MTL - Hidden Corner-Chapter 581 start one

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 Chapter 581 581 Startup 1

 Fortunately, he has not forgotten the fundamental purpose of coming here.

  Sensing the aura of Hua Yuzhu again, Li Chengyi flashed black light, disappeared on the spot, and flew in the other direction.

Just the moment he swallowed the star spirit, he faintly felt that the fluctuations in the space seemed to have a familiar atmosphere.

 The originally uniform aura of Hua Yuzhu also showed a significant concentration difference at this time.

'over there! ’ Li Chengyi flashed and jumped continuously, rushing straight towards the direction of the Skittles.

 He ​​realized that the reason why Skittles chose such a technological blind spot was to maximize its ability and expertise in flower language.

 Only in such a world can she hide herself better. And when she needs to show her strength, she can also maximize her strength.

 When he had just fought against the Star Spirit, Skittles must have secretly observed this place and discovered him.

While flying rapidly through space, sure enough, soon, a clear breath of flower beads emerged from the distance.

Li Chengyi breathed a long sigh of relief and activated the counterattack in his heart.


His figure flashed and disappeared suddenly.

Jingyuanxing·Linjiang City.

 In an intensive care unit of the First Central Hospital.

 On the white hospital bed, a skinny young girl with a delicate face lay quietly on her back.

 The girl’s hair has been shaved off, her eyes are dull, and the skin on her arms is covered with tiny dark spots, which are the long-lost Skittles.

  The beeping sound of testing instruments kept ringing beside the bed.

 She has heard this kind of sound for many years. She thought she was used to it and would not suffer anymore.

 But at this moment, the emotions in her heart were like lava, boiling and burning.

The beeping sound of the instrument was like a small hammer, hitting her heart repeatedly.


 In an instant, black light flashed.

 All the instruments in the ward failed at the same time.

 An invisible energy completely enveloped the entire room in an instant.

  The noise of traffic outside the window disappeared, and the light in the sky turned into a faint gray.

 The bright lights flickered on and off, then went out completely with a snap.

At the same time, a figure that she was extremely familiar with and expected appeared out of thin air at the edge of the hospital bed, looking down at her quietly.

“Finally found you, Tangtang.” Li Chengyi looked at the **** the hospital bed, with a relaxed smile finally showing on his face.




 More than ten minutes later.

In the ward, Rainbow Sugar sat up slowly. His skinny body had become plump again, and the lesions on his hands had completely disappeared.

 The body, which had been declining for many years, regained its vitality under the influence of the radiant force field.

 She sat back on the bed and looked at Li Chengyi who was sitting by the bed peeling apples.

"Since you disappeared, the corners we encountered have become more and more difficult. Paine helped us. At that time, he had some small thoughts of his own and always wanted to take revenge on you. As a result, he tried his best to survive in the difficult times. Only a few people were rescued."

 She paused.

“After experiencing a lot of things later, he looked away and tried his best with us, but unfortunately, the balance was finally broken by Pewter.”

 “The white wax has disappeared. It will not appear again.” Li Chengyi said.

“.” Rainbow Sugar smiled. "Later, in order to divert the pursuers and avoid the entanglement in the dead end, I had no choice but to start looking for a dead end world that suited me. Then I found this place."

"It was my negligence. I was trapped in a blind corner. I couldn't escape. When I came back with all my strength, I found that many years had passed." Li Chengyi said in a deep voice.

“The changes in life are not about me, but about fate.” Skittles is much more mature and quiet than before, and now she looks vaguely like a big bear.

“Do you think I look a bit like a bear?” Suddenly she winked mischievously.

 “A bit.” Li Chengyi also smiled.

"When I encountered a dangerous and desperate situation, I thought about what she would do if she faced such a dilemma. Unexpectedly, it really worked. I have relied on this trick to survive several desperate situations." Rainbow Candy is open-minded. ’s smile.

 “Thank you for your hard work.” Li Chengyi still remembered the promise he made to them.

 At any rate, during the time he was missing, he was the one who broke his promise.

 “Are you still willing to come back?” he asked in a low voice.

"Why not?" Rainbow Sugar said with a smile, "Don't feel sorry for us. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be alive now. It's just that when I first got here, my injuries were too serious and I didn't have the conditions to treat them. I also overused the flower language. I suffered a lot of sequelae, and after hiding for a while, the symptoms started to relapse. If you don’t come again, I may not be able to wait for the follow-up. But now.”

She stretched out her hand, spread her white and tender palm, and placed it in front of Li Chengyi.

 “Am I welcome?”

Li Chengyi looked at her hand with mixed emotions in his heart, but he still put his hand on it.


 He held the other person hard.

 “This time, I will never let you down again.”

 “I believe it.”

Skittle Candy smiled.




 Two days later.


"According to the testing and screening, there are a total of 342 kinds of materials that meet your needs, boss. Among them, 51 elemental substances. After you absorb them, your body's strength will be significantly improved. Therefore, if you concentrate on collecting these elemental substances, you can greatly improve your health." The amplitude increases the speed of your cultivation." Skittles' voice sounded from the brainwave transmitter.

