with satisfaction and drank the decoction.

Sylvia couldn't help but want to laugh when she saw George still frowning after drinking the decoction. He was changing into himself little by little, the wide robe draped over him and slid down his shoulders directly, and the shirt inside looked baggy.

No wonder Fred likes to see her in his shirt. It looks really cute and alluring. Sylvia tugged George's shirt collar tightly and covered his eyes with the other hand.

"Don't move. I'll change your clothes for you." Sylvia said, putting an eye patch on George's eyes, and taking out a loose sweater and baggy shorts from the closet wear it on him.

When George saw the light again, Sylvia had become exactly like him.

"Is this dress Fred's?" George recognized the dress immediately.

"Yeah. To make sure nothing bad happens when you change back." Sylvia said thoughtfully.

"Fred's clothes are too big for you! I can make you a skirt!" George burst into laughter, "What's the point of wearing shorts? Just to make sure I change Won't anything bad happen back? You're so sweet, Searle."

"What do you know? This is called the lower body disappearing method! It's very trendy!" Sylvia rolled her eyes in disdain.

"Anyway, it's you who wears it like this." He pointed to himself, although he didn't understand this trend, he put on Sylvia's face anyway, "So you usually wear it. Fred's clothes?"

"Fred likes me wearing his clothes." Sylvia raised an eyebrow in disapproval, "but his eyesight is too bad. I bought him this dress ,How about it?"

"Fred told me he likes to let you wear his shirt when you're making out?" George laughed.

"You don't use my face to say such things! Why does Fred tell you everything!" Sylvia wanted to punch George, but she couldn't go down when she saw her face hand.

"If Fred is going to beat me, you will definitely save me?" George asked, taking the satchel that Sylvia handed over.

"I said you forced me to do this." Sylvia showed an innocent expression.

"Dude, you brought this up first." George said to hook Sylvia's shoulders, but he was not tall enough now.

It feels really good.

"Let's go."

The two Apparated back to Weasley's Trick. Fred had already ended today's business and waited at the cashier for the two who were late. His eyes lit up when he saw George, and it was the right thing to put him in Fred's clothes.

"Happy birthday, Fred." George was also very accurate with Sylvia, and Sylvia was impressed by the slightly raised corners of his mouth and the excited joy in his eyes.

"Thank you, Bunny." Fred wrapped his arms around George's waist and pulled in his direction, while Sylvia hurriedly turned her head to hide her smile.

No way, I'm really dying of laughter.

"Let's go, aren't we going to have a picnic?" Sylvia finally stopped smiling and looked at the brothers again. Fred was hugging George affectionately, and George secretly gave Sylvia a vomit expression.

"Don't you think you're redundant? George." Fred looked at Sylvia with disdain in his eyes.

Wow, this is really rare.


Fred looked at George with a stunned expression, while the latter was staring at the former, with an expression of indifference.

George, you just want to kill me, right?

Sylvia felt that she should give herself a facial paralysis spell to counteract her desire to laugh. And now, she is trying to control herself to show a wronged expression.

"I'm going to take George, do you have any opinion?" George raised his head and looked at Fred unhappily, "Today is George's birthday, how are you a brother?"

"Okay..." Fred confessed, and rubbed his head against George's shoulder. Sylvia likes to protect his younger brother for not a day or two. Just a cute little Ronnie and a guy who looks almost exactly like him. George looked at Fred and raised his eyebrows proudly at Sylvia.

"I can't take it anymore! Let's go!" Sylvia took the brothers' hands and Apparated into the woods outside Hogsmeade.

She really couldn't take it anymore, she was afraid that she would suffocate her laughter to death if she stayed any longer.

It's just spring, and there is still the smell of melting ice and snow in the air. The grass under my feet felt like water seeping. Sylvia jumped and walked in front alone, leaving the two brothers to walk behind. Since the two of them were together, Sylvia hadn't enjoyed an outing alone for a long time. Fred is so clingy. The main reason is that Sylvia doesn't dare to look back, and her acting skills are indeed inferior to George's at this time.

