MTL - Hidden Corner-Chapter 597 world one

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 Chapter 597 597 World 1

 A few days later.

 Black Castle.

The water in the castle moat is roaring, and birds are chirping and falling down from time to time, drinking water and dancing by the river, like elves.

Li Chengyi was sitting on the edge of the bed in the study, holding a simple book he just got in his hand, flipping through it casually.

These are books borrowed from several knights near the territory, but the contents are very little.

 In this world and this country, the illiteracy rate among the people is extremely high, and only nobles have the right to read and write.

 Many clerks and castle stewards were mostly non-eldest sons of other nobles.

They have no inheritance rights and can only make their own way out. Choosing to become managers and officials of other nobles is undoubtedly the most suitable direction.


Li Chengyi closed the "Noble Heart" in his hand and sighed slightly.

Li Chengyi put down the book in response, walked to Melissa, followed her obediently, left the study, and walked along the gray carpeted corridor to the living room.

 This is what Li Chengyi really tested.

Here, power is trapped and squeezed within the body, unable to affect material reality.

Li Chengyi made a rough estimate of their physical strength, and then went to the living room after he had an idea.

The soldiers were strong and burly, each over 1.8 meters tall. Most of them had a faint smell of sweat, spoke in rough voices, and thick beards could be seen through the gaps under their helmets.

 This is the coat of arms of the Sal family. It is also the family run by the maternal grandfather, Earl Remington Sal.

There were several more armored soldiers talking on both sides of the aisle. They wore full sets of silver armor and helmets, holding broad-bladed sword hilts, and were scattered in twos and threes on both sides.

His brilliance, released with all his strength, only flickered like a firefly. Even fainter than fireflies, you can't even see it unless you look carefully.

"Carlos, come on, your grandfather is here, and with him is your uncle. Do you remember him? He used to hug you when you were a child." Mother Melissa hurriedly walked in with two maids, her face filled with joy. With a relaxed smile.

‘In this place, the power that can destroy the world in other blind spots can only shine here’

  ‘What an ordinary world. Where have I been? ? ’

 He sighed deeply.


Li Chengyi stretched out his fingers, and the fingertips shone a little bit of golden light. The golden light was so weak that it was almost invisible as light.

 ‘To be precise, it’s not restriction, but silence and dullness.’ He could feel that any power in this place was extremely heavy.

 His body is only nine years old and needs time to grow unless he is willing to abandon this identity completely.

In the living room, which is so simple that there are only a few tapestries and coats of arms, the fire is blazing and making a crackling sound.

It is like an extremely viscous quagmire. It is impossible to swim as lightly as in the ocean.

 The scent of milk tea floats in the air.

 Seeing Melissa walking past with Li Chengyi, they all tilted their upper bodies slightly as a salute.

 This is the limit of the world.

Li Chengyi remembered that they were not soldiers from the Black Fort. Looking at the family crest on the armor, it was a bear holding down a python and biting it.

A white-haired old man with a slight cough was standing by the sofa with his back straight, listening to the questions of a burly black-haired old man.

Standing is the supervisor, Mr. Old Buck, who is also the chief steward of Black Castle.

Sitting and asking, a strong old man with wrinkles on his face, wearing aristocratic clothes as mottled and gorgeous as a python pattern, with a majestic expression and a neatly trimmed beard with only a little bit of chin left.

 He is Melissa's father and Carlos's maternal grandfather, Remington Sal.

Noticing someone coming in, the two of them turned to look over. Remington's eyes were immediately attracted to the black-haired boy next to his daughter.

The boy wore a simple brown coat, a buttoned white coat inside, and slim white trousers.

 The collar is also tied with a simple black and purple bow tie.

 The key is those eyes.

 Should a nine-year-old boy have eyes like that?

Remington didn’t know. He only knew that this child named Carlos seemed to be very precocious.

Such a thought flashed through his eyes, and then he ignored it and focused on his daughter Melissa.

“My dear daughter, you look much more haggard than the last time we met. I’m sorry about Op. I advised him not to be arrogant or to continue gambling, but...”

 Op is Melissa’s husband, the previous Baron of Okla, and Carlos’s father.

“Father, it’s not your fault. I have tried to persuade him for a long time.” Melissa said as tears started to flow down again.

Her eyes are swollen, apparently from crying too much these days.

The two comforted each other for a few words, and then Remington's eyes turned to Li Chengyi.

"Baron, you look very strong, which is good. As a man at this time, you must bear everything you should bear. There is no age at this time, and the enemy will not be merciful because of your youth."

“I understand. Thank you very much, grandpa, for rushing here to help me and my mother.” Li Chengyi performed an aristocratic salute according to the etiquette teacher’s instructions in his memory.

"Your uncle has gone out for a walk. I can't stay here for a long time, but he can. Before you can take on the overall situation, he will stay and help you take care of all the industrial territories. I will also leave twenty fully armed bears. Food Army, they are under the command of your uncle Lei Kai and can protect the safety of Black Castle. I heard that several towns in the territory have not paid their food taxes. It is just right that we will solve it together this time. From now on, you can focus on your studies and training, and these trivial matters will be taken care of. Let Lei Kai handle it completely," Remington said word by word in a clear and rhythmic tone.

