MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1845 Suppressing the Seven Great Sins of the Soul

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Someone inside the wooden house?

Niu Hansan was shocked, and the body that originally wanted to escape was deadlocked.

In the distance, the soul **** did not seem to notice Niu Hansan.

The scarlet eyes stared at the wooden house, and the movement was not urgent. He took a step and walked toward the wooden house.

Niu Han's tense sweat on his forehead will flow down.

This one is like a wooden house that has been ruined for countless years. Actually, someone will push the door out. Who is it?

Forcibly resist the terrible pressure brought by the soul.

Niu Hansan slowly turned his head and saw the figure walking in the wooden house.

The interior of the wooden house is old, and it is a foggy figure on the head.

The fog is a bit like the fog of the idyllic world.

The same mystery, the same can not be seen.

this is……

Niu Han San has a big bull's eye, he does not recognize this figure.

Of course, if the step is here, it will definitely be recognized.

Because of this figure, the steps are not strange.

The soul is faintly watching this figure.

The head is covered with fog, and it is also watching the soul.

The two, as if they are using eye contact.

Niu Hansan, holding a small eight, slowly walked outside the fog, little by little, moving quietly.

He hoped that the soul **** did not notice him.

However, it is obvious that he wants more.

At the moment when his footsteps almost came out of the fog, the soul **** raised his hand, and the power of the black sin of a stock spread instantly, entangled his arms and feet.

It seems that there is a cage that completely blocks the Niu Han San.

The roundedness of Niu Han’s three bulls’ eyes.

Being tied to the spot.

"Is the deity letting you go?"

The soul is faint.

His words have no emotions.

Niu Hansan wants to cry without tears.

Why are you involved in this small person?

However, the soul **** did not kill the cow three, but after sealing him up, he re-facing the figure standing in front of the wooden house.

The soul of the soul is slowly opening.

The head was fascinated by the fog and walked with great pressure.

Face to face with the soul.

"The old guy of the kitchen god, hiding my heart here... I thought I couldn't find it?"

The soul of God smiles coldly.

"I will send you such a thing to protect my heart?"

The figure seems to have made a laugh.

The latter raised his hand and made a starting hand, not humble.

"Kitchen God expects you to find it, so leave me here to stop you."

The faint sound is heard in the environment.

Niu Hansan has given up and struggled.

Since you are struggling, you can watch the performances of the big men quietly.


The soul **** smiled coldly, raised one hand and raised his hand.

The wooden house that had been static for countless years began to collapse, the turf flew and the trees broke.

It is like being wiped out by the darkness.

Niu Han San's heart seems to stop beating...

That kind of pressure is so great that he can't describe it in words.

The landslides are all over.

The figure in front of the wooden house still keeps moving and does not hide.

In an instant, it is swallowed up by the infinite darkness.

A bang... completely blown up.

Niu Han three stayed as a chicken.

Is this solved?

Originally thought to be a king, the result was actually a bronze!


Niushan three breathe a stagnation.

He found that in the darkness, a light of light emerged quietly, like the radiance of a firefly, fluttering between heaven and earth.

The darkness rushed back and returned.

The misty figure on the head slowly raised his hand.

"The kitchen god's will split?"

The soul of God squinted, faintly watching the figure shining with brilliance.

"No... I am me, not the same fireworks."

"Please call me... Bird."

The figure is faint.


With a wave of hands, countless glory glory swept the darkness and rushed toward the soul.

At this moment, it seems that the kitchen **** is coming.


In the black hole.

Step by step, looking at the mirror that surrounded him on seven sides.

The look on my face is a bit odd.

The steps in these mirrors make a variety of gestures.

Perhaps this is the mirror of sin, find out the ugly face of everyone's heart.

Sin and sentiment.

It is all human nature. If you suppress the sentimental and arrogant emotions, the sinful side will be magnified infinitely.

Just like the kitchen god, he chose ruthlessness, so his sinful side was infinitely magnified and turned into seven sins...

Formed the soul of God.

Although the walking side is now affectionate, he has not really enlightened, so the mirror has found out his seven sins.

It seems that I want to use the seven major sins to deal with the steps.

Looking at the seven mirrors, each with different postures.

The corners of the steps are slightly twisted.

In the mirror.

The seven steps took a different posture and slowly walked out of it.

The mirror surface is like a wave of water, and soon, the seven figures are suspended in the side of the step.

Everyone has seven sins in his heart, depending on whether you can suppress the sinful thoughts in your heart.

The steps are faint.

His heart moved.

White tiger days stove, keel kitchen knife, Xuanwu pot and other kitchen **** suits emerged.

Ignite the fire.

Start cooking.

The seven sinful steps are approaching step by step, but the step is not only not nervous, but rather calm and calm.

