MTL - Golden Age Legitimate Fei-~ Return of Ye Liu, Beibei shot

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Ding Wang Yu Yeli defeated the Northern Kingdom Wang Renqi Ning in a month and more than a month. The two-month period completely calmed the entire Northeast. The boundary line with the northern barbarian returned to the place of the Great Chu. However, the returning territories and the people are no longer the big Chu people, but they have since been settled under the king's house.

Although most of the powers of the great powers such as Daxi Xiling Beibei can see that the internal instability of Ren Qining’s view is even more dangerous, but in the end there are millions of people, Ding Wangzhen actually did it in less than three months. Calm, but has to make people shocked. Since then, Ding Wang Yu Yeli has also established a merit in Wu Xun that does not belong to any famous player of all ages. The people outside the Imperial Palace and the newly-established Zijinguan are more respectful to Ding Wang.

In the southern palace of Xiling Town, Lei Zhenduo was looking down at the map on the table. Since the Cangwu Mountain and Mo Jingli were mixed together, Mo Jingli began to vaguely reveal the meaning of provoking to the Xiling. Cangwu Mountain also did have some skill. In several encounters, Lei Zhenduo ate a few small losses, which further strengthened the determination of Lei Zhenduo to destroy Cangwu Mountain.

The lower side of the seat, a white dusty son, sat down. Although the Cangwu Mountain is hidden in the deep mountains and there is a natural array as a cover, the face of the Dustboy has no slight worry. Just a leisurely taste, waiting for this Ray's reaction.

"Father Wang! Father Wang..." Lei Tengfeng held a letter and hurried in from outside, Lei Zhenhua could not help but frown. On the age, Lei Tengfeng and Xu Qingchen ink repair and other people are almost the same. But without the means of strategy, even if the character of the single argument is far less than the calm and calm of the two men. It is no wonder that Lei Zhenduo has been worried about his only son.

In fact, the ability of Lei Tengfeng itself may not be as good as the singular talents such as Mo Xiu and Xu Qingchen, but it is definitely worse than that of Mo Jingli Ren Qining and others. It’s just that he’s been in the shadow of his father all the year round, and he’s less experienced. His personality is slightly less than others.

"The dusty son is still here, what is the screaming of the screaming? What happened?" Lei Zhen sighed.

Lei Tengfeng also saw Xu Qingchen sitting on one side as soon as he entered the door. It was also a slap in the face of secretly regretting. However, his father was so counted in the face of Xu Qingchen, but his face was somewhat unsightly. Xu Qingchen put down the teacup and said with a smile: "The king of Rui County is coming, there must be something important. It will be retired first."

Lei Zhenduo glanced at the letter held by Lei Tengfeng, and he could guess what it was. He shook his head and said: "The dusty son is not an outsider. Just say it."

Lei Tengfeng hesitated a moment and presented the letter to Lei Zhen. "Ding Wang broke the million-strong army of Ren Qining, and Ren Qining died."

"What?" Rao has experienced many winds and waves, such as Lei Zhenduo can not help but see, but it does not blame the son's ruin. Originally, Beibei and the North Union formed an alliance. Although Lei Zhenduo was not optimistic, he was happy to see it. After all, although he is now cooperating with Dingwangfu to deal with Cangwu Mountain, he has to guard against the Dingfu House’s sudden attack on his back. With the Northland, it is more reassuring. However, I did not expect that only one leaf in the district would be able to destroy the country in two months, and there was no ink in the repair. In the end, is the Wangfu House too strong or is the Northland too vulnerable?

Thinking of this, Lei Zhenduo’s look at Xu Qingchen has also changed somewhat. Xu Qingchen did not know, but his look was light. Lei Zhen set his mind and smiled at Xu Qingchen: "Ding Wang Yu is really a generation of female geeks who have never been out of the millennium. The king should congratulate the Qing Dynasties and the Ding Wangfu."

