MTL - Hidden Corner-Chapter 565 Trap One

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Chapter 565 565 Trap 1

 The afternoon of the next day.

Xining, Armenian Empire.

 The specific banquet location is not within the city, but 10,000 meters above Xining.

High in the sky with the howling cold wind, black chains stretched out from the void and converged at one point, where a huge silver-black ball hung.

 The surface of the sphere is constantly flowing with a large number of patterns of various gods.

 This is the temporary banquet palace of the Alliance of Gods. Just to prepare for this banquet.

 It is said to be a banquet, but in fact it was a drinking party at the beginning, with mostly dance parties. According to the venue instructions, all attendees will leisurely enjoy the top music and dance performances invited to perform in the hall.

 The seats belonging to the major camp forces are arranged into areas. Separate and isolated.

 But the specific situation will only be known after arriving at the scene.

Around the ball, there are black passages of different sizes leading to the inside. Some white-light elves with high backs and two wings serve as the greeters of this banquet.

Elves are not living bodies, but the incarnations of certain gods.

 Being able to welcome guests with his body shows the high standard this time.

A ray of light flashed, and men and women in gorgeous clothes appeared at the entrance of the passage one after another, and were guided in by the elves.

 The fifth channel entrance of the sphere.

With a flash of black light, a muscular man with long silver-white hair appeared at the entrance of the passage.

Li Chengyi was wearing a black slim-fitting suit. He was completely black, except for his eyes, which were light black and gold.

Following behind him was his servant Bambuduna. Since it was a peace talks banquet, he casually brought along a female companion.

 But only Buduna is close to her and easy to control.

 Just bring her as the atmosphere team.

 For Li Chengyi, in this kind of occasion, Buduna mainly plays the role of decorative pendant.

“The garden leader Yi is here!” The elf’s voice was transmitted to the innermost layer through sound transmission.

Suddenly, curious, probing, and fearful eyes and consciousnesses gathered here one after another.

 Falled on two people.

Li Chengyi looked back one by one.

Other ordinary looks didn't matter, but the two looks from behind and from the passage in front made him somewhat concerned.

 Three tall human figures composed of blue flames floated behind.

The one at the front has a faintly visible crown on his head, and on his flaming skin is a gorgeous and weird X-shaped dark dress.

Those are the three gods of the Elemental God System, all incarnations. The one at the front is Neser, the Lord of Ashes, the Lord of Elements.

As a weaker pantheon, the Lord of Ashes is also a powerful god, but it is slightly stronger than the God of War and the God of Fire in the pure white pantheon.

Li Chengyi retracted his gaze and looked into the passage ahead.

A man with the appearance of a demonic aristocrat who was born with three pairs of ferocious black horns was slowing down and looking back at him.

 Except for the devil's horns at the beginning, the man is no different from an ordinary strong man, but the nameplate on his suit clearly shows his identity.


 The eyes of the man and Li Chengyi separated immediately. He smiled politely and left with his subordinates.

“That person is Lord Mukadio, the Grand Duke of the Ninth Level of Hell, and he is also one of the distinguished guests witnessing the peace talks.” The guide elf introduced him respectfully.

“Well, it seems that there are a lot of heavyweights coming to the peace talks.”

Li Chengyi raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, in addition to the two camps involved in the peace talks, there are also representatives from Hell, Abyss, Purgatory, Edge Land, Nightmare Land, etc. In addition, even the Elf God System has initially awakened and sent His Highness to participate." Guided. The elf whispered.

 “It’s very lively.” Li Chengyi nodded and walked along the passage.

 The top of the black channel is inlaid with gold strip crystals, which emits golden light as lighting.

 It looks like a huge sphere with a diameter of only a hundred meters. When you actually walk in, you find that it is much more than a hundred meters inside.

 After advancing a thousand meters inward, Li Chengyi and the two finally entered an open dark gold door.

 Inside the door is a dark green halo vortex. It's obviously a portal.

Li Chengyi paused, and then stepped into the vortex nonchalantly.

 After a swirling flash of light all around, it suddenly turned into a large black mist floating in the void.

At the foot is a huge semicircular jade-white square.

 There are already many exquisite and gorgeous seats made of crystal placed in the square.

 A large number of seats are arranged in a large circle like a performance venue. In the center of the empty space are two groups of black crystal chairs and white crystal chairs placed opposite each other. The two colors are distinct.

 Apparently there were spectators and witness seats all around, and the two groups in the middle were the protagonists of this peace talk.

 Pure white pantheon and alliance of gods.

Li Chengyi and Buduna, who looked nervous, walked from the periphery toward the seat he had arranged under the guidance of the elf.

His eyes swept over the large seats in the center.

The pure white gods are the most conspicuous. Sitting on each seat are incarnations of gods with different postures and shining white light. In addition, they are also divided into two parts. One is the majority of the followers headed by the God of Fire and the God of War. God incarnate. The other piece was headed by two men with very strange temperaments. The skin of these people had a faint waxy shimmer, which was a bit strange.

  Seemingly noticing Li Chengyi's gaze, one of the two men, with a shimmering silver hair, smiled towards him.

 Li Chengyi smiled back. He pinned the nameplate sent by the elf to his chest. It was clearly marked: Garden.

On the way to his seat, he looked towards the Alliance of Gods again.

The Divine Alliance itself has already filled less than half of the seats. The leader is a handsome man with countless pure white wings vaguely visible behind him.

 Looking at its appearance, it looks similar to the King of Death Angels, but its aura is far less powerful than that of the King of Death Angels.

“That is the Speaker of the Sunlight Parliament, Sky God Weiman.” The guide elf whispered.

 Speaker of the Sunlight Parliament? Li Chengyi couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

The Sunlight Council includes the Alliance of Gods, the Elemental Gods, the God of War Gods, as well as a large number of large and small chaotic forces on the earth, and the Hunters Association is also affiliated with them.

As the Speaker, Weiman can confront the Pure White God system head-on. It is obvious that he is a powerful **** on the same level as the White God.

In addition, there were more than a dozen men and women sitting down behind Weiman, all of whom were emitting soft fluorescent light. That natural light was not actually a simple light, but the thread of faith that countless believers connected to them at all times.

 Apparently, these people are dealing with the beliefs of believers at this time. The thinking speed of the gods is almost that of a supercomputer, which can process a large amount of information in parallel in an instant.

Li Chengyi withdrew his gaze and quickly sat in the first row of the audience seats.

 “Are you the leader of the garden!?” To the left of his position, more than ten meters away, several people were already sitting in a row of seats.

One of the people who made the noise has sharp ears and a soft and fresh appearance. He is wearing a green grass dress made of natural materials produced in nature. There are hollows everywhere and it looks extremely cool.

Especially the beautiful face that is indistinguishable from male and female, and the fair and delicate skin, making it impossible for people to distinguish their gender.

“It’s me, your Excellency?” Li Chengyi replied with a smile.

  "Elantis! I am the **** of the natural harmony of the mother tree's trunk! The main **** of the elven pantheon!"

The other party stared at Li Chengyi, his emerald green eyes almost bursting with flames.

"Your Excellency took advantage of our sleep to secretly attack His Highness Kandolu and several other gods! Sooner or later, we will have a battle."

"Kandulu sacrifices human body parts to nature, and establishes the religious concept that hunting humans is to eliminate malignant tumors for nature. This is the way to die. If His Highness Ilantis feels that elves should prey on humans, he will kill them after If it returns to nature and all things, then I have nothing to say.”

 Li Chengyi replied casually.

 His selection of targets was not random, he was looking for real villains.

If he is not an evil party, where can he find such abundant evil thoughts to absorb?

Many good people have very abnormal concepts, and their resistance is far less spirited than the evil party members.

 So when he takes action, he always investigates clearly before making a thunderous strike.

"You are sophistry! Although Kandolu and the others made mistakes, it is not your turn to teach them a lesson!" Ilantis said angrily.

She didn’t dare to answer what she just said. Most of the gods here are based on human belief. Today is no longer the ancient times, and elves are no longer the mainstream of belief.

Li Chengyi ignored him. This was a matter of camp and position.

 At this time, the protagonists of the Peace Talk Divine Banquet are basically all present.

The pure white pantheon, members of the major pantheon of the Sunlight Council, the elf pantheon, hell, abyss, and purgatory all sent representatives to witness this historic moment.

 Once the peace talks are truly completed, the entire Mosha situation will completely change.

 The majestic consciousness of the gods swept through this void banquet venue.

 The gods did not talk face to face, but secretly they had a lot of conscious contact and communication.

 There were no whispers, and most of the consciousness was gathered on the side of Bai Wa and Li Chengyi.

 Except for the peace talks themselves, White Wax and Garden are basically the most eye-catching emerging forces recently.

Soon, Weiman stood up and spoke on behalf of the Sunlight Parliament, stating his own conditions.

 The other side accepts everything.

Then there is the pure white **** system. The incarnation of the white **** is a handsome and cold young man with snow-white hair. He also stood up and promoted the conditions given by him.

The Nikko side also agrees.

 The two sides had obviously negotiated in the audience a long time ago, and then they took out the contract of the gods and signed the name of the **** on behalf of their respective forces.

 The moment the signing was completed, subtle soft music sounded from the surroundings.

In the dark void above his head, there were countless golden light points flying down like snowflakes.

At this time, Speaker Weiman stood up and was about to leave the table, but a spiritual thought seemed to say something to him. He stopped for a moment, turned back and looked in the direction of the Pure White God System, and his eyes calmed down.

A strange aura was flowing in the empty square, and Buduna next to Li Chengyi could feel that something was wrong.

 “What’s going on!?” She couldn’t help asking in a low voice.

Li Chengyi squinted at the scene in front of him.

 “Nothing, it’s just that the contract is still there.”

"The contract is a witness to the world. After the gods sign it, it should automatically burn and disappear," Buduna reacted.

 But now, the contract is still there, which means that the peace talks failed! ?

Li Chengyi was silent and said nothing.

It is almost inevitable that problems will arise in this peace negotiation. Because of its own teachings and certain mysterious purposes, the Pure White God System must purify and destroy everything on the surface and restart the world.

 Such a fundamental issue of principle cannot be agreed to simply by negotiating some conditions.



Suddenly, a slight vibration came from far above the sky.

 (End of this chapter)