MTL - Hidden Corner-Chapter 564 OK four

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 Chapter 564 564 Determination of four

The virtual fire realm of real fire, according to the records of the Yin Code, if you want to continue to be strong, you must invest new Yuan Seal power to let the virtual fire burn.

 Void Fire can burn anything, but burning Yuan Seal or imprinting power is the fastest way to improve.

At this stage, what he has to do is to continuously collect all kinds of forbidden knowledge, sublimate all aspects of himself, condense different Yuan Seals, and then throw them into the virtual fire for them to burn.

 The virtual fire will become stronger and stronger with this process, and the burned condensation will adhere to the inside of the sword furnace, making it thicker and stronger.

With the process of sublimation, the practitioner will also gain a lot of improvement to prepare for the sprint to the realm of omniscience after the divine fire.

After thoughts flashed through Li Chengyi's mind, a small sword of wisdom separated from the Yuan Shen Sword Palace in his consciousness, flew out from the center of his eyebrows, and disappeared towards the window.

 This is a summons.

After entering the realm of real fire and virtual fire, the sword of wisdom is no longer limited to existing around oneself. As long as there is a conscious place to leave a seed, the sword of wisdom can be sent there to pass on information.

Since the White Wax is also in this world, the problem now is to find where they are first.

The current expansion of the garden is sufficient. Li Chengyi's purpose is to absorb a large number of evil parties to serve as his temporary supplementary evil idea bag.

 This purpose has now been achieved. The next step is to look for the white wax and test its strength.

 Leaving the fortress, Li Chengyi directly shadow jumped back to the office.

Guarding the entrance and exit nodes of the Shadow Dragon Prison has become his habitual behavior now.

Even if Pan and others leave in the future, this place will still be an excellent, extremely closed and hidden hiding spot in the original royal city.

 He has decided to use it as the base point for summoning buildings and tried to summon it here first.

What he didn’t expect was that not long after the Sunlight Council sent someone to the alliance, an invitation was sent to the Garden members and passed to Li Chengyi’s hands.

 “The jihad is over and there is a peace talk banquet?” Li Chengyi sat on the leather chair and looked at the dark gold ornate invitation in his hand.

The names of the Solar Council and a series of pantheon organizations are clearly written on it.

 This was obviously a meeting involving only senior executives.

“The religious groups in the Parliament just came into contact with the top management of Pure White Praise, and they immediately held a peace negotiation banquet?? It seems that the previous contact went smoothly.”

Li Chengyi was thoughtful, a little unsure of what the main gods of the gods meant.

"The main god, behind the Sunlight Council, is the alliance of the three major gods. In addition to the elves, elements, war gods, and the alliance of gods, which have been dormant for a long time, so many gods can actually agree to peace talks. Among them, many There may be something inside."

Hong Shen whispered from the side.

He currently serves as a deputy prime minister, managing many affairs in the garden properly.

"What's interesting is not this, but that we actually receive invitations. You know, our erosion has extended to the Alliance of Gods and the Elemental Gods. Several gods with medium power have also been secretly corrupted by me. In this case , I don’t believe they didn’t notice it.” Li Chengyi raised his eyebrows.

The divine kingdom of the gods is high in the sky and is located deep in the vast star realm. The distance between the divine kingdoms is extremely far. Even if there is a lot of movement, if you don't move around frequently or visit frequently, you will not notice any changes.

 This is also the reason why it took so long for the gods to notice Li Chengyi.

“So, Lord God, do you plan to participate?” the Red God asked in a low voice.

"Why not? Since it is a peace talks banquet, high-level representatives from Pure White Praise will surely come. When the time comes, it will be much more convenient to gather together to inquire and investigate." Li Chengyi said with a smile.

Standing at the window, looking at the varieties of wisteria flowers that were constantly being brought in from below, he was in a pretty good mood.

Since he has decided to try to summon the Flower of Evil building here, Anze still needs to prepare a good environment. If he wants to unify all the forces, he must first find out the strength of the main forces.

This peace talks banquet may be the beginning of establishing connections.

 “So, who are you going to send?” asked the Red God.

 “What do you think?” Li Chengyi asked.

"In the garden, there are too few people who can really return to the heart and stir up the overall situation." The Red God frowned slightly.

The entire garden was built under the high pressure of Li Chengyi. It is strange that a strong person can return to his homeland. If there is a slight turmoil, those members may be eager to kill Li Chengyi in turn.

"Why not, I'll go." Red God said hesitantly.

“Forget it, I’ll go there myself.” Li Chengyi smiled.

 The time is exactly seven o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and the new wisteria flower variant has arrived today. Next, there is time to complete the final ultimate flower scale garment.

"The location is Xining, the second largest city in the Armenian Empire." Hong Shen said. He was a little unsure about Li Chengyi's thoughts. He didn't know what he wanted to do or what he was doing.

These days, he has also seen the neurotic side of the other party. He would summon the experts to a meeting as if playfully, then humiliate everyone, and then let them return.

After seeing this kind of meaningless thing a few times, he got used to it.

He was just worried if the Lord God got crazy at the banquet

When this thought flashed through his mind, Li Chengyi had already opened the door and went to the garden downstairs, and was carefully touching the petals of the wisteria flower little by little.

 ‘Is he the flower **** of wisteria? ’ Red God guessed in his mind.

 He ​​doesn’t have a flower-scaled suit, so he doesn’t know what the flower language ability is, but he knows that the level of the flower language ability is so high that it is the strongest among the countless power systems he has seen.

 Before knowing the Lord God’s flower language ability, any action against him will be extremely dangerous.

 After all, many flower language skills are simply unreasonable. Thinking of this, a trace of thought in the Red God's heart slowly dissipated and lurked to the deepest level.

