MTL - Happiness Consist in Contentment-v18 Chapter 24 (57)

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also completely disappeared. His world has been completely plunged into darkness since then!


Jun, he had long forgotten his former name, and he also forgot the characters that the teacher Liu Fang gave to them after they held the ceremony here.

I still remember Liu Fang once said, "Lingzhi, do you understand the meaning of your words?"

In the same way, we must always remember the responsibility of the royal family, which is the public, so there is a king who is in charge.

The ruler, after all, must put the people first and the world first.

Emperor Xuanzhuang was holding the rigid body of Liu Zong before he remembered what the teacher once warned him about.

Always, being a king is not for your own selfish desires. His third brother was wrong, and he was wrong too!

At this time, he understood why the queen mother ignored him for many years, but wanted to stop him before he left the palace this time.

She is not just for Wenshan, but his son. No matter what he got this throne for in the first place, he shouldn't have planned these things with the monarchs of the other seven kingdoms.

This is not what a king should do.

Unifying the world has never been the idea of ​​one person, but the idea of ​​all the people in the world. This is the way to go.

But he, ignoring this, actually did what a tyrant would do, robbing and robbing him, and regardless of the life and death of the people of Zheng State, he took the lead in launching such a war.

So, he deserves this too!

The old Xuanzhuang Emperor, when he was about to die, thought that he had made the biggest mistake by killing the Liu family.


Liu Yifan

Concubine Xian, the reason why she was able to become Concubine Xian was because she raised Murong Xin, also known as Liu Li.

But she really didn't expect that she would still have the chance to get pregnant and have a child that really belongs to her.

Although this child was only left behind by His Majesty's drunkenness, Concubine Xian was still very grateful, cautiously and joyfully looking forward to the birth of this child.

As for Murong Xin, she had raised him for so many years, and she had long regarded him as her own, but she really did not expect that the other's father would rush into the palace and want to take him back!

Concubine Xian was nervous and flustered, and the fetal gas moved, and the child was born like this, a healthy princess. She was still so young, and Concubine Xian looked at her with love and pity in her heart.

But His Majesty's eyes made her feel scared. She didn't know whether she was afraid that he would kill the child, or that he would kill herself and the grown-up Murong Xin because of this child.

Concubine Xian didn't know what to do, she could only send the child away

, but she really didn't expect that the palace people would actually throw their children into the barren mountains.

She hid and cried secretly, but there was nothing she could do. In front of people, she had to pretend that nothing happened.

When she saw Murong Xin taking poison and questioning her, her heart would be broken.

She admitted that she was not a good mother, but she never really thought about losing her child, let alone losing her because of wealth and wealth.

She was afraid, afraid that she would not be able to keep the child. Just like the queen, even if it is the prince, the emperor is going crazy, isn't he going to die?

Concubine Xian was completely insane, no, it should be said that she has no love for life. She has only two children, one of whom has entered the palace, and is unwilling to recognize her, and the other would rather die than recognize her again. What's the point of her being alive?

Just when Concubine Xian wanted to commit suicide, she was rescued and sent to a small town under Peicheng.

Liu Yi looked at her comatose biological mother, her eyes were very complicated, but she thought about what the pavilion master said, "Give her a chance, and give yourself a chance."

Liu Yi thought, maybe, she should really give her and herself a chance.

At the moment when Concubine Xian opened her eyes, she thought she was dreaming, and then she looked at Liu Yi's familiar and somewhat unfamiliar face, blushing and weeping.

That's it! Thank God!

The author has something to say: there is only one chapter today. Feel sorry!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-2021:24:01~2020-07-2120:37:55~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 in a stream;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Xu Junzhuo; 10 bottles of mermaid 82; 5 bottles of stars; 1 bottle of rice name, hard to suffer, greedy little lazy pig;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

☆, 601, Fanwai Collection 2

When Emperor Yan sent troops to attack Yancheng again, the defenders of Yancheng did not react at all. Fortunately, he was extremely strict with the army every day. Although the war was sudden, the Yancheng defenders still responded properly and did not let the Yan ** team break through Yancheng.

