MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1184 Why do I feel like someone is watching us

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  Chapter 1184 Why do I feel that some people are watching us

   Teams of rangers are fighting in the territory of Tocharo.

  The big cannibal who is not afraid of death gradually gains the upper hand.

  At this time, the Tocharians will be rushed to reinforce.

  When the Tocharian people were dissatisfied, the voice from the Tang Army General Manager's garrison always made them terrified.

   "This is Tochara, not the Tochara of Tang Dynasty!"

  The Tang army came here primarily to rescue Tocharia. If Tocharo sits and watches, Jia Pingan doesn't mind leading the army to retreat, and wait for Dashi to destroy Tocharo before a decisive battle.

   "The rangers of the Tang army are sometimes strong and sometimes weak, which should be due to the presence of tribal cavalry."

   Rhodes is analyzing.

   "The two sides are evenly matched."

  Bu Zhuo has already figured it out, "Our cavalry has the upper hand in this battle, so where do we start?"

   Rhodes raised his eyes, "Let's start with Tochara..."

Bu Zhuo nodded, "The battle of the army is never just to kill, but to check the surrounding area. Tocharian people are afraid of Datang, so we give some sweets and promise that we will not interfere with the rule of Tocharian... In fact, we don't have to go put one's oar in."

   Rhodes said with a smile: "If Anxi is defeated, Tocharo will naturally surrender."

   "This is the urging situation."

  Bu Zhuo said: "We fought together, and the Tocharians gave the Tang army a fatal blow..."

   "Actually, I want to join forces with Tubo." Rhodes sighed: "That is a formidable opponent, what a pity."

  Bu Zhuo frowned, "That's what I don't like about you. You are too melancholy. You are more like a literati than a general."

   Rhodes said lightly: "It's okay to have a different kind of general among the same generals."

  The two were silent, and it was Bu Zhuo who finally broke the silence.

   "I have read a lot of news about Jia Ping'an, and the battle of Liaodong was the most brilliant. It is said that this person's methods are superb, especially the move of involving Silla, which can be called the most brilliant moment of the Liaodong battle."

   "Yes." Rhodes said: "We need to be vigilant. In addition, during the war with Tubo, Lu Dongzan's methods were resolved one by one in front of him..."

   "It is said that he is only in his thirties?"


   Bu Zhuo said: "Too young."

   "But don't underestimate the enemy." Rhodes warned.

  Bu Zhuo said indifferently: "As the general, I don't need you to remind me of this. I need you to fill in the gaps for me."

   Rhodes said indifferently: "It's easy to say."

  Bu Zhuo looked at the map, writing and drawing from time to time.

   "Our army waits for work with ease, and the Tang army is exhausted from afar. The first battle... let's touch it and disturb the baggage."


  The food and grass consumed by the 100,000 troops every day is an astronomical figure.

   "Fortunately, there is a lot of grain in Anxi. With more immigrants, there will be more food output. This time, the priority is to mobilize grain and grass from Anxi, and then the grain and grass from the DPRK and China will also be stockpiled in Anxi and transported continuously."

  Gao Kan is introducing the situation.

   "Pay attention to the road of grain."

  Jia Pingan said: "The big cannibal waits for work at leisure. Our army is hoarding in the area of ​​the Great Khan's Governor's Mansion. The big cannibal can only fight in an upright manner."

   "Aren't they going to fight with dignity?"

  Wang Fangyi has some doubts.

"The big cannibals are better than you imagined, especially their generals." Jia Pingan knew that the big cannibals were flexible, "They don't just think about fighting between the two armies, they will use all means to harass and weaken them. own opponent."

   "Who is going to watch the grain road?"

   Jia Pingan looked at the generals.

  Wang Zhongliang thought this was very interesting, when he suddenly heard someone slapping the table heavily, he was startled, as if he had returned to the time when the emperor threw things in anger, and stood up all at once.

   "Yeah, who's against it?"

   Li Jingye stood up.

   Stand proudly.

   Cheng Wu sneered, "Why?"

  Li Jingye said: "Try?"

   The dissatisfied Cheng Ting whispered: "Bitch!"

  He can't beat Li Jingye.

   "Wang Fangyi is going."

  Li Jingye: "..."

  Brother, are you...drinking too much?

  Jia Pingan ignored his anger, "Don't kill too hard, don't let the big cannibals be intimidated."

  Wang Fangyi stood up, "Your officer understands. It's about defeating the enemy and letting the enemy despise him."

   Jia Pingan nodded.

   They left later, but Li Jingye did not leave.

   "Why does brother treat one more than another?"

   "You can't control your temper when fighting. If you kill the big cannibal hard, they will be more vigilant."

  Jia Pingan thinks that fighting is like playing chess.

  The commanders-in-chief of the two armies are chess players, and they negotiate by dispatching troops.