 In the garden.

Everyone in the office came out to help carry the flower stand.

The wisteria flowers were moved directly along with the flower stand on which they grew.

 The flowers that were in the garden before were dug up and taken away in the car. They were replaced by the new pure white wisteria.

Li Chengyi touched it little by little, feeling the flower energy quickly pouring into his body and converging into the mark of the flower of evil.

 My mood became more and more comfortable.

 Soon, all the requirements for the seventh evolution of Hua Qi will be fulfilled, reaching 100%.

 He let go of his hand and motioned for everyone to start planting and transplanting.

Hands behind his back, he slowly walked out of the office and disappeared around the corner of the street soon after.

Looking at his leaving figure, Buduna did not dare to make a sound, for fear of being dragged into humiliation again.

Li Chengyi had few methods of humiliating them, mainly beating, verbal ridicule, and dignity humiliation.

Although there are not many methods, it is disgusting!

 Butuna felt that as long as she found a chance, she would never want to see Li Chengyi in her life. She would flee to the farthest place from Ludian City and live in seclusion without being discovered by Li Chengyi.

"Sister Buduna, how do you solve this question?" Keya's question woke her up from her mood.

 Butuna quickly came to her senses and read the question carefully.

After finishing the question, just for a short while, she suddenly saw a familiar figure standing at the door, looking at her with a smile.

That turned out to be Li Chengyi who just left!

 Butuna's ghost was so strong that she quickly lowered her head, not daring to look at him, and spoke carefully about the topic.

 Fortunately, Li Chengyi just glanced at her and remained silent. He slowly returned to the garden with his hands behind his back. After wandering around for a while, he entered the office and closed the door.


 Butuna and Nilan took a long breath at the same time, their faces showing expressions of surviving the disaster.

Nilan was afraid that she would be troubled and had to work harder, while Butuna was afraid that she would be humiliated again, and she was extremely frightened.

 After all, she has understood that Li Chengyi is a psychopath. The angrier, more fearful, more embarrassed, and more uncomfortable you are, the happier he will be.

Facing the enemy, Butuna dared to fight with all her strength, but when faced with the psychosis, she just wanted to get away as quickly as possible, and run as far away as possible.

Li Chengyi didn't have time to pay attention to what Butuna thought. He went out for a walk, went to find a few evil party subordinates, beat and humiliated them severely, and did not allow them to cry. He looked at them with hatred and pain. With the angry eyes, he only felt physically and mentally relaxed.

"This is atonement. I am atoneing for the mistakes you made before, so feel hatred, anger, and pain as much as you want." Li Chengyi looked at the progress bar full of evil thoughts, and what he was thinking about was the evil that was about to be activated. Flower building summons.

 The main materials for building summons are flower energy and evil thoughts, and the demand is much greater than that of flower scale clothing.

 The smallest building requires dozens or hundreds of times as much evil thoughts and flower energy as Hua Linyi.

 This requires preparation for a rainy day and laying the foundation for subsequent calls.

Back in the office, the Red God has already left. The task given to him by Li Chengyi is to supervise all members of the garden. Anyone found to have violated his rules will be arrested and sent back to the dragon prison.

ˆ After carefully checking the ultimate body’s flower language ability, Li Chengyi entered the Dragon Prison with satisfaction to reunite with his family and rest.

 He had already made arrangements for the next day's banquet.




 Anze Sunlight General Council, core area—Void Temple.

As the joint conference headquarters of the three major gods, the Temple of the Void is located deep in the star realm, in the center of a cloud of colorful elements that is constantly changing its shape.

The elemental cloud, which is huge enough to cover the entire main plane of Anze, is filled with countless chaotic and powerful elemental storms. It naturally has extremely strong induction interference power. Even powerful gods cannot completely penetrate the situation in its core area. .

The temple is a huge palace built of translucent white crystal. Rows of statues representing the gods are distributed on both sides. Heroes of mythological races are guarding all around. The powerful divine pattern formation flows with a golden halo on the ground. Countless The chanting of hymns faded in and out above.

 A sculpture of three silver rings symbolizing the union of the three gods, intertwined and constantly rotating in the small square in front of the temple. Like a sphere.

“This peace negotiation banquet has been negotiated with Bai Shen.” On the side of the temple door, a golden figure with countless pure white wings behind him quietly looked at the chaotic elemental storm outside.

“Unexpectedly, he also has similar troubles to us, and there are also powerful infiltration forces inside, which are getting bigger and bigger and more serious.” The figure is none other than the Speaker of the Sunlight Parliament, Sky God Weiman.

"After discovering this situation during the secret conversation, we quickly formulated this plan. We confirmed the active invitation to the peace talks banquet. The organization called White Wax is undoubtedly composed of all alien gods and is extremely dangerous. As for the garden, although it is The main ones are internal gods, but most of them are ancient prisoners in the Shadow Dragon Prison. They are also very dangerous. The key is how can you be sure that they will not join forces with each other? "A black man with a rainbow-colored vortex on the side. The woman in robe asked softly.

  She is a member of the Council, Her Highness Misha, the God of Desolation and Sacrifice.

"We can't be sure, but the situation is already so bad. The goal of White Wax and Pure White Praise is to destroy all things. Only those who belong to them can retain consciousness. This is naturally opposed to the interests of all other forces. Therefore, there is a huge difference between the two sides. Conflict may break out.”

Weiman explains.

"I hope so. It's just that I always have an inexplicable uneasiness in my heart." His Highness Misha said softly.

"Don't worry, when they are both really hurt, we will join forces with Bai Shen and banish them all to the outside of the star realm, to the endless black sea." Weiman comforted.

 (End of this chapter)