But after the general of Yancheng issued the emergency report, he led the soldiers to stand for three days, and it was a little difficult, but at this time, the emergency report had not yet reached the capital, let alone the reinforcements.

This made the defender of Yancheng feel that this time, he, as well as the soldiers of Yancheng, and the common people, are probably less fortunate.

But just when they were all about to fight, suddenly from the mountain on the left, above the cliff, groups of people wearing silver armor and silver masks flew down one after another. They are all very skilled, walking on the cliffs as if they were on the ground. It was originally the place where the cliffs were, but they felt like they had walked out of a road abruptly.

At the beginning, the defenders of Yancheng thought they were the strange soldiers of the Yan Kingdom. Unexpectedly, after landing, these silver-armored sergeants immediately pulled out the guns/rods attached to their waists, and took fast rotations in both hands to connect them, and then waved long. / The gun rushed towards the Yan ** team!

At this time, the defenders of Yancheng knew that these silver armored troops were specially here to support them.

The defender of Yancheng had never heard that Xuanguo had such a strange army. The battle was fierce, and he didn't have time to think about it, but in his heart he was glad that they came in time.

The Yinjia Army was obviously a well-trained elite. They descended from the cliffs one after another. There were about 3,000 people, but they all fought one against ten, and the soldiers of the Yan ** team were powerless to fight back.

Among them, the leader of the team, with a ray of red tassel on his silver helmet, wielded a long/spear in the Yan ** team, fighting back and forth, even forcing Yan* * The leading generals of the team were a little terrified, and shouted for the soldiers of the Yan State to protect him.

It's just that the speed of this group of silver armored troops is too fast. Before the soldiers of the Yan ** team can react, their generals were captured. The silver/long/spear/'s/spear/head pressed against the neck of the General of Yan State, and the soldier who was suspected of being the leader of the Silver Armor Army was the one who captured him.

"Stop! Your general has been captured by me, put down your weapons, or I will kill him!"

The clear voice spread throughout the entire battlefield, whether it was above the city wall or under the city wall, it could be heard clearly.

The guard of Yancheng shrank his pupils and looked at the general of the Silver Armor Army with both admiration and doubts in his heart. What I admire is that the other party's inner strength is deep, and what he said can be so noisy

Under the complex environment, everyone's voices were suppressed and spread throughout the battlefield. It can be seen that the opponent's internal strength is unfathomable. What is doubtful is that he has never heard of Xuan domestic, no, it should be said that among the generals who lead troops from all over the world, who has reached this level of martial arts.

Who is this person? And who are these people? Is it really the hidden elite of Xuan Guo?

The questions in the heart of the defense of Iwagi are full of questions, but now is not the time to ask them. He gave the messenger a wink, and the messenger raised the flag in his hand and waved it.

When the Yancheng defenders saw the command flag, they all retreated, only surrounding the soldiers of the Yan ** team.

At this time, the soldiers of the Yan ** team all saw what was going on.

The general's lieutenants glanced at each other, then armed with long knives and spears, they rushed towards the silver-armored general who had captured General Yan, thinking of killing her.

But the silver-armored general didn't move at all, just looked at them with a sneer. Seeing that she was about to be besieged by several people, the defense general of Yancheng was about to step forward to help, but he did not expect that at this moment, a few cold rays of light quickly shot from the mountain wall, wiping the ears of the lieutenants. He shot at it, and finally surrounded the captured general of the Yan State and inserted into the ground.

The eight long feather arrows, like a fence around the captured Yan State general, completely stopped the several Yan State lieutenants who rushed up.

The silver-armored general wore a silver mask covering half of his face, sneered on his exposed mouth, and said, "This time it's a warning, next time, it won't be so polite, I hope you all think twice."

As she said that, the /long/spear/spear/head/ in her hand moved slightly, and a bloodstain was drawn on General Yan's neck.

