MTL - Heavenly Calamity-v6 Chapter 133 Fantasy world

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The Titan soul is resolved, Brian is conquered, and there is no danger in the tomb, and everyone can rest assured.

In the process of searching for treasure, Zhang Mu found a lot of precious materials.

There are not many utensils in the funeral products, most of which were used by Titan before his death, and they are not suitable for human use. Zhang Mu did not find a few suitable equipment. The materials are different. In order to ensure the vitality of the Titan soul, the sacrifice needs to be continuously sacrificed. The sacrifice requires the consumption of materials, so the amount of materials in the tomb is amazing.

"this is……"

Zhang Mu found a small half of the corpse in the funeral materials.

This cricket has lived for at least a million years, and to a certain extent has begun to be psychic. The strength during the heyday is probably stronger than that of King Peng. Although it is only a small part, it also weighs tens of tons.

"Just for cooking!"

Zhang Mu took out the meat directly, cut out the bones, cut the meat into large pieces, hang them all up, and started to cook.

The flame burned the flesh into golden yellow, and it crackled, and the scent of oil leaked out, the fragrance overflowing, very tempting.

The deities died for millions of years and were placed in the mausoleum for more than one million years.

Even if it is a powerful fetish, the flesh is eternally not rotten, but if it takes too long to die, the divinity will still be damaged. Therefore, there is a certain loss situation, it is impossible to compare with Xiaoxian, and it can not compare with Shenquan and Shenguo, but the value is above Xunpeng and Jinwu.

Zhang Mu's quasi-god cooking technique urged the flames to fry wildly. Every inch of meat was roasted, and every trace of essence was fully excavated.

When everyone saw the roasted dragon meat, they couldn't help but swallow.

Brian slipped under the giant grill while others weren't paying attention, licking the fat that had fallen off. Every drop of oil boiled from the flesh of the flesh bloomed colorfully. Not only was it incredibly fragrant, but also contained huge essences, everyone was salivating, but did not want to be eaten by Brian first.

"Basset dog, you are just an instrument!"

"This thing is for the living!"

"Yeah, get out, don't spoil the treasure!"

Brian turned a blind eye to everyone, shaking his buttocks directly to the crowd, a big furry tail was shaking, and he continued to lick the soy sauce on the ground. In the huge barbecue above his head, the fragrant colorful soy sauce continued to leak, as if The rain kept falling, and Brian was poured, and his exclamation shouted.

This is a rare good food!

That guy who is proficient in the power of chaos turned out to be a god-like chef?

The choice this time is not completely wrong!

Brian is an instrumental spirit. As the spirit of a fairy, it has no difference from living things. It has not only complete independent personality and emotions, but also has most of the physiological functions. It can also eat meat and drink, which is helpful to living things. Is also very helpful for it.

Zhang Mu didn't care about Brian. While roasting the meat, he took the materials on the spot. The remaining shrine meat was added with dozens of cents-grade ingredients, all stuffed into the pot of Qiankun, and some of them were thrown into the pot. Animal broth.

The hearty meal was eaten.

The fat man couldn't wait to cut a large piece of meat. The meat was still hot, and the heat was perfect. The meat was cooked evenly inside and out, but there was no scorching. The surface was covered with a layer of colorful oil, which made it impossible to emit. Resistant fragrance.

Originally, the flesh of the deity that is inaccessible to the fire and water has been processed by Zhang Mu, as tender and juicy as the best beef, it is not hard to chew at all, and the essence is fully stimulated. As long as it is swallowed in the stomach, energy Immediately diffuse the body. Every cell was cheering, like food falling from the sky in front of a group of hungry people who were about to starve to death, and fell on a long dry land to a burst of Gan Lin, they were absorbed like crazy sponges.

The blood and flesh lost during the injury were immediately replenished.

Brian was sitting on a piece of lame meat, eating with a big mouthful, and he ate very fast, almost without having to chew directly into his stomach. The pug is only the size of a pug, and the meat eaten in just ten minutes at least has the size of a bull, but there is no sign of a bulging belly.

Everyone is eating barbecue.

A large pot of fairy beast broth is also complete.

Lengyun drank several large bowls of fairy beast broth into the stomach, and immediately felt that the pores of the whole body were spreading out, and the body was warm and very comfortable. She quickly filled a large bowl, and at the same time, took out the essence of ginseng roots, **** meat, and other essences, and sent it to Zhang Mu, "You eat a little too."

Zhang Mugang just ate a dozen pounds of barbecued meat. When Leng Yun sent the broth, he nodded and drank it.

"Your cooking progresses so fast!"

"That is of course." Zhang Mu said with a slight smile. "I have absorbed a Titan chef on the Immortal God Mountain. Most likely, that Titan chef is a god-level chef. I only get part of the inheritance and I make a rapid progress. I want to go back to complete refining and get the cooking experience and ability of a Titan chef. I am afraid that even the chefs of the biochemical race may not be comparable to me. "

Leng Yun felt very happy, "It looks like we have to have a mouthful again!"

