MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 49 SGS(1)

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"You are a god," said the director.

"I am a god." Xu Heran nodded.

"You woke up from a deep sleep, and your believers discovered what you woke up to, and walked the earth to promote your reputation, but you slept for too long, and became an indifferent god." The director said seriously.

Xu Heran asked seriously: "Why do feelings become indifferent after sleeping for a long time, and I am an emotional **** before going to bed? What about my love, have you slept?"


Patting Xu Zhenzhu's head with her white palm, Xin Nuo remained expressionless, "Listen to the director."

"Okay." Xu Zhenzhu nodded, looked at the director suspiciously, and signaled with his eyes, "You continue."

"...Thank you, where did you talk about—oh, you don't pay attention to your people because you have lost your emotions. You are a high god, and you look on the sidelines of your people's suffering, and because of your indifference, you contribute to the suffering of your people."

Xu Heran: "Wow."

"I'm good or bad!" Xu Zhenzhu held her heart together.

Haya patted her on the shoulder, "Youbadbad."




"...Thank you." The director pushed down his glasses, "In short, in order to recall your emotions and rekindle your love for the earth, the people of the city-state offer sacrifices to the gods."

The director looked at the beautiful girls in snow-white lace dresses.

"In the beginning, the gods were not interested in these sacrifices, and the gods locked these girls in the garden, until one day, when the gods passed by the garden, they met one of the women, and became interested in this woman, the gods and Humans are starting to entangle... Excuse me."

Xu Heran put down his arms, excited and excited: "How entangled!"


He turned to look at another girl who raised her hand.

Jiang Qiong asked curiously: "This **** has made the people miserable and miserable. These people don't want to kill this god, but offer sacrifices to her instead. Isn't it too mediocre?"

"Why did the gods lock them up in the garden, won't they starve to death? In the open air! How do you eat and drink dew?" Haya felt puzzled, "And the gods left them in the garden for a year. Wouldn’t the people on the ground have disappeared long ago, so it’s useless to give the sacrifice?”

Xu Heran felt the same way and nodded.

SGS Remaining Members: "…"

While your questions make sense, this is acting!


The director held his heart, "Anyway, that's about it! Let's shoot quickly, we will try to end the first MV tonight!"

"Okay." The three "problem" girls walked towards the studio full of confusion.

Everyone held hands, Xu Heran said to Xin Nuo who walked first, "Nonuo, if I were that god, I would never lock you in the garden."

Xin Nuo nodded, "Well, please let me in by myself."

"Hi!" Xu Heran was hurt by Xin Nuo's lack of cooperation. Xu Zhenzhu squinted her eyes and hummed, "Since you want to be locked up, then I'll build a big cage and lock you inside."

The eyes of the director who was walking next to him lit up, and he thought the idea was okay. He waved his hand and sent someone to find the golden cage.

Xin Nuo: "..."

"What I mean is, without such a 'rich' **** like you, I don't think you will wake up cold even after you sleep." Xin Nuo explained softly, "If it is really possible, you need to eat a few meals to sleep so Long?"

A string behind him: "Hahahahahaha!"


Xu Zhenzhu turned her head and made a grimace, and said loudly: "Then I'd better lock you up in the garden, you stupid mortals deserve some punishment!"

"By the way, shut you up in the garden, do you wear clothes?"

"Who doesn't wear clothes in the MV!" Jiang Qiong raised her foot and kicked her ass.

Xu Heran immediately explained: "I'm talking about the story, who said it's real! Aren't Adam and Eve in the story all naked in the Garden of Eden, and you are locked in the garden of the gods, why not!"

Jian Yue said: "I see your forehead glowing, I want to knock on it."

"Hey hey."

Everyone walked into the recording studio where several scenes were arranged, one by one let go of their hands in distaste, and Xu Heran raised his hands.

"My stupid people, feel my divine power!"

Xin Nuo raised his hand and patted Shenwei's ass.