Xu Qingchen smiled indifferently. Although the northern boundary was considered to be a good luck that could not be copied, Xu Qingchen was very happy when his cousin successfully completed such a big event. Nodded slightly and smiled: "Thank you, Wang Ye, the age of the glass is still light, this time the mistakes and hits have such merits, but also his luck." The Lei Tengfeng next to the sound could not help but twitch. Ding Wang Yu famous in the world for only ten years, Shou Yonglin, the northwest of the town, sweeping the Xiling is now Pingbei, even his father Wang has also suffered losses in her hands, such people are still young, when they are not young Let not let people live?

Xu Qingchen also felt that such humility was more like showing off in outsiders. Natural laughter changed the subject and smiled: "The things in the north are far away, we still don't care about him, or choose to talk about it. How can this Cangwu Mountain be good? If you and I are both reasonable, but you can't get a Cangshan Mountain, Xu will really return to the city."

Lei Zhenduo and Lei Tengfeng are also a look of the same, the northern boundary is only a foregone conclusion and then tangled is useless. It’s just that the borders of the North need to be re-prepared. However, in front of the eyes, if the tens of thousands of male soldiers in the town of Wangnan, together with the wisdom of the world, the dusty son can not take a Cangwu Mountain. That Qi Ning is not the first joke in the world, they are. What's more, Mo Jingli squatted with the support of the Cangwu Mountain, and repeatedly provoked in the Yunxiao River. Lei Zhenduo could not bear this breath. Now the Cangwu Mountain is not destroyed. It is only a little face to the loss of the Dingwangfu. It is already a big enemy to him.

Lei Zhenduo nodded: "Clean and dusty sons are justified. What is the idea of ​​the natural big array in the mountains?"

Xu Qingchen said: "Although I have already seen the map, it is still incomplete. There are some ideas in my heart, but I need to go to Cangwu Mountain to prove it."

Lei Zhen said: "There are some minor incidents on the banks of the Yunxiao River. The king can't accompany the sons. There are 50,000 soldiers who accompany the sons to the Cangwu Mountain. How can the son look?" Xu Qingchen nodded, against the Lei Tengfeng He smiled and said: "There is a king of Laurie County."

Lei Tengfeng quickly returned to the ceremony: "The matter of the inside, the dusty son does not have to care."

Xu Qingchen was sent away, but Lei Zhenduo and his son in the study were half-speaking. Lei Tengfeng asked with some worries: "Father, is the Northland thing so laissez-faire?" Lei Zhenxiao smiled bitterly: "How to manage? The Northland has nothing to do with my Xiling, and it is Northland itself. The first shot to provoke the king's palace is to destroy the country and die, but also to take the dead road and people without it. Just... even the king did not expect that this glaze is so..." Lei Tengfeng can not help but admire," Ding Wang Wei is really not a woman in this world, that is, the Cangwu Mountain is only a hundred thousand miles away when compared with the king of the king."

Lei Zhenduo looked at the letter from Lei Tengfeng. "Ding Wang Yu chased Ren Qiening as Changqing Wang? Good demeanor..." At the time, Xingning was in Xiling, but he designed the assassination of the glass, which also directly led to the Xiling’s privilege. The blood of the ink repaired by the ink repaired into a river. Such a character, Ye Liu did not see his five horses and abandoned the dead wilderness is already considered good. Actually, he was still chased as a king, and he was buried with the princely ritual.

"Ding Wang Yu is a woman, but she already has the heart and the temperament of men and the world." Lei Zhenduo sighed softly.

The father and son sighed again and again, and in the end they could only sigh the ink repairs.

Jiangnan, Dachu Regent Wangfuli. The news of Mo Jingli was far from the calm of Lei Zhenduo and his son. With a wave of hands, the things on the book were swept away, and the letter in his hand was squatting, and the back of his hand was covered with blue veins.

"Ye Li...a good glass!" No matter how powerful the present is, Mo Jingli feels extremely unwilling. Perhaps long ago, he understood that the loss of the woman was the biggest loss and regret in his life. Now, every inch of the merits of Dingwangfu seems to indicate his incompetence. The news that the glass of the glass has been flattened in the north is more like an irony to him.

