MTL - Hao is Also a Kind of Life-~ One hundred and seventy-nine: The idea of ​​calling a mobile phone

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Now that the words have been spoken, Mother Chen has nothing to hide. Under Mother Tang's disdainful questioning, she recalled the scene just now and slowly stated it.

Tell how rough and persistent Mr. Lu, a young man, is, and how much he makes women want to stop.

Hearing this, Mother Tang, who was already depressed like a volcano, was even more blurred, as if she really wanted to replace the heroine in the scene with herself, and experience the wonderful and infinite taste for herself.

"Want it?"

After telling such a thing, Mother Chen's mood improved a lot, and Mother Tang asked with a smile on her face.

"No, I'm not like you."

Mother Tang shook her head firmly, pretending to be contemptuous.


Mother Chen asked noncommittally, then suddenly reached out to fish it out, and said in surprise:

"Still told me no!"

After messing around for a while, Mother Chen couldn't bear the fatigue and fell asleep. Only Mother Tang was still staring at the lights outside the window, and the imaginary picture based on the former's description echoed in her mind.

The next morning, after waking up refreshed, he sat on the table and ate breakfast, but Lu Feng noticed that there was something wrong with the two little girls sitting opposite.

He didn't dare to look at himself, but he secretly looked at it. When he found that his eyes had turned away, he quickly moved away, staring at the glass of milk on the table.

"Lele, what's the matter with you?"

Lu Feng asked with concern.

"Ah, it's all right!"

"Godfather, we're fine."

The two responded in unison, but for some reason their faces suddenly turned red.

"Are you sick?"

Lu Feng didn't think too much, he guessed.

"No, not sick."

The two shook their heads at the same time.

How could Lu Feng have imagined that he made too much noise last night, waking up the two sleeping people upstairs, and then ran out quietly, only to find an unbelievable scene.

They didn't dare to say, and didn't dare to ask, they could only hold back silently in their hearts.

On the other hand, Zhao Ying, who was sitting next to her, sensed something keenly, because the movement last night was indeed a bit intense, which made her have another good dream that she needed to change her underwear.

But this is a small guess, even if you know it, there is no need to say it.

"It's fine."

Lu Feng nodded and asked:

"Where are you going to play today?"

"Not sure yet, godfather, you won't be with us today?"

Tang Lele said.

"I have something to do today, you guys have a good time playing for a few days."

After finishing speaking, Lu Feng continued to Chen Shuyi:

"In a few days, you and Lele will join the crew to film, and I will make arrangements."


Chen Shuyi was a little confused, she was just here to play, why did she suddenly have a movie?

"I have already discussed with your mother, let you go to exercise together, and Lele also has a companion in the crew."

Seeing that Chen Shuyi's pretty and immature face looked a bit like his mother's, Lu Feng laughed.

"Shuyi, don't thank my godfather!"

Hearing Lu Feng's decision, Tang Lele was the happiest and urged.

"Ah, thank you Uncle Lu."

Chen Shuyi hurriedly thanked her.

"You are welcome."

Lu Feng waved his hands.

At any rate, the family has made corresponding contributions, and it is natural to fulfill the promise. No matter what, Lu Feng will not make such a move of pulling up his pants and denying others.

After being happy, the two little girls who calmed down looked at each other, as if they thought of being together.

Why did Lu Feng suddenly mention this matter, while Tang Lele was once again full of curiosity about the former's mobile phone.

After breakfast, there was already a car waiting outside, Lu Feng followed Zhao Ying to go out by car, leaving only Tang Lele and Chen Shuyi at home, waiting for their respective mothers to come and accompany them to continue to visit the magic city.

"Lele, how can my mother be such a person!"

As soon as Lu Feng and the two left, Chen Shuyi, who had been suppressed all the time, said excitedly:

"I'm going to tell my dad!"

As he spoke, he was about to take out his mobile phone and call his father, but fortunately Tang Lele stopped him.

"Shuyi, do you want your parents to divorce?"

Tang Lele asked back.

"I don't want to, but my mother actually did such a thing, how can I be worthy of my father!"

Chen Shuyi looked excited and angry.

Originally, I came to Shanghai happily to play, to see my girlfriends whom I haven't seen for a long time, to experience the luxurious life in the photos Tang Lele sent, and then I can leave happily. I never thought that such a thing would happen.

Fortunately, the most important thing was discovered by myself.

"Shuyi, it's better for us not to get involved in matters concerning adults, and leave them alone."

Tang Lele consoled her.

This didn't happen to me. If I saw it was my mother, I don't know if Lele would be so open-minded.

"But such a thing..."

Chen Shuyi was still very angry and said angrily:

"And your godfather, how could you treat my mother like that!"

"Tch, he didn't just treat Aunt Zhou like that. Many women have been treated like that by him."

Having said that, Chen Shuyi became curious and asked:

"Lele, do you often peek?"

"What are you thinking about, what am I peeping at?"

Tang Lele knocked on Chen Shuyi's head, and said in a low voice:

"I have seen my godfather's mobile phone, there are many photos in it."

"What picture?"

Chen Shuyi didn't understand.

"It's like the ones you saw."

Tang Lele said.

"Will there be yesterday's?"

Chen Shuyi was a little worried.

"No way, I didn't see my godfather take out his mobile phone."

Recalling what she saw last night, Tang Lele said uncertainly.

"Why not, what if there is, what if it gets out?"

Chen Shuyi was still very worried.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Tang Lele asked back.

"Go and steal it, let's check it out, forget it if there is nothing, and delete it if there is."

Chen Shuyi made up her mind and made a plan.

"I dont go!"

Tang Lele shook her head and refused.

Before, I had sneaked to see it many times, and if I stole again, what should I do if I was found out? Although Lu Feng is not right to blame, but I still want to lose face.

"Lele, we have been friends for so many years, won't you help me?"

Chen Shuyi said angrily.

"Why are you talking so seriously? I can't go."

Tang Lele was a little so she had to agree:

"Then I have to wait for my godfather to come back."

"Lele, you said Uncle Lu has a lot of women like that, how many are there?"

People are always curious about things they don't know, especially what was just mentioned, Chen Shuyi asked.

"I don't know, how can I count this, I'm crazy."

Tang Lele frowned and suggested:

"You can find out by searching his news."

"At home, my mother doesn't let me surf the Internet. It would be nice to chat with you."

Chen Shuyi was a little discouraged, but soon she cheered up. Now that the phone is in her hands, her mother is not around, so no one cares about her.

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