MTL - Hail the King-~ 1178, sword gun threesome

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The mainland, in the end, is inevitably caught in the era of chaos.

The fall of dozens of hidden king dragon knights completely angered the Holy See and became the fuse of the war.

The Northern Empire and the Holy See, the two most powerful forces on the continent of Azeroth, eventually tore through the short-lived forbearance and pushed the entire continent to the abyss of war.

Of course, some people have speculated that the reason why the Holy See chose to attack at this time is actually because the northern kings appeared in the southern domain, which means that the northern empire is along Naples, and even the entire northern empire is now The Lord will be the best time to start a war.

There are some indications that Platini, who is the second most powerful person in the Holy See, has secretly come to the South, and has brought the power of a very hidden power to prepare to completely kill the Northerners in the South. Emperor.

The inertia of countless people believes that the foundation of the Northern Empire is not deep and is an Achilles heel.

If there is no such thing as a stunning person from the North, it will only take decades to truly resist the accumulation of the Holy See.

From this perspective, the success of the Northern Territory, once successful, will undoubtedly have extremely important strategic significance and will completely change the situation on the entire continent.

No one thought that the fragmented southern region had become the center of the two giants.

Maybe the two sides deliberately chose this location?

The new vortex is forming a little bit.

The wind raged, and for a time, the Southland brought together the eyes of the entire continent.


Time flies quickly.

In a twinkling of an eye, it has been half a month passed.

During this half-month, the city of Iduna has undergone tremendous changes.

The northern people completely changed this ancient city. After the hidden ultra-long-distance transportation magic passage was completed, all the dilemmas in the city were completely solved. The continuous supply of grain came in, completely alleviating the survival crisis of tens of millions of people. At the same time, a large number of fresh soldiers and various strategic equipment and materials have stationed, making this originally endangered city of humanity almost a fortress that cannot be compromised.

At the same time, some old, weak and sick women were also transferred by the Northern Empire through the secret magic channel.

This city, surrounded by the tides of the goblin, was once again regarded as a training place for the northern people. On the basis of worry-free, humans even organized several counterattacks, once throwing the goblin out of the city. .

Some people can't understand, such a lonely city, why the Northern Territory and the Northern Empire will invest so much energy.

Where is the value of the southern region and the value of the city of Iduna?

Is it still said that there is a secret hidden in this piece of land?


When the Northern Territory Empire operated the city of Iduna, the Holy See was basically completed the reorganization of the only remaining human giant city in the southern region, the Bayern Munich Imperial City.

The Juventus Empire, the Barcelona Empire and the Holy See’s faculty have basically taken over the giant city.

The Holy See also established a secret magical passage to continue to deliver supplies to Allianz.

At the same time, the whole continent’s condemnation of the Northern Empire, with the help of the Holy See, has emerged as a small climax, from dozens of empire such as Everton and Sunderland in the Eastern Territory, because of their national expedition. The death of the army and the mighty powers, and began to change the previous camp, became hateful to the Northern Empire.

The elite armies of these empire, even to the battlefields and southern regions along the Gulf of Naples, are preparing to fight against the Northern Empire.

The situation is suddenly tense.


Gulf of Naples.

Under the sunset of the blood, the earth is bleeding with blood.

On the twelfth day of the war, the two empires of Barcelona and Juventus glimpse a thousand miles, lost more than 5,000 kilometers of territory, lost more than half of the troops, this is definitely the beginning of the war, the two empire absolutely no The situation that comes to mind.

After the rectification, the Northern Territory's Imperial Army, both in terms of equipment and discipline, surpassed these two ace empires.

In particular, their magical army, the terrible qualities of tactics and strategy, destroyed the two empires from the beginning.

"The magical civilization of the Northern Army has at least exceeded our hundred years!"

The commander of the Juventus empire, the martial artist Quagliarella looked at the remaining squadron and could not help but lament.

It is hard to imagine that this formerly known as the barren land, the northern land of the nine-level hegemonic empire that has not been born for thousands of years, why did such a terrible magical civilization be born, which is almost miraculous and does not conform to the mainland magic civilization. The law of development is a leap-forward and explosive growth.

Such a discovery made the remaining empire of the two empire fronts shrouded in a cloud.

In fact, it is really hard to believe that the outbreak of the war was initiated by the Holy See. The party that had suddenly attacked was completely convinced that all actions were met with a headache, and the elaborate combat plan became a joke.

