MTL - Gourmet Food Supplier-v3 Chapter 185 Shu embroidery

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There was a rush of footsteps, that is, the moment the yellow-faced woman put down the needle and looked up, Tao Ran came in with the enamel jar.

Like holding a precious treasure, Tao Ran was relieved when he carefully placed the tank on the cabinet beside the bed.

I've been holding back for a while and I'm afraid that if something goes wrong, it will make me feel heartache. This is a dessert made by Yuanzhou, the kind that has no market, and she must wait for it when she wants to eat it. She must cherish it very much.

"Mom, why are you embroidering things again? Didn't you promise me to rest more?" Tao Ran saw an embroidered picture by the woman in a blink of an eye, because it was so long that I couldn't see what was embroidered in the past. What is it.

The yellow-faced woman, Tao Ran's mother, turned a bit sullen. She was too anxious and happy just now and forgot to hide her things, but she still insisted on her mother's majesty and said: "In fact, it hasn't been embroidered for a long time. When embroidering starts, it's just—for a while, it won’t get in the way."

Licking her lips and moisturizing some dry lips, Tao Ran's mother continued: "It has been embroidered for more than a year, and it is about to be finished. Would you like to embroider it soon and send it to Boss Yuan? I used it as an engagement gift for Boss Yuan, but I didn’t expect that my body would not be able to embroider until now.

Speaking of Tao Ran's mother's tone, her tone is a bit low. In fact, if her body is not strong, she can't do the best embroidery, and her family won't be so incapable of embroidering. After all, her craftsmanship is really superb.

Tao Ran’s mother is the inheritor of the Li School of Shu Embroidery. It’s a pity that by her generation, her skills are really good enough, and she has even surpassed her mother, who is her master, but because of her physical condition since she gave birth to Tao Ran. Nowadays, let alone supporting her to teach his disciples, it is a problem to embroider myself. Otherwise, I will not be able to support the mother and daughter by holding Baoshan. I can only rely on Tao Ran to come out to seek a living at a young age.

"Why blame Mom, I'm really stupid, I haven't inherited any of your talents, otherwise I won't need Mom to do it myself." Tao Ran said with regret.

When Tao Ran was young, there was a period of time when Tao Ran’s mother was healthy, so she gave Little Tao Ran the basic skills. Unfortunately, she didn’t expect that she would tie all her ten fingers into turnips. She didn’t learn anything. She was able to simply embroider some flowers and plants. People can tell it is the result of years of practice.

Tao Ran really has no talent for embroidery, so she was a little helpless to see her mother tired, but it was a gift to Yuanzhou, so she could only limit her mother’s embroidering time every day. In this way, Tao Ran’s mother could only be physically fit. When embroidering is better, the natural time will be longer. It has been more than a year now, and it can be seen before the embroidery is finished.

Tao Ran and Tao Ran’s mother are very grateful to Yuanzhou. Although most of them lag behind in accessing external information, it does not prevent them from knowing Yuanzhou’s reputation. A bowl of sweet soup, even if it is just ordinary, cannot cost 2 yuan. I bought it.

But because there was 1 yuan of white fungus as the base before, and the special offer was written on the menu, Tao Ran and Tao Ran’s mother would try their luck as long as they were engaged in activities, they would buy it back and taste it, because of Yuanzhou’s craftsmanship. It's really good, the two of them really wanted to eat.

It's really impossible for their family to spend a few hundred dollars to eat a meal. When they encounter a discount every other time, it is a very happy thing to be lucky enough to buy a bit of sweetness and taste.

Both Tao Ran and his mother felt that Yuanzhou intended to take care of them, but there was really no evidence, and it might be pure luck, but this did not prevent them from being grateful to Yuanzhou.

But they don’t have anything long, and there is no way they want to be grateful. In the end, they can only think of thanking them with their own craftsmanship. This is the only valuable thing they have. However, due to physical reasons, this gift has not been prepared.

In fact, Tao Ran's mother is not a serious illness, that is, she can't be tired, can't worry, and can only lie in bed to recuperate for most of the year.

It is said that there is no filial son in front of the bed for a long time, but Tao Ran has been taking care of her mother for ten years without a single complaint. As she gets older, she has more opportunities to choose work. Naturally, her life becomes more and more relaxed. The only possibility is regret. It's because I was not a particularly smart type who has borne the burden of life since I was young, so I just didn't go to school after graduating from junior high school.

Tao Ran is still full of enthusiasm for life, because she has gained a lot of kindness along the way. Despite the many hardships in life, she has learned to face it with a smile.

"It's okay. Mom can still embroider. It will be done in two or three days. Then I will have to trouble Xiaoran to give it to Boss Yuan. It is a difficult task for Boss Yuan to accept this gift. I believe Xiao Ran will definitely be able to do it."

Tao Ran's mother's expression of "my daughter can definitely do it" gave the slightly frustrated Tao Ran a lot of confidence. Three hundred and sixty lines were the top pick. Although embroidery was not good, the Chinese knot she made was still very good. There is a market.

"Mom, let's try the milk peach gum made by boss Yuan, I have been greedy for a long time." Tao Ran smiled.

"Good." Tao Ran's mother nodded.

Tao Ran gently lifted the lid of the enamel jar that had been placed on the table before, revealing the contents. The milky white soup looked very thick. It was milk.

As the lid was lifted, the rich milk scent instantly diffused, removing some of the medicinal scent remaining in the house, leaving only the rich milk scent with some sweet scents in it.

The red dates are floating up and down in the tank, and there is a small orange-red color. It is the wolfberry that has become a little chubby after soaking. With the same volume of peach gum, it is very appetizing, not to mention the strong fragrance.

"Every time I see it, I think it's amazing. Why does Boss Yuan make it so beautiful, smelling and delicious." Tao Ran's mother took a deep breath.

There was a hint of blush on her sallow face, obviously she really liked the milk peach gum made by Yuanzhou.

In fact, Tao Ran usually saves money occasionally and buys some peach gum back to make milk peach gum for his mother to eat, but it just tastes wrong, and I don't know how to describe it. Anyway, I don't think everything is right.

"It must be because Boss Yuan's craftsmanship is good." Tao Ran said.

When she said, she took the white porcelain spoon she had prepared and took a large spoonful to her mother's mouth. When she swallowed it, the blood-stained lips were stained with white milk stains, and the whole person was refreshed. A lot.

Sweet and soft, mellow and natural, Tao Ran's mother felt that her heart would immediately calm down no matter when she ate it in her mouth, as if the disturbance from the outside was not a big deal, and she seemed to have the courage to face everything before.

The sweet taste exploded on the tip of the tongue, replacing the medicinal smell that seemed to stay on the tongue in the past. It seemed to tell Tao Ran's mother that life is not only bitter, but also sweet.