She said coldly, "My gun/silver/spear/ is a treasure that cuts iron like mud. If my hands tremble a little bit, I'm afraid the general's head will fall to the ground. Everyone, are you planning to kill this one? Well, can't you get the upper hand?"

When the deputy generals of General Yan heard what the general of the Yinjia Army said, their faces became more and more ugly. And General Yan's eyes darkened a lot. He carefully twisted his neck and said to the silver armor general, "This general, as long as you let me go, I will immediately retreat with the soldiers, and I will never invade Gui again. country."

The silver-armored general glanced at him and smiled, looking at him as if he was looking at a fool, and said, "In the winter of last year, you brought an army of 300,000 troops, but you were beaten by the Liu family's two generals. And run away, now, after just one year

time, you will come again with your troops. Do you think I will believe you? "

Saying that, the silver-armored general slashed the arm of this general of Yan country with a wave/long/spear/, and almost cut off his entire arm.

General Yan State cried out in pain, clutching his arms, kneeling with a pale face, his face completely hopeless.

The few lieutenants saw that this silver-armored general was so ruthless, and they said that they would do it. Moreover, the other party still has a secret archer who is hidden in the dark, but his archery is so skillful that it makes them terrified.

Seeing that they were finally being honest, the silver-armored general nodded to a silver-armored army with a long blue tassel on a silver helmet not far away.

The silver armored army raised his hand and waved, and all the silver armored troops moved in unison in an instant, holding up/long/spear/ to surround all the soldiers of the state of Yan, and one of the silver armored troops was still facing the mountain wall. made a gesture.

The defender of Yancheng saw that on the mountain wall, a group of people landed again, and then some of this group of people went to the wounded, and some of them also went to the Yan ** team that had put down their weapons and was surrounded. One by one, the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom took off their armor, tied them up, and connected them with ropes.

Watching the scene in front of him, the defense of Yancheng felt a little dazed. Is this the end of the war?

Of course not. After the group of silver armored troops **** the prisoners, they left two teams of twenty people to deal with the aftermath here in Yancheng. go to the barracks!

The defense of Yancheng was shocked, looking at the leaders of the two silver armored armies who remained, "What are they going to do?"

The silver armored army captain turned his head to look at him, and then said very calmly, "Naturally, he is going to fight back."

Bringing soldiers to provoke again and again, it's time for them to taste what it's like to be beaten by others.

At the same time, on the border between Zheng State and Liang State, the third prince of Liang State also brought troops to attack the State of Zheng, preparing to completely destroy the country that had already been defeated.

Unexpectedly, their army was ramming the city gate, and it was about to break through this dilapidated city, but a group of cavalry in silver armor suddenly appeared from behind them.

The leading general wore a silver helmet on the head of a black warhorse, with a long golden tassel flying in the air on the top.

Following her order, this silver armored army uniformly connected the /silver/gun/ at the waist, brushed it, and rushed into the beam with the horses neatly.

In the team, the Liang ** team rushed to pieces!

"Those who violate Zheng's territory! Kill!"


Zheng Guo's few border city defenders, when they heard the neat and loud shouts, immediately got a boost in morale, swung the big sword that had already been opened, opened the city gate and rushed out, shouting: " Kill!" He rushed into Liang's army.

The third prince of Liang Kingdom, who was leading the troops, saw that the situation suddenly turned sharply, and his expression changed. He didn't think about how to fight back at all. Instead, he took a few guards and thought about finding a direction to break through and escape!

But the silver armored army that led the team was too powerful. No one could resist her edge wherever she went. She rode a black war horse, like a whirlwind blowing by, and rushed in front of the third prince of Liang Kingdom in an instant.

The guards beside the third prince of Liangguo stepped forward with their long swords to intercept them, thinking of protecting the third prince of Liangguo, but unexpectedly, the opponent waved a / long / spear / fast forward with both hands, stabbed, waved again, and they would Not to mention, the weapons of the guards all fell to the ground, and they all flew out, fell into the crowd, and tumbled to the ground.