As early as the third grade, the three of them found a very wide lawn in the woods here. Speaking of their secret bases, there are probably countless, if possible, Fred wants to leave a stronghold wherever they go. There is shade above the lawn, and the fine sun shines on the body is quite comfortable. The last time I came here was a year ago, and since Fred had a trick shop and Sylvia went to work in the Auror office, they hadn't even had the chance to meet.

No wonder Fred was so attached to her today. Oh, sticky George who became Sylvia.

Sylvia opened the satchel and waved her wand. After the picnic mat was laid on the ground, various delicacies flew out of the satchel and filled the mat. She sat down consciously, watching Fred sit across from her with his arms around George's waist, she seemed to have found a new angle to stop laughing.

Are we usually so tired?

George was too kind for not killing us both.

Sylvia thought about picking up a piece of bread and smearing it with blueberry jam and putting it in her mouth. But is it possible to use George's body without paying so much attention to eating? She seemed to have found new fun, straddling her long legs and continuing to eat like an old man.

Merlin knew she wanted to do this for a long time!

"I want cupcakes too, feed me, Bunny." Fred opened his mouth, glancing at the delicious little cupcakes closest to George.

George instinctively stabbed him with his arm and moved to the side. "You don't have a hand, do you?" George frowned. He seemed to realize that such a reaction was not right, and he picked up a piece and shoved it into Fred's mouth.

Sylvia looked at Fred's expression as she tried to recall whether she had done something wrong recently. She couldn't hold back her laughter and was caught in her throat by the bread, and coughed violently.

Fred ignored Sylvia's reaction. He put his arms around George again and gave a flattering smile, and said vaguely, "Are you mad at me?"

"Why am I mad at you?" George raised his eyebrows and shoved another cupcake into his mouth, even though the last one had not been swallowed.

I don't! George Weasley!

Sylvia drank half a bottle of butterbeer before she recovered. She stared at George who was about to get dressed... oh, and Fred, who was really not very smart.

"George, what did you tell her?" Fred looked at Sylvia sharply.

"Are you and George hiding anything from me?" George said immediately, because Sylvia looked like she was about to ask a question.

Okay, let's start protecting my brother, right?

"I admit that some female customers often ask if George and I are single, but I tell them I already have a fiancée." Fred looked at George earnestly, "You know !"

At this time, George was winking with Sylvia, as if expecting that their twisted facial features could play a role in communication.

"Okay. You can't deny that your fiancé is very attractive and attracts a lot of female customers, right?" Fred looked like he was searching. Sylvia clearly saw the speechlessness in George's eyes.

"It was also your idea to hire a good-looking female clerk!" Fred stared and said, "You said that this is beneficial to the profit of the theater! You said who doesn't like beautiful women?"

"And they're all the **** and tall types you like?" Sylvia said with a smirk.

"Can you please stop adding oil at this time? George Weasley." Fred glared at Sylvia, picked up a bun and threw it in her face.

"You're right, right? What are you doing to George?" George also grabbed a bun and threw it in Fred's face.

"I was wrong, my dear." Fred confessed again, and he showed an aggrieved expression, "Tell me what was wrong with me. You know I can't guess. .Am I too busy recently? I was too tired and fell asleep as soon as I went back, I didn't think about you..."

"Cough cough!" Sylvia hurriedly stopped him from going down, "Say everything?" She realized what she said and added immediately, "I don't want to at all. Listen to those things!"

Fred didn't seem to hear: "Is it because I secretly improved the sports car and it failed? You found it? I will fix it!"

You changed the car secretly?

Sylvia was surprised.

Forget it, Sirius has money anyway, let him repair it.

"I'm not angry." George stared at him, probably regretting his acting skills just now.

"Really? Then give me a kiss." Fred said, George's eyes couldn't be opened wider. Sylvia tried to cover her mouth so that the butterbeer didn't come out.