"What are you going to make?" The East secluded in the door of the study, retired like a snow white dress, put on the gorgeous costumes of the regent Wang Hao, the original beauty of the oriental secluded more sense of grace and luxury. Just looking at the cold eyes of Mo Jingli seems to have a satirical look, but it is no wonder that they are a newly married couple.

Mo Jingli’s face was heavy and unpleasant: “What are you doing?”

The eastern secluded but ignored his face, calmly stepped into the study and walked over a messy ground to the front of Mo Jingli, like a smile: "You are arrogant for the palace and Yeli?"

Mo Jingli snorted and ridiculed: "The news of Cangwu Mountain is really smart."

The East smiled and said: "The news of Cangwu Mountain is naturally well-informed. What is so strange, I knew this news ten days ago."

Mo Jingli's face changed, grabbing the eastern secluded road: "Ten days ago? Why don't you say it?!" The East quietly patted his hand, disdainfully smiled: "Why should I say? You think I am married." I have given you Cangwu Mountain. Can you control it? You can't help but look at yourself too much. My master agreed to assist you as a last resort, and I don't see what material I am!"

Being so ironic by his wife, the look on the face of Mo Jingli was distorted, and he pushed open the East and snarled, angered: "Hey! You..." The East is unceremonious and intends him: "My master makes me Tell you, don't always make your own claims. Don't look at your current strength, really anxious, Lei Zhenduo, you can't eat and go!"

After that, regardless of the look of Mo Jingli, the East turned and walked outside the door. Mo Jingli’s cold stare at the back of the East disappeared at the door, biting his teeth: “East, Fang, You...”

In the case of how to gnash his teeth, Mo Jingli still can't change the fact that he can't move now. It was only the power of the Cangwu Mountain that was originally designed to smash the image of the East. Now that he got it, he also understood why Mo Xiuzhen dismissed the forces of Cangwu Mountain. The always ambitious Lei Zhenduo did not intervene in the mountains from the beginning.

Yes, Cangwu Mountain is indeed amazing. With the help of the forces of Cangwu Mountain, but the strength of the Chu in a few short months has improved a lot, even if it is now with Lei Zhenduo, there may not be a fight. But the same, he is also subject to the mountains of Cangwu. Many of the decisions that have been made need to be approved by the East, and the East is even more eager to find out. The Tang Dynasty Dachu Regent is actually subject to two women. This kind of humiliation can not make up for the anger in the heart of Mo Jingli even if it is a big power.

At the time when the parties were talking about it, Ye Li had already lost the rest of the chores to the people of Changqing City after he had finished the affairs of Changqing City. He took a few people from Zhuojing to the ink repair office. The Mo family army came from a large camp.

In the early days, Mo Xiu was waiting outside the door. When he saw Ye Li and others, he immediately flew up and greeted him, and fell on the horseback of Ye Li. The horse under the glazed seat is also a sweaty horse picking up one by one, so the one who fell out of the air did not panic in the body, and still walked forward steadily. In the back of Ye Li, ink repaired her hand around her waist and raised the reins with one hand. The horse snorted and ran away in the other direction. Leaving Qin Feng Zhuo Jing and his party face each other, I don’t know whether to chase or not chase.

For a long while, Qin Feng shook his head and said: "Let's go back first. There are no things between Wang Ye and Wang Hao." Wang Ye obviously wants to get along with Wang Hao alone. If they don't know how to keep up, don't let the prince in his heart. Hey, remember them. Maybe when it will be bad luck. Others also find it very reasonable to go to the camp in the direction of the big camp. At that time, the generals who waited for the return of Wang Hao outside the big camp waited for an empty time. They each looked at each other and had to touch the nose and go back.

Mo Xiu and Ye Li rode a horse together. After running for a while, ink repair did not care about it. Let it walk on its own, not the grass that has stopped to squat on the ground. Ink repaired just put Ye Li into his arms, and the chin supported her shoulders and relatives. "Ali, you are finally back. I miss you."