When everyone came to the location of the first scene, the director asked Xu Heran to sit in the **** seat with a green cloth behind the **** seat. The young director told her, "Be indifferent, ruthless, and don't laugh!"

"Don't worry." Xu Heran pinched his fingers.

She was wearing a complicated and heavy robe, her hair was curled into waves, and she was wearing a silver crown. With her hands open, she ascended the throne with a serious face. A few staff members ran over to tidy up her skirt, and placed all kinds of mysterious-looking props under the seat of God.

The other seven people stood outside the green cloth with smiles and looked at Xu Heran.

"Okay, let's go to sleep now." The director said.

Xu Heran propped his elbows on the throne, and pressed his slender fingers against his fair cheeks. The makeup artist came to fix her hair. Xu Heran's eyelashes are painted with silver-white mascara, and the already long eyelashes are brushed longer, and silver mysterious patterns are drawn at the end of the eyes, and the center of the forehead is decorated with diamond flowers, including the eyes, near the upper part of the face, with rhinestones.

The makeup artist reapplied her lipstick, put her hair in order, and ran away. The seven girls immediately walked behind the director and looked at the person in the camera together.

In the camera, a nearly perfect profile appeared.

"Wow." Jiang Qiong couldn't help but shook hands and said, "I feel that way."

"Such a small pearl looks a bit difficult to approach." Laurel said.

The director raised the horn and shouted: "Get ready."

All the staff in the studio moved, illuminated, photographed...

"After listening to my instructions, Mr. Xu's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and then he slowly opened his eyes, very slowly, then his body and face did not move, and he glanced at the audience." The director explained, afraid that Xu Heran would not understand.

"three two…"

In the studio, the music of "followme" was played in a loop, and in conjunction with the MV shooting, a piece of plot music was specially added in front of the original music.

Dressed staff stand in front of the camera.




In the female voice chanting softly, the **** sitting high on the throne closed her eyes tightly. She has been sleeping like this for an unknown amount of time. The sun and the moon rotated behind her, until at a certain moment on a certain day, the hourglass "ding", the last sand fell, and the eyelashes of the **** trembled slightly.

People on the earth feel the change in the sky, and they lift their heads in the green fields.

The **** opened her eyes.

First of all, the blue light is light, and the **** slowly raises the silver-white long eyelashes, just like her soul, slowly recovering as the long eyelashes are lifted, more and more rich colors are like the deep sea, like The sky unfolds like a night-like picture scroll, with light but mysterious purple lines flowing in the picture scroll.

This dreamy scene made everyone behind the camera hold their breath. They stared down into the eyes of the gods through time and technology. Suddenly, the eyes of the gods moved.

Her face is like an iceberg that has not melted for thousands of years. It is so cold that people can't look directly at it. Only those jewel-like eyes suddenly turn to the front, looking coldly at the camera and the person behind the camera.



There was no sound, Xin Nuo's heart seemed to be squeezed severely, and she looked at the pair of emotionless eyes in the camera with some obsession. Because of his indifference, this delicate, beautiful, and familiar face instantly felt strange.


In the crowd, someone sighed in a low voice, they are used to Xu Heran's nonsense, naughtiness, and her cheerful and hilarious side, but when she looked at the "earth" with these god-given eyes without emotion, they Everyone seems to have turned into ants under the throne of the gods, they can only look up at the gods and wait for the gods to show mercy.

In the seat of God, the **** stood up slowly, and the wide sleeves swayed gently, revealing her white fingertips. The **** lowered his hand, as if pinching an invisible flower, but when she touched the flower, the invisible flower fell suddenly , turned into debris, and fell at the feet of the gods.

Three seconds later.

"Okay, Ka!" The director stood up excitedly and clapped his hands, "Very good, very good!"

"Ms. Xu's performance is too good. With this speed, we can finish the filming soon!"

The director's words are like breaking a mirror in the void, the glass that blocks reality and fantasy shatters and splashes, and a small piece of accidental fragments quietly falls into the hearts of some people.

Subconsciously, Xin Nuo raised his hand, touched his ears, and watched Xu Heran walking slowly with his skirt up and his mouth raised.

