MTL - Guardian of Douluo-Chapter 37

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Dai Mubai took the three to an open space, where a middle-aged man in his fifties was sleeping. The man was not tall, but just sleeping gave him a majestic feeling.

Tang Nian looked at Dai Mubai and asked in a low voice, "Is this also a Soul Emperor level powerhouse?"

Dai Mubai shook his head and said, "This one is our vice president, and his strength is not only a soul emperor, but a seventy-sixth-level battle soul saint."

"Soul Saint? He looks so young!" Hearing Dai Mubai's words, Xiao Wu shouted in surprise, pulling the sleeping people out of their sleep.

"What's the matter, Xiaobai, why are you so noisy?" The man rubbed his eyes and forgot to come here with hazy eyes.

"Teacher Zhao, I'm bringing someone to conduct the fourth test." Dai Mubai stepped forward and called out.

Then Tang Nian and the others watched Dai Mubai and that Teacher Zhao chatting about them.

When Teacher Zhao heard that several people had been exempted from the second and third levels, his eyes lit up, and there was light in his eyes. For some reason, seeing his appearance, Tang Nian had a bad premonition in his heart. That expression was the same as if he wanted to trick people.

When Zao Wou-Ki stood up and watched them say the words to test them personally, Tang Nian's smile shattered, "Mr. Zhao, you mean that we are going to fight you. "

Tang Nian confirms again.

"Yes! There are so many little monsters this year, I'm happy, so I just shot." With a gentle smile, Zao Wou-Ki said, "Little monster, what's your name? "

Being called a little monster, Tang Nian was not annoyed, so he regarded it as a kind of compliment to himself, "My name is Tang Nian, and I am the new student this time."

"This year? That is, you didn't do it before." Tang Nian grasped the point. Even if Teacher Zhao couldn't give up testing them personally, he could take advantage of him.

"I used to come to test." Dai Mubai also felt that Zao Wou-ki's idea was unreliable, so he explained it aside.

Tang Nianjian may not let Zao Wuji give up, and said, "However, your strength is already at the level of a soul saint. Isn't it a great loss for us to fight against you?"

"You can't even solve this small problem?" Zao Wou-Ki's voice was very disdainful.

Small things? Very good, teacher, I remember you, not to mention all kinds of dark thoughts in my heart, Tang Nian's face is still full of smiles, "Can you promise us a request after we win?"

Zao Wou-Ki looked at a few people and thought that he couldn't lose at his level, so he waved his hand indifferently and said, "As you please."

The smile on his face widened, "Then let's discuss, Mr. Zhao, please wait for a while." Then he asked, "Boss Dai, can you introduce Mr. Zhao to us now?"

Dai Mubai saw Zao Wou-ki's indifferent wave of hands, and understood that he didn't care about telling a few people about his strengths, so he called them aside and began to explain.

Before starting the explanation, Tang Nian asked a few people for their opinions, "Do you have any opinions on that request?"

Xiao Wu said indifferently: "No, Xiao Nian, think about it. Are you still asking for this?"

The girl with short hair and ears seemed to have little interest in that request, and said with a smile, "I don't mind, you can do what you want."

The cold girl only had three words, "No interest."

Seeing that there were no opinions, Tang Nian accepted the right to handle the request. What? You ask Tang San, he dares to have an opinion.

Dai Mubai saw that a few people had reached a consensus, so he began to explain it to them. When talking about the identity of that teacher Zhao, the short-haired soft and beautiful girl suddenly exclaimed, "He's actually the King of Fu Ming Zhao. Wuji. He has been missing from the mainland for ten years, but he never thought that he would become a teacher at Shrek Academy. Back then, King Fudo Ming Zhao Wuji once had a festival with Wuhun Temple. Wuhun Temple wanted to punish him, but he insisted Sixteen bishops rushed out from the siege. Then it was over."

Spirit Hall? Tang Nian was startled, and it seemed that Shrek Academy had come to the right place if they dared to take in someone related to the Spirit Hall. This alone, for them, is many times stronger than other colleges.

After thinking about it for a while, the topic has reached the stage of introducing each other's spirits.

Xiao Wu and Tang San's martial arts Tang Nian are most familiar, so I listened to the introduction of the other two girls.

The short-haired girl hesitated for a while before she said, "Ning Rongrong, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda of Weapon Spirit, a Level 26 Auxiliary Spirit Master."

When it was Tang Nian's turn, he smiled slightly and said, "Tang Nian, weapon spirit blue silver umbrella, 29th level defense system spirit master."

Ning Rongrong, the short-haired girl, was the most eye-catching among the five spirits. Just because of the evaluation of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, Pan Continent, the most powerful auxiliary weapon spirit.

Is it possible to disdain Zao Wou-ki's promise? The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, looked at Dai Mubai who seemed to be keeping an eye on Zhu Zhuqing, and thinking about his and Tang San's backgrounds, a smile appeared on the corner of Tang Nian's mouth, this Shrek Academy is probably better than he thought. Also interesting.

