MTL - Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard-Chapter 753 Sweet pudding

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Chapter 753 Sweet Pudding

 "Professor McGonagall, what do you think..."

 Two hours later, Kyle and the professors left the Room of Requirement before curfew.

"There is no doubt that this is Rowena Ravenclaw's handiwork." Professor McGonagall said, "Other than this statement, I can't think of anyone else who can do it to this extent."

“Then when I come tomorrow, do I need to inform you?” Kyle said.

 After all, he only had one key, and he didn’t want to give it to anyone else, so if he wanted to go to the Room of Requirement now, he could only go together.

 “No need…”

 “Just do it yourself…”

Contrary to Kyle's expectations, all four professors rejected his proposal.

 “Do you feel weird?” Professor Babling asked with a half-smile.

Everyone knows that the way to enter the Hufflepuff common room has never changed, and Kyle easily knocked on the barrel door.

This feeling is a bit strange, but it’s okay to stay temporarily for one night.

 Everyone just thought he was reviewing in his own way. After all, after seventh grade, no matter what decision he made, it was not surprising, especially for those students with excellent grades.

 He originally wanted to use this "make-up lesson" to improve the overall combat effectiveness of Hogwarts.

For several weeks, he would go to the Room of Requirement early in the morning and come out at night.

“Kind of,” Kyle said matter-of-factly.

The lock Ravenclaw added to the Room of Requirement not only blocked out other people, but also house elves.

  It can be said that she was the only person who gained nothing this time, but Professor Sprout himself didn't care very much.

 “This is all thanks to you, Kyle.” Professor Flitwick happily patted Kyle on the back.

"Me too." Professor Flitwick said in a high voice: "I got some inspiration, maybe I can re-read the paper on the theory of wandless casting ten years ago.

There are even people who spent their entire seventh grade interning in the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic, such as Nymphadora Tonks, who is also a Hufflepuff graduate.

“I gained a lot, but I need time to slowly sort out these opinions and concepts and try to integrate them into my magic. This cannot be completed in a day or two.”

 This is very embarrassing.

"Is that so?" Seeing that the professors had gained something, Kyle said nothing more.

  But this is impossible.

During this period, Kyle could clearly feel that his level of magic writing was improving little by little.

 Precisely because he often showed up in the auditorium, and the professor also helped find excuses, there was not much heated discussion outside about his absence from class.

After all, the Room of Requirement recreates a complete Hogwarts, which naturally includes the college’s common room.

Moreover, I don’t know if it’s because this place has not appeared in Ravenclaw’s memory, but there is no one in the common room.

 “No help at all?” Kyle frowned.

"That's it..." Professor Babling explained: "We are different from you. Our understanding of magic has long been established. This understanding has lasted almost throughout our lives and is difficult to change."

 They can't bring food in.

 The weather is getting hotter. Pieces of clear blue sky began to appear above the castle towers. These signs of the coming of summer did not bring much good mood to Hogwarts.

"And more importantly, this is your make-up lesson." Professor McGonagall on the side continued: "Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw must have made adjustments and selections specially, and all the courses are tailor-made for you. …It works for you, but it doesn’t work for us.”

 …This is the highest place he can touch.

 In this case, half of April passed quickly and quietly.

If Kyle wants to eat, he has to go out.

Although Ravenclaw's memory is mainly based on magic texts, the professors at Hogwarts are not incompetent, and it is impossible for them to not understand... At least Professor Babling must not have any problems.

 But like Professor McGonagall, she refused the invitation to go again without hesitation.

  Sometimes it was too late, and he would live there directly.

It's not the kind of promotion that leaps a thousand miles, but more like going up the stairs. Although it's not fast, every step is clear. This feeling makes Kyle very satisfied, and even a little unable to stop, wishing he could stay here forever and not go out.

“Due to some reasons, my ideas could not be put into practice before, but just now I saw another possibility.”

"Of course not, I just said that the course content is not suitable for us." Professor McGonagall's face became more serious. “But their unique views on transformation and their concepts that are completely different from modern transformation magic are still of great reference value.

 Everyone has long since become accustomed to it.


 After getting the professor's consent, Kyle no longer needed to consider other issues.

 Different from the common room in my memory, there are only nine dormitories here.

As for Professor Sprout, she is not interested in magic spells, but only likes magical plants... Unfortunately, there was no herbology class in Hogwarts a thousand years ago, and she couldn't bring out the potted plants placed in the school.

But this is all a minor problem. Just treat it as a normal class. The only difference is that it is always daytime in the Room of Requirement. Even if it is night outside, he can still go to the classroom to teach.


However, in order to ensure that he has enough energy every day, Kyle usually only stays until eleven o'clock, returns to the common room for a late-night snack, and waits until the next morning to come back.

