MTL - Hidden Corner-Chapter 575 direction three

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 Chapter 575 575 Direction Three

 Quling Mansion.

On the top floor of Tianju Pavilion, there is a somewhat dark luxurious teahouse.

Zhenren Yin Yue sat down cross-legged, opposite Tiancan and Li Chengyi.

A little noise could be heard faintly outside the window, and a faint scent of cooking oil entered the hall, making Yin Yue sniff her nose unconsciously.

“It smells so good. I wonder which restaurant is making fried chili eggs, Ade.” He knocked on the table.

"Here." A Taoist priest in black suddenly appeared beside him, bowed and whispered.

“Go and ask someone for a taste.” Yin Yue blinked and said.

"Yes." Ade seemed to be used to this kind of behavior, so it was no surprise.

Li Chengyi glanced at Tiancan, seeming to be used to this, he still looked calm and sat still.

“After so many years of not seeing each other, the teacher’s temperament has changed a lot.” He sighed.

"Thousands of years, what do you think? As the saying goes, one day in the sky and one year in the earth, thousands of years have passed here. The Shaoyin Kingdom has become a thing of the past. Now it is the Daliang Empire that rules everything. The previous disputes between the countries have long been Disappeared for a long time." Tiancan said softly.

 “Where are the others?” Li Chengyi asked.

 Last time I came back, Tyumen was gone, this time.

"Yunshan disappeared suddenly when he entered a blind spot. The reason is unknown. We can only find the remaining parts of his limbs." Compared with the arrogance before, Tiancan has become much calmer.

 Just like the yin moon, it seems like a different person.

“We crossed the river to break through and went to a higher place. Now I and a few newcomers are the only ones left here.” Tiancan picked up the tea and took a sip lightly.

"However, it looks like you are going to be like them. This place is too small to keep you."

"If you could be more ambitious, you would have been able to go to a higher level long ago. Do you need to be envious and jealous here?" Yinyue said speechlessly.

 His temperament is much more free and easy than before.

 His eyes shifted and fell on Li Chengyi.

“Time flows very fast here. Once you go out, it will take you a thousand years to come back. It’s not just you, but everyone else too. Don’t worry about it.”

 He paused.

"I have looked away from it a few years ago. Some things must be there sometimes in life, but don't force them if they are not in life. They are yours, and you can't get rid of them no matter what."

 He seemed to have something on his mind.

“Teacher, I hope to continue to follow you when I come back this time and continue to practice.” Li Chengyi bowed seriously.

"What's the use of following me? I'm just an ordinary Taoist in the cabinet, and I'm just a Taoist guarding the department." Yinyue shook her head, "I'm very happy that you're back this time, but even though I'm happy, I can't delay your future."

He stretched out his hand a little and touched the table with his fingers. Suddenly, under his fingertips, there was a black gold-rimmed letter.

"This is the qualification letter I got. Your cultivation has reached the realm of true fire, and you can truly enter a higher position, instead of just wasting your time here like me, an old man who doesn't seek to make progress." Yin Yue smiled. road.

"Teacher, although you haven't taught me much, I have always regarded you as mine." Before Li Chengyi could finish his words, he was interrupted by Yin Yue raising his hand.

"Don't talk about these things. I didn't teach you much at all. It's all up to you to explore and improve on your own. I still know this. But you must seize this opportunity. If you accept this With the qualification letter, you can step into the real department of my Tianju Pavilion." Yin Yue sighed. There was a flash of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Here are some tips for you. Our Tianju Pavilion is divided into several large blocks. From bottom to top, they are the Guard Department, the True Department, the Holy Department, the Multi-dimensional Tower, and the Headquarters. It can be said that each department, They are all transcending boundaries. Once you enter, there will be a huge gap between you and the lower part.”

“Aren’t they all practicing Yin Canon? Why is there such a huge gap?” Li Chengyi asked doubtfully.

"It is true that they all practice the Yin Canon, but you should know the forbidden knowledge, right?" Master Yinyue replied, "There are also a fixed number of forbidden knowledge systems in the Yin Canon. Only if you reach a certain position can you be qualified to inherit the major systems. Integrated into the Yin Code. This is my unique inheritance in Tianju Pavilion, the only one in the world."

Li Chengyi was shocked.

 Forbidden knowledge is unique and may be circumvented by the state of omniscience, but for ordinary people, it is knowledge that can only be understood by oneself and cannot be taught to anyone else.

 It is obvious that there is a systematic taboo knowledge in Tianju Pavilion. Either it is created by oneself or...

  After all, as long as you kill the master, you can **** and inherit the forbidden knowledge from him.

"Forbidden knowledge is related to the achievement of a higher level. The number of this path is fixed and limited. If others go first, you will be gone. If you go first, others will also lose their opportunities. Only when you fail can you be empty. Get out of position." Yin Yue said with emotion.

“So, do we need to fight?” Li Chengyi asked.

 “Not bad.” Yinyue nodded. "After the fight, destroy all other masters who threaten you. Even if a few fragments are mastered by others, they must be recovered. Only in this way can you obtain the complete system of knowledge."

He paused and said, "I was studying in the True Fire Department, but I couldn't compete with him. However, unlike you, you are so young and have the strength to enter the realm of True Fire. You have a greater chance than me."

“Perhaps we can produce a saint from the same lineage.” Tiancan beside him said with a smile.

