MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 788 : Domination of Southern Xinjiang (14) Suppression in June

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Facing the abusive gaze of Speaker Li Xini, the orthodox nobles looked at each other awkwardly, and found that they had nothing to do with this situation. After the awkward silence, they could only agree with Li Xini's suggestion, which was not a suggestion. Announced a temporary adjournment until the assembly of MPs.

After the meeting was suspended, the orthodox nobles immediately began to connect with each other, and used various means to bring the absent nobles back to the parliament. The enlightened nobles had the speaker Li Xini behind their backs, so the goal of the orthodox nobles was to focus on the neutral nobles. There is no need to bring all the people back to the parliament, as long as two-thirds of the number of members are gathered together, the parliament can be officially opened.

The orthodox parliamentarians used this stupid method to achieve a lot when the enlightened nobles did not speak up. Some neutral nobles could not bear the pressure to come to the parliament, and the legal number of the great council was increasing every day. , according to this momentum, it is not far from convening a formal parliament, it seems that the "preparation parliament", which was once in the limelight, is about to fail.

Under this circumstance, a confusing incident occurred. Since the gods have been far away from the Southern Border Continent, future generations have continued to argue about the true face of this matter. This is the repression of the Third Legion that led to the "June Uprising".

In the middle of the night on June 5th, the Third Army, stationed near the capital, suddenly entered Batiros. It was later proved that the transfer was completely illegal, but the commander of the regiment, Brodoff, ignored the illegal transfer and entered Batiros without authorization and prepared for the parliament. members of the arrest repression.

In the era of the Great Revolution, all the revolutionaries claimed in unison that the "repression event" was a new historical study by some nobles of the Great Council who were unwilling to fail and forged the order of Celiti III to mobilize the Third Army to enter Batiros to suppress until the end of the Great Revolution. , only to put forward some conjectures that are closer to the truth.

Of course Leng Yi knew who did this, but Leng Yi just didn't say it, it was more interesting to see how Shibo killed himself.

In any case, with the sudden entry of the Third Corps into Batiros to arrest members of the Preparatory Council for suppression, the situation was thoroughly intensified.

"The other party is a regular army, can we do this?" A militiaman clenched the shoddy spirit flint gun in his hand and asked the captain a little worried.

At this time, midnight has passed, and the warm wind of the summer night is constantly blowing on this group of militia guards. However, many people's hearts are still refreshing. After all, the enemies they have to face are invincible and invincible. The regular corps of Shib!

Although the so-called regular legion has not fought an international war for more than a hundred years, their methods are still as sharp as ever in suppressing the workers' uprising, so these militiamen seem very hesitant in the face of the suppression of the third legion with timidity.

Since preparing for the establishment of the parliament, Shibo has added an organization called the militia force. On the surface, it claims to be a team spontaneously organized by citizens who yearn for reform. As for the actual situation, see if the militia is not armed with the workers' uprising. The sickle and axe, but the relatively excellent spirit flint spear, can roughly understand what is going on.

As if they had a good heart, the militia troops seemed to know something in advance and gathered the team early. Therefore, when the Third Army entered Batiros late at night to arrest members of the parliament, the militia troops mobilized north and entered the new star fort. Resist the army by force.

The so-called new star fort that the militias are now entering is called a star fort, and its manufacturing process can even be quickly produced by the militia, which shows the suggestion and operability of the production of the new star fort. It means that the quality of this star castle is extremely worrying.

But it is not a star fort. The functions and functions of the star fort have everything. Strengthening the defense against the resonance of the spirit guns and the like is far worse than the real star fort, so some militia troops have given This thing took a common name, called "barricade".

It is said that this "barricade" was brought in by an outsider a few years ago. He felt that he finally broke the defect that the Star Fort could not be built in the city.

So he happily entered Batiros, preparing to present a treasure to the President of the United States as an opportunity to make a fortune. As a result, he entered the mansion of the business group in a confused way. No one has seen him since then. Instead, the business group became more and more arrogant to the nobles. provocation, and today is the first time the barricade has confronted the enemy.

In order to appease the confidence of his subordinates, the squad leader clapped the flintlock gun in his hand and said, "Please think about it, everyone, what are we holding now? Where are we? The wise Shiaire and the others must have expected this. All preparations will be launched, so what should we worry about?"

The squad leader's appeasement had a pretty good effect, and they couldn't help but nod their heads. However, Shiairie, who was being sent to the Seventy Prison by the Third Army, was scolding her mother: "Gan! It's fine to use the city defense army, how about the regular army? Are you here? How did it become like this?"

