MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 13 About Shawshank

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   Breathing deeply, this time, I'm really sorry, I'm afraid I will disappoint Ender!

  In Ander's words, in addition to satirizing his Chinese identity, he also forced himself to recognize "The Shawshank Redemption" instead of "Forrest Gump". If he said that Forrest Gump was really good, he could ridicule himself for being a parrot, and if he said that Shawshank was better without sufficient reasons, then this malicious Ender would have more topics to talk about.

  He can satirize himself for not knowing the heights of the sky and the earth. Does he have more say than the Oscar judges?

  Secondly, he can say that Shawshank’s connotation is close to his own country, so it resonates more, and he criticizes his Chinese identity more brazenly!

  This eagle-nosed Ender is really cunning!

His black eyes swept over those students who laughed strangely. Zhang Dongcheng changed his style of swallowing his anger in the past, and began to show his sharpness unexpectedly: "Student Ander's guess is right. I really think "The Shawshank Redemption" is better. This one This year's Oscars gathered all the stars, not only Shawshank, but "Pulp Fiction" is also quite good. Which one gets the highest honor has its own reasons. The biggest misfortune is not that there is only one statuette, but that life is like It's a box of chocolates and you never know what the next one will be."

  The students listened to Zhang Dongcheng's words with puns, and after a little bit of surprise, they laughed knowingly.

  Ander was very dissatisfied with Zhang Dongcheng's specious attitude, so he turned his face straight and asked, "Since you like Shawshank, why didn't you say your own reasons, but said a classic line from Forrest Gump?"

Zhang Dongcheng glanced at the anxious An De, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was mocking this An De for being so impatient, and then said in a more serious tone: "The reason I said this line is because I think "" Forrest Gump is the most unreasonable, most contradictory place."

Without waiting for the surprised Ander to turn the corner, Zhang Dongcheng said playfully: "If "Forrest Gump" is a dream, then "Redemption" is a kind of life. Life is simpler than dreams, but life is far more cruel than dreams. I would like to ask the students, if it is not due to the ubiquitous luck set by the script cheat, who can think that a somewhat stupid protagonist can usher in the glory after life in such a smooth sailing? Life is chocolate? Haha, chocolate does not matter Whether it is original flavor or extra strong, it is beautiful. But life is not chocolate, life is a bumpy road, a road full of thorns! Forrest Gump weaves a dream for the audience, a dream that ordinary people will never be able to achieve, a dream that is just A dream that exists in the movies!"

"I don't agree with that! Movies are about weaving and creating dreams, so that every audience can experience beauty in movies and gain confidence in life. This is the bounden duty of our film directors!" An De stood up angrily, waving his arms, He roared with foam splattering all over his mouth.

"Of course I don't think what you said is wrong. Movies do exist for people's dreams. Compared with Forrest Gump's popularity, Shawshank is more like a niche work. What I want to express is that movies should bring people to think more, Bring people new ideas! I hope you can understand the simplicity." Zhang Dongcheng satirized Ander calmly, then took a deep breath, and continued with the thoughtful eyes of the students. .

"Busy to live or busy to go? "The Shawshank Redemption" turns life into a cruel choice and persistence. Like a sharp dagger, it suddenly plunges into our bodies that have been transformed into insensitivity by life, let us Wake up from the stinging pain, and then step by step find the persistence and direction that a human being should have."

  Looking around, no one made any more disdainful ridicules. Everyone listened carefully, slowly comprehending something from Zhang Dongcheng's words.

But Zhang Dongcheng didn't stop, and his tone was calm and impassioned: "The significance of "The Shawshank Redemption" lies in a clear understanding of oneself, locking in the direction of life, the perseverance to not be controlled by the environment, and the courage to realize dreams! It is something worthy of recollection in our simple life. Believe in yourself, never give up hope, never give up hard work, and patiently wait for your own glory in life. This is something that ordinary people can have, not those illusory luck, This is very hard work, thousands of days of struggle, and one in a million perseverance, this is Shawshank's redemption!"

  The classroom was quiet, everyone was chewing on Zhang Dongcheng’s words, even the teacher Hebrew touched his glasses and thought deeply.

"In our mediocre life, we seem to be used to step-by-step, used to say "that's impossible" first, used to no miracle, used to it, used to it? No, we, we need a miracle, we need twenty years, digging Open a tunnel that others think is impossible to dig even if it takes six hundred years!"

  Zhang Dongcheng waved his hand abruptly, causing the moods of the listeners to fluctuate accordingly. Unknowingly, everyone felt that those sonorous words touched their hearts.

   "If, if you were asked to choose your identity, would you want to be Shawshank or Forrest Gump?" Someone asked excitedly.