  There is an endless stream of convoys transporting luggage.

   Jia Ping'an ordered the Tocharian people to dispatch a large number of civilians to repair the road, so the road condition is okay.

   The convoy, which can't be seen at a glance, is moving slowly.

  These carts have all been improved, and under the action of the shock-absorbing steel plates, they can climb up even if they encounter small pits.

  The carts are all drawn horses, and each cart is accompanied by a person.

  The consumption of horse chews by people along the way can make people vomit blood.

  War has never been a simple comparison of numbers, but a competition of comprehensive national strength.

  Datang's comprehensive national strength is undoubtedly revealed at this moment, and those peasants can't see any disheveled faces, let alone despair.

  The cart is full of food and grass, or various materials that are urgently needed ahead.

  All materials need to be raised and allocated by the household department.

   Just as the army was ready to fight, countless officials were desperately calculating and commanding. They shouted hoarsely and racked their brains, all just to allow the army to get enough supplies as soon as possible.

  The folks on the road are also an important part.

  They take care of the horses and carts with all their heart and soul. When encountering difficult road sections, they will do their best to help the cart to get through the difficulties.

   This is a big battle.

  Everyone does their best, so no matter whether they win or lose, the future of this country and nation will never be different!

  The mountains are looming in the distance. When the sun comes out, the mountains seem to be shining with golden light.

   "There's gold there!"

  Minister Wang Xiaoyao pointed to the distant mountains and smiled.

  His fingers pointed forward, his mouth was open, his eyes were full of shock...

  A group of cavalry is looming up and down in the sun.

  The spear was raised high, and the unfamiliar armor made people palpitate.

   "Enemy attack!"

  Amidst the sharp screams, the convoy stopped.

  The horses neighed uncomfortably, and the peasants took out their weapons, waiting for orders.

   The accompanying sergeants gathered more than a hundred people and rushed over.

   "It's a big cannibal!"

  This is not the precipitous land of Shu, the army in front cannot block all passages.


  The captain leading the team quickly made a judgment.

  Can't go back.

   Once the brigade decides to retreat, it can only evacuate its personnel.

   "Civilians gather!"

  Lieutenant Lieutenant just issued an order, suddenly hundreds of riders came out from the side.

   "It's our people!"

   The team cheered.

  Wang Fangyi led hundreds of riders to squat for a long time, and finally waited for this moment.

  The enemy army was obviously mentally prepared to attack and harass the troops. After the two sides slashed and killed, the enemy army left more than a hundred corpses and retreated calmly.

   "Didn't they kill them all?"

  Wang Xiaoyao was a little disappointed.

  A sergeant shouted: "No slander."

  Wang Xiaoyao muttered: "But last time I saw a fight, we could chase hundreds of Tubo cavalry and flee with a hundred cavalry. Could it be that the big cannibal is so powerful?"



   Rhodes was not angry when he received the news, but smiled easily, "We lost more than a hundred riders..."

  Bu Zhuo was surprised, "How many people are there?"

   "More than a hundred less than us."

   Rhodes said with a smile: "We have 200,000 troops, and they are only 100,000, so..."

  He looked at Bu Zhuo.

  Bu Zhuo took a deep breath, "So, a great victory is expected!"

   "It must be so!" Rhodes' eyes brightened, "It's time to start."


   "The enemy attacked the supply chain and was repulsed by the subordinate officials."

   What Jia Pingan admires most about Wang Fangyi is that he executes orders without compromise.

  Prudent so that you can not find any loopholes, such generals are the most reassuring.

  If the layout can be bigger, then this is a general who can control one party's attack.

   And Li Jingye...

   "Brother, what do you see me doing?"

  Li Jingye is eating a leg of lamb.

   "Keep chewing." Jia Ping'an was a little weak.

  Everyone has his usefulness, some are good at overall planning, some are good at rushing, there is no need to make everyone a handsome talent.

  The future British prince is a fierce general, and he is still a civil servant on weekdays. This kind of situation couldn't be better.

   "Duke, the number of enemy scouts has increased."

  Pei Xingjian came in.

   "The rain is coming."

   Jia Ping'an knew that this was the last peace.

   "Shall we fight?"

  The generals looked at him.


  Jia Ping'an's arrangement made people startled.

   "Get a hot pot."

  The rangers in front are strangling, and Jia Pingan is eating hot pot at the station.

   "We need a fix."

  Jia Pingan got a piece of mutton and ate it very well. "The thing that the two armies fear most in fighting is to follow the enemy. Be determined."

  He ate hot pot for three consecutive days, and the ranger battle outside also went on for three days.


   "Why not fight?"

   Rhodes is pondering.

   "We lost a lot in the ranger battle." Bu Zhuo felt that this could not go on, "Should the army press on?"