She was already much taller than Xin Nuo, just as she picked up Xin Nuo more and more easily, and Xin Nuo was also used to looking up at her.

"This skirt is a bit heavy." Xu Heran said, and she asked with a smile, "How about it, am I okay?"

Others immediately gave a thumbs up, "Not only is it okay, it's great!"

"Hey, feel a little pressure, why can Xu Zhenzhu do everything so well?" Jiang Qiong put her hips on her hips, "They are all members of Wang Wang team, why are you so good!"

"That's right!" Xu Heran puffed out his chest proudly, "Our Pearl family has some skills."

Xin Nuo raised his hand, brushed a lock of her hair that hung down to her chest behind Xu Heran, and said with a smile, "Well, I even got beaten more times than others."

Xu Heran: "...There is no need to mention this."

A group of people laughed and changed the scene.

The next scene was a group play. The other seven girls wore white skirts, working in the grass, arranging flowers... doing their own thing. This time, it was Xu Heran's turn to stand behind the director and watch.

"Is this the primitive world?" Xu Heran asked the director, "I'm a **** without technical skills."

The director laughed, because in the setting, ordinary human beings live in grass houses or dirt houses, and there are many extras in brown clothes walking around in the house.

"As expected of my good friends, everyone is so good-looking." Xu Heran praised, everyone in the camera is very photogenic, everyone has a lot of energy in their hearts, and they work hard to perform.

"These two girls have the temperament of acting." The director pointed to Xin Nuo and Song Fenghua.

Xu Heran immediately gave a thumbs up, and secretly said to him, "Nuo Nuo said that she likes acting, she is interested in this aspect so I am thinking about acting skills, and she can hold swords and spin daggers, shuashuashua! "

"Super powerful!" Xu Heran gave a thumbs up, "Is Xiao Fenghua's appearance very suitable for ancient dramas? Director, do you have a suitable script? Can you consider our members~ Both of them are classical dancers and have a good temperament By the way, I want to see Nuonuo play a peerless beauty!"

Xu Heran thought for a while, then whispered: "Let me play the emperor!"

"...This is really not good!" The director is a new director signed to Universal Entertainment. He is young and has just made his mark in the entertainment industry. He shot a series of commercials for Xingyao Milk.

The mv plot continued to be filmed.

The seven girls were brought to the temple by masked men, and they stood in front of the **** with fear. They looked up at the face of the **** with curiosity, but they never got the gaze of the god.

On the throne, Xu Heran raised his finger. The girl in the white dress was led to the garden by the man in silver. On the way they left, Xin Nuo looked back and glanced at the throne. When she looked back, the **** lowered his eyes and glanced at her back view.

Then came the garden, the girls were shivering in the rain, the **** stepped into the garden, but the rain couldn't touch her at all, she lowered her eyelashes, and took Xin Nuo away amidst the girls' prayers.

The rain depends on the later period, but the girls are watered.

"Why can only Xin Nuo Nuo be taken away! We are also in the rain!" Several wet girls shouted with their towels on their heads.

"And why is it raining in the garden of the gods that we promised!"


Several girls raised their hands, "It's not fair!"


"Very unreasonable!"

"Sacrifices also have human rights!"

Xin Nuo, who was passing by, held a towel and gave a toffee to each of them, successfully appeasing everyone.

"Sex scene!" Xu Heran clapped her hands, her cheeks puffed up, and she shouted excitedly, "Sex scene!"

"The first **** scene in my life!"

Xin Nuo said speechlessly: "Then your **** scenes are a bit cheap."


A question mark appeared on Little Pearl's forehead. She sat on the corner of the gorgeous big bed and asked Xin Nuo who was lying on the bed, "How can it be cheap?"

Xin Nuo: "...cough."

"You'll know later."

Pearl Xu: "???"

Xu Heran bit the candy until it creaked. She looked at Xin Nuo, squinted her eyes, and said "Oh~" in a drawn-out tone.

"I understand."