There are several Titan souls in Zhang Mu's body, Puppet Soul, Jinwu Soul, Pupeng Soul, and each soul is equivalent to a treasure. Zhang Mu can easily refine it by using the furnace of chaos. These fairy beasts have a great chance to be mastered.

"This harvest in the pure land is enough for us to eat for decades."

But you have to eat.

King Peng Peng and Ten Thousand Eye Bugs are always a threat.

But it doesn't matter. This trip has harvested a lot of wealth, and even attracted more than 20 fairy spirits. If you return to the big world and still keep in touch, you can immediately establish more than 20 important channels. Zhang Mu can use Huangquan stores as an intermediary to conduct transactions with them.

People only have a population of more than one million, and it is not difficult to hide.

In order to avoid the revenge of King Peng and Wantong Worm God, Zhang Mu may need a safe place to allow the entire family to sneak in for a while and digest the existing resources. Zhang Mu believes that as long as the human race is allowed to develop for a period of time, King Peng Peng can do nothing about the human race.

Everyone is full.

The mausoleum found nothing particularly valuable.

It's time to leave!

The crowd went through the channel covered with puppet guards again, and turned back to the entrance with a skull shape. The wind and sand outside were still ongoing, and there was no sign of weakening for the time being. Zhang Mu's ability can only travel in front of him for a short time, and other people will be destroyed instantly.

"Brian, it's time for you to make a difference!"

Brian heard it and had to look like Xiao Zhong again.

Zhang Mu took everyone into Xun Peng's bag, the fairy automatically urged it, and it became ten times bigger in an instant. Zhang Mu hid in the bell. Countless horrible grit attacks continued to strike the clock body, but it could not cause the slightest damage to the clock.

"Here we are."

"Hurry up and open the teleportation monument!"

With the guard of the giant bell, everyone easily reached the teleportation monument.

Everyone joined forces to activate the teleportation monument and entered through the portal.

Finally escaped the fear of the sand.

The crowd arrived at the 1700th tomb world.

Zhang Mu felt the pressure suddenly reduced. He began to observe the surrounding area. There was a black mist in the vicinity. The mist was not dense, like layers of veil. There is no color in everything in the world, just like the picture seen in a black and white TV. The fog does not float, and the air is like solidification. The whole world is quiet.

Everyone has a feeling of entering the painting.

First the blood sea world, then the burning world.

This is a deeper place, and it may not be a good place.

Brian looked around and immediately said, "This is a fantasy world!"

"Magic world? What do you mean?"

"You'll know right away," Brian said.

On the one hand, Thunder asked for an understanding. A sudden roar suddenly emerged from the black fog. Suddenly, a huge beast claw suddenly protruded from the inside and hit the chest with incredible speed.

The blow was too sudden.

As if out of nowhere, there was no warning, and the Thunder Strike was launched at the same time.

Lei Ming was shot out more than a hundred meters directly and fell heavily into the mist. When he returned to God, the other people's figures disappeared.

Lei Ming pulled out his sword and yelled, but no one responded.

The monster that attacked itself disappeared.

Everyone disappeared.

Everything seems to be dreaming.

Lei Ming touched his chest, bleeding from the wound, he was indeed injured. He clenched his long knife in search of the attacker, but no matter how he felt, he could not find the whereabouts of the attacker.


Thunder is about to go forward.


Another scream.

A tentacle swept out of the dark mist, also without warning, as if out of nothing.

Although it was very obtrusive, Thunder was ready, and the sword swept sharply, cutting off the tentacles from the middle. Another tentacle emerged from the other direction, focusing on the back at an incredible speed. Thunder thundered to use a shield to resist, but the tentacle was very powerful, the shield was lifted directly, and he was blown out again.

Thunder was still in the air.

Almost instantly.

In all directions, everything has changed, thick tentacles, tens of thousands, dense and dense, the ground broke apart, more tentacles came out, and the whole world was filled with shots.

One of the tentacles tangled in Thunder's body and pulled into the air.

He had completely lost sight of the sky and the ground.

Tens of thousands of tentacles launched attacks at the same time.

The thunder was instantly torn into pieces.

However, at the moment when consciousness is about to disappear.

Thunder thunder suddenly produced a feeling of waking up from a big dream, suddenly felt back to the ground, and his feet were on the ground, his body was not damaged, and blood leaked from the chest wound.


It's illusion!

Thunder did not respond, tentacles appeared on the ground.

Exactly the same as before.

The thunder response was exactly the same, and eventually it was taken into the air again by the tentacles, and it seemed to be torn again.


Suddenly a ringing chime struck the ear.

Zhong Ming seems to be from another world, making the tentacles stiff.

A light appeared in the sky, and a voice came out of it: "Old black, come out soon!"

Thunder broke free from the tentacles and escaped the fantasy world.