MTL - House Dad’s Literary Life-Chapter 1200 How invincible is it, how lonely

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When Mom and Dad discussed the issue of not learning piano, she was showing great power in the school's physical education class.

I didn’t have any chance to show anything, but when I started my physical education class, the sky didn’t make beauty. Suddenly it started to rain. The teacher Lu Dashan was preparing to take the children to the football field on the sports field. Now they can only return. When I went indoors, Lu Dashan took out several active children to move a group of table tennis bats and table tennis to let them play table tennis.

You are a member of the activists.

"Little fish, I told you! I can play table tennis now!" Yan and Lu Xiaoyu followed Chen Yuxuan and another boy. She said with a smile and said, "Because, after the holiday, I am At home, I am playing table tennis!"

"Yeah! You have a table tennis table in your house. Your father is too powerful." Lu Xiaoyu looked at him with admiration.

"Hey, is there a table tennis table in your house?" Chen Yuxuan turned his head and asked with amazement.

"Yeah!" He ordered a small head, first responded, then she pouted a small mouth and said, "Hey, Chen Yuxuan, you listened to our speech!"

Chen Yuxuan is also a little boy who wants to face. He immediately snorted and sighed and turned his head and said, "Who is listening to you? It doesn't mean anything!"

When playing table tennis, it was still similar to the last semester. He and Lu Xiaoyu, as well as Lan Xin and her table, Liao Wei, four little girls made up a table. They played doubles in 2v2.

"I want to be in a team." Before the start, Lan Xin said with a sigh.

"What do I do?" Liao asked weakly.

"I also want to be in a team! I am at the same table with you, hey, Xiner, you can't leave your table!" Lu Xiaoyu smirked.

I eagerly come up and muddy, saying: "It doesn't matter! Let's play this first, then change teammates, okay? I can still follow the team!"

Liao Wei had a good relationship with Yan, and he nodded happily. Although Lan Xin is somewhat reluctant, she is not very persistent. After all, playing table tennis is not a game to grab something. Lan Xin is not very concerned.

I started playing table tennis. I suddenly became active. The little girl stared at her legs and danced vigorously. She often played some clumsy Lu Xiaoyu to save the ball.

what? Rules not allowed? Second-grade children play table tennis, what are the special rules? It is not a turn to play, usually who is on the side of the ball who will come to catch the ball, if concentrated on one side, for a long time is a person to catch the ball, this is very common.

Lu Xiaoyu is also very happy to help her rescue some of the **** she has not responded to!

For example, this is how Liao Wei hit a ball that was very high. The speed of the ball was not bad. Lu Xiaoyu stupidly stood in the open mouth and looked at it. He had already ran out of a healthy step, and a silver bell-like laugh came: " Giggle, I am coming, I am coming!"

The sturdy figure quickly landed, and then the little girl’s slender and soft waist was gently twisted, she leaned over her body, and the small hand held the racket and gently pulled it up. The table tennis fluttering in the air was high. Threw it back,

Still playing back the piece of Liao Wei's table, Liao Wei pressed the ball table with one hand, holding a table tennis bat high in one hand, and excitedly prepared to catch the ball.

But just as the table tennis fell on the table, the trajectory suddenly changed, and the speed became very strange. It was like a deer that suddenly changed gears. When Liao was unable to prevent it, she slipped away from her racquet. Now!

"Hey?" Liao screamed in a strange voice, standing in a slap in the face, looking at the table tennis that had fallen to the ground, and looking at his racket for a while, it seemed a bit doubtful about life.

This hand, Lan Xin had already seen it. She didn't think there was any accident. It was Lu Xiaoyu who knew it later. After a while, she returned to God and cried in surprise: "Wow! Hey, you just had that. The ball is so amazing! How suddenly did it change?"

Laughing slyly, she said sweetly: "Yes, this is what I taught you. This is called pulling the ball."

The little girl also enthusiastically taught her friends, while doing the side-lifting posture, said: "This is the case, you see me, so that when you pull it up, the table tennis will suddenly change, and then you will run. On one side, it’s hard to get it!”

Although I am very willing to teach my skills to my friends, these advanced ping-pong skills are not easy to learn. The eager Lu Xiaoyu and Liao Wei are not responding in time. They did not touch the ball when they pulled. It is to fly the ball directly high and fly far away.

"Giggle, giggling!" He was teased by his friends, laughing with a smile, and actively ran around, trying to correct their posture.

This is bitter!

After a round, Lan Xin had the wish to join the team in the same time, no longer feel the feeling of being crushed, but after a few times of table tennis, the panting girl was not willing, she muttered The little mouth yelled: "Oh, don't you play like this? It's not fun, it's been a croquet, how do you fight?"


When I got home at night, I got a little depressed and got together with my father. I talked to my father about what happened in the physical education class. She said with confusion: "Later, later everyone said that they can't pull the ball! Then they still feel bad. Because I can't get a lot of balls, Xiner doesn't have fun with me in a team..."

Yang Lan understands that during the summer vacation, she is more interested in table tennis. She often plays table tennis with her, and also teaches her some complicated skills. The little girl is very talented. After two months, she can Play a little athlete's feeling!

Hey, Dad and Dad can both play back, let alone those children who haven’t learned how to learn table tennis!

But this drawback has also appeared. Among the children of the same age, in their classmates, the cockroaches are too powerful, even a little invincible...

It’s amazing that other children play with the donkey, and they feel the pain of being crushed... Like Lan Xin, they don’t want to stand opposite each other.

Perhaps today, we have not reached the level of letting our friends get bored. If you continue to be "invincible", I am afraid that no one will be willing to play table tennis with you in the future.

Yang Yu hesitated a moment and found that the problem was a bit unsolvable. After all, he couldn’t let other children also learn to play table tennis, so that he could catch up with the embarrassment that had already been on the road for a long distance. He didn’t want to let him I was isolated by other students.

"You can only do this. When you are at home, you can talk to Dad about how to play. But when you play table tennis with everyone at school, you can't use all your strength to fight. You have to learn to work. For example, you have to consider When the little fish stand opposite you, what kind of ball do you want to play, and the little fish can pick it up," Yang said with a smile.

"That can be difficult, the little fish will not pick up a lot of balls, it should be very light and light, very slow and slow!" He stunned his eyes wide openly. "Why do you want to play like this?"

"Because, you hit the ball, the little fish they can't get it, they can't play, they don't want to play with you!" Yang Lan spread his hand and said softly, "You don't want it, everyone is not willing Play with you, right?"

He nodded quickly and shook his head. He whispered his mouth and said, "No, no, I don't want everyone to play with me. I want to play with everyone!"

"It’s like running, when Dad runs with you, you have to slow down, so you can keep up. If Dad runs far, you can’t see Dad, you don’t want to play with Dad. "Yes?" Yang said with a smile. "The reason is the same! We have to take into account the feelings of our friends in the process of getting along with our friends. We can't make friends feel bad because they want to play table tennis."

He took his father's hand and twisted his buttocks sadly. He whispered, "That, that, hey, what do I do?"

"You have to learn to force, see how they all like to play, you play some **** that they can get." Yang Xiao smiled. "It is very difficult to say, it is no better than pulling the ball and pumping the ball." The small angle of the ball is difficult, let's try it, okay? It is a challenge, let's work hard to overcome it... so you can have fun with your friends, why not try it?"

"That's okay! I also challenge!" The little girl regained her interest inexplicably, and nodded with her father.