MTL - Host, I’m Here To Accompany You To Pretend-Chapter 313

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The energy that erupted when the two fought head-to-head reached an unimaginable level!

In the center where the light escapes, the two figures are fighting each other at super high speed.

Primordial Blue Dragon, constantly waving his hands, countless mysterious swordsmanship, swordsmanship, spearmanship, boxing, and palm techniques spew out, every move and every style is enough to suppress an era!

After countless years of training, his martial arts realm has reached a realm beyond imagination The world's best secrets!

If it is said that the Blood Lord has trained his martial arts to the realm of the Tao, then the Primordial Blue Dragon can be called me as the Tao!

All moves are made at will, no need to deduce, no need to think, as long as he wants to, he can instantly create a peerless magical power that can exert all his true essence!

Chapter 560: Can you stop this punch with 20,000 years of effort?

Under the continuous offensive of the ancient Canglong, all kinds of gorgeous special effects are flying all over the sky, one moment is a sword formation composed of countless sharp blades, and another moment is the phantom shadow of the mighty four images. The fighting scene is even more exciting than the special effects blockbuster. !

Compared to the battle scene of the Primordial Canglong that was full of funds, Chen Mo's momentum was much weaker. From the beginning to the end, he was just throwing his fists and kicking his legs. It might not feel as good as a horse breaking the sky. !

This made Zhang Fan, who was watching the game, break into a cold sweat for Chen Mo, and when he was restless, a voice came from the side.

"Brother, it's you, it's such a coincidence."

Hearing someone beside him calling him, Zhang Fan turned his head and looked aside, Zhou Hao appeared in his sight.

"You climbed up too?"

Zhou Hao nodded and immediately turned his eyes to the sky, looking at the two figures that were constantly flashing in the aurora, and said, "Brother, what happened here, who are the two figures in the sky?"

"This... Actually, I'm not too sure." Zhang Fan replied with an embarrassed expression.

Although he has worshipped Chen Mo as his patriarch, he still doesn't know the name of his patriarch, and not long ago he regarded his patriarch as an old man who touched porcelain, and Taikoo Canglong naturally needless to say.

Zhou Hao was not surprised by Zhang Fan's answer. He just asked casually with the thought of trying it out. With his countless experiences in reading films, he couldn't recognize who these two were. lower!

Looking at the two people who were madly fighting each other in the sky, Zhou Hao's expression was a little strange. Judging from the current situation, the old man seemed to be the one who was pressed and beaten, but for some reason he felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart for this scene. A strong sense of sight.

The fierce battle continued, and seeing that Chen Mo was still able to resolve his attack without revealing his flaws even after being completely suppressed by himself, the Primordial Azure Dragon showed an ecstatic look!

"Hahaha... I'm so happy! I've forgotten how long ago was the last time I used all my strength like this! Leaving that planet was the right choice!"

"Hun Yuan Yi Qigong!"

The Primordial Blue Dragon shouted, his hands condensed the true essence and gathered towards the chest, the huge energy was forcibly squeezed in one place, and the violent energy impact ripped apart all matter! Let the earth fire feng shui in these palms be completely disrupted and return to the chaotic state when the heaven and earth first opened!

Although it is also called Hunyuanyi Qigong, the moves of the ancient Canglong are completely beyond the scope of conventional martial arts!

With the appearance of Chaos Qi, the palm of Primordial Canglong felt a tingling sensation, even his tyrannical body could not completely resist the erosion of Chaos Qi!

The ancient blue dragon took a deep breath and pushed forward with both hands!

The Chaos Qi in the palm of the hand suddenly devoured all the substances on the road ahead like a tiger coming out of its cage! Go straight towards Chen Mo!

When the heavens and the earth first opened, the clear ones ascended for the sky, and the turbid ones descended for the earth. At this time, the earth, fire, and feng shui were undetermined and all substances were not yet formed. Only the chaotic qi wandered between the heaven and the earth.

Chen Mo knew that this trick could not be stopped no matter what, so what should he do now?

The answer is simple, use magic to defeat magic!

He stretched out his hands and swiped in front of him, all the matter was instantly shattered, and the surrounding space returned to chaos, blocking the chaotic aura from the ancient blue dragon!

Primordial Canglong didn't show any surprise to Chen Mo's crotch attack. If he didn't even have the power to smash Earth Fire and Feng Shui after cultivating to his level, what's the difference between living in vain!

Taking advantage of the gap between Chen Mo's resistance to Hunyuanyi Qigong, Taikoo Canglong's body flashed, as if he came to Chen Mo in an instant and launched a violent fist attack!

"I have to admit that you are indeed an opponent that is evenly matched with me! But don't forget, martial arts are tempered by time! The longer you practice, the deeper your cultivation will be! No matter how talented you are! Talent will never compare to me in terms of accumulation!"

