MTL - Have You Written Your Will Today?-Chapter 372 Shen Wei! Will you lie to her!

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  Listening to the rhetoric, Shen Wei drank the wine, the aroma of the wine was overflowing, and the taste was really good. The degree is also very shallow.

   Tap the ground with your toes, drawing circles one after another.

   Wei Yingying is quick-talking, but after a long time, she revealed the matter of Shen Wei's return to Fengzhou. In exchange, Ji Huo regretted it.

  He is sad.

  But soon, he had a plan in his heart, and he was happy again.

   "I don't think there will be another date, you can leave now. Cui Yun came back from the court and found that his wife had run away. That would be interesting."

  As soon as the words fell, he was completely unwilling to be a human being.

Ji Huo rolled his eyes, and seeing that Shen Wei's wine cup was empty, he added it again, and he was full of calculations between the lines: "Brother told you, this man is the most heartless, and I am a living example. Then Cui Yun look Being serious might not be much better.”

   "Now that you're gone, aren't you afraid that he'll turn around and marry another girl?"

"do not worry."

  Shen Hua was sure, she raised her little finger and raised her chin delicately and artificially, bright and charming: "With me as a pearl in front of me, he will naturally not look at the rouge vulgar powder next to me."

   There is some truth to what he said.

  Ji Huo almost agreed.

   "Even if he doesn't know how, he can't prevent someone with a heart from taking advantage of it."

"Let me tell you clearly, there are few men who can be relied on, and even those who are open and serious may be better than anyone else in private. The son of the Chu family, who was more prosperous in the early years, has a good background and good conduct That's right, the family made a marriage contract for him early on, and he would never have blinked an eye for that girl."

   Wei Yingying naturally heard about this matter.

  At that time, everyone in Shengjing was also aware of the troubles.

   "That's right, but after the birth mother passed away, the girl went back to her hometown to observe mourning for three years. The deeply affectionate Mr. Chu fell in love with his sister-in-law's sister within a year, and insisted on announcing the divorce."

   "After retiring the marriage, I don't know where I picked up the bad habit. I stopped reading and went to Qin Mu Chu Fireworks and Willow Lane all day long."

  Shen Hua listened.

  She felt that it was indeed a little dangerous.

  Cui Yun is a vixen. If you want to seduce someone, I'm afraid that all the girls in Shengjing will be crazy.

  Then...she has to leave Shengjing before...

  The girl's eyes flickered slightly.

  It's weird for a man and a woman to take off their clothes and lie together. Shen Hua's ears turned red when she thought about it, and she couldn't accept it. She didn't even understand that a husband and wife sleep separately at night, isn't it?

  The house can only be consummated if there is no thread.


  That kind of private place, no matter how intimate it is, you shouldn’t let your husband see it.


   Shen Hua made a difficult decision.

  Give him some sweets to make him settle down, the girl is still willing to try to sacrifice.

  Just take it off, close your eyes left and right and go to sleep, and it will be dawn when you open your eyes.

  She was planning thoughtfully.

   And here, Ji Huo preached to Wei Yingying.

   "You, too, make me, the gang leader, very worried."

   "You are the sister I protect, logically speaking, you should be matched with a man who is thousands of times better than Ji Yan."

   But no matter how dandy he is to show off his power, he can't make Emperor Xi take back the imperial edict of marriage.

  Although, Ji Quan is his third cousin. Can! Wei Yingying is a member of his gang! Naturally, the latter is heavier!

   For this reason, Ji Huo gave full play to his ability as an elder brother: "I was thinking, if you marry into the third prince's mansion, you will never be able to reconcile in this life. But don't panic."

  He made a suave pose.

   "If you are willing, there is a Zhuangzi under my brother's name, and I will keep it to help you raise a male pet."

   "Ji Tran is so cowardly that he dare not say anything."

  Shen Hua lowered her eyes and thought deeply, but she heard this. Finally, he showed a sincere smile.

   There is really no one more deadly than Ji Huo.

  The front foot separated her and Cui Yun, and the back foot separated Wei Yingying and Ji Tran.

   Who is he to alienate? Just to provoke those two people?

  Ji Huo saw Shen Wei smiling, afraid that she would also be thinking about it, and hurriedly said: "Don't think about it, Cui Yun, I look down on him, but I can't afford to offend him."

   "Sister Wei, how are you doing?"

  Wei Yingying: "No, I'm a decent girl."

   She can't even afford to raise Ji Ji, so where does she have any other money to raise a male favorite.

   "Such words, don't mention it again! It sounds filthy."

   "I don't think so." Shen Hua stroked the texture of the wine cup with her fingertips.

   "Men can have three wives and four concubines because they support the family, and the main wife takes care of the husband and children. It is because the husband earns her food, drink, clothing, and everything else."

   "But you are different."

The girl turned her eyes slightly: "The third prince's mansion is supported by you. Pang's mansion is dominated by the male outside and the female inside, but you are special. You must take care of both inside and outside. If the husband and wife do not get along in the future, or Something happened, and the Third Prince lied to you, you can't live on, you always have to find something new. It's not worth it to have a few male favorites."

   Wei Yingying was taken aback.

  If Ji Huo said this, she would naturally go in one ear and out the other, and would not take it seriously, but it was Shen Hua who said it.

  Shen Hua! Will you lie to her!

Never will!

   Even, what Shen Hua said vaguely made sense.

   Even if those words overturned her concept and cognition of more than ten years.

   Ji He came halfway, dragging his family along. Le Jia followed behind him.

   Le Jia lowered his head and played with the folding fan in his hand. After entering the private room, he raised his eyes slightly to see Shen Hua who was sitting slack.

   "You are more marked than last time." She said stumbling.

During the spring hunt, Shen Wei was in poor health, even if she put on rouge, her sickness could not be deceived. Now her face is full of flesh, her complexion is rosy, and she slowly opened her eyes when menstruation came. .

   Girls love to hear such words.

  Shen Hua bent her eyes.

   Ji He said unhappily: "Hastily send a letter to let me come. Don't be uneasy and kind again. What are you going to do this time?"

  Don't blame him for asking, in fact, as soon as he entered and saw Shen Wei, he had a bad feeling.

  Ji Huohuan started, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable.

  It seems that... he was the only one present.

   Although he has many concubines.

  But...he is still alone.


   Ji Huo sat up slightly.

  Shen Wei is bright and soft, Wei Yingying is charming, Le Jia is the beauty of exotic style.

  He looks like...

   Don't mind multiple sisters.

  So Ji Huo cleared his throat.

   "Sister Lejia."

   Le Jia, who was still whispering to Shen Hua a second ago, looked over vigilantly.

   "Do you want to join this prince's gang?"

   "Under the leadership of this son, I believe that our Gang of Four will one day—"

   Ji He slapped him on the back: "Whose sister are you calling?"

   "If she really comes, is she still Si, you dare to go to the Imperial College to harm others?"

   Before Ji Huo could refute, Shen Wei frowned.

   "I don't like five."

   Wei Yingying came up with an idea: "Since Le Jia joins the gang, let's kick the Seventh Prince out of the game."

  Ji Huo was pleasantly surprised: "You still understand me!"

   "My gang really shouldn't have a gentleman other than me."

   (Go to Xiaoxiang Academy to see the update)

   Yesterday’s update saw that everyone was a little heavy, so let’s have some fun.