The third prince of Liang Guo was shocked, and he was about to slash with his long sword, but when he saw the leader of the Silver Armor Army, he instantly drew back the /long /spear/blocking his long sword, and then raised his hand and hit him He fell off his horse and fell to the ground, followed by the /long/spear/, just as the third prince of Liang Kingdom turned over and wanted to get up, the cold light /spear/head/ just stopped in front of his eyes.

The **** aura that remained on the /gun/head/, as well as the sharp cold light, made the face of the third prince of the Liang Kingdom turn pale instantly.

"Don't move, if you dare to move, I can't guarantee that your neck will be fine."

The third prince of Liang Kingdom raised his eyes and looked at the man in silver armor who was riding on the horse and looking down at him, and suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart.

He is afraid of this man!

This man is terrible! It's so scary!

"Pavilion Master, all the Liang soldiers have been captured. Excluding the dead and wounded, there are 68,463 people, and 221 people have run away. Lantang and the others have already chased them."

The third prince of Liang Guo saw the silver-armored soldier who had used the / long / spear / against his eyes, nodded slightly, and said lightly, "Tell Liu Yi, I will be back in half a month."


She glanced at the third prince of Liang Guo, and said, "Detain him alone. This time, Liang Guo will not pay enough ransom. This prince is going to go to the mountains to help chop wood."


In this way, the third prince of Liang State was dragged down and imprisoned by another Yinjia army, and he was not able to return to Liang State until the war subsided and Liang State paid a very exaggerated ransom.

But since then, he has never wanted to lead an army, let alone attack Zheng.

The author has something to say: there is still only one chapter today.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-2120:37:55~2020-07-2220:23:39~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 crazy girl;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of crazy girl; 5 bottles of Xu Junzhuo; hard to bear, 276345971 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

☆, 602, Fanwai Collection 3

Ajiu was born without a father.

When he was young, he didn't understand why he didn't have a father, although his mother kept saying that he actually had a father.

But after fighting with the children who laughed at him again and again, Ajiu still couldn't get any clues about his father from his mother, so he gave up completely.

He finally accepts that he is a fatherless man.

If he has been growing up like this, maybe he will never know what his true identity is.

Perhaps, he will grow up like a child in the same village, without heart and soul, and when he is crowned, he will marry a girl in the same village or a certain girl in the neighboring village who likes him, and live a hard life for the rest of his life.

But fate always likes to make fun of people.

That year, when he was five years old, he went out to hunt for hogweed with a bamboo basket early in the morning. A basket of hogweed can be exchanged for two small coins at the house of Jiang Yuan in the village. For a child like him, it was already very important. A generous reward.

In order to help her mother lighten the burden on the family, Ajiu already knows how to make money as much as she can without having to embroider day and night.

After laying the pig grass, when he passed the school in the village with the bamboo basket on his back, he leaned against a corner outside the courtyard wall, listened to the sound of books inside, and read along silently.

At that time, he actually didn't understand what these meant. It was just because of envy that he insisted on coming here to listen to it every day.

Usually he would hear the sound of reading stopped inside, because the masters of the village school all study early in the morning and practice calligraphy after reading. Practicing calligraphy is very quiet, so even if Ajiu wants to learn, there is no way to learn it. After all, he was too small back then, so thin and short, that he couldn't reach the windows on the walls of the academy.

Moreover, he had to hurry up to hunt hogweed, and then go home to help his mother with other housework.

When Ajiu left the school, went to Jiang Yuanwai's house to hand over pig grass, and made two small money to return home, she saw her mother lying on the ground in the dilapidated thatched hut at the end of the village, and the ground was covered with blood.

Ajiu was terrified, and rushed up crying, constantly calling out to her mother, but her mother had long since stopped breathing, let alone moving, and her body gradually cooled, became stiff, and then became icy cold.

At that moment, Ajiu's heart was empty. Everyone in the village knew about this, and while sighing, they helped Ajiu bury his mother while discussing him.

what to do in the future.

While everyone in the village was chatting and discussing, a pair of siblings came to the village to rest. The younger brother ran over curiously and learned the ins and outs of the matter. Looking at the young Ajiu, he felt very sympathetic to him, so he ran back to find his sister and told him.