Xin Nuo calmly said, "You don't understand."

"Did you say something that children can't listen to?" Xu Heran asked her, "Why do you know! Could it be—"

"No!" Xin Nuo immediately said, "I have never acted before."

"Of course you haven't acted before." Xu Heran said, "Have you ever thought about it!"

"My God, do you want to act?"

Xu Heran knelt up excitedly, the tall crown on her head almost fell off, she climbed forward and said happily: "Let's act!"

"Go away, I warn you, if something on your head falls and hits me, I will really let you act in a bed scene." Xin Nuo blushed slightly, and said in an impatient tone, "The bed of the hospital bed!"

"Let you have bandages all over your body."

Little Pearl grinned, "Oh~"

"I discovered Xin Nuo's secret."

Xin Nuo couldn't hold back, rolled his eyes, lifted the soft quilt and lay down.

The onlookers immediately gathered around and began to arrange the clothes for the two of them. The director gave a lecture to Xu Heran, and Xu Heran waved his hand.

"It's okay, I understand!"

"Isn't it just that Xin Nuonuo is so pitiful, I'm not moved, Xin Nuonuo tried every means to seduce me!"

Director: "...we don't have this in the script."

"Hey." Xu Heran rubbed his hands together.

"Xu Zhuzhu, if you dare to mess around, wait for me!" Xin Nuo lay on the bed and warned her.

"Baby, don't be afraid, I'm here, chirp~" Xu Heran blew a kiss to Xin Nuo.

The others couldn't bear to look directly, "Xu Zhenzhu, can you be more reserved! You can't keep your aloofness!"


Xu Heran lifted the hem of his skirt, walked outside the door of the temple, and said with a smile: "You don't understand!"

The director hurriedly said: "Everyone, get ready for—"



The gate opened automatically without the intervention of the gods, and the gods stepped into the hall without any haste or slow pace.

On the bed, the thin body of the sacrificial body trembled slightly, and he opened his eyes under the indifferent gaze of the gods. The eyes of the **** and the sacrifice met in the bed curtain, the white gauze floated, one gaze was like water, and the other was as indifferent as ice.

After a long while, the **** raised his eyelashes and turned around disinterestedly, but the next moment, she couldn't move forward, and a snow-white and soft hand pinched her wide robe.

The soft girl raised her head, showing a gentle and pure smile.

The **** was stunned.

The fate of the God of Destiny turned, and the **** sat beside the sacrifice's bed, listening to the human beings whispering anecdotes about the world. Her expression was as indifferent as ever, with her chin resting on her slender fingers, as if she didn't notice what the human beings said.

Until one day, human beings carefully held the hand of the god, and placed a blooming flower in her palm.

"This human being has a lot of eyes, picking flowers from the garden of the gods and giving them to the gods, how terrifying!" Jiang Qiong said.

Everyone was laughing up and down.

In the plot, the relationship between gods and humans changes, and they seem to get closer and closer, until one day, a slender white figure stands under the throne of the gods.

Everything is like the pity of the gods. She will look at the flowers sent by humans, think carefully, and stand behind humans and push the white swing full of flowers for her.

They seem to have become close friends, and everything in the world is gradually getting better, the grain is plentiful, all things are abundant, and human city-states spring up on the plain.

In the clouds, the **** is still wearing a gorgeous robe, walking through the promenade beside the garden, and on her right, in the garden, there are gorgeous flowers, and the girls are dancing happily.

At this time, she found that the sacrificial **** smiled and left from the hilarious sisters. She stepped into the corridor and held the hand of the god, talking with her and walking forward with her.

The corner of the god's mouth was slightly curved, like an iceberg, suddenly fell into the sea.

The human girl smiled sweetly and raised her head, but when she lowered her eyes, the corners of her mouth curled up, her emotions unclear.

The plot is fixed in the back view of them holding hands.



"What a god! Xin Nuonuo is using her!"

Laurel nodded, "Make up a big show."

Xin Nuo smiled without saying a word.