Ye Liu turned helplessly, kissed him on his face, and leaned in his arms and said softly: "I miss you too."

Ink repaired his eyes and smacked her small chin and stared at the warm, blushing lips and kissed him. "Ali..."

"Repair... Don't make trouble..." Ye Li was shocked by his sudden enthusiasm, but Mo Xiu was unwilling to stop, raising his hand to clasp her back, deepening the kiss. Yeli was helpless, and his heart sighed and raised his hand to surround his neck, and he sank into an intimate entanglement.

Ink repaired Ye Zi, and the body fell to one side, and the two immediately fell off the horse. The glass reflexively held the ink repair, and both of them fell to the grass, and they rolled out a long way before they stopped. At the height of the ink, he looked at the reddish fascination under his body, and fell into a series of lingering kisses. He buried his head in the hair of the glass and laughed low. "Ali, Ali..."

Silver hair and black hair are entangled together, but the conspicuous appearance is as if it should be entangled. Ye Liu smiled and whispered: "Repair, I am back."

Ink repaired and helped Ye Zi get up, and the two sat side by side on the grass. The original Yeli horse walked freely, since it was on a mountain that promised not far away. The two sat down on the foothills and looked far away to see the barracks of the Beibei army.

"Ari has settled the northern boundary for just over two months. For the two months, he has not seen the merits. But it is a good life." Mo Xiu looked at the glass with a sly look, and laughed jokingly.

Ye Lishen pulled his handsome face and smiled: "I think the North and the North must be, how did Yeluye not find you desperately?" Although it is the two countries, but the difference between Beibei and Beijing is cloud mud. What is it? For hundreds of years in the establishment of Beibei, the dynasties have invaded the Central Plains. Although they never really broke into the Central Plains, the greatest threat to the Central Plains dynasty was Beibei. Moreover, the climate in Beibei is harsh, and the people's folk customs are far more windy than in the north. It can be said that although Yeluye is allied with the North, it is actually nothing more than using Ren Qining as a **** to contain the Mohist army. He has never placed him in the position of an equal ally.

Ink repaired gently on the face of Ye Liu, and smiled: "He doesn't want to find me desperately, he only wants my life." Yeluye also thought about going back to Beilu to fight for the king of the North. How can you fight with ink repair? It is a pity that there are more people in the world who want to repair their lives, but Mo Xiu is still alive and more lively and moist.

"Yellow and Princess Ronghua have already gone back?" Ye Liu asked.

Ink repaired and nodded: "Yes, but Helian really has come. And it has brought 800,000 people to come over. Now there are at least 1.3 million people in the Beibei camp."

"So much?" Ye Li slightly frowns, it is no wonder that Mo Xiuzhen said that for a long time but did not see the power. The soldiers and horses of Dachu, which were recovered before and after the palace, did not say that the intensive treatment of the Mojiajun did not reach one million, but also guarded the localities. As far as the military and horses are concerned, they cannot compete with Beibei.

Inklessly smiled coldly: "The more you come, the better, the king promised that Yelu will not move his northern roots, but if they enter the customs themselves, don't go back." Looking at the face of ink repair Flashing the killing gas, Ye Li pitifully kissed him some cold cheeks, whispered: "Don't worry, we will avenge the big brother."

Ink repaired nodded, "Ali, thank you."

The two men took the horse down the hill, but at the foot of the mountain was a small village. However, seeing the villagers in the small villages, the villagers’ eyes are as thin as the bones, and the appearance of the ragged clothes is unbearable. I remembered the appearance of the people living under the rule of the northwest of the king's palace. They looked at these tired and desperate people, and Ye Liu could not help but have some nose.

Seeing that she looked at those people who were fascinated, Mo Xiu could not help but sigh softly. She sneaked into her arms and promised quietly: "We will solve the Beibei people as soon as possible." Ye Liu has some doubts: "Why are these people? Don't leave here?"