 The technology in this blind spot is more advanced than that of the earth and the moon, and communication no longer uses sound waves.

Li Chengyi leaned over and flew at high speed in space, and soon he came to a chaotic asteroid belt.

“In other words, some of the designated mineral veins can also have a strengthening and accelerating effect on me after being absorbed?” Li Chengyi asked in his mind.

 Such joint operations under constant communication links made him couldn't help but recall the memories of the Earth and Moon days.

“Yes, according to my calculations, your best burning material should be according to the color depth I marked. The nutritional combination of the elements can also greatly enhance the strengthening effect~” Rainbow Candy said with a smile.

 “I understand.” Li Chengyi replied.

"In addition, I have successfully synthesized the catalyst here. After calculation, after you complete the absorption, add the catalyst I synthesized within half an hour, which is equivalent to the entire energy of burning 134 ordinary star spirits at one time." Skittles said .

“The key point is that this process is not dangerous and is extremely hidden.” Li Chengyi smiled.

Using the flower language of Rainbow Candy’s polymerized heart and superimposing powerful computing power, he quickly worked out the best way to strengthen it.

 “Then, let’s get started.” Skittles said. "The surrounding scanning fluctuations have been blocked."

 “Thank you very much.”

Li Chengyi dodged and appeared in the asteroid belt, and his whole body began to release traction force unscrupulously.

 A large amount of surrounding meteorite dust is absorbed into it.

 Time passes day by day.

 In the blink of an eye, half a month later.

The surface of each meteorite in this asteroid belt shows signs of damage from being half-eaten.

 A large number of micro-ore veins hidden in it were uprooted, completely devoured and burned.

Tens of millions of tons of metal ore were completely turned into fuel for the sword furnace in Yuanshen Sword Palace by Li Chengyi.

The originally golden fire is now turning towards a light translucency.

The sword furnace itself also has thin metallic silver lines in its shape. Like decorative patterns.

 In the entire Yuanshen Sword Palace, there are some patterns of swallowed meteorites on the walls.

In just a few days, Li Chengyi felt that his body strength had increased at least several times.

After stepping into the real fire, he also practiced the top power skills like Tianju Pavilion. Coupled with the speed of Rainbow Candy's flower language, his energy utilization rate for material burning is far more powerful than other classmates.

Just a few days of hard work is equivalent to more than a year of hard work by the rest of the Tianju Pavilion.

If this continues, it won't be long before he can easily pass through the two hundred years of practice of others and directly enter the next realm.

 But fortunately, he still remembered that the purpose of coming here was to save people, not to stay here forever.

 Soon after the devouring was over, Li Chengyi quietly took the Skittles with him and prepared to teleport away from the blind spot.

But before that, the two still need to face the dead end entanglement that Skittles has avoided for many years.

Having been entangled in a blind spot for so long, once you leave this place, the danger of the blind spot that appears is absolutely terrifying.

After discussing with Rainbow Candy, Li Chengyi decided to let her stay in this world for the time being and wait to find a solution later.

 And he continued to leave, looking for other members.

  half a month later.

 In a sky city surrounded by clouds.

In the blue sky, Li Chengyi used a sword with one hand and slashed a golden sword light from top to bottom.

The huge sword light flew instantly, splitting the entire sky city into two.

Like a cut metal block, the two parts of the city slowly tilted, gradually rumbling and cracking to the left and right.

  A silver-armored humanoid with the same appearance and body as Skittles, but with much larger breasts, floated out of the city in a coma.

 Her body was wrapped with a large number of metal tentacles, and she was obviously unconscious for a long time.

As it floated out, stimulated by the outside air and light, the silver-armored figure slowly moved its eyelashes, and then opened its eyes.


“You’re not going to sleep until now, are you?” Li Chengyi looked at the gantry crane helplessly.

 “Um” Longmen Zao’s expression changed, and various complex emotions flashed in his eyes. "Boss, you will never imagine what I have gone through."

“Yes, I don’t want to know.” Li Chengyi looked at the remaining metal tentacles on his body and was speechless.

“Okay, you stay here for now, I’ll pick up the next one.”

Nowadays, with Mo Sha’s divine technology, he can establish teleportation circles in different dead ends. He can completely open these dead ends and connect them into one.

There is really no need to force everyone back to the Earth and Moon. The current Earth and Moon actually have nothing left and no trace of the past.

“Boss, is Sister Tang still there?” Longmen Diao asked urgently.

"She won't die even if you die. Don't worry." Li Chengyi shook his head, waved his hand and gave him a consciousness seed, mixed with a sword of wisdom to protect himself, and left in a long distance.

 Next, it’s time to pick up Little Brown and Big Bear.

With the analysis of Skittles, transfer the AI ​​host to it, restart Rose and Rose, and mobilize the database.

 Soon, Xiao Brown’s hiding spot was found.

 (End of this chapter)