 Many people find that recent homework has become more and more difficult.

I don’t know when, but some rare questions began to appear in the assignments assigned by professors.

 Sometimes they even have to search for an hour in the library to figure out what the requirements are.

“Professor McGonagall may have forgotten that we just took the O.W.L. last year and will not prepare for the N.E.W.T. exam until next year.”

In the library, Ron couldn't help but complain: "Hermione, can you please tell me what the 'Gamp definition' is? I only know the basic law of Gamp's deformation. Could it be that the name has been changed?"

"Of course not." Hermione buried her head in a thick book and said quickly: "Gump's definition is the theoretical basis of human body deformation, and it also includes all situations that may occur when the human body is deformed... Find it yourself Look for it, it's in the book "The Lion and the Wizard."

"Thank you." Ron said casually and found the brown transfiguration reference book.

Beside him, Harry was holding up a finger and waving his arm vigorously.

 He was practicing wandless spellcasting, which was also an assignment in Charms class.

I really don’t know what Professor Flitwick is thinking. Since last week, he suddenly started asking everyone to try to cast spells without a wand in class, and they are not allowed to recite magic spells.

I have to say, this is really difficult.

Harry felt that his arm was about to break, but the parchment on the table only moved a little. He even wondered if it was blown by the wind.

"Really...does Professor Flitwick's method work?" Harry couldn't help but muttered.

"It must be useful." Hermione raised her head and glanced at him and said, "I did it in class. First, you need to calm yourself down. While reciting the spell silently in your mind, never think about other things!"

Harry tried a few more times, but to no avail. He rubbed his sore arm helplessly.

"No, it's the Quidditch match soon... This year is Gryffindor's most likely chance to win the championship, and I can't stop myself from thinking about it."

 “It’s Quidditch again.” Hermione curled her lips and said, not understanding. "Can you think of anything else besides Quidditch?

"You can definitely learn from Kyle. Didn't he not participate in the last Hufflepuff game? But Hufflepuff still won."

"It was a narrow victory." Harry corrected: "If the game had been delayed for another five minutes, the situation would have been different."

"Am I analyzing the battle situation with you?" Hermione couldn't help but raise her voice, but immediately closed her mouth.

 She subconsciously looked around.

Fortunately, because the homework is getting more and more difficult, there are many people coming to the library. Everyone is flipping through the books while muttering and complaining. Even if Mrs. Pince stops them, they will still flip through the books vigorously to vent their anger. dissatisfied.    So her voice just now was not particularly abrupt.

"Listen to me, if you want to complete Professor Flitwick's requirements in the next class, you must concentrate and forget about those games." Hermione said, "Maybe you can learn from Kyle and put yourself on the bench. location."

"This is impossible." Before Harry could speak, Ron said directly: "Don't forget, Harry is the best seeker and the most important. If he doesn't participate in the game, we will lose. ”

"Are you saying that Professor Flitwick's homework is not important?" Hermione said without hesitation. "In the N.E.W.T. exams last year and five years ago, there were questions about casting spells without a wand. Don't you want to Do you want a certificate?”

"It's just a small question in all exams. It's not that exaggerated." Ron said nonchalantly, "Besides, it's still a long time before N.E.W.T."

Although Harry didn't speak, he was on Ron's side in his heart.

 Giving up Quidditch? This is impossible, he certainly can't do it.

But Hermione probably guessed this would be the case, glared at them angrily, and pulled her homework back from the middle.

"Then do your best, you two Mr. Quidditch." After saying that, she stood up and walked out of the library without looking back, holding two books in her arms.

 “Why is she angry again?” Ron couldn’t help but muttered.

"You really shouldn't have argued with her." Harry sighed, regretting not stopping Ron just now.

After all, Hermione has the homework in her hands, and there is no benefit in arguing with her, which is why he didn't say a word just now.

Why doesn’t Ron have a long memory?

 The homework now is much more difficult than before. Without Hermione's help, can they really finish it on time?

Thinking of this, Harry sighed again.

 Ron also regretted it a little, but for the sake of face, he still stiffened his neck and said: "So what, just write it yourself.

“By the way, Harry, have you got Slughorn’s true memories?”

"Not yet." When it came to this, Harry felt even more uncomfortable. "He seems to have been guarding against me. Whenever we are alone, he will immediately find an excuse to leave. This has happened several times."

 “You lack a little luck.” came a voice from the side.

It was Hermione who had returned. She was picking at the table and picked out three more books, and was going to take them to find Mrs. Pince.

"Or you can try again." Hermione paused and continued: "Tomorrow is the Easter holiday. This is a good opportunity. I think you can try again."

"I've tried it many times," Harry said. "He keeps avoiding me. What can I do?"