   Rhodes looked up at him, and asked for a long time: "Have you contacted the Tocharians?"

   Bu Zhuo nodded, "The Tocharians would rather welcome us in than let Datang in."

   "Defeat Jia Ping'an, break Chang'an!"

  Rhode's eyes became more colorful.

   Bu Zhuo said: "I hope to visit Chang'an, then you or I will become the master of that land, and everything will be at our disposal."

  The two walked out of the tent.

   Outside, camps are dotted all over.

   Rhodes looked up, looked at the blue sky, and exclaimed: "I have never felt that the blue sky is so beautiful."

  The soldiers slowly looked back at them.

  The drums of war are beating, and under the sky, countless soldiers are waiting to walk towards their destiny.

   To die in battle, or to win glory!

   Bu Zhuo raised his hand.

   All sounds are gone.

   His voice echoed over the camp.

   "We have fought all the way to the east, and we have never been invincible!"

   There was excitement in the pairs of eyes.

   "Our road of conquest will never end, we will win glory for Dashi, we will win glory for ourselves and our loved ones..."

  Bu Zhuo finally said: "Let us conquer everything we see, including Datang!"

   Cheers became the theme of this world.

"Set off!"

   woo woo woo...

  The sound of the horn continued.

  The army set off.

   "I hope never to come back."

   Rhodes looked back at the camp.

  Bu Zhuo smiled and said, "We will definitely not come back."


  Jia Ping'an is reading home letters.

  —Aye, my mother said that you are going to retire, but you just don’t do anything. Then you take us out to play, okay?

  My daughter is eager to go out and look around.

   Of course good.

  He also likes to travel with his family.

  —Xiao Jia, Da Lang can speak now. The first time he spoke was A Niang. I taught him to say Aye.

   Jia Ping'an thought about Xincheng.

  The woman who was as lonely as an orchid in a deep valley finally became alive again.

  Gao Yang's should I put it? She learned her calligraphy from the first emperor, the so-called Feibai style. Jia Pingan also had a few authentic works of the late emperor in his hands. Comparing the two, Gao Yang's handwriting always had a hint of impatience, as if the brush was on fire.

  —Xiao Jia, after you left, Da Lang took people to fight horses. Now all the dignitaries in Chang’an City want to ask him for advice on how to practice...

  Li Shuo is talented, and has the talent to be a general.

   But obviously the clan does not need another famous general.

  So Jia Pingan prepared the horse team for him to let him show his skills on the court.

  Many times you don’t need to force yourself, just follow your fate.

  The prince also sent a letter, which mentioned the relationship between the servant and the emperor, and felt that the most important thing was to control the right of the servant.

  Yes, this is also Jia Pingan's cognition.

   The servant must be used, but the scope of power of the servant must be defined, and the boundary must not be crossed.

   "Duke of the State."

  Pei Xingjian came in.

   "The enemy army has moved."

  Jia Pingan said slowly: "Are you here?"

  He calmly packed the letters.

   This is the commander-in-chief of the Tang Dynasty after Li Jing and Li Ji. Before the war, he was still able to read family letters calmly.

  Pei Xingjian's eyes were full of admiration.

  Jia Ping'an walked out of the room.

   "Call the generals."

  The generals assembled.

  Jia Pingan was looking at the map, without looking up, he said, "Hundred riders."

   "There is a change in Tochara."

"say clearly."

   Jia Pingan frowned slightly and looked at the map.

   "The Tocharians are watching the movement of the army, and tens of thousands of troops are gathering on the side."

   "Name." Jia Pingan asked lightly.

   "Said that I would like to be the pioneer of the army."

  Jia Pingan raised his eyes and said flatly: "They know I won't agree."

  Pei Xingjian said: "What is the intention? May I ask?"

  Jia Pingan shook his head, "How did you ask? The battle is imminent, and Tocharian needs to protect itself, and gathering an army is just an invulnerable excuse for self-protection."

But he showed no signs of anger, "What do the big cannibals want to do? Bribery is a common method for them. A sudden blow during a war... Lu Dongzan has already used it, but the big cannibal is the master. I am very happy." Looking forward to the contest with the opponent."

  The atmosphere relaxed.

   Jia Pingan asked: "How is the morale of the soldiers?"

   Gao Kan said: "The morale is high."

   "Food and grass."

  Jia Ping'an's voice was calm, but the atmosphere was gradually chilling.

   "The grain and grass can last for half a month."

  Jia Ping'an nodded, "The follow-up baggage has stopped."

  Gao Kan was surprised, "The meaning of the Duke..."

  Pei Xingjian said: "Our army is small, so we stopped the delivery of luggage, so our army does not need to send people to guard the grain road."

  Wang Zhongliang also felt that this was appropriate, but he was worried that there would be insufficient food and grass.