Ink repaired his head and said: "Where can I go from here? It is the palace that can accommodate them. Many people are starving to death on the way. Besides... the northwest is small and there are so many people. Where is the world not chaos? It is to escape to the south, the South is also not peaceful. There are many old and young women, and it is difficult to leave their homeland. Secondly, they have no ability to go so far. This village is the same, young If you didn’t go to the army, you would have to flee, leaving some elderly people who are old and unable to walk. They are so lucky. Most of the people in the north are just in the army of Beibei. When I entered the customs, I was already killed. Such villages are everywhere..." These are the things that ink repairs can’t help but feel awkward.

When Beibei invaded the Great Chu, he was counting on the attack on Xiling. In the northwest, there was no soldier or horse to support Dachu to resist Beibei. Although at that time, the Wangfu had already been ruined by Da Chuen, and there was no fault in the name. But in the face of these sorrowful people, the heart of ink repair is not iron, and it is always inevitable.

"Two...two, but the King of the Kings and Wang Hao?" The two men walked along the horse, and an old voice trembled on the side of the road. The two looked at each other, but they saw a seven-year-old white-haired man with a wooden stick twitching and looking at the two men.

When Murray looked at the old man for a long while, he asked, "How do you know?"

The old man was excited and said: "I heard that the Royal Highness of the King is a white hair in the prime of the year... and the old man has heard that the military camp of Dingwang is only a few dozen miles away. Wang Ye, Wang Hao... Please help us to save us. The people." Said, the old man's hand in a wooden pole, the whole person fell to the ground, tears. Not long distances, several villagers also heard the words of the old man. They quickly ran over and slammed into the ground, and they all burst into tears.

Ye Liu looked at it, and the young people who were not in the 60s and 70s were a few years old and a few women and children. Except for the ignorant children, everyone’s face was full of bitterness and look at the leaves. Glass and ink repairs have a little hope.

The old man who led by the glass and leaned forward was silent.

The first look at the ink repair, see him is also speechless, Ye Li whispered: "The elderly, you are willing to leave here?" The old man shook his head and said: "We are already half-bone people, but still walk Where are you going? I only hope that Wang Ye and Wang Hao can drive out those thieves, so that we can revenge the so many people who are so horrible, so that these children who are still ignorant will grow up safely. We are old guys. If you die, you will die..."

Ye Liu sees these people's faces with sallow yellow face and thin skin, and they know how hard these people are. I sighed: "Looking back, I will send some food. I will go into the winter in two months. If it is OK, you should move some more to the rear. When the autumn harvest, the Beibei soldiers will definitely come out to grab the food. In a few days, the two armies fought here more peacefully."

"This..." The old man was hesitant. The village is the closest to the front lines of the two armies, and it is indeed often harassed by the Beibei people. Fortunately, the Beibei people are not killing people when they first enter the customs. But are these people not old and weak, young and ignorant, and where can they go?

Ink repaired and said: "There are several villages that are sixty miles away. There are not many people now. You can go there to live there, and the front line will not move back. You can live with confidence, and the Japanese king will send people. To **** you in the past." Mo Xiu said this, is equivalent to promise that no matter what the war ahead, as long as the Mo Jiajun still has a soldier, it will never take a step back.

It is said that everyone can't help but be overjoyed, and they are very stunned by Ye Li and Mo Xiu. Yeli helplessly lifted the old man and pulled a small child around him. The child is only five or six years old, looking up at the glass and not afraid, Ye Li smiled at him. The child suddenly blushes and grabs the old man's sleeve and hides behind him. Ye Liu thought of the fascinating Wang Xiaoli and Xiao Junhan Xu Zhirui and others, looking at the old clothes that were not fit in front of them, the thin and short children were very sad.

Because of the scenes seen in the mountains, the two also had no intention of traveling around, and they had to go back to the big camp.