Xu Heran took off the divine crown, heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Then you underestimate the gods too much, she is a god, she knows everything."

Everyone froze for a moment, "So you're saying that the gods know the minds of human beings, and also know that human beings are using her?"

"In my understanding, it is like this." Xu Heran said, "God finds it interesting, so he is willing to give you everything, just like planting a seed and waiting for it to germinate and bloom."

Xin Nuo said: "No, in my eyes, the gods are deceived by me, and man will conquer the sky."

Xu Heran looked at her tolerantly: "If you think so, I can't help it."

Xin Nuo: "..."

"Pfft! Hahahaha!"

"Who taught you, Quotations from a Scumbag?" Jian Yueyin asked with a smile.

Song Fenghua raised his hand and poked Xu Heran on the back shoulder, "A scumbag."

"That's right, Little Pearl is known as a scumbag, so she naturally has to say a few scumbags." Lin Weining said with a smile.

"Pearl words."

Xin Nuo sneered, grabbed her divine crown, put it on his own head, and raised his hand to pinch Xu Heran's ear.

Xu Heran lowered his head slightly and looked at her with a smile.

The two looked at each other for a while, and it turned out that Xin Nuo snorted softly, lowered his hands, and put Xu Heran's crown on his head, and turned around and left slowly.

"The filming of the plot is finished, and the dance is next. Please change your clothes. We will shoot five dances." The director said.

Everyone raised their spirits and immediately said: "Okay!"

The song "followme" is a bit sexy, because it was originally a song by seven people, so Lin Weining shirked the kindness given to her by Jian Yueyin's word segmentation, and dutifully acted as one of the MV heroines, as well as the assistant role of showing the water glasses and helping the seven girls with clothes.

In the pre-prepared room, the color matching is mysterious, and black and red are used in large areas. The seven girls first changed into black series clothes, danced a complete dance, and immediately changed into red dresses, then changed rooms, and then changed clothes , and then change the scene...

In addition, everyone has their own perspectives. The golden cage that the director wanted has also arrived. Xin Nuo has to change into the white long dress before, stand in the cage, clasp his fingers on the cool railing of the cage, and make up for it again. A set of pictures.

When everything was over, it was midnight again, and the next day, they had another song's mv filming.

Fortunately, except for the main title and "followme", the mvs of other songs are not complicated - part of the reason is that the album recording time is tight and it is impossible to perfectly arrange the mv for each song from beginning to end.

The eight girls turned on and off, changing clothes, dancing, dancing, changing clothes, changing three sets of clothes in one scene, and running three scenes in one set of clothes. After a few days, they didn't even want to talk.

"Get tired, come on, we only have "Starlight Shining" and "yaco" left, and "Starlight Shining" everyone can stand on the stage and record the singing, our focus is "yaco"." Cui Qi said distressedly, the girls were very happy. Working hard to cooperate with the shooting, she and the rest of the team tried their best to stuff the girls with delicious food and pay attention to their status.

What made Cui Qi feel even more distressed was that each of these eight girls could bear it better than the other. Apart from occasionally yelling that they were so tired and wanted to sleep, when the camera was turned on, they were lively and brilliant girls.

""Yaco" is scheduled to be in the water park, everyone sleep well tonight, we finish filming "Yaco" until October 19th, everyone can have a good rest!"

Cui Qi inserted milk tea straws for the girls, and gave them milk tea with his assistant.

Too skinny, give me all to eat!


Xu Heran leaned back, they were all dyeing their hair, Laurel and Jiang Qiong lay on the sofa to catch up on sleep.

"Finally we see the dawn of hope." Xin Nuo said softly, his eyes were a little hazy.

"Come on, there are only two songs left."

The girls who couldn't sleep for a few hours every day raised their hands and gave each other high fives.

It took a long time to dye the hair. After the perm lamp was put on the head, the hair stylist gently put down the stool and let the girls who had already fallen asleep lie down and rest.