   Jia Pingan said flatly: "Half a month has more food and grass."

  Everyone: "..."

  Wang Zhongliang didn't understand what he meant, so he was uplifted when he saw the general.

   "The First World War defeated Dashi!"

  Jia Pingan got up and looked up at the generals, "Are you confident?"


  Wang Zhongliang inexplicably felt his blood boil.


  His voice echoed alone in the room.

   But no one laughed at him.

  Jia Pingan said: "Let's go."

  He walked out of the room first.

   More than a hundred sergeants were outside, staring at the street vigilantly.

   During the war, the protection of the commander must be strengthened, otherwise, once the commander is assassinated, the morale of the army will collapse in an instant.

   Jia Ping'an looked back to the right.

  Wang Zhongliang asked: "Duke, are there enemies over there?"


   Jia Ping'an looked indifferent.

   "Where is the enemy?"

  Wang Zhongliang looked at the right side, but found nothing.


   Jia Ping'an got on the horse.


  Ge Luolu.

  Ge Luolu has three surnames, one is called Moluo, or Mou Assassin;

   And Ge Luolu did not live up to the title of the three surnames. He moved between East and West Turks, surrendering to one at a time, and bowing his head to another at another time; calling Datang the suzerain today, and denouncing Datang as a scourge tomorrow...

   This is a capricious force.

  The grasslands in early summer are full of life.

  Ge Luolu is watching a play.

   "Jia Ping'an led an army of 100,000 to attack Dashi. Dashi is said to have hundreds of thousands of troops. Who will win?"

   "It's best if Datang loses."

   "Yes, we will have a chance if Datang loses."

   "If the Great Tang is defeated, we will be able to take advantage of the trend and attack the surrounding areas. If not, we may become the second largest Turkic army."

  The leaders of more than a dozen tribes all laughed.


  A leader suddenly turned his ear, "Why did I hear the sound of horseshoes?"

  Everyone listened attentively.

   "It's the sound of hooves."

   "Who's here?"

  The tent was suddenly opened.

   "The envoys from the Tang Dynasty are accompanied by thousands of troops."

  The leaders laughed.

   "Jia Pingan is not sure, this is to recruit us."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Just two miles away, Liu Renyuan said sadly: "I wanted to fight Dashi, but Zhao Guogong said that there was a change in Ge Luolu's department, and he wanted to wipe out... Where did Ge Luolu's change come from! What do you think? Say, what will happen if His Majesty finds out that Ge Luolu has not changed? Will he reprimand Zhao Guogong?"

  The deputy general said solemnly: "If Zhao Guogong defeats Dashi, even Ge Luolu is pure and good, and it won't help."

  Liu Renyuan nodded, "Yes! It just offsets the credit. Xiao Jia is very scheming. But why is he so concerned about Ge Luolu, the third surname? He has to be wiped out."

  Another general asked: "Your Majesty can also agree?"

  Liu Renyuan said: "He said that he would not lead the army after returning. Why didn't His Majesty agree to such a wish? Besides, the three surnames Ge Luolu used to be a fool in the we come."

   More than a dozen leaders and hundreds of horses are ready to meet.

  Liu Renyuan's eyes were slightly cold, "Leave none of the leaders..."

  The deputy general asked: "Director, what did Mr. Zhao say in his letter last time?"

   "Talos." Liu Renyuan was a little distressed, "Why did Xiao Jia mention Taros."



  A leader suddenly shuddered, "If you want to recruit us, the Tang army doesn't need to send a large army, just an envoy."

   "This is to..."

  Everyone was shocked.

   "Go and test!"

  A general led more than ten riders forward.

   "They became suspicious."

  The lieutenant general whispered: "Boss, raid?"


  The light of the knife flashed.

   "The three surnames Ge Luolu rebelled, kill!"

  Thousands of Tang troops rushed in.

   Suddenly the camp became a battlefield...


  The Ge Luolu people began to flee, but Tang Jun's ambush appeared on all sides.

  The deputy general reined in his horse and looked up at the sky.

  The sky is blue.

  The lieutenant general muttered, "I feel like some people are watching us."


  Talos City, a group of businessmen hastily entered the customs.

   "It is said that there is a war on the Tocharian side!"

   "Taras shouldn't be hurt, right?" The businessman was a little worried.

  The sergeant guarding the city shook his head, "This is Datang. If the big cannibals dare to come here, I will tell them with a horizontal knife...where to go!"

  The merchant entered the city and looked back.

  The officers and men of the Tang army stood upright on the top of the city wall.

  Every soldier’s eyebrows are full of confidence, as if even if there are millions of troops ahead, they can still kill the enemy and hold high the blood-red banner!

   "The majestic Tang Dynasty! The magnificent Tang Dynasty!"


Good night!

  (end of this chapter)