MTL - Heroes of Marvel-v2 Chapter 1287 Rogers news

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"Oh... it turns out that his horrible existence will have this expression!" Carefully looked at Tony's expression at this time, the venom through the exchange of consciousness and Eddie said. Mobile phone https://

Eddie did not respond to anything about the venom. After all, Tony’s expression changes after receiving a message are so dramatic that it is enough to explain the weight of the message. At least, the value of this message is much greater than he and the venom.

Tony had already restored a calm expression when Eddie and the venom were standing next to each other and did not know whether to leave or stay. Then he looked at Eddie and the venom beside him.

"Well, you go back first, there is nothing wrong with it." It seems that I saw a little bit of Eddie and the venom, Tony said with a smile.

"That, Mr. Stark, let's go first. If there is still something we need to help in the future, please don't be polite!" A little relieved, Eddie said with politeness.

Then Eddie and the venom quickly left the lab. With Jarvis' guidance, Eddie and the venom naturally go out quickly.

In the next moment when Eddie and Venom just left the lab, Tony had already let Jarvis start to contact Lin Rui. However, as before, Jarvis did not contact Lin Rui.

"Jarvis, contact Rogers." No contact with Lin Rui did not surprise Tony, and he continued to contact Rogers before Jarvis opened his mouth.

"Okay, sir."

This time, the newsletter was quickly connected. It seems that Rogers over there has been waiting for Tony's active contact. In the next moment when Jarvis broadcasted the newsletter, Rogers' perfect figure appeared in front of Tony.

"Tony, I know that you can't help when you get this news. Why, can't you still contact Jackson?" Rogers in the light curtain noticed Tony's concealed surprise after his appearance. So I said directly.

When he heard Rogers play a little joke, Tony waved his hand. "What is the situation now? Specifically, Jackson has really discovered a civilization that is homogenous to us but has far more than our technology?"

Although the news just now has already said a lot of things, Tony still has to confirm with Rogers. After all, this kind of thing is really too fantastic.

Of course, the things that happened to Lin Rui's guy, even if Fantasy Tony is used to it. Anyway, the earth has almost been destroyed several times. Now it is just an extravagant civilization that has been escaping from the world hundreds of years ago. Even if their technology is developed, Tony will not be too shocked.

"Well, it's true. Now Jackson is going to be a foreign diplomat at SHIELD to communicate with their king in Vakandar and try to bring this super country with a lot of black technology into our alliance." The question, Captain Rogers nodded and answered.

"As a diplomat of the SHIELD? Is this the tiger skin that Jackson's kid pulled out?"

"These don't matter. What's important is that we have determined that there is such a magical country in the undiscovered space connected to the earth or the earth. If Jackson's plan is really successful, then our alliance The power will double in a short time."

"You have already thought about how to face and solve this special country?" To hear Rogers's words, Tony's eyes flashed and continued.

If Vacanda is really just a small country that is insignificant in Africa, then even if they want to join the Earth Federation, it will not attract much attention. However, judging from the continuous exchanges between Lin Rui and Rogers and the situation of a female soldier who stayed at the headquarters of SHIELD, the importance of Vakanda can completely disrupt the current pattern of the earth.

Therefore, if this matter is not handled well, it may be as much as the invasion of the earth by extraterrestrial civilization. After all, many times destruction takes place internally.

"Well, this is why I told you this situation immediately after I talked with each other. My opinion with Jackson is that I don't mind letting the real Vakanda be exposed to the eyes of the world now." Hearing Tony The inquiry, Rogers answered calmly.

Although Tony asked very simple, Rogers naturally understood what he was paying attention to. The establishment of the Earth Federation aims to unite the official and unofficial forces of the entire planet and integrate global resources to rapidly advance the development of the technological civilization of the Earth. In this way, the potential of the earth can be fully realized, and the earth can have more capital against them in the future when facing the extraterrestrial civilization.

The existence of Wakanda will undoubtedly greatly accelerate the development of the earth's science and technology, which is under the premise that Vakanda is willing to cooperate with the Earth Federation. But now the Earth Federation is only a loose form of alliance, and the existence of Wakanda may not be acceptable to everyone. More importantly, wakanda is sufficiently secretive and powerful to be used as a card.

To hear Rogers' answer, Tony did not have many accidents, because he had thought about it the first time after he knew the situation in Vacanda.

"So that kid can ensure that Wakanda and our secret alliance?" Since the opinions of the three of them are the same, the most important thing now is the attitude of Vakanda.

"He is on the side of the diplomatic exchange with the Wakanda royal family. I also actively express our attitude through the team on the SHIELD side. Since this Jackson can show this mysterious country in front of us. Then he should have a small grasp of his plan to succeed."

"Jackson is a kid, really grown up! Also, how many secrets does he have in us?"

"No matter how many secrets Jackson has hidden, at least he is on our side, trying to protect the earth." For Tony's feelings, Jackson on the light curtain smiled and said.

"Well, I certainly know this. I thought that this little boy was pretending to be a mature city hero and trading with me! But, can he only contact you now?" To hear Rogers, Tony also remembered. I first met Lin Rui’s situation and then asked again.

"Jackson is now with the Wakanda royal family. In addition to letting me show up to help him establish cooperation and identity assurance with each other, Jackson can also send some messages privately. If you want to contact him, I will tell him. of."

"Well, I will wait for his news."

Drop the Marvel World as a superhero