His tone left no room for argument or doubt, and it was obvious that he had already thought about it.

Melissa also stood aside without saying a word.

 But to Li Chengyi’s ears, this was actually just empty talk.

This grandfather came all the way here, and his purpose was obviously not that simple. According to the aristocratic law of the Sola Empire, once he, the orthodox male heir, dies, then the territory follows the law that can only be inherited by men, and it will inevitably be inherited and merged by Melissa's family.

 Because there are no other males in Carlos’s father’s family.

 But Li Chengyi didn't care about this at all. He simply responded and nodded, no matter what the other party said.

There are three towns in the territory, a large forest, and few fields. The main industries are planting cold area crops and breeding snowshoe hares and snow deer.

As soon as Remington arrived, he assigned two of the towns to Lei Kai with full responsibility, while Melissa and Old Buck were only responsible for one town.

Such a distraction made Old Buck want to speak several times, but Melissa stopped him every time.

 The conversation was about to end, and Remington looked at Li Chengyi.

 “Carlos, I heard that you like to read books?”

 “Yes, grandpa.” Li Chengyi nodded.

"Father, couldn't you recommend a spot to the White Tower? How about letting Carlos try?" Melissa said.

 “White Tower?” Remington pondered for a moment.

The purpose of his trip was actually to come to the Okla family's inherited territory, and the White Tower was the domain of mages. His grandson Carlos's qualifications had been tested a long time ago. He was not a mage's material. In the past, I happened to be able to avoid warrior training.

  It would not be too easy for a young man who has little military strength and no force of his own to have any accidents happen in the future.

Just thinking of this, Remington glanced at Li Chengyi's face. The face looked so much like his daughter's that he couldn't help but feel soft.

By sending him to the White Tower like this, even if Carlos doesn't die, he will be completely destroyed.

 Scholars are weak and can only rely on them, which is meaningless in today's era.

‘Perhaps, letting him practice martial arts so that he can have skills to protect himself in the future can be considered a destination’

The empire also has laws that allow the successor to transfer territory and titles to blood relatives as long as he is willing to give up.

 But then he thought about it, and Remington thought about his son who could not inherit the territory now. The Okla family's territory was just right for him.

 His heart hardened again.

"The quota has been promised to other people and has been taken up long ago. In Carlos's case, he still needs to practice martial arts and train his fighting power. Who will take care of him if he is sent to the White Tower at this time? What if you go to the territory?"

 “Okay then” Melissa was convinced.

"Then it's settled. I will arrange for Milton to be Carlos' teacher and train him in knight combat methods. I will also teach him strategic marching." Remington said calmly. He became cruel in his heart.

 “Thank you, father.” Melissa said gratefully.

 Li Chengyi followed and saluted.

He didn't ask. From the other party's eyes, he could no longer see warmth, but only calculations.

 The plan for the following days has been determined.

As his uncle, Lei Kai left twenty people with the Bear Food Army to guard the safety of the Black Castle. At the same time, the knight Milton stayed behind to serve as Baron Carlos, Li Chengyi's knight training instructor.

 Because Carlos fell ill, the training time will start in a week, with a seven-day rest buffer.

During these seven days, Li Chengyi repeatedly tried various cultivation methods, martial arts, meditation, and simple exercises of the earth and moon.

  But found that it was useless.

Only the simplest and most basic biological principles are useful here, and all the other methods that can create strong strength are ineffective.

 Soon, seven days later.

Earl Remington left Black Castle, leaving Lekai and Milton, as well as twenty Bear Eaters, to occupy the defense of Black Castle.

 Milton officially began to train Li Chengyi.

 The spacious ice and snow school field.

Weapon racks were hung with strings of ice picks in a specially cleared space.

  Milton and Li Chengyi stood face to face.

This knight, who is over forty years old, is not very tall, but his muscles are very smooth, giving him an elegant temperament.

 Short curly brown hair and somewhat melancholy blue eyes give him a hint of the gentleness of a bard.

At this time, Milton was holding a wide wooden sword and looking at Li Chengyi opposite.

“Knights are essentially warriors. We don’t have all kinds of special spellcasting abilities like mages. What we can rely on mainly is strength, speed, and reaction. Do you understand?”

 Li Chengyi nodded.

"Yes, then Milton Knight, is there any difference between a knight and a warrior?"

“There is basically no difference, mainly in terms of equipment and maintenance. The equipment and body maintenance of knights are much better than that of warriors. For financial reasons, almost no warrior does not want to be a knight.”

Milton sighed.

“Same strength, same speed, and similar skills, it is equipment and tactical thinking that determine the outcome.”

 “Is there no fighting spirit or anything?” Li Chengyi asked.

"Fighting? What is that?" Milton was stunned for a moment.

 “What about the seeds of life?” Li Chengyi asked again.

"Well, you have read too many novels and stories. The only thing we are good at is how to train strength, speed, reaction and tactics. The rest is at most a bit of a distinction between fighting schools. We don't have the ability to be passed down by blood like the mages." Milton He said helplessly.

This Baron Carlos looks precocious, and turns out to be a fantasist.

 (End of this chapter)