"I don't want to." George turned his head immediately.

"Okay! But please don't do this, let's go back and talk about what's going on. George is still here. Save me some face." Seeing that Sapo was useless, Fred lowered his voice said.

"What's wrong with George? Doesn't George know about you yet?" George raised his eyebrows, "Isn't George the only one who has received chocolates from a lot of people on Valentine's Day?"

Sylvia propped her head up and watched Fred's face change with interest, and he had become incoherent.

"They're all your favorite types, right? Fred?" Sylvia laughed.

"Can you..." Fred glared at Sylvia resentfully, didn't say any more, simply raised his middle finger.

"George didn't say you didn't intend to let me know, did you? George is so pitiful, he has to help you keep secrets, watch you show affection and be suppressed by you." Red was punched hard in the arm.

"You..." Fred hissed in pain while clutching his arm, "You don't usually care about this. You know I can't mean anything to anyone other than you. ."

"I know." George's hair color has begun to change, "so I say I'm not angry."

"Then you..." Fred immediately put on a smile.

"But you're too bad for George. He's your brother!" George said, hitting the back of Fred's head hard.

"Why do you keep talking for George today? I'm going to be jealous!" Fred said, covering his forehead.

At this moment, George slammed up and kissed Fred on the cheek, and now he has completely changed into himself.

Fred looked at George in front of him and then looked at "George" who was sitting not far away, laughing and rolling. He instantly understood that he was being played by his younger brother and fiancee. Without saying a word, Fred reached out and grabbed George's neckline, punching him with a fist.

"Hey, man, don't you believe it? Kiss you, do you believe it? I'm not angry." George also laughed.

"Are you trying to die? George Weasley?" Fred shouted, rubbing the back of his hand over the spot where he had just been kissed.

"Fred. That's Syl, yes." Sylvia pointed at George and said. Fred's fist that was about to hit George's face suddenly stopped.

"Don't tease him, I'm afraid I'll die even worse." George took the opportunity to break free, but he couldn't stand upright with laughter.

Sylvia changed back to her original form. Fred stared at the two people in front of him and suddenly became angry, and he walked towards George aggressively. George hurriedly hid behind Sylvia and held onto her shoulders tightly.

"Don't protect him! I won't be Fred if I don't kill him today!" Fred came to Sylvia, looking like he was going to tear his brother to pieces That's right.

"George! Run!" Sylvia hugged Fred's waist. With a flick of the bag, George caught it with great precision. With a bang, he disappeared in front of the two of them.

"You two joined forces to deceive me, right?" Fred looked at the sudden extra waist pendant, and his anger disappeared. From this angle, his little baby looks even cuter.

"Don't you always say that my tricks with George are not as good as yours? How? Are you convinced?" Sylvia said with a smile.

"Yes, of course. I'll never disapprove of you." Fred smiled and put his arms around Sylvia's shoulders, "But it can't be like this again. You don't You can make anyone pretend to be you, understand?"

"George doesn't look alike at all! You didn't realize it." Sylvia rolled her eyes.

"How dare you say that? You little rascal! Don't do this again! Do you hear me?"

"I hear it." Sylvia gave a pleasing smile.

"You helped George escape... Have you ever thought about who would save you?" Fred put on an unintelligible grin.

"You're not going to beat me, are you?" Sylvia's eyes widened in mock surprise.

Fred smiled and kissed her soft lips.

"You can't escape, little rascal."

The author has something to say:

April 1st! Happy birthday to our trick shop owners!

Updated a chapter of extra cookies to celebrate Fred and George's birthday!

March was a little busy, I even stopped writing for a while, but I didn’t stop! Right! There are so many things to do when school starts, so please bear with me. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-03-2621:34:44~2022-03-3121:34:44~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 4926424520 bottles; cheesecake with milkshake, MOATTECH, Lanxi, 5656375910 bottles; no eucalyptus 3 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!