"Then try again, you will always succeed." After Hermione said that, she went to borrow books from Mrs. Pince. During the whole process, she didn't even look at Ron, as if Harry was the only one here.


 In the evening, a sumptuous Easter dinner was held in the auditorium.

Although the Easter holiday is the same two weeks as Christmas, no one chose to leave school and go home this time. No one. Everyone chose to stay in school.

The activities of Death Eaters outside have become more frequent. Judging from the description in the Daily Prophet, the Death Eaters are no longer content with hiding around. They have begun to take to the streets and spread fear everywhere.

 The battle between Death Eaters and Aurors has almost never stopped. People disappear every day. The Dark Mark, which has been missing for more than ten years, will now appear over a certain house every now and then.

 Because, even if someone wants to go back for the holidays, they will be severely stopped by their family members and told to stay in Hogwarts.

At the dining table, Kyle was eating chocolate eggs specially prepared by the house elves, while turning his head to look in the direction of the teacher's desk.

As expected, Dumbledore was still not there, but this time Snape did not leave. When Kyle looked over, he happened to look over.

The two people's eyes met in mid-air, and then turned to other places in tacit understanding.

 It is worth mentioning that Snape already knew about the Room of Requirement, and it was Professor McGonagall who told him about it.

 During this period, Professor McGonagall went to the Room of Requirement twice more, and took Snape with him the second time.

 But because it was Kyle who held the key, Snape remained silent no matter how interested he was, as if he was waiting for Kyle to speak first.

 But will Kyle pamper him?

 Of course it’s impossible!

He acted as if he hadn't seen Snape, and after taking Professor McGonagall into the Room of Requirement, he slammed the door shut.

 This made Snape very uncomfortable.

And after that time, Professor McGonagall had no idea of ​​going there again in a short time. If Snape wanted to go, he had to find Kyle himself.

 He ​​regretted more than once why he had to leave the school because of a trivial matter. If he had been with other professors at the time, he would not have to make any excuses.


There was also Dumbledore, who also learned about what happened at the school from Professor McGonagall's letter, and hurried back that night.

But what a coincidence, that night Kyle happened to stay up all night in the Room of Requirement because he didn't understand a key question.

By the time he went out for lunch the next day, Dumbledore had also left school ten minutes ago for other reasons.

 And this happened more than once. Every time Dumbledore came back, it would happen that Kyle spent the night in the Room of Requirement.

This made Dumbledore feel bad, and he once wondered whether Kyle did it on purpose.

But this is Dumbledore overthinking.

Kyle had no idea that a centenarian had been waiting for him at the door for several nights. He was really just taking classes at his own pace.

“How are you going to spend your vacation?” Kangna picked a piece of pudding and asked, “Are you still going to the Room of Requirement?”

"Definitely." Kyle said, "You should join us, I feel that the magic text class there is very suitable for you. Although it is not easy to understand, it is not too difficult and is very detailed.

“After you have studied for a period of time, you should be able to understand other courses.”

"Okay." Kangna hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement. She didn't have anything else to do anyway, so it would be a good idea to learn magic writing.

"But Kyle..." She suddenly thought of something and said with some hesitation: "Can we bring Professor Snape with us this time?"

 “Why?” Kyle asked.

“He asked me several times, and he would get distracted every time. I felt that he was also very curious about it.”

"Then why didn't he come and tell me himself?" He cleared his throat and said pretentiously: "He is a professor. If he came to ask me to take him in for a look, I would definitely not refuse... But he didn't say , definitely not interested.”

 Connor rubbed her forehead, a little troubled by the relationship between Snape and Kyle...

They have been competing with each other for so long, and they still enjoy it so much. Don't they feel annoyed?

"In this case, can I plead for him?" Connor turned her head and glanced at Snape, who glanced here intentionally or unintentionally, and sighed: "You know, I can completely represent Professor Snape. ”

"Hmm...I'll think about it." Kyle said, rubbing his chin.

 But the next second, he felt a warm feeling on his cheeks, accompanied by the sweetness of pudding.

 “What about this?” Kangna asked.

"Ahem, okay..." Kyle blurted out: "No problem, I'll cover it."

 He subconsciously glanced at the teacher's desk.

Snape must have also seen the scene where Connor kissed Kyle's cheek just now. His whole body immediately exploded, and there was a strong low pressure all over his body, as if he would rush over and give Kyle a noose in the next second. Life Spell Package.

Is Kyle afraid?

Not only was he not afraid, he even raised his eyebrows at Snape proudly.

Snape was so angry that he directly kneaded the roasted potatoes in his hand into mashed potatoes and kneaded them repeatedly.

"Do you have to be angry with him?" Kangna looked at the little actions of the two people and shook her head helplessly.

"Sorry, reflex." Kyle quickly put away his smile and turned his head away from looking at Snape.

 (End of this chapter)