As soon as the voice of the ancient blue dragon fell, the fist move suddenly changed, penetrated Chen Mo's hands with a spiral strength, and slammed into his chest.

"It took 20,000 years of hard work for this punch, can you stop it!"


A loud noise came out, and Chen Mo's body instantly flew out and pulled out a string of air explosions in the air!

Seeing this scene, the corner of Taikoo Blue Dragon's mouth showed a smile: "It seems that the outcome is already divided..."

Before the immemorial Canglong could finish speaking, Chen Mo's body suddenly stopped to counteract the impact.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the Taigu Canglong with a calm expression: "Do you still want to fight?"

The smile on the face of the ancient blue dragon suddenly froze! He stared blankly at Chen Mo for a while, and then a fierce look appeared in his eyes.

"Of course we have to continue to fight! I said that this competition is not only high, but also life and death!"

Taikoo Canglong clenched his arms and shouted loudly: "Magic Tyrant Nine Heavens Flying Dragon Technique!"

Countless blue dragons tossed out from the sky and rushed towards the ancient blue dragon!

Pieces of dragon scales covered the whole body along the arms, and the ancient blue dragon's body was shocked, and it appeared in front of Chen Mo like a teleportation and slammed a punch!

boom! ! !

Chen Mo's body flew out again, and along the trajectory of his retreat, the energy dissipated to distort the space, the matter collapsed, and everything returned to the original!

After the punch was thrown, the figure of Taikoo Canglong flashed again, and the latter came to Chen Mo's back and grabbed his body, and rushed forward!

hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo! !

With the sound of a dragon roar, the ancient Canglong grabbed Chen Mo's body and suddenly pulled out a shadow of the Canglong that covered the sky and rushed forward! In the blink of an eye, Canglong's dragon head disappeared from Zhou Hao's line of sight, leaving only his body extending infinitely!

More than half an hour later, a dragon roar came again. Hearing the dragon roar from behind, Zhou Hao turned his head subconsciously, and immediately showed a horrified look!

I saw that the dragon head that had just disappeared in the distance was rushing towards his tail from the other end of the sky!

After Taikoo Canglong grabbed Chen Mo and rushed forward, the figure of Canglong began to extend infinitely, from cities to provinces and countries! Cross-domain and countless regions continue to move forward!

Since the height of the giant dragon is far beyond the visual distance of the human eye, not many people can see the phantom of the blue dragon.

But the satellite in space clearly captured it. The phantom of a blue dragon started from one end of the earth, and then continued to move around the earth's arc at an unimaginable speed, encircling the earth like an ouroboros. !

This is the true strength of the ancient blue dragon!

Chapter 561 You still remember a palm technique that fell from the sky

"Fuck, is this going straight around the earth!"

Zhou Hao and Zhang Fan's eyes almost popped out, what kind of Magellan is this! It's like traveling around the world, isn't it?

No, Magellan is not so fast! It takes more than half an hour to go around the earth once, and a rough estimate, at least it has the third cosmic speed!

Zhou Hao didn't know what to say anymore, he just came out to climb a mountain, how could he meet such a supermodel! It stands to reason that the lower the secondary element concentration, the safer it is! Or is the theory wrong from the start?

Zhou Hao thought about it carefully, and felt that the possibility was not low. After all, he met real people, not 'real people' at the comic exhibition, and he seemed to be like, emmm... he was at that time. It looks like I'm at a manga show!

Do not! After all, why is it always him who meets the real person? Puberty Syndrome? But age doesn't match!

Can an old salted fish like him still be puberty? Isn't that nonsense!

When Zhou Hao was entangled in his heart, the movements of Taikoo Canglong's hand had not stopped. After completing the round-the-world trip, he continued to grab Chen Mo's body and dive forward, like a particle accelerator, with the earth as the axis to continue to accelerate!

Primordial Canglong's move to spin in the void is the same as the magic technique of stepping on the right foot with the left foot from Chen Mo. It is a kung fu with no upper limit. In theory, as long as you turn fast enough, the speed of the road, ah no, can be infinitely improved!

But theory is only theory after all, even if this trick can really increase speed infinitely, there is a limit to the human body!

Even the powerful body of the ancient blue dragon has a tolerance threshold.

After raising the speed to the limit that the flesh body can bear, the ancient blue dragon returned to the top of Mount Tai and threw it fiercely upward!

Chen Mo's light suddenly disappeared from Zhou Hao's sight.

Watching this scene, Zhou Hao and Zhang Fan swallowed, and completely different pictures flashed in their minds. Zhou Hao was thinking of a big brother who was driving a spaceship, while Zhang Fan was thinking of another picture. famous scene.

"Brother, don't you think this picture is a bit familiar?"

Zhou Hao had a strange look on his face.

"Have you seen One Punch Man?"

What is One Punch Man?