Back in the big camp, the generals came out to meet each other. At this time, in addition to Zhang Qizhen guarding the Xiling, the old generals of Yuanxiao defensive Feihongguan, Murong cautiously guarded Chu Jing, and the cold Huaiyuan in Changqing, the generals of the Mojia army were gathered in the big camp, but also dozens.

"Wang Xiping calms the northern realm, and works in the future. Congratulations to Wang Hao in the next." Feng Sangong's red dress is not as popular as the generals wearing a shirt. It is graceful and extraordinary.

Ye Liu faint smile, arched: "It is the merits of everyone, Feng Sangongzi won the prize."

The generals also confessed to Ye Liu, who was very respectful to the Ding Wang, and now has the record of Pingding North. No one can dare to doubt the ability of Wang Hao.

When Ye Li came back, Mo Xiu was also in a good mood. He retired and only left Lu Jinxian and others to discuss matters. Everyone couldn't help but ask about the glaze in the north. Ye Li didn't scan the crowd's interest. He had to talk about some important things. Everyone lamented the bad luck of Ren Qining and the good fortune of the palace, and surely God also directed the palace. On the other hand, he also sighed in the heart of Wang Hao’s means of acting and his visionary strategy. They may also be able to lead the troops to settle the North, but to get the Northland so easily, it can almost be said that the soldiers are not bloody, and there are no two people who can do it.

After listening to Ye Liu, Mo Xiufu pondered a moment and said: "There are enough cold and Huaihe and Chang Yuyu in Changqing. Go back and let He Su come back."

Ye Liu raised his eyebrows and smiled: "It seems that this is a bit tricky here? The military will be like a cloud, but also want to adjust it back." Lu Jinxian and others also know that He Su is a person of Ye Li, laughing: "Wang Wei It’s true that He Lianzhen was left out by the Northern Kings in the past few years. It’s rare that there is no decadence. It’s actually cultivated a few talents. Now there are millions of soldiers in Beibei, and the men are also fierce. The ability of the generals to lead troops and the young generals can be described as the best. If you can come naturally, it is a good thing."

Nanhou squatted with a beard and smiled and said: "Exactly, Wang Hao's men are also able to make a lot of people. Now the younger generation of generals, General He Su is indeed better. But my dog ​​is not a very good thing." Some hate iron and not steel, Fu Zhao looked at it. Fu Zhao feels innocent and touches his nose. It is not that he does not work hard, but that this world is really enchanting.

Ye Liu laughed: "The South Houyan is heavy, the world is a rare talent for both civil and military. Is He Su comparable?" He looked down and thought: "Also, the generals of the cold Huai are highly respected and cold. The character is flexible and changeable, and they are sitting in Changqing, and it is certain that the land outside the Zijingguan will soon be able to resume the prosperity of the past. However, what kind of name is there in the northern camp, so that General Lu is so jealous?"

Lu Jinxian said: "There is a young general named He Lianpeng in the Beibei army. It should be the younger generation of Helian. But if he talks about using soldiers, he is afraid that Helian really wants to be a little less. Ye Luye He Lianzhen and He Lianpeng are sitting in the town, and there are millions of soldiers. It is really troublesome." Although there is some trouble, Lu Jinxian’s face has no trouble at all, but it is a bit of a temptation. meaning.

"Since Yelu has returned to Beibei, now the army is fully empowered by Yeluye. But I don't know if it will go smoothly after returning to Beibei. If everything goes well, Yeluye will not be able to wait for a long time." Thinking about it.

Ink repaired disdain and raised his eyebrows: "If even that thing can't be done well, Yelu is not as dead as it is. Since Ari is back, it is just that the king wants to have He Lianzhen and see him. Is it still the same as the same year!" Speaking of He Lianzhen, Mo Xiuzhen’s eyes are inevitably a bit more suffocating. It’s not that He Lianzhen’s person has had many days of talents. It’s just that he has not lost a hundred years in the palace, but he has been planted in the hands of Helian. Although it is a defeat of the non-war, but defeat is defeated. I have to say that the chapter that was a dozen years ago was the most grievous and the most devastating. How can this make ink repair not remember Helen really?