When the elder sister learned about it, she came over and looked at Ajiu. Seeing that Ajiu was very thin, she frowned slightly, "Do you have no family?"

Ajiu shook her head and said nothing.

He was born here, but people in the village said that his mother was an outsider, not from this village. Therefore, apart from his mother, he didn't know if he had any family. As for the father who has always survived in the mouth of the mother, for Ajiu, it is even more distant as if it does not exist.

He didn't know who the other party was, or where he was, whether he was alive or dead, so he really didn't know what to say other than shaking his head.

The younger brother tugged at his elder sister's hand, his eyes were red, the elder sister could not bear to see her brother like this, looked at Ajiu again, nodded and agreed to take Ajiu away.

"What's your name?"


"Last name?"

Ajiu shook her head, her elder sister frowned, and finally said, "Then you can be called Liu Jiu in the future, and it's also my younger brother."

At that time, Ajiu's tears fell instantly, and she lowered her head and cried while wiping her tears, she couldn't help it.

The elder sister sighed, raised her hand and rubbed his head, and said, "Okay, don't cry, you still have a home in the future."

Ajiu, no, Liu Jiu knew that what she said was true. In the ten years that followed, she gave her a peaceful world, a warm and peaceful life, and a home that warmed her heart every time she thought about it.

In the beginning, in fact, they were all on the road. My sister seemed to be doing a very important thing. Every day, in addition to giving them lessons, teaching them to learn to read, read and practice martial arts, she was looking for orphans outside who no one wanted.

My sister would buy them a house, buy clothes, and teach them to read and practice martial arts, even stricter than Liu Jiu and Liu Yun.

And those children learn a lot, they have to learn how to cooperate every day, and they have to go to the mountains to train every month.

From five people, to ten people, twenty people, my sister took a lot of time to cultivate these people along the way. But she always left immediately after they finished their studies and went to the next place. In just six years, my sister has trained many, many people in several countries.


After that, they went to Peicheng, settled here in Qinghe Town, Peicheng, opened a dim sum shop, and settled down there.

Liu Jiu was also sent to study in the best academy outside the town, and went back every month during the break.

Over the years, because he said that his mother had been saying that his father was alive, the elder sister also helped him investigate his life experience.

Unexpectedly, the final investigation result turned out to be like that.

After Liu Jiu learned about it, he only found it ironic. It turned out that his real identity was a prince, an identity that should have enjoyed prosperity and wealth from the moment he was born. Unfortunately, in the end, he became the son of a poor peasant family who once struggled to survive by hunting hogweed.

The two identities are very different, but they are really him. His father was the emperor of Xuan, but he was born in a thatched hut in the village, living in that dilapidated yard for the first five years of his life.

He didn't know what happened during this period, but he knew that his mother was killed by someone else. When he was young, he was ignorant and didn't know anything, but when he grew up, he learned a lot from his sister, and he naturally understood that his mother's death was abnormal. In particular, the scene full of blood in his impression proved what he thought.

Probably because he really has the blood of the royal family, his memory has always been very good, even if he was young at that time, he always remembers the scene at that time.

Following his sister's investigation of his life experience, he speculated that the other party actually planned to kill both him and his mother that day, but he didn't expect that because he was eavesdropping outside the school, he wasted time and went home too late. Just dodged that.

After that, he was quickly taken away by his sister, and the other party had no chance to kill him. Perhaps, the other party has already returned to his life, so he did not kill him. Or maybe, in fact, the other party thinks that he is a child, without a mother, there is no support, and it is unknown whether he can grow up safely, so he does not continue to look for him, and wants to kill him.

But no matter what, the other party definitely knows his identity, as well as the identity of his mother.

After guessing these things, Liu Jiu really realized the dangers that his identity brought him.

