MTL - God of Taoism-v100 Chapter 697 desperate lament

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  Chapter 697 Lament of Despair

  The Nine-Infant Demon Emperor finally used his materialized magic mark. As soon as the nine-headed magic dragon came out, the entire magic arena was filled with nine different powers of ice, fire, lightning, wind, wind, gold, wood, and soil.

  Each dragon head represents a kind of power, and the nine kinds of power are intertwined, almost tearing the entire space