MTL - Guardian-Chapter 4 Samsara

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In fact, the old campus of Longcheng University was actually built at the time of the Republic of China. It has a hundred years of history. The old school building on the campus can almost cover the sky, and the old teaching building hidden in it is still the old one. The western style unique to the concession area looks old and unfriendly.

Only this office building near the west gate has just been built in recent years, and the floors are relatively high. Through the layers of trees, the chickens stand out in an old building, which looks like a nondescript spot and damage. The aura of the entire campus.

Wu Shenwei said she didn't know the student, so she offered to take them to the college to ask.

But this brand-new college office building made Zhao Yunlan can't help but jump into the eyelids-this building has eighteen floors. He didn't need to count to know.

Earlier, when some real estate commercial residential buildings were built, they had to avoid the number of eighteen floors. However, after that, housing prices have soared, and more and more developers have been there. What they used to do must be kicked in there, plus many places. Limited height. In order to make a profit, most people can build as high as they can, how much can be sold, and how many can be sold, so the old pay attention to this "feudal superstition" has gradually become unnoticed.

Only those who know things can see at a glance that something is wrong.

I do n’t know if the air conditioner was turned on. As soon as I entered the door of the college-run building, a cool, cold wind blew on his face. The Daqing cat lying on Zhao Yunlan's shoulders stunned, and its sharp claws extended from the meat pad He came out and hugged the man's shirt tightly.

"The classmate ’s student ID is written in the Department of Mathematics, and the Faculty Office of the Department of Mathematics is on the top floor." Shen Wei took two people to the elevator and pressed the floor.

云 Zhao Yunlan suddenly asked him: "Professor Shen is not curious about what is going on here? Generally, when people encounter this kind of thing, they always ask two more questions."

Shen Wei lowered his head slightly and said gently, "The dead is the biggest. I can help you investigate the case within my ability. You only need to know other things. It doesn't matter if I know it."

Zhao Yunlan put his palm on the back of the black cat, and gave it along the hair one after another: "There are not many good citizens like Professor Shen who are so enthusiastic. My family in Daqing has never been a relative. . "

Shen Wei smiled gently: "It should be."

Zhao Yunlan shut his mouth briefly, his eyes flashed. He felt that Shen Wei was very wrong. Except for the first inadvertent glance, Professor Shen seemed to avoid his eyes deliberately.

The elevator went to the fourth floor, and it suddenly shook a bit, and stopped without warning. The lights on the top seemed to be in poor contact. After two flashes, Guo Great Wall looked up to see Zhao Yunlan, but the man didn't know if it was rough or Why, even without blinking his eyes, he is still studying Shen Wei thoughtfully.

He only heard a male voice quietly coming from the elevator: "Mr. Shen, what are you going to do on the 18th floor?"

巍 Shen Wei said with no change of face: "There was an accident in the school. These two are public security officers. I will take them to the math department to find out."

"Oh," the voice seemed to be a bit dull, and it took a while before he said it again, at that quiet, slow pace, "OK, please be careful."

话 His voice only came down, and the elevator returned to normal once again, and the lights were okay. The elevator stuck in the middle also continued to go up after "creaking" ... as if nothing had happened.

"Scared?" Shen Wei turned around, still just looking at Guo Great Wall, avoiding Zhao Yunlan with a trace, and explained with a smile, "It should be the building security just now. A student jumped from the top of the building last semester. He committed suicide. After that, except for those in the math department, if anyone went to the top floor for no reason, the security officer would stop the elevator and ask a question to prevent that from happening again. "

Guo Great Wall was relieved and smiled a little embarrassedly, "Oh ... oh, it was a security guard, I thought it was ..."

"Are there strange events?" Shen Wei asked with a smile.

The dishes on Guo Great Wall's face flooded into the sea.

云 Zhao Yunlan frowned.

This feng shui has rotten to the extreme of the academy, and I have been afraid to look at his professor so strangely.

Even the one who dutifully checks everybody on the top level, maybe it's not just one ... "security".

I walked all the way to the top of the building, the entire 18th floor was empty, not even a mosquito gecko settled here, cold and humid.

云 Zhao Yunlan couldn't help sneezing.

Shen Wei immediately asked, "Has a cold?"

Even if he doesn't communicate with people's eyes, the question still looks very sincere.

Perhaps because of his personal temperament, Professor Shen bowed his head and bowed his head with a taste of "gentleman," even though his eyes were a bit unnatural when talking to Zhao Yunlan, it was rare and uncomfortable. .

云 Zhao Yunlan rubbed his nose: "No, I just felt that, once I entered this hallway, I could smell the kind of math assignments that can't be finished by the general manager ... special smell."

Shen Wei narrowed her eyes in cooperation, giving him a gentle and restrained smile.

"Don't laugh." Zhao Yunlan joked, "Professor Shen, I don't tell you, when I study, the teacher is my natural enemy. Our class teacher predicted that when I grew up, I would definitely become a hooligan. Who knows that when I grow up, I Become a people's policeman. I met him when I was back to school, and I just wanted to show off my power. Can you guess what he said? "

Shen Wei made a serious listen: "What?"

"The old angry youth said, classmate Zhao, look, I'm right, you have grown into a standard uniformed hooligan."

Zhao Yunlan has been in contact with the three teachings and nine streams all the year round. One mouth can be oily and slippery. Usually, a few words can make people feel intimate. Even Guo Quancheng, like a quail, seems to have a problem with his "math assignments". The posture of walking behind them also seemed a bit human.