Zhang Fan is a little confused. Due to his job requirements, he usually works in the entertainment industry. If you ask him who the popular traffic niche is, and which one has recently entered the game, he can be said to be reckless.

But if you want to ask him about animation, then he will probably only be able to answer the content of migrant worker animations like Dead Fire Sea.

Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "I haven't seen One Punch Man, but brother, do you still remember the palm technique that fell from the sky?"

The palm method that falls from the sky?

Zhou Hao froze for a moment, and his expression changed immediately after thinking for a while.

"Are you talking about the long-lost Tathagata Palm!"

Zhang Fan nodded, this scene of martial arts words is more logical, isn't it?

Under the full throw of the ancient blue dragon, Chen Mo's body was given a terrifying speed, streaking across the sky like a ray of light, and instantly broke through the atmosphere and came into space.

At this time, the speed attached to his body has exceeded the third cosmic speed. If there is no object blocking, I believe he will soon turn into a meteor and leave the solar system.

At this time, the moon is revolving on the other side of the earth for his autobiography. There are no natural satellites on Chen Mo's way. He seems to have run out of mountains and rivers. However, just as he kept leaving the earth, a crystalline giant stone statue floated from his side. pass.

This is not the stone statue of the Giant of Light, but Aaron who was released by Chen Mo!

Seeing Allen's stone statue, Chen Mo showed a strange look. Is it such a coincidence?

Originally, he wanted to reproduce the big brother who drove the spaceship, but now his thinking has changed a little. Since this can hit Alan, it would be a pity not to do the whole big job.

After he figured it out, Chen Mo quickly adjusted his body, turned around abruptly, stepped on Allen and flew upwards!

Now there are two options in front of Chen Mo, one is the classic re-enactment of the palm technique that falls from the sky, and the other is the re-engraving of the big brother who opened the spaceship, then which one will he choose?

At this time, the light of the sun is shining down, and from Chen Mo's body, the radiance is full of the kind of Buddha nature in the Buddhist classics, and he has made a choice!

Chen Mo fiercely raised his head to look directly at the sun, then grabbed Alan's stone statue with his backhand and lifted it up.

"If you have given me the power to protect the world, please also give me the power to defeat this powerful enemy! I am willing to sacrifice Ellen! O Light! Did you hear me! Give me strength!"

Chen Mo didn't choose that one! Because he has his own ideas!

However, the sun also has its own ideas. After hearing Chen Mo's call, the sun did not respond, but continued to stay in the center of the eight planets to glow and heat.

Seeing that the sun doesn't cooperate with him so much, Chen Mo's expression is a little embarrassed. This sun has no spirituality at all! Too inconsistent!

Well, if you don't give me strength, can't I change by myself!

Chen Mo threw Aaron in his hand, then took out a golden belt from behind and buckled it around his waist, pressing down the Tai Chi group in the center.

With the crazy rotation of the belt, a golden light wrapped around Chen Mo's body, and then quickly fell towards the earth!

The top of Mount Tai.

The Primordial Blue Dragon, who had just finished his ultimate move, floated in the air, breathing in and out. The move just now exceeded his physical load and began to overdraw his vitality.

However, with his current cultivation base, his lifespan is almost infinite, even if he overdraws a little life force, it doesn't matter, as long as he can successfully hit the enemy...


The ancient blue dragon suddenly frowned, looking up at the sky as if sensing something.

Seeing his unnatural reaction, Zhang Fan and Zhou Hao showed serious expressions.

Are you coming!

I saw a group of rays of light descend from the sky and slammed into the Taikoo Blue Dragon with lightning speed.


A loud noise came out, and the amazing air waves spread to the surrounding and shattered the clouds. The ancient blue dragon immediately spewed a mouthful of blood and flew out, and then the light dissipated, and a carved gold motorcycle with a golden dragon head appeared at the scene. In the sky, and on top of the motorcycle, was riding a man in golden armor!

Zhou Hao and Zhang Fan were dumbfounded, and the Primordial Blue Dragon was dumb.

What is this scenario!

Didn't he say that he would come to the palm of the Tathagata! Why did it suddenly change!

Zhang Fan's brain was in chaos, and this sudden style of painting made him crack.

He thought that Chen Mo was a sweeper, but the reality told him that he was the old man of Shenshan!

Zhang Fan looked down at the left foot in his hand and stepped on the right foot. He couldn't help but fall into the thinking about life.

Is it still time to use the cheats to change the shapeshifter?

Chapter 562 The villain can't back down

It's not that Zhang Fan dislikes this secret, the main thing is that the transformation is too fragrant! You go and ask those special photographers, when the video of the leather case and the young lady is displayed on the homepage at the same time, which one will they choose first!

Although Zhang Fan is not in the special photography circle, who can resist the temptation to transform! Don't everyone go to cosplay Kamen Rider!