He thought about leaving, but his sister didn't agree. She said to Liu Jiu, "Let's stay, we're not afraid of them. Besides, you've already started to grow up. Even if you escape this time, what about next time? Next time What? When I was able to take you away, and I have been taking you here,

In the future, I can always protect you and will not let you suffer any harm. "

Of course Liu Jiu knew that her sister had this ability, and what she said was the truth.

But Liu Jiu was still worried that it would cause them trouble, but her sister said, "Don't worry, I also have an account to settle with them, even without you, I will still be with them, it's just a matter of time. The problem."

Only at this time did Liu Jiu know that they also had a deep blood feud.

Perhaps it was what her sister said that made Liu Jiu feel pity for each other. Liu Jiu finally listened to her sister's words and did not leave. But he studied harder. He wanted to participate in the imperial examinations, and in a future paradise stood upright in front of that person and asked him, "Do you still remember that you still have a son?"

Liu Jiu told her elder sister what she thought. After listening to her, she looked at him and didn't speak for a long time. In the end, she only told him, "Learn hard, your future is still very long."

But from the next day, his sister taught him some new things in person. Later, Liu Jiu realized that it was the way of being a king.

It was not until Liu Jiu really passed the exam, regained his status, and finally became king, that he really understood what his sister had taught him.

It turned out that from then on, she planned to make herself the one sitting on the supreme throne, and she also entrusted herself with the task of unifying the world.

Liu Jiu, the later Murong Jiu, ascended the throne step by step, turned around and looked at the hundreds of officials below, saluting, but what she thought was what she said at the beginning.

"Remember that you were among them, and you know them better, so you must let them live peacefully and happily, rich and worry-free."

Murong Jiu smiled slightly, sister, don't worry, I will definitely do it.

Although he always called the shopkeeper in the past, in his heart she was the sister who had always protected him and warmed his home.

In the 21st year of Xuanwen, the world was unified, and the whole world returned to peace. Emperor Xuanwen also received news of the re-enrollment of Wenshan Academy in the palace.

He looked at the prince's eldest son and said, "Let them go to Wenshan Academy to study."

The prince responded respectfully, and then asked, "Father, do you need to bring a gift for the eldest aunt?"

The ones sent before were all returned by the elder aunt. Even if they did not return, they were all thrown into the pawnshop and used as money for disaster relief.

Emperor Xuanwen smiled and said, "Then bring some valuables to send, lest your aunt be out of money for disaster relief next time."

Prince: …

The author has something to say: Fanwai, I will update it slowly, and it is considered a rest to prepare for the next article.

thank you all!

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-2220:23:39~2020-07-2321:58:41~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 2 fish late;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Yuwan; 5 bottles of Xu Junzhuo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

☆, 603, Fanwai Collection 4

Liu Yun has always felt that her life is like a roller coaster.

As soon as he was born, he was doted on by his family because he was the youngest, but just when he thought he could be so happy all the time, overnight, he lost all his family except his sister.

At that time, Liu Yun really thought that all his family members were killed. What happened that day, until he grew up, is still vivid and unforgettable for the rest of his life.

But later he learned that it turned out that there was nothing wrong with the eldest brother. Liu Yun cried the day he heard the news, and cried again in front of the second sister.

Therefore, he has always hoped that the second sister can find the big brother and the others as soon as possible, so that their brothers and sisters can be reunited. However, the second sister has been avoiding this question all the time, and is not as excited as he is.

It wasn't until he actually went to the elder brother and the others that he gradually understood why the second sister did that in the first place.

He didn't expect the elder brother to marry the emperor of Yan country for revenge. Although the emperor had only been on the throne for a few years, he was also a participant in what happened back then. No matter what the reason, he was Liu Yun's. enemy.

But the eldest brother and the others, for revenge, let the eldest sister approach the young Yan Emperor and became his favorite concubine.

Fortunately, the second sister's planning was faster. In just two years, the world changed completely. Under the **** of the Silver Armor Army, Zheng Guo completely recovered the lost ground, but in the third year, the newly enthroned young man was replaced. The emperor handed over the entire Zheng Kingdom to the Xuan Kingdom.