Instead, I started cooking without distractions.

With the cooking of the steps.

Seven sinful steps, once approached, will find that their bodies begin to dissolve like particles.

At the time of cooking, there is no sinful distraction at all.

As if it really made a feeling of love.

Of course, this state is only when cooking.


at the same time.

Other areas in the black hole.

The war is constantly erupting.

Through the heavens to teach the Lord, to an enemy seven.

One person fights against his seven sinful thoughts.

This war, the war is dark.

Dogs, Pluto, and Xiao You are all fighting.

of course……

There is an exception.

That is Xiaobai.

The white mechanical eye flickered and looked at the seven of it in the mirror.

I couldn't help but raise my hand and touched my rounded head.

Although he reflected him in the mirror, he did not have the seven sinful thoughts like everyone else.

After all, Xiaobai is only awkward, and it is the embarrassment of the step by step.

He has no sinful thoughts, even no emotions.

Of course, he can breed emotions, but at least, at this moment, Xiaobai has no seven major sins.


After a while, the white after the mirror, I could not find a way out.

Golden light was emitted from the eyes of the machine.

Directly punched in the mirror.

A horrible punch contains the power to fight the soul.

Directly put the seven mirrors to the smash!


Countless pieces are scattered.

After each mirror, there is a big soul master sitting on the plate.

They looked at Xiaobai with a mistake and amazement.

Xiaobai stunned his head and the golden air wave broke out behind him.

In an instant, the battle with the seven great souls was together.

Even if it is an enemy, the white is not weak, it doesn't matter!

boom! ! !

The battle broke out.

The step is done cooking.

And the power of the seven great sins is also close to him.

Step by step, the rich fragrance is lingering.

The juice in the pot is continuously watered for seven dishes.

The seven dishes exude the dishes of Huaguang, which was completed by the steps...

Give a shot.

The seven dishes were shot out.

Turn into a streamer and whistle in seven directions.

Every dish is very simple, and the ingredients used are ordinary ingredients, but they all contain the understanding of cooking and the sentimental feelings.

Seven emotions, he gave birth to seven dishes.

Xiaobai is fighting the seven great souls.

These seven great soul masters, after all, each is a great sage level.

Fight up.

Xiaobai can't take the upper score.

The seven great souls, above the head, staring at the black spar.

On the top of Xiaobai’s head, it seems that the golden star origin has also emerged.



The seven dishes, as if they had been made into seven streams of light, came quickly.

Suddenly impacted on the body of the seven great souls.

These seven great souls never imagined that these dishes would suddenly appear.

Of course, even if they think of it, they can't resist it.

The seven dishes contain seven emotions of the step.

Every dish, suppressing a great soul master.

A great soul, the rapid retreat.

Their faces are unwilling and frightened...

However, it was gradually sealed up under the suppression of dishes.

It is like the soul of a thousand years ago.


Step by step is no longer the original step.

Sealing the soul may be a bit difficult.


Sealing the seven great souls, there is still no problem.

After all, the dishes cooked in the steps can be compared to the fake kitchen dishes.

The seven great souls are finally unable to resist.

The body became black smoke disappeared, and the golden light dropped by each dish was included.

A dish is like a world, suppressing a great soul master, suppressing a strong person who is full of chaos and saints.

The seven dishes are suspended, and a spar is suspended under the dishes.

Under each spar, there is a faint black gas, black and white from time to time into a face.

Xiaobai touched his rounded head.

The mechanical eye flickers.

far away.

Step by step, holding hands, slowly walking.

Elegant, and indifferent.

After a return to the past, the mood of the step is now too much.

The seven great souls were suppressed.

The black hole is also beginning to quietly disperse.

The shadows of the people were also revealed.

Everyone is in a state of turmoil in the war...

Tongtian teaches the master face.

Xiao You, Tong Ye and so on are also very surprised.

"what happened?"

Asked the dog.

The step is a smile, pointing to the seven dishes suspended in the sky...

The seven dishes are the seven great souls.

"This is the seven strongest men of the soul, they are all in this food seal."

Step by step.

This is good news for the strong players!

The black hole dissipated.

Everyone’s eyes are on the world of Tianyuan, which is lost in the fog.

For the step, it is his pastoral space.

Even if it is stripped now, but the atmosphere of the original source, the steps will not be forgotten.

The kitchen **** actually hides the heart of the soul **** in the pastoral world...

Step by step, take a deep breath.

He really did not think of it.

boom! ! ! !


In the pastoral world.

Suddenly there was an earth-shattering collision.

The horrible energy fluctuations rushed out, and the gray fog around it boasted...

It senses the collision of this force.

The strong presence, including the step, has changed.

"Sure enough... it is the soul!"