“Saint?” This was the first time Li Chengyi heard this name. He had heard it in stories in his previous life.

"Difficult, this must be the first time you have heard this title, right?" Yin Yue smiled and waved his hand, "A saint can cross the divine fire, step into a new level, integrate everything in himself into one point, restrain all self, and break away from cause and effect. , life and death are not determined by the limit of longevity, and it will be immortal for all eternity.

 “Sounds very strong.” Li Chengyi compared his memory with the saint in his previous life, and felt that the two seemed to be similar.

"It is very strong. When you reach the realm of saints, ordinary small worlds can be destroyed with a wave of your hand. Any mention of their names will attract their attention. Under the holy throne, all attacks and damage will be ineffective. Only those who can shake the roots of heaven and earth An attack can cause damage to it," Yin Yue sighed.

“The most important thing is that to achieve sainthood, you need to practice a whole line of taboo knowledge and practice, so this is your chance.” He continued to look at Li Chengyi with expectant eyes.

“So, what do I have to pay to obtain this qualification?” Li Chengyi naturally did not think that this qualification letter was given to him for nothing. "This is also the strange thing about being a teacher." Yin Yue shook her head and looked at Li Chengyi with a strange look.

“You don’t need to pay anything to get it. Logically speaking, this qualification letter requires a lot of merit accumulation before you can apply for it. Fortunately for you, you can get it without doing anything.”

“I asked the senior sister I had contacted before, and when I got the reply, someone has already paid for you.” Yin Yue pinched her beard, as if she wanted to find out the reason from Li Chengyi’s face.

Li Chengyi also looked puzzled.

But since there are benefits, let’s take it first. If a sect of Tianju Pavilion’s level can get into trouble, it won’t be something he can just deal with.

The two masters and apprentices chatted for a while. Finally, Tiancan interrupted and mentioned Chen Jiahan.

"The person you are looking for is very interesting. I have found the specific location. If you want to know more, it is best to go and see for yourself." Tiancan smiled.

Li Chengyi was thoughtful. Judging from his expression, it was obvious that Chen Jiahan was not miserable here.

 In the evening, he stood up to say goodbye, but did not return to his residence. Instead, he sensed the direction of the Huayu Pearl, and immediately there was a trace.

 A few seconds later.

 In a rocky and barren mountain somewhere in Midran.

 A black light flashed and quickly stabilized.

 The black light dissipated, and Li Chengyi, who had silver hair and a strong build, slowly stepped out of the halo and looked around.

The sky is gray, the earth is gray, and all around are dry old trees with claws and claws, without any leaves.

Stones of different sizes were scattered everywhere on the ground, and there was a slight sound of running water between the cracks in the stones.

 “Chen Jiahan, come and see me quickly.” Li Chengyi’s consciousness spread rapidly in his heart and the message was transmitted out.

 The breeze blew, and traces of smoke and red smoke slowly rose from the cracks in the ground.


 A blood-red figure instantly appeared next to Li Chengyi.

The figure wears a silver-white mask, only his eyes are exposed, his hair is raised wildly back, he is wearing blood-red close-fitting leather armor, and there are golden rings on both arms and wrists, and it is unknown what they are for.

 “Sir?” A hoarse voice came from the figure.

 He gently took off his mask, revealing an old and cold face of a man.

 It is the Chen Jiahan who has aged a lot!

 His originally beautiful face is now old. For thousands of years, he has lived in this world for so long that he has almost forgotten part of the memory of the earth and moon.

 “You’re still alive.” Li Chengyi felt Yuan Yin’s breath.

  Turning around, he stared at the subordinate he had forgotten at the beginning.

The aura engraved on its body is strong, and it’s not just one, but two!

"That's right. It would be nice if you could still recognize me." Li Chengyi said in a deep voice.

"My subordinates will never forget you, sir. It's just a pity that the pursuit of martial arts here has reached its extreme. As for the martial arts I practice, two seals are the limit." Chen Jiahan said complexly. He had already transformed from Zhenqi to He has become a bloodline warrior and has reached the limit of this world.

With his qualifications, if you go up further, you will have to go to the Midran Tentacles, or you will need a lot of resources to break through.

“Do one thing for me, and I will take you to your limits.” Li Chengyi said.

 “This subordinate will definitely be a mess for you!” Chen Jiahan practiced hard here for many years before he understood the limitations of this place and the difficulty of improving his strength.

 Hearing this, a huge surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes.

  Two years later.

 A piece of wasteland near Quling Mansion was contracted, and under the protection of the evil spirit Li Chengyi, Chen Jiahan officially began to build the new Eternal Botanical Garden.

 The botanical garden in the city was moved to the outside wasteland, and a large number of three-ball plane trees were also transplanted.

 At this level, if Li Chengyi wanted to absorb the flower energy, it was just a matter of one sentence.

 The flower energy required to build the first building, the Tower of Wisdom, can easily be replenished when the flowers bloom in the second year.

 The next thing is just evil thoughts.

 He used the long-distance shadow flash to return to Mosha.

 The large number of consciousness seeds over there are the coordinates of his lighthouse in the Black Sea.

Evil thoughts are also quickly completed successfully.

 The last step is to select the summoning location.

At this time, Yin Yue notified him that the real person who came to pick him up had arrived and asked him to go to the dusk courtyard in one of the tentacles of Midran.

The tentacle is called Jie Xu, and it was here that he was forced to flee last time.

 (End of this chapter)