MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 15 Visit 2

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"So Mr. Shinkai noticed it at the time? What's the difference between that bomb and an ordinary bomb?" The Japanese public security's questions were still pressing.

What to do, can you pretend that you don't notice the difference and get confused? He and Conan were on the run when the explosion happened, so it's normal not to notice the sound of the bomb going off. But such an answer does not mean that he did not find the problem at all. It was not his style to put himself in passive situations.


The mobile phone had been sitting on the bedside table when I changed into the hospital gown before, and it made a vibrating sound at this time.

Xin Haikong turned to his side, picked up his phone, and opened the email in front of Amuro Toru.

"Sent to the lab - GIN"

The problem is solved. A smile bloomed on the haggard face of the young man, like a small flower blooming in the corner, tender but full of vitality.

Amuro Toru, who was facing Xin Haikong, could only see the black phone case that stood up, but he was keenly aware that the youth's mood seemed to have improved a lot after receiving the message.

what kind of information—

"Great, the small cake I ordered from the cake shop has arrived!" The youth's preferences are always so simple, ordinary sweets can make him happy in an instant, and Amuro couldn't help but relax.

"By the way, is Mr. Amuro talking about the bomb?" Xin Haikong looked like he was lost in memory, and the smile that originally bloomed on his face gradually disappeared.

"That's right. Although we were still on the run at the speed of life and death when the explosion occurred, we don't know if we can escape, or when we'll be hit in the brain by the debris of the building, etc.", Xin Haikong first made a fearful expression, his body shrank in coordination, and then said with a thoughtful expression: "But I can also feel that the explosion sound this time is much denser and shorter than before. many."

The implication is probably that there is a run on Anshi Tou, both openly and secretly, they are working **** the tower, you are watching the play below, and at the end you are chatting and asking them what kind of explosion they heard. However, this variety of green tea has never appeared in Amuro's life, and it is understandable to be misled.

The young man's face was still pale as if he had escaped death, and his body wrapped in a hospital gown couldn't help but wince when he recalled the scene at that time. Amuro began to reflect on whether he had gone too far. The young junior had just entered the police industry a few years ago. Before that, he had been working in the office and seldom went to the front line. He had to face such a big explosion this time. Also made such a big contribution.

It's really too much to come over and ask like this.

Xin Haikong took the time to glance at Toru Amuro, and sure enough, the other party's face froze a little, and he seemed to realize that the topic he was looking for was not very good.

It seems that the object of doubt is not himself. That's right, if Toru Amuro really suspected that he was related to the organization, would he come over to ask him? Beat the grass and startle the snake.

So this guy shouldn't really think that the prisoner who kidnapped Conan is the person from the organization, if so, then the process is all right and the answer is all wrong.

Xin Haikong suppressed a smile. His recent hobby should be to block Amuro Toru.

Moreover, he also has a way to take the misunderstanding of Anshitou and completely remove himself.

"And the appearance of these bombs is also very strange. They are the same as the bombs I have seen on the Shinkansen before. They are all much smaller than normal bombs. If it weren't for this reason, I wouldn't have been able to defuse the bombs at the time. Failed. Officer Matsuda taught me how to defuse ordinary bombs, but this time is not enough."

It is the bomb of the organization, so what?

He looked at Toru Amuro, who had a dignified expression and had fallen into deep thought, and continued chatting.

"So when I saw the bomb on Conan's body, I was very afraid that I would miss it, so I called Matsuda and asked him to remotely guide me to defuse the bomb. But in fact, if it wasn't for that miss, we might not have been able to deceive the prisoner so smoothly. It's really scary today..."

Amuro Toru didn't stop the gossip behind Xin Haikong at this time, he had fallen into the misunderstanding created by Xin Haikong.

He went to Tokyo Tower as soon as he received the news and witnessed the explosion. Most people have no other emotions than panic when faced with an explosion, but he is different. He has seen the experimental video of the microbomb made by the expert before, and the frequency is exactly the same.

Exactly the same bomb as the organization, the coincidental explosion and the sound of the wooden warehouse that was completely covered up, the dignitaries who were ambushed, and the police who were blocked. He absolutely does not believe that all this has not been coordinated in advance. What calculations are needed to complete this series of operations without advance cooperation. Is that legendary M the prisoner who planted the bomb? What kind of grudge does he have with Xin Haikong?

