MTL - Great Voyage: Invincible From the Era of Rocks-Chapter 10

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12 Meet the crew, Kaido who is constantly challenging

next morning.

Caesar, chest to abdomen, wrapped in a white bandage, walked on the road to the town on the island.

The town has returned to its former hustle and bustle, and it is no longer as trembling as yesterday, as if it were facing a big enemy.

Because they all know that Caesar guards the residents of their island.

"Caesar, you are going to sea, this is for you."

When passing by a fruit stand, Granny Gurney came over with a small burlap bag and handed it to him.

Caesar paused for a second when he met her enthusiastic and sincere expression, "This is..."

After seeing him take it, the smile on Granny Gurney's face became even wider, and the wrinkles around the eyes almost bloomed into flowers.

"We all know that the group of pirates let this island go because you agreed to board their ship. Granny Gurney thank you."

As she spoke, her eye sockets were a little red.

"I have it too, Caesar, thank you."

"This, my dry food, is enough."

"My house has fresh water, I'll bring you a bucket later."

The residents on the island are very friendly and hospitable.

It didn't take long before his whole body was covered with things, and he was carrying things on both hands and ten fingers.

Even with a bag of stuff in its mouth.



When Brad saw his appearance, he ran over immediately, his eyes widened, "Aren't you injured? Why don't you take a good rest and run out?"

He picked up some heavy objects.

"Just a little injury."

The two walked to the shore side by side. The Rocks Pirates were replenishing fresh water and food, and boxes of goods were being moved to the ship.

Kaido glanced at him, rather unwilling, and didn't come to talk to him.

Seeing the tall and powerful Kaido, Brad gritted his teeth and his eyes were alert.

Caesar kept his eyes on and passed by Kaido, which made Kaido even more angry.

After Caesar put away the food given by the residents of the town, he went out on the deck, and saw the white beard sitting on the deck leaning against the railing to blow the wind.

"New here, name is..."

When he was young, the white beard was quite handsome, and he was also very friendly, with a tolerant and gentle smile on his lips.

Whitebeard took the initiative to say hello, and Brad's tense expression relaxed a little.

Caesar stepped forward, tilted his head and smiled, he was still very curious about the white beard, especially the white beard when he was young.


"And you?"

You can't call him Whitebeard, he doesn't have any beard yet.

"Edward Newgate."

While the two were talking, there was a rustling sound behind them.

Caesar looked back, and the chewing sound suddenly became more obvious.

"Hey, if you continue to eat, you will finish the newly supplemented food."

Kaido looked very irritablely at Charlotte Lingling who was eating cakes and desserts.

When Lingling was chewing, her eyes seemed to be impatient, and when she saw Kaido stop him, her face turned black.

Caesar raised his eyebrows, this is Ling who went on a hunger rampage.

Sure enough, the next second, the aunt who was prevented from eating started to run away, and directly fought with Kaido.

Whitebeard sighed, and introduced him helplessly: "The one holding the mace is the intern Kaido, and the one eating and drinking is Charlotte Lingling."

"One thing to warn you, that is, don't stop Charlotte Lingling from eating, otherwise, bad things will happen."

White Beard told them the information on the ship very kindly.

Brad looked at Kaido and Big Mom who were shaking, and hugged himself tightly.

"I'm Shi Ji, known as the Golden Lion."

A yellow-haired person floated in the air, it was the golden lion Shiji.

Caesar nodded at him, and Skee looked at Caesar like a monster.

"What's going on? You're not even curious about Lao Tzu's abilities?"

The Golden Lion seemed dissatisfied with Caesar's lukewarm response.

At this time, John and Wang Zhi came over, and they were also very interested in this powerful newcomer.

During the period of replenishing food, Caesar got to know the cadres on board one by one.

Soon Lockes came back with a small group of pirates, all of them looking at the barrels over their shoulders.

"I've got some wine to drink, let's have a banquet tonight!"

Someone happily suggested.

"Haha, I want to defeat that bearded man and give him wine with his head."

The crew members on the ship chattered and discussed, the topic was extremely bloody.

Caesar had expected it from the very beginning, and it had no effect on him, while Brad was very trembling, and had a lot of dislike for this pirate group in his heart.

The boat traveled some distance and was safe in the sea.

In the evening, there was a bonfire party.

"Hey, Caesar, I want to fight you again!"

Kaido was very dissatisfied with the result of yesterday's defeat, and at the same time wanted to keep getting stronger, so he focused on Caesar.

The onlookers suddenly burst into loud shouts.

The eyes of this group of people are full of bloodthirsty and madness, like a group of desperadoes.

No, they are desperadoes themselves.

Lingling, who was full of food and drink, smiled cutely and gently, with heart shapes on her mouth opening and closing, "Why does Kaido, a big and tall man, like newcomers?"

"so bad."

The golden lion with white beard on the side glanced at Charlotte Lingling, as if saying, you don't give up too much.

"How about it, don't you dare?"

Kaido speaks harshly at him.

[13] Chickens fly and dogs jump, fight against daily life!

"No, there is nothing to dare."

Caesar threw himself and jumped out.

The upper body quickly turned on the armed color hardening, with a little red hardening layer in the pitch black, as if wearing a thick layer of armor, quite invulnerable.

If it wasn't just scratched by Rocks yesterday.

Lockes laughed wildly while drinking, and did not express any opinion on the battle between the two, and was even happy to see the result.

"bring it on."



The wind howled.

The two touched their fingertips, and sparks flew everywhere.

The collision of armed colors hardened and the scorching air brought up brought the banquet to a climax.

The sound of clang and clang is endless.

Everyone watched intently.

The figures of the two were extremely fast, constantly colliding and colliding in the air.

Brad was a little puzzled, why didn't Caesar use his long sword? Instead, it was an unarmed fight?

In the fierce battle, Caesar felt quite at a disadvantage.


The two were bounced away and separated by a distance.

Kaido had the upper hand, but he didn't look happy, "You don't use a sword?"

"What do you mean by being so bare-handed?"

He is holding a mace, but the opponent doesn't use any weapons. Does this mean he looks down on him?

Caesar shook his head, "No, I just want to exercise my arrogance."

His weapon has not been hardened yet, so for now, he has to exercise the strength of his upper body hardening.

It is best to develop full-body armed color hardening.

This is also the purpose of his promise to Kaido to challenge.

Armed color domineering is the latest to awaken among the three-color domineering, and naturally it is also the weakest, requiring constant exercise.

Fighting against Kaido is the best way to train.

Poor Kaido.

He didn't know that he had become a partner in Caesar's heart.

After a period of time.

Both Caesar and Brad have begun to adjust to life on the boat.

Even when Caesar was eating, someone would always appear.

"Come on, let's compete."

Kaido often asks him to fight, and Caesar often agrees to his invitations based on the idea of ​​training his armed domineering.

However, it does not include running out to disturb him while he is eating.

Caesar's face turned cold, his brows frowned slightly, "You should choose a suitable time."

"Are you an idiot like that woman Lingling?"

Caesar swiped and jumped in front of Kaido.

"Then let you lie down for a few more days!"

After finishing speaking, he clenched his fist and slammed it hard at him.

The hardened fist of the armed color seems to be stronger than before, and he has already figured out Kaido's moves.

This time, the fighting power was fully used, and Kaido's nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

After the end, Caesar was finally able to eat with peace of mind.

But Caesar was not a quiet master.

After defeating Kaido, start looking for Charlotte Lingling.

"Let's play a game."