Xu Heran squinted for a while, and when she woke up, her head was still hot. She took out her mobile phone from her pocket, intending to weed the Weibo that she hadn't posted much since her debut. The girl squinted her eyes, and as soon as she clicked on Weibo, she saw a certain news item on the homepage.

#Mu Yingdi and Chen Yingdi laugh at each other in the middle of the night and are surprised#

Xu Heran's eyelids "shua" lifted up.

Is this Mu Yingdi, the Mu Yingdi she wants?

A certain little pearl immediately forgot to weed her Weibo, and happily drove her tuba to eat melons. She clicked on this entry, and the news of #武影帝与陈影帝晚夜参谭# had already been trending on the entertainment sector, where there were countless melon eaters and fans of the two movie kings.

A said: "We, Yeye, are good at acting. This year's movies and TV dramas are double hits! How could we audition and fall off the stool! You guys are slandering! Slandering! You are talking nonsense! Our Yeye is a well-deserved actor You all hate him, and envy him!"

B said: "Come on, who doesn't want to be an actor yet, today you will be a big hit, tomorrow he will be a big hit, the day after tomorrow, can we all get along together?"

C said: "To confuse you, our little Chen is usually low-key, unlike someone who is like a rich local rich man who publishes drafts every day, makes **** all day long, catches whoever hypes up with whomever, even if he is underage. Let it go, disgusting or not!"

D said: "Fart! That's some underage cheating, the scumbag who just debuted wants to touch our girl, and see if our girl can't look down on her!"

"Huh?" Xu Heran raised his eyebrows.

The Knights came.

"Yeah, the minors we just debuted have only 20 million fans, which is not as good as Mu Yingdi. After ten years of debut, we have only grown from 10 million fans to this number this year. The comments on weekdays are not as many as our minors. Buy it how much?"

"Still upside down, don't be joking, here's a comment from our underage. Today I went out to buy cakes with a certain bead, and was suddenly greeted by a mysterious man. After careful questioning, it turned out to be Mu Yingdi, who became popular this year. Unfortunately, due to preparations, It's a pity that I haven't had time to watch Mu Yingdi's drama in the talent show. When I have time in the future, I really want to lie down and watch dramas every day. There are still many movies I want to watch. It's a pity.'”

"Let me explain it to everyone. Xin Nuo and Xu Heran went out to buy cakes, and they were accosted by someone they didn't know. The man reported himself as Mu Yiye, which means that these two girls don't know him at all! They haven't seen his play either! And Xin Nuo said later that he had the opportunity to follow the drama, but he didn't mention Mu Yiye's drama, everyone is not familiar with it, right? But what is Mu Yingdi going to the cake shop with flowers? Why did he publish a draft later saying that Mu Yiye A real scandal with Xin Nuo? In the first half of this year, the female stars who had a real scandal with Mu Yiye had to fight, and they all went from deleting Weibo twice to apologizing twice, and now they are sued in court for spreading rumors. I know', this marketing account is the account raised by Dream Entertainment, there are no people who don't know it?"

"Huh... how disgusting! Some people look well-dressed, but privately hook up with underage girls. Can King Mu be Uncle Xin Nuo?"

"Sin Nuo's fans, don't come out to fish in troubled waters. This is a dispute between Mu Yiye and Chen Yufeng. It has nothing to do with you. Wherever you come from, you will go back!"

"No! We'll see!"

Xu Heran froze for a moment, refreshed a few times, and found Chen Yufeng's Weibo.

It turned out that this afternoon, the first-line male movie star who had met her and Xin Nuo at the audition meeting posted a Weibo.

Chen Yufeng: "Thinking about it now, being overwhelmed by a new artist during the audition and being so frightened that he fell off the stool and squatted down is also a skill."

Someone below asked: "Ah, who is it, it can't be Yufeng yourself, shame on you!"

"Oh, I want to feel it, but it's a pity it's not me. It's an interesting incident during the audition before. Now it feels even more funny. Let's share it and let's have fun together."

Why is it even funnier?