Soon after Mo Xiuzhen remembers He Lianzhen, He Lianzhen also did not forget ink repair. At that time, He Lianzhen was the first general of Beibei, and he saw that Wangfu would become the unprecedented **** of war in Beibei. However, the 18-year-old boy was killed by ink repairing, and a fire-fighting helmet lost his armor and lost. At that point, Beibei’s troops were not less than they are now, and they were expected to win a big victory. Although Murray also paid a great price, the loss of Beibei was extremely heavy.

In the Beiying camp, Yeluye sat in the main position, sitting next to the left and right, a 50-year-old vulgar white veteran and a twenty-seven-eight-sexual young man with a strong body. It is just different from the generally aggressive and brave Beijiao, but his eyes are calm and sharp with the Beibei people. These two men are the reinforcements of Yeluye’s Beiqiyuan Feiqi General He Lianzhen and his son Yi Lianpeng.

When the original ink repairing and Helian really did not arrive, the two armies were three days and a small squat, and they fought in five days. After the arrival of the coach, everyone was more calm and cautious. In the past two months, no one has ever taken the initiative to challenge him.

"I have said that Ren Qining will not do it at all. At first, I should find Lei Zhenduo as an ally." He Lian really sighed.

Yeluye looked gloomy and cold: "I did not expect that Ren Qining was so incompetent. It was actually less than three months before a female squad forced to defeat the whole army. The reason why he chose him was because of Geography, the second is that Lei Zhenduo’s ambition is too big, and the old tycoon is far less masterful than Ren Qining.”

He Lianzhen said: "So how is it changed now? The Seventh House of the Kings made a military order to the king. If you don't break the Mohist army, you will not return to Beibei. Now that Wang Ding has settled the northern border, soon after that, the Ding Wangfu will inevitably increase its troops here. Now I want to be in touch with Lei Zhenduo. I am afraid that it is a bit late." Today, Lei Zhenduo is not a good worry. In the south of the Yangtze River, Mo Jingli is also a tiger. In Xiling, the Xiling Emperor is always staring at the thunder. Zhen Zhen hopes that when he reveals the flaws, he will seize power. If Lei Zhenduo is fully committed at this time and the death of the king's palace, the two sides may not be able to win or lose, but no matter what the unsuccessful defeat or defeat, it must be Lei Zhenhao himself.

Yeluye sighed and said: "Fortunately, we are now far better than ink repair, and we may not win."

He Lianpeng, who sat silent and kept silent, looked up and said: "The prince may not say this." Yeluye raised his eyebrows: "How do you say?" He Lianpeng said: "Although our strength is far better than the Mojia army, But...the original is the site of the Mohist army. As long as they want to expand their terracotta warriors, they will be able to collect millions of troops in a blink of an eye. Even if it is not as good as the original Mohist army, it is still somewhat useful. In fact, Mo Xiuqi is not like a person who has no vision. He can't help but know that the Mohist army is far less powerful than other countries. Why is there no way to conquer the troops at all?"

Ye Luye could not help but frown, and seriously stared at He Lianpeng and asked: "You mean, ink repairs hide the strength?" He Lianpeng nodded: "Good. At the end, the Mohist army will definitely not only know what we know." These forces are only afraid that the ink repairs will hide a large number of troops in places we don't know, just waiting for a fatal blow to our army. Your Highness must not be taken lightly."

Yeluye nodded, he was not really a man of no hope. He is willing to be more cautious in the face of ink repair. Yelu Wild Road: "What do you think of Helen?"

He Lianpeng said: "The end will be going to try the strength of the Mohist army."