This time, whether it was the side responsible for ambush dignitaries or the side responsible for attracting attention, he received no news at all. Obviously he is also in Tokyo. It was a serious mistake for him not to warn his superiors about this major attack in advance.

Japan's landmark buildings were blown up under the watchful eyes of the police, what a panic this would cause, and the face of the Japanese Metropolitan Police was thrown to the ground for prisoners to step on. Not to mention Zando Matsumoto, a tainted witness who had already communicated with his superiors, completely disappeared from the world with all his unspoken secrets.


Amuro said goodbye after a while. Conan was also picked up by the Mori family.

The room was suddenly empty. Xin Haikong still remembered what Matsuda said to come to see him, and still lay quietly on the bed.

The TV not far away was turned on after being turned on by Mouri, who had come to pick up Conan, and the evening news was playing at this time.

"The Asahi Shimbun is broadcasting for you. At 12:00 noon today, Tokyo Tower, a landmark building in Japan, suffered a terrorist attack that shocked the world. Can we really trust the Japanese police?"

“…On the block just two kilometers away from Tokyo Tower, our Minister Zendo Matsumoto was also attacked, and he tragically died in this attack. However, it is surprising that the police just two kilometers away It took a full half an hour to arrive at the scene of the incident, and I have to marvel at the high efficiency of the Japanese police."

Xin Haikong looked at it indifferently, and after confirming the message, he took out the remote control from under the quilt and turned off the constantly buzzing TV. He turned on his phone and clicked into his mailbox. The two latest letters in it were the ones he sent to Gin in the car, and the ones Gin had just returned to him.

The attitude of Jinjiu that night made him vaguely feel that in the winery, he probably belongs to the Jinjiu faction. Since this task was also released by Jinjiu, it is normal to ask him for help. Bar.

The bomber who kidnapped Conan must never be caught by the police, so he texted Gin as soon as he left Tokyo Tower. Matsuda Jinpei only had an oral description of the prisoner's appearance by witnesses at the scene, but in his hand he held key information that no one knew about - this prisoner was trying to avenge the prisoner of the bomb case three years ago, Jintian Yuanichi. , just found him.

Jintian Yuanyi's younger brother, whether he is a relative or recognized on the road, it is very easy to find out.

The young man deleted these two messages and looked out the window. The reflective glass made it difficult for him to see the scenery outside the window, only the faint lights and his own reflection.


In a certain base in Tokyo.

The busy experimenters are walking around in a hurry, and tonight they will be testing the latest generation of drugs. Although I know that it is impossible to reproduce the success of 20 years ago, I still hope to make more progress than the previous failure.

The latest experiment that was sent this time is locked in the laboratory.

The silver-haired man leaned against the wall with his arms folded, staring coldly at what was going on inside. This kind of scene has been repeated continuously since he entered the organization, the only exception being when he was lying in it himself twenty years ago.

"Tack, tick, tick."

Footsteps came from the other side of the corridor.

Gin didn't have to look back to know what was going on.

"Rum asked you to come." Looking at the blond man who just appeared, Gin commented clearly. Rum has always wanted to restrain him, even if it is a test that has a high probability of no result, he must send someone to watch it, so as not to miss the first-hand information.

"Yes." Amuro Toru replied with the flow, and he was quite used to the sight in front of him. After being undercover for so many years, this is not the first time that he has been in charge of an experiment in stalking organizations. This trial was no different.

Suddenly, his gaze suddenly locked on a person in the laboratory.

It was a middle-aged man, in his forties, with a two-knuckle-length scar at the corner of his eye, hunched waist, with broken glasses, wearing black slacks, a brown shirt with buttons on the shirt Also broke two pieces.

"I saw it with my own eyes, that prisoner has such a long scar at the corner of his eye, it's scary!"

"I remember him wearing brown—"

"No, it's obviously black—"

"It looks like black slacks, the legs are too long..."

"I remember he was wearing a shirt and the girl snapped two buttons off when she was struggling..."

"What's more, he also knocked off his glasses. No wonder he was **** by a child..."

Exactly the same.

It is exactly the same as the testimony of eyewitnesses at the Tokyo Tower scene.

How could this be a coincidence!

"Ah, that experimental item looks familiar, where did you get it from?" He deliberately pretended to be very casual and asked, only he knew how much effort he had taken to keep his tone steady.

Jin Jiu glanced at him incredulously, recalling the rare email someone sent for help before, and smiled briefly. "Just a little mouse. Why, do you want to end like him?"

"of course not."