Fans questioned Chen Yufeng and did not answer. His fans were curious, and immediately looked through the itinerary sent by his agent. Chen Yufeng's itinerary. When replying on Weibo, the agent said casually that director Li You's "Wind Forest Xiaosheng" It's filmed, I hope Chen Yufeng can be liked by director Li You.

Chen Yufeng's manager and fans talked like this, and his posture was not high. The fans were used to it, and they prayed that Director Li You would not wear glasses that day, and let Chen Yufeng pass through with a big wave of his hand.

After discovering this incident, fans immediately climbed to the official Weibo of "Fenglin Xiaosheng", and found that this morning, Dream Entertainment released a new Weibo, and Aite contacted director Li You and the crew of "Fenglin Xiaosheng", saying that the film was ready The filming started, thank you Li You for choosing Dream Entertainment and Mu Yiye, Mu Yiye will definitely work hard to play the leading actor well.

In addition to Mu Yiye, Dream Entertainment also separated many people from Aite. These people will play so-and-so in the movie. There are only a few of them. For a movie, there are only seven artists from Dream Entertainment, and they are all important roles. .

But they also discovered that, except for Dream Entertainment, Li You and "Fenglin Xiaosheng" did not post a message on Weibo, and two hours later, Li You posted a Weibo. He was sitting in front of the dining table, on which was a table of gourmet food. The fish in a large ceramic bowl was stewed just right. There was still a wine glass in Li You's hand. A man was sitting opposite him, only half of his body was exposed, with his hands resting on the table. On the wrist, the wrist watch looks familiar.

Li You: "In life, there are eighty or ninety things you don't like."

Immediately, the man who authenticated Liu Youshu forwarded it, and laughed loudly: "It's okay, old friend, you will gain wisdom by eating a pit, and eat fish."

Everyone: "???"

Combining the clues on Weibo and the remarks of some alleged insiders in the comments, they speculated as follows: Mu Yiye and Chen Yufeng participated in the audition for "Wind Forest Xiaosheng" together, and competed for the role of the leading actor. When a supporting actor was playing against each other, he was so scared that he fell off the stool. This supporting actor was a young artist who had just debuted, but when the final audition results came out, Mu Yiye actually won!

Everyone was surprised, the former actor and this year's popular actor fans quarreled on Weibo, and the melon-eating crowd digged deeper and found that "Wind Forest Xiaosheng" was actually invested by Dream Entertainment! So Mu Yiye, the male protagonist's more subtle.

No wonder Chen Yufeng said it was funnier.

But Mu Yiye's fans firmly refused to admit that Mu Yiye would be so frightened by a young artist who had just debuted that he would fall off the stool. Does that young artist look like a ghost? It can also scare people! It's ridiculous.

The fans quarreled for a long time, until Mu Yiye came out and sent a photo.

On the antique desk, there is a piece of calligraphy, with four characters written in calligraphy, "the one who cleans himself will clear himself".

Mu Yiye's fans were overwhelmed with motivation because of these four words. They felt that Mu Yiye was really wronged. He finally won the male lead, and was speculated and spread rumors. These people should not be too hateful! They were just jealous, jealous of Mu Yiye's good acting skills, jealous of him being able to get the role of the male lead!

Many people began to use the word "clown" on Chen Yufeng's Weibo, and praised him on Mu Yiye's Weibo because his calligraphy is beautiful and his calligraphy has improved. Are they working hard for the new drama?

Chen Yufeng made his debut no later than Mu Yiye. He is relatively low-key. He usually focuses on acting. He won many awards in his early years. In recent years, he has become interested in dialogue dramas. It's just because I'm angry.

He was very interested in the script of "Wind Forest and Xiao Sheng", and on the day of the audition, Li You personally told him that he would definitely choose a candidate based on strength, but the audition results turned out to be Mu Yiye's male lead, which made him feel that ridiculous.

Li You personally came to apologize to him last night, because he signed a contract with Dream Entertainment, and Dream Entertainment's funds have already arrived. If they don't withdraw the funds first, the crew can only grit their teeth and continue filming, otherwise liquidated damages, that is a Astronomical figures.