In Batiros, the crown of ten thousand cities, except for those illegal villains and mercenaries who eat for a living, there are only two legal armed forces, one is the royal guards who are ordered to station the palace, and the other is patrolling the whole city. The city defense army, in addition to this, even a regular army such as the Third Army, can only be stationed in the acropolis outside the city.

The last time Batiros had a regular legion entered was the reviewing troop when Seliti III succeeded to the throne, and the last time a regular legion opened fire in the city was during the "Navarre Rebellion", which shows that the third legion entered the city. The seriousness of the armed repression could not help but let Shiaire and the others lose their second marriage.

And when Shiaire greeted Li Xini, the chairman of the Xibo Congress, Li Xini also roared in the room: "It is clear that the city defense army is to arrest people, and if there is resistance, they can open fire, why is the third army now in Armed suppression in the city? Can the fire of the city defense army be the same as the fire of the Third Army!"

It's a pity that Li Xini's anger is destined to not be vented, because the cronies around him can only repay Li Xini with helpless and unfamiliar eyes, and they don't know why things happened like this.

Neither Shiaire nor Li Xini knew why the situation had turned into what it is now, and Brodoff, the leader of the Third Army, naturally didn't know either. He only knew that the military order given to him was like this, so he did as he did.

As for Seliti III and the others, when they learned that the Third Army had actually entered the city and that the city defense army was completely watching the play, they were already frightened. , Otherwise, the third legion will not enter the Qingjun side of Dofan Palace, this is something that no one can say.

At this time, in addition to staying in the noble mansion and the members who have been arrested, many non-noble members of the preparation council have fled into the barricade, so the third legion began to gather on the barricade, and prepared to attack the barricade by force after the call failed, just as they as done before.

The barricade is not just a building, in fact it is located in a civilian area, because the passage is narrow and there are many alleys. Even when there is no barricade, outsiders feel like entering a labyrinth, and the environment is not like a slum. It is low and bad, so a little preparation is a barricade of all kinds.

When the commander of the Third Army Corps just saw the barricade, he was really stunned. To know that the star fort appeared in the city, this really broke the military common sense for hundreds of years.

But it was only stunned for a while. After all, although the barricade is known as a star fort, it barely has the lines of a star fort, but its spiritual power is really shoddy, and it is not the same as the genuine one.

However, a star fort is a star fort after all. Even if it deteriorates into a barricade, it is still a kind of star fort. Therefore, the commander did not launch an attack immediately.

However, the commander's persuasion to surrender was considered weak, but instead gave the militiamen standing in the barricade more confidence, so they responded with verbal abuse.

After a while, even the chief general Brodoff arrived in this area. After observation, Brodoff determined that this was the core of the resistance forces, and all the remaining members of the parliamentary preparations who could be caught had fled here, as long as the barricade was destroyed, Then this armed crackdown can be declared over.

So after a simple preparation, Brodoff transferred all his elites and ordered an attack on this barricade. At first he thought it was just an armed parade, but the next scene was unexpected, the shoddy barricade actually It's really not a good thing, and it can barely resist the resonance of spiritual power.

Although Brodoff, who was born in the military, quickly made an estimate based on his old and spicy experience, the barricade does have the characteristics of shoddy construction. It can be broken down by just a moment's bombing, and it does not need to be like a real star It took months of bombing with a psionic cannon, but even that really stumped Brodoff.

You must know that this is not some other country place, but Batyros. Let’s put it this way, when Fauti II recaptured Batyros, he only used stun guns instead of psionic cannons. The last time Batyros encountered a big The large-scale attack was before the establishment of the Parson Dynasty, when Dofan I crossed the sea to raid Batiros.

So Brodoff didn't dare to start this, even the soldiers of the Third Army did not dare to use arms to suppress Batiros. Anyway, there is a precedent for the "Navarra Rebellion", but he transferred psionic cannons to bomb Pakistan. Tiros, this is an unprecedented event in the world.

After a few hours of attack, Brodoff's elite Third Army destroyed more than half of the barricades and killed many militiamen. In the later period, even one-fifth of the barricades could not be supported by the low-quality militiamen and automatically fled. , but even so, this is the last thing the Third Army can do, and they really can't push it.

And as the sun rose, the sun pierced at the soldiers of the Third Legion, making them weak and suspicious: didn't we say we were ordered to enter Batiros? Why are the city defense army and the royal guards still standing on the sidelines? Did we enter Batiros legally?

Panic wiped out the combat effectiveness of the Third Army. Seeing this, Brodoff knew that he could not fight, so he had to order a temporary retreat for repairs. When the Third Legion began to retreat, there was an overwhelming cheer from the barricades, the barricades withstood the test, the militias withstood the test, and thwarted the evil plot!

But after the cheers, everyone fell into silence for a while, and the situation has developed beyond everyone's expectations, so what should we do next?


Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju