MTL - Holistic Fantasy-~ 2120 Is it finally going to move really?

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(Thank you very much for the rewards of ‘king 桑’, ‘berryake’, ‘o0 tears 0o’, ‘seabed grass’!”

The return of Lian Tailang and Yan Zhu, in the eyes of others, may have made the security of the wood more secure, and the attacks of terrorists have become more suspenseful.

However, in Noah's view, it is actually not much worse.

Although it is a bit bad to say this, who asked Noah to arrange Orpheus and Lilith at the side of Muji as a guard?

Others don't know the power of the two little gimmicks, can Noah still know?

Even in a world where the devil's college is as fascinating as the devil's college, and the demon king is like a dog, Orpheus and Lilith are the most powerful dragons.

In the dark bullet world, Orpheus and Lilith are simply invincible in the true sense, and it is impossible to find an opponent.

Even Noah, without using the analog star map (another_cos logy), all the power can only be compared with one of Orpheus and Lilith, whether it can be defeated or an unknown.

There are Orpheus and Lilith escorts, and wood is definitely not a problem.

Of course, these two dragon gods are too innocent, and no one knows if they will be suddenly deceived, causing some mistakes.

Therefore, with the accompanying Lian Tailang and Yan Zhu, it is undoubtedly a good thing.

As for the Son of Heaven, the power of Esther and Athena is far from the Orpheus and Lilith, but it is more secure in terms of safety.

Athena again said that it was the goddess of wisdom.

If only on strategy, Athena is the truest mind in the world?

Therefore, compared with the other side of the wood, the Guardian strength around the Holy Son is weak, but it wins without flaws.

Even if it is not comparable to Orpheus and Lilith, Esther and Athena are not the same.

As long as Noah does not interrupt the supply of divine power, both Esther and Athena can exert the power of the gods.

The power of that level is equally invincible in this world.

Since they are all invincible, it doesn't matter if there is a difference in combat power. Anyway, they are all friendly.

Under such circumstances, in the next two days, Mu and San Tianzi are still preparing for the international conference.

Noah, but all the preparations are pushed to Muji, and even the Dina, who is the initiator, is pushed to the side of the Holy Son to be a guard. He is going to the streets every day, strolling around, and having a leisure time. Staggering.

At least, some people hate it.


In a dim war room, covered in a black robe, only the hood was removed, revealing a mechanical head, the threatening people looked around on the surveillance screen, on one street after another. Noah, playing with her fists, clenched her fists tightly.


At a certain moment, Bao Zhizhuo was finally unable to resist, punching the instrument next to him and roaring out.

"Why?! Why didn't you let me go out and kill the bastard?! Isn't this a great opportunity?!"

It is very clear from the monitor that Noah’s side has not carried any escorts at all. For the past two days, he has been alone in the leisure and wandering around.

As Bao Zhizhuo said, if you want to assassinate Noah, this is definitely a great opportunity.

However, this great opportunity started two days ago and has not been interrupted for two days.

what does this mean?

Does it mean that Noah’s sense of crisis is really low enough that even his own situation is not aware of it?

of course not.

"This guy is simply looking down on us!"

"He is so clear that he is telling us that even if you don't have any guards around you and you wander around, then we can't do anything with him, isn't it?!"

The screams of the violent anger of the screaming people rang through the entire war room.

In this war room, in addition to the Guardian, there are three other people.

One is an electronic film.

This murderous mechanical soldier, now leaning against the wall on the side, looks at the monitor screen, not knowing what he is thinking.

One is the scorpion Xiaobinai.

This same murderous and unscrupulous son is holding his own knife and shrinking into the corner. A pair of eyelids have always maintained the ability to open the scarlet red, and have a word in his mouth.


Obviously, the last time I lost in the hands of Dina, I let Xiaozi Naizi have always been worried.

After all, the opponent is a sniper who is not good at melee, and the one who owns the factor is a melee invincible player. The result is that he lost to a sniper in melee, or the one who lost it neatly, the scorpion is small. The feelings of Binai can be imagined.

As for the third person, it is a person who is covered with a black robe and has a face hidden under the hood.

The body of the black robe, if viewed from the outside, can only be judged to be a male from a face that is faintly peekable.

However, this black robes, sitting in front of the monitor screen at this time, watching the wandering around the street, holding the kebab in one hand, holding the cold drink in one hand, and walking in Noah, a very happy street. The hand is constantly tapping the table.

Looking closely, the black robe hits the wrist of the hand on the table and has a tattoo.

A pentagram decorated with feathers.

There is no doubt that it is a member of the Wuxiang Club.

However, unlike the terrorists who launched the attack a few nights ago, the tattoo on the wrist of the black robes is not decorated with two feathers but five feathers.

That is the proof of the highest cadre of the Wuxiang Club.

This black robe is one of the highest cadres of the Wuxiang Club.

Looking at the top cadre of the Wuxiang Club, Bao Zhizhuo couldn't help but scream.

"Hello! Are you looking at the **** that has been arrogantly staggering under our eyes?!"

It was said that the black robes, who were called the lord by the Guardian, looked up and had a sarcasm in their mouth.

"It's really arrogant." Your faint opening.

"There is no guard, there is no trace of defense. As our goal, we are strolling around the street in this festival. It is just like what you said, it does not regard us as a threat, or it is intentional. There is no third possibility to lead us out."

"Maybe both have it?" The voice of the blind man laughed low.

"You are not worried about the man's trap, so I have been unable to make up my mind to assassinate him?"

"Trap?" protects the opening of the disdain.

"Isn't that the head of a monster? What tricks can you play?"

Hearing the words of Bao Zhizhuo, the voice of the blind man did not say anything, but he did not even want to see Bao Zhizhuo.

For Bao Zhizhuo, the shadow of the scorpion is really ridiculous.

Obviously, it was planted in the hands of others, and even the life was lost. As a result, this high-profile posture has always been maintained. It is really stupid.

Scorpion Shadows didn't even understand why Professor Grunewald would save such an incompetent guy and give him the power of a mechanical soldier.

If it is not because this guy is still useful, the shadow of the scorpion will definitely kill him, there will never be a little bit of mercy.

On the contrary, you, it seems that you are not at all concerned about the stupidity of the defending people, and the tone is still calm.

"I don't want to kill him, not just because he is worried about his trap, or because I am waiting for everything."

"Oh?" The movie was very interesting.

"Is it finally going to move really?"

"Yes." Your smile was cold.

"When everything is ready, let us tell them that the attack a few days ago was just a matter of fun. What is the real power of Wuxiang, let the so-called fairy tail (fairy_tail) be good? Get to know it."

With that said, you turned your head and looked at the scorpion and the singer.

"You two will follow the plan to execute, don't give me a mistake, if anyone dares to act, how do you end up, don't you say it?"

This sentence did not let the scorpion affect any reaction, but did not know whether it was surrender or disdain.

And Bao Zhizhuo is a tremble, and there is a little unwillingness in his eyes.

If there is no warning from you, Bao Zhizhuo will certainly not be able to find Noah's?

Now, Bao Zhizhuo can only dispel this thought.

As for the shadow of the scorpion, it doesn't matter to him as long as he can fulfill his wish.

What is your wish?

Destroy the world.

"I feel so happy when I smell the breath of war..." (To be continued.)