If the funds from Dream Entertainment hadn't come through, then Li You still had a chance to make his own decisions, and he was completely in a passive stage right now.

Although Chen Yufeng understood, he was disgusted by Dream Entertainment's approach. He is not an artist of Dream Entertainment, and he has some status after so many years, so he is not afraid to face Mu Yiye head-on. But when he saw Mu Yiye's pretentiousness, and Weibo, he was spreading rumors and wanted to send him a lawyer's letter, and asked him to go to court with Mu Yiye's comments, he really wanted to laugh angrily.

Clay figurines are still hot, not to mention that he thinks that in his own industry, he is not considered to be the top but has achieved something. Some people can't compare in the professional field. Do you still want to be praised?

So Chen Yufeng randomly picked a fan of Mu Yiye to comment, and asked: "Okay, I am willing to go to court with someone about this matter, you go back and tell him, ask him if he is willing to join me in front of the judge to discuss his Is it true or false that the newcomer was so frightened that he fell off the stool, didn't get up for a long time, and said harshly before leaving that the crew had her and me and me and her, but finally got the role?"

"I sincerely welcome him to send me a lawyer's letter, but I didn't name him, and I ask some people not to use their names."

Ordinary eaters said: "It's a female artist, really, she can scare the movie king off the stool, is her acting so good?"

Mu Yiye's fans got even angrier, okay, you mocked Yeye, but you still don't admit it! How dare you use the acting skills of a newly debuted artist to overwhelm Yeye, such a ridiculous joke to deceive people!

So they were even more crazily calling Chen Yufeng a clown, and brought up the topic, saying that he was not good at acting, that he had no talent, that he couldn't grab the role, and so on.

Chen Yufeng didn't even read it, he turned off his phone and rethought the script.

And Mu Yiye's fans rushed to Mu Yiye's Weibo, telling him to seek justice from Chen Yufeng. Seeing that Mu Yiye did not reply, they rushed to Mu Yiye's manager and company Weibo, demanding that they Come forward, you must not be angry with this!

Mu Yiye absolutely cannot accept this kind of grievance!

Xu Heran covered his mouth and laughed tremblingly. At this moment, Xin Nuo, who was sitting next to her, woke up, looked at her sleepily, and said softly, "What's the matter?"

"Aren't you sleeping, sleepy Zhuzhu?"

She just woke up, her voice was a little hoarse, and she rubbed her eyes lightly with her fingers.

Xu Heran's heart suddenly melted like ice cream in a glass bowl in summer, she narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "It's nothing."

The hair stylist came over, looked at Xin Nuo's hair, and said softly, "I'll take you to wash it."

"Well, thank you."

Xin Nuo stood up, she was a bit of a sleeper, the stool was not as soft and comfortable as the bed, and her body was a little stiff after sleeping for a long time, Xin Nuo didn't stand firmly when she got up, and put her hands on the armrest of Xu Heran's chair.

Xu Heran quickly stretched out his hand to support her, but Xin Nuo took the opportunity to pinch her face. Little Pearl smiled and looked at her back.

Xu Heran sighed when the sound of water was blocked by the opaque glass, and checked the time on the phone.

She was the last one to dye her hair, so it will take a while, so Little Pearl is happy, and continues to eat melons, and she appreciates the fun of Jiang Qiong and Haya surfing the Internet on weekdays.

Since the film kings are laughing at each other, the focus is of course on the mutual words.

After Mu Yiye's fans asked the company to come forward, about half an hour later, Mu Yiye came out again. He didn't say anything, but just took a photo of the actor Jinbei with four words attached.

"keep it up!"

Mu Yiye's fans immediately elated.

Look, this is their fan, the acting skills are superb, this year's award, Chen Yufeng is also the best actor, but that's a matter of the year of the monkey! I've never heard of the best actor in a golden drama, so stop being funny.

We, Yeye, will continue to work hard this year, performing one TV series and one movie after another, winning gold cups one after another,