The people in the Northland seem to realize that everything is known.

In less than half a month, the Northern Army completely seized every action node and flaws of the Holy See side, and will count on it and expand the results step by step.

The commanders of Juventus and Barcelona felt like a dragon that had to smash and smash the opponent, but was surprised to find that it rushed into the trap that the opponent had already prepared for the trap. What is even more terrifying is In the past two and a half months, no matter how carefully designed and made any countermeasures, they are ultimately in vain and are expected by their opponents.

If it were not for the ruling that the Knights of the Knights could withstand the most elite army of the Northern Territory, I was afraid that the two empires had nearly one million troops. In the first wave of the Northerners, they were completely wiped out. .

"The enemy has a very high commander of the military division. It is definitely the existence of the super-superior of the mainland. It is not the situation of the "golden lion" Wu Fu, who is governed by Wu Fu, who is it?" Quagliarella questioned.

"It is said that the commander of the Northern Territory, called Demi Al-Yang, is the father of Alyang Robben, one of the twelve golden Saints of the Northern Territory. He came from mysterious, lost in his early years, and was later taken over by the Northern Territory. The guy, who is called [the rifle of the Northern Territory Emperor], and [the sword of the Northern Territory] Best, [the shield of the Northern Territory] Brooke is listed as the three super giants of the Northern Empire. One of the most mysterious ones among the three is the one of the most famous trio of guns, swords and shields."

Barcelona Imperial Commander Pique recalled the latest information and slowed down.

"Only so much?" Quagliarella frowned.

"There are only so many." Pique said with a wry smile: "You have to know that the time of the emergence of the Northern Empire is even shorter than the time our intelligence personnel began to pay attention to him."

"The battle in the Gulf of Naples is much harder than we think. The Northern Territory has such a terrible commander. For us, it is definitely not good news." Quagliarella looked at the **** red clouds on the horizon, saying: "Maybe, we should use the old method to solve this problem."

Pique’s face is still a bitter smile: “This method, the gods, has already thought of it. However, the eleven assassin killers sent out have all lost their jobs. Even the six elders of the killer temple are dead. In the hands of the northern strong."

"The loss is so big?" Quagliarella incredibly took a breath: "The elders of the killer temple are fallen? Is there a northern empire and a killer organization? As far as I know, the gods of asceticism and the elders of the killer temple There are very few precedents for failure."

"Northern people certainly have their own killer organization, the famous four thorns, and the "Death Kiss" magic shadow, are the people of the Northern Territory." Pique said, slammed into a chill, as if Behind it, there is already a killer of the Northern Empire.

Quagliarella couldn't help but shudder.

[Kiss of Death] The Shadow is a terrible rookie in the assassination world. It has killed 11 eleven hot days and a great consummation. One of the most powerful people does not lose the record. It is mysterious and is called the death spokesperson.

This person is said to have extremely terrible talents. Even the strongest people can't detect and see his stealth technique. He will be killed and killed. He is called the death spokesperson. The origin is extremely mysterious. No one knows his identity. You can see a shadow, and it is seen by countless people as the person who can crown the throne of the assassination in the future.

Unexpectedly, this killing **** is actually a person of the Northern Empire.

If the Northern Empire sent this guy to assassinate himself...

Quagliarella suddenly felt that the first thing he would return to the camp after a while was to change his handsome account and strengthen the guard...

"I have a hunch that the theaters along Naples will not be able to counterattack for the time being. Our mission is to wait for the arrival of the elite army of the Eastern Empire and support the undefeated situation - or not to defeat too badly, try to provoke the Northland people and The relationship between the East and the East, to the greatest extent here to attract the attention of the Northern Empire, waiting for the end of the battle between the two countries in the South, everything here will be doomed..." Pique said Turn around and leave.

"The two, Platini and Alexander?" Quagliarella said the names of the two men in the bottom of my heart.


"In the 10,000-kilometer-long southwest, I found the breath of the spiritual elite."

In the southern domain, Idna City, Sun Fei got a message.

"Is it finally released? Can't help it? Yes, it is time to see the difference, the picture is poor!" Sun Fei squeezed the plate into powder, and the Valkyrie, both vacated, toward Flying southwest -

Starting tomorrow, the minimum margin is two.

Start to cheer up.

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