With the expansion of the territory of the State of Xuan, the Yan Emperor of the State of Yan, and other countries all focused their attention on the State of Xuan.

The remaining seven countries headed by the Yan Kingdom actually thought of taking the entire Xuan Kingdom completely with a combined force of several million troops, and then dividing the entire Xuan Kingdom.

At that time, Liu Yun had already returned to Wenshan with his eldest brother and the others, and he also knew that the original second prince of the Xuan Kingdom, Murong Xin, was actually his second brother Liu Li.

Such news once made him feel that the dream was unreal, but later he gradually accepted this impossible reality.

Therefore, when the State of Yan, together with the other six nations, was preparing to attack the State of Xuan with the strength of the seven nations, Liu Yun was really frightened, and he couldn't help but panicked and ran to ask his second sister Liu Fang.

"Sister, do you know? Yan Guo is going to unite with the other six countries and besiege Xuan Guo together!"

Liu Jun still remembered that the second sister Liu Fang was sitting under the corridor of her yard drinking water, listening to

When he said what he said, he just nodded lightly and replied casually, "I already know."

Liu Yun was about to die at the time. He walked around in the corridor and kept asking his second sister Liu Fang, "Sister, are you ready to fight back? How many people are in Liu Yi's silver armor army? ?"

Liu Fang lightly corrected him, "It's Xue Yiwei."

What silver armored army, iron armored army, in this era, there is no silver that can be used as armor in this world, no, it should be said that all armors are made of iron. It's just that the forging method is different, so it looks like it's made of silver.

Liu Yun really convinced the second sister. At this time, he is still in the mood to entangle this name with him?

Liu Yun couldn't help sitting beside Liu Fang and asked, "Sister, just tell me, are you ready?"

She is nominally the pavilion owner of Baixiao Pavilion. In fact, Liu Yun knows it. She has been cultivating people secretly. Those people are all accumulated by her over the years, bit by bit, and the people she has cultivated. Each of them can be on their own, one against ten.

Moreover, she threw her hands too fast, whether it was Yinjiajun, Xueyiwei, or Baixiaoge, she said no, then she didn't care, if she said no, she didn't.

Even Liu Yi and Liu Yi, who had been with her all the time, did not follow her back to Wenshan.

Liu Fang slowly took a sip of water with the cup in hand, and said lightly, "I'm not prepared."

Who knows what other countries will do, or, in the process of Xuanguo unifying the world, who knows what will happen? Liu Fang is very good at planning and calculating, but it is impossible to calculate everything after so many years, right?

Even when she went to Xuanguo, she didn't think it would end so soon. Especially Emperor Xuanzhuang, the reaction is too big.

So, Liu Yun now asks her, are you ready?

She really didn't.

However, there are no targeted preparations, and there are some routine preparations, such as Xue Yiwei, Baixiaoge and Lianrong.

Xueyiwei, Baixiaoge, Lianrong Firm, these three unrelated organizations are all affiliated to a non-governmental organization called Weimintang founded by Liu Fang.

Of course, under normal circumstances and in a peaceful environment, such non-governmental organizations are actually illegal and unnecessary, because the country has its own measures to bring peace to the people, and there is no need for Liu Fang and the others to meddle in their own business.

But Liu Fang is now living in a different era and the world. The nine kingdoms of the world, for hundreds of years, have been chaotic and seemingly maintained.

a delicate balance. But Liu Fang knew very well that this balance would easily collapse, and it would definitely be the ordinary people who would suffer.

The reason why Liu Fang established the people's hall is to protect ordinary people after wars between countries, and try to let most people live safely.

At least there is a place where they can temporarily settle down and avoid the chaos of war.

Therefore, Xue Yiwei, also known as the Silver Armor Army by ordinary people outside, is actually a group of escorts.

Of course, there are not many, but there are not many. They are basically orphans, or people from poor families. After the inspection system, selection system, and selection by Liu Fang, they finally became the current scale. The combat power that shocked the world.

Therefore, it is not so much that this team in Liu Fang's hands is not many, but it is powerful and incomparable.