Zhang Dongcheng smiled indifferently: "Whether I am Forrest Gump or Shawshank, the spirit of never giving up is what I pursue. Of course, if it is just about status, I also hope that among the ups and downs and thorns, there will be people who can meet everywhere." Chocolate, "Forrest Gump" is also my favorite work, a work that will go down in the annals of film history. If life can be chosen, who would not want to be a lucky Forrest Gump, but would rather be the unlucky boy Shawshank?"

   This turn of events, the slightly mischievous and self-deprecating words made all the students laugh, and couldn't help applauding. The whole classroom applauded, cheered, and whistled for a while!

Ander's face was ashen, but he couldn't find a reason to fight back against Zhang Dongcheng. He could only watch bitterly as he took off his inferiority garment and regained his self-confidence. The human Zhang Dongcheng almost gritted his teeth.

   "FUCK, what happened to this Chinese guy today? How did he become so eloquent?" Ender clenching his fists as he cursed in the dark heart.

"Well, everyone is just expressing their own opinions, and there is no right or wrong opinion. Smith Zhang wants to submit a short film to participate in the Cannes International Film Festival in France in one and a half months. I hope everyone can help him as much as possible Fulfill this dream! I hope that Smith Zhang can stand out and become a master director!" Hearing the bell, Teacher Hebrew picked up the handout and walked out of the classroom with a big belly.

   Hearing what Mr. Hebrew said, many people were surprised. Zhang Dongcheng has always lacked imagination in script creation, and he was only average in every exam. Why does he really want to make a movie to participate in the Cannes International Film Festival in France?

  Looking over, there are those who are curious, those who are doubtful, and there are many mocking eyes of disbelief.

"Hey, Smith Zhang, are you really planning to make a movie? Do you have enough money in your pocket to pay the actors' salaries? Do you need me to lend you some money to rent shooting equipment? Haha, I don't think you have any money in your pocket." For a few pounds, I, Ander, are willing to do good deeds, and I can still give out tens of thousands of pounds!" Ander looked up to the sky and laughed, and ran to Zhang Dongcheng with a few cronies, laughing all over his face.

Zhang Dongcheng smiled lightly, didn't take this guy seriously at all, and just said softly: "Thank you for your concern, but all my preparations are over, the only thing left is the last male lead. You won't believe it, I can A film can be made for only five hundred pounds. I was prepared for your narrow mindedness, because you are as ignorant and stupid as ever."

Ander's face turned red with anger, he gritted his teeth and rolled up his sleeves, looking like he was about to fight, but the friends beside him quickly stopped him, and Ender turned his head to see that the principal, who was always known for his majesty, was talking to Heber outside the classroom. Teacher Lai chatted.

"Boy, you are lucky! But let me tell you some good news. After visiting the Cannes International Film Festival in France, I will go to Hollywood in the United States, because I have become the assistant of the super director George Lucas. Knowing that George? Lucas? That's the director of the "Star Wars" epic blockbuster!" Ender didn't dare to make trouble in front of the principal, he just put his hips on his hips and laughed, as if he was Lucas, and the gang The fox friends and dog friends also echoed, and the strange laughter rang out.

   Obviously, Ander, who was very angry at Zhang Dongcheng's sharp rebuttal, changed his angle and continued to laugh at Zhang Dongcheng, in order to vent his anger.

  Zhang Dongcheng was shocked, turned his head to look at Ander, and sighed in a more meaningful tone:

"I really can't imagine that someone in this world who becomes an unknown supporting role behind the glamorous leading role is so happy and so excited. What's more, this supporting role is not won by his own ability, but just It’s just a thing that my parents spent money on. But I’m still prepared for your weird thinking, because you are as short-sighted and superstitious about the power of money as before, and you have nothing to redeem yourself! ”

   "FUCK! You boy, I'm going to beat you up!" Ander, who was at a loss for words, didn't know how to refute. He could only widen his small eyes, screamed aggressively, and waved his fists to beat Zhang Dongcheng.

   A group of cronies hurriedly grabbed Ander, who was emotionally agitated like a bull after seeing the red cloth.

  The principal is outside, if he sees Ender beating someone, it will be no small matter!

"Bastard, bastard! Let me go, FUCK! Smith, you guy, you think I don't know? There is no one in the acting department of the school who is willing to help you. You found either the waiter in the pizza shop or the car wash worker in the car wash , you want to rely on them to make a movie? Haha! Don't make me laugh, please? Smith, you know, you need to know, you will never find a real actor to play your leading role!" Ender pulled his hands The man pushed away, glanced at the headmaster who was looking this way, and pretended to have an insightful attitude, like a rooster that finally won.

   Before the words fell, a man's voice sounded: "Who is Mr. Smith Zhang? Who is Mr. Smith Zhang?"