But this Shen Wei ... The expression of Zhao Yunlan when he listened to Zhao Yunlan made Zhao Yunlan himself have an illusion, as if he wasn't talking about in a car full of fire, but in a foreign language that was against the sky The difficult-to-read questions of "read only once", every word is valued, and Professor Shen is not willing to miss half a word.

But he really "listened to his ears", he just didn't dare to look up at himself. The smile on his face seemed gentle at first glance, but after a long time, he found that it was very patterned, like painting on his face.

云 Zhao Yunlan simply suspected that his face was about to smile.

The three were chatting and walking like this, and their footsteps knocked on the floor, and the echo kept staggering in the corridor. The man's grinning laughter covered the footsteps of the fourth man mixed in the middle ... sound.

Quiet, rustling, the sound of soft-shoes dragging to the ground.

The college building is a large tower. The so-called "tower" is generally a tall and thin building with elevators in the middle and a circle around the middle "big tower".

As they moved forward, Guo Great Wall noticed that Zhao Yunlan's watch was undergoing some strange changes silently, starting from the place where the two hands were connected, a touch deeper than light red and more positive The lighter red rose red began to spread out, circle by circle, like ripples rippling in the water, which made his men's watch almost like an expensive handicraft, and the metal strap buckled in the pale man. On the slightly thinned wrist, there is a strange sense of luxury that cannot be said.

Guo Great Wall hesitated, and whispered, "Zhao ... Zhao, your watch ..."

"What's wrong? It turned red?" Zhao Yunlan walking in front of him turned back with his unique smirk, "Do you know why?"

Guo Great Wall shook his head honestly.

云 Zhao Yunlan said with a smile: "Li Gui loves wearing red, I don't think Feng Shui in this building is good. Maybe somewhere is hiding dirt, maybe the shadow of something is projecting on it ..."

Guo Changcheng's face turned pale. He instinctively followed Zhao Yunlan's words and glanced at his dial. This time, he saw an old man on the glass—she ... was of medium build and slightly fat. Wearing a black suit, looking at him facelessly!

The footsteps of Guo Great Wall stopped.

Zhao Yunlan seemed to see nothing and smiled. He twisted a small button on the side of the dial, and suddenly a cloud of mist appeared on the dial. The redness was diminished immediately, and I saw it again. , Still a clean male watch, the style is well-formed, neither weird red, nor reflective female ghosts.

"I haven't seen a mouse wheel that will change color? For a reason, this silly boy, take a mallet seriously." Zhao Yunlan stunned the intern for a few seconds, but suddenly turned to Shen Wei without warning, "Shen The professor is Kochi, and he is particular about materialism. He certainly doesn't believe in this kind of ghost thing? "

Shen Wei pushed his glasses, avoiding his eyes again, and said slowly: "The ancients said," Except Liuhe, the saints do not speak. "Whether or not there is no one can tell. But I do feel that there are Yes, there is no, there is no need for everyone to investigate too much. "Don't ask Cangsheng to ask ghosts and gods", that was the thing that Dajun did in the old days. If people do n’t even understand their own affairs, they have to worry about whether there is any in the world. Ghosts, aren't they ridiculous? "

This sentence is full of literati, but it is plausible. When answering the question, Zhao Yunlan smiled when he saw the temptation failed. If nothing happened, he revealed the topic: "Ms. Shen taught liberal arts?"

"Well, I take college Chinese and some liberal arts electives."

"No wonder-but I heard an acquaintance in the real estate industry said that new residential buildings are rarely built this way now. Such towers are generally commercial office buildings over 100 meters in length. It is not easy to clean, and then there is It ’s not transparent, it ’s not easy to handle the daylight, and it ’s not very comfortable to live. I think that “feng shui” is what it means. ”Zhao Yunlan reached out the cigarette case and shook it.“ Oh yes, this No smoking? Don't mind? "

Shen Wei shook his head, Zhao Yunlan put one hand in his pocket, and the other hand flicked slightly, and then he took out a cigarette, slightly lowered his eyes, and after a moment, he spit out a white cigarette without hesitation. , Looks like an old cigarette.

Shen seems to be determined to ignore him, and Shen Wei finally frowned: "Cigarette and alcohol are not good for the body, Officer Zhao is so young and somewhat restrained."

Zhao Yunlan smiled, but did not immediately talk. His face was hidden in a cloud of smoke, making people unable to see his expression clearly. The fine soot fell from the cigarette butt, whether it was intentional or unintentional. In the shadows.

云 Zhao Yunlan lowered his eyes and glanced from the ground, so he closed his hands with the smoke: "In our business, sometimes there are no days and nights, and life habits are really not easy."

Shen Wei seemed to want to say something, but when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed back stiffly, and after a while, he frowned, and shifted the subject slightly: "The faculties on the old campus There weren't many teachers at all. There were only a few offices in the south facing the entire 18th floor. Most of the other rooms were vacant.

Molds and moss are easy to grow in deserted corners, and easy to grow ... other things.

I do not know what the purpose is. The corner of the corridor in this building is not a rounded corner, close to a right angle, and it seems to be staggered. People who come to the corner will still be fangs. The emergence of the corners obstructed the line of sight, and if two people walked right opposite each other, they could easily hit each other.

Shen Wei led the way, Zhao Yunlan hugged the cat and followed him closely. Guo Great Wall walked to the end. As they approached the corner little by little, Guo Great Wall suddenly felt like there was something in that shadow. Suddenly came out the same. At this point, he could not hear the conversation between the other two people, but just stared at the corner—the dim light shot out of the window with a wide angle, pulling the shadow of the window lattice to the ground, There was a flickering junction.

After a while, Guo Great Wall found that the edge of the shadow ... something was moving.

It was as if someone who was hiding there came up secretly, and then came up with a ... seems like the shape of a hand!