Ning Rongrong kept staring at herself while looking at others, stuck out her cute little tongue, and said, "Don't look at me, I'm no different from ordinary people. I stole it from my house. I ran out. Let's talk about it after we pass the test at hand. My martial spirit is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, with two spirit rings. It can enhance the attributes of speed and strength for everyone. The increase is about 30%. A stick of incense is absolutely fine."

Tsk tsk, what a skill. Looking at the seemingly naughty and modest girl, Tang Nian sighed, and he didn't know if she was really humble or it didn't matter. However, he didn't care, in this test, that martial spirit was still very useful to them.

Dai Mubai took a deep breath and said, "The four of you have a good match. There is no martial spirit that duplicates the system. How to resist Teacher Zhao's attack is up to you to decide."

Tang San thought for a while, then said: "Ning Rongrong is responsible for assisting the three of us, then, Xiao Wu is responsible for the main attack, I am responsible for controlling Teacher Zhao's attack, limiting him as much as possible, and assisting Xiao Wu at the same time. Wu to attack frontally. Zhu Zhuqing, please use your speed to contain you from the flanks."

"As for me, I will protect you all." Tang Nian finally added, and said to Ning Rongrong, "Miss, remember when you come, and follow me." Hearing these words, Tang San looked sideways.

"Miss, why are you calling me that?" Ning Rongrong wondered?

Tang Nian only smiled, but did not answer.

"Forget it, I will remember to be by your side." Knowing that she would definitely be the target of a key attack, Ning Rongrong didn't care too much, and followed Tang Nian's defense It's safer to be around.

Tang San didn't have any objections when he saw several people, and said, "Since everyone has no objections, let's start."

"Have you discussed it?" Just as Zao Wou-Ki's loud voice came, the four of them turned around and looked, the incense stick on the ground between them had already burned to the end.

"Teacher, you can start." Dai Mubai nodded to Zao Wou-Ki and quickly stepped aside to watch the battle.

Zao Wou-Ki stood up again, clasped his hands together, and moved his wrists. A series of bone-stinging rumblings sounded, and the invisible pressure suddenly increased a bit. Another incense stick appeared in Zao Wuji's hand, and before he could light it, Ning Rongrong took the lead. "Seven Treasures turn out with colored glass."

Tang Nian also shot with him at the same time. Unlike the dazzling appearance of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, the light blue light and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda are two extremes. Almost impossible to save. After Tang Nian added support for them with Ning Rongrong's spirit ability, he raised the blue-silver umbrella in his hand to the sky alone. into a huge enchantment. The five people were shrouded in it, and Zao Wou-Ki was outside the barrier. At the same time, small blue light spots were scattered in the air, but the color was darker than that of the umbrella.

"This barrier can block Mr. Zhao's certain attacks. If it is not broken, it is best. If it is broken, you can also predict how strong Mr. Zhao's power is." Throw it to Dai Mubai, "Please help me take care of this little thing."

Dai Mubai looked down and saw that it was a small stone. So he didn't find the worry in the eyes of the small stone in his hand.

"Good guy, one of the candidates this year is from the Qibao Liuli family. Yes, yes, the old ghost Flender will definitely be excited this time." The incense has been lit, and it is thrown and inserted into the ground. Obviously, in front of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, Tang Nian's martial spirit did not attract much attention from Zao Wou-Ki.

Seeing the transparent barrier in front of him, Zao Wou-Ki thought, the children of today are too ignorant of the heights of the sky, do you really think that Soul Sage can just lift one out? Involuntarily, there was a bit of contempt in his mouth, "It's just such a small cover, you still want to block me and watch me break it for you." After that, he attacked the five. Although he didn't pay much attention to it, the attack on Zhao Wuji still looked very fast.

Looking at Zao Wou-Ki rushing in, everyone except Tang San and Tang Nian were thinking, can they attack? The hand does not consciously make a pre-attack action.

And Zao Wou-Ki was less than a step away from the enchantment.

Here! Not only others, but even Tang Nian wanted to know the endurance of this enchantment. I saw Zao Wou-Ki punch him quickly, the fist collided with the enchantment quickly, a white light appeared at the place where the two met, and the stabbed eyes were a little hard to open.

Several people were staring, trying to see what was going on in the light. Tang San and Tang Nian tacitly used the Purple Demon Eye, only to see such a scene happening inside.


Tang San: Xiao Nian, the other Shrek Academy students are pretty good looking. (^_^)

Tang Nian: Σ(°△°|||) Brother, your aesthetics are amazing. Look at Ma Hongjun,

Tang Nian: T^T brother, you are actually.

Ma Hongjun: Who am I to provoke? T^T

In other words, after the Jinjiang app is updated, there are several more functions, and some places can be accessed without entering the web page, which is much more convenient.

Thanks 19002328 for the mine.