Yeluye looked at him with interest: "How are you going to try? In the past six months, our army has also played dozens of times with the Mojia army. The king can only say that the Mojia army is really the world of Megatron. Two hundred years of iron and blood master." To mention the fighting power of the Mojia army, even Yeluye had to admire. The physical qualities of the Central Plains themselves are not as good as those of their nomadic peoples, although many of them in the Central Plains can practice an internal enemy with a high level of martial arts. But in the end, it takes time to practice martial arts, and not everyone can practice high-level martial arts. Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the Central Plains Terracotta Warriors has always been weaker than that of the North. However, the Mohist Army is obviously an accident. Every soldier of the Mohist Army has the strength that it does not belong to the Northern Warriors. This also makes the battle more intense every time the two armies confront each other.

He Lianpeng indulged in a moment: "Kirin."

"Kirin?" This statement, even Yeluye and Helian really could not help but move. The time for Qilin to become a military is not long, but it has always been a success. The Mohist army has their shadows in several major wins, but few people in the world have actually seen them. It is like a ghostly existence.

Yelu said: "The unicorn was founded by the King of the Kings. It is also the most mysterious soldier in the Mohist army, which was ruled by the King of the Kings. Is Helian trying to challenge the King?"

He Lianpeng raised his eyebrows: "Can't you?"

Yeluye laughed and said: "It is not impossible. The king still thought that Helian was very proud and would like to directly repair the ink." He Lianpeng said in a light way: "The end will not look at the woman, especially It’s time for this woman to be a king. And, for some reason, I will always think that if I don’t solve this unicorn first, Beibei will plant them in their hands sooner or later.”

Yeluye was slightly shocked and asked: "How come?"

He Lianpeng indulged in a moment: "I don't know, just have this feeling. Since the appearance of Kirin, it has always been unpredictable, and every time it is shot, it is always necessary to attack the enemy. It never fails. The Warriors, on the battlefield, can’t be afraid of anyone, but it’s the shortcoming of our army to deal with such an evil enemy."

Yeluye nodded in agreement and had been dealing with Mo Jiajun for so long. Of course, he also knew. It is only the advantages and disadvantages of the Northern Warriors and Horses that have accumulated the habits of thousands of people. For a moment or two, even if they want to change, they can’t change. “How does Helen plan to deal with Kirin?”

Next to He Lian really laughed: "Since the beginning of the unicorn, Peng Er is very interested in these people, so we also trained a group of people, just to deal with Kirin."

It’s a bit of a surprise to hear that Yeluye is looking at He Lianpeng: “Would it be?” These years the father has been very unhappy with He Lianzhen and has lifted his military power to stay at home. In this case, it is also possible to train such a terracotta warrior how to prevent the surprise of Yeluye. If there is no such war, it is better to kill and invisible soldiers and horses to deal with Yelu.

He Lianpeng did not change his face and nodded. "Yes. They used to call Qilin a beast. They were too weak and weak, and they lost a bit of suffocation. This man, I call it 睚眦."

"Hey?" Although Yeluye is a Beibei, but as a prince, he has some understanding of the Central Plains culture.睚眦 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— It turned out that Ye Luye was somewhat curious, and He Lianpeng actually had some understanding of the Central Plains culture.

"Not bad." He Lian really said: "At the beginning, I accidentally lost to the hand of Huang Xiu's child. If I can't humiliate, I will die and face the history of Helian. Ancestors. For this day, I have waited for more than ten years. Although my seventh house is relieved, this time it is absolutely necessary for the Mohist army to never turn over."

He Lianzhen knows the hatred of ink repairing Yeluye. It can be said that this half-life of He Lianzhen was also defeated by Dingwangfu. He was half-lengthed, and the greatest feat was to defeat the Mo Jiajun and kill the ink. However, his biggest defeat was also lost to the Mo Jiajun, lost to the ink repair. Nodded, Yeluye Shen Sheng said: "There is labor and Helian. This Wang Jing listens to good news. What is Helen going to do?"

He Lianpeng indulged in a moment: "Ye Li has just returned, and certainly will not be prepared to guard me so soon. The end will mean, tonight, night attack."

Yeluye hesitated. "Can you be sure?"

He Lianpeng smiled and said: "The relief of the Highness is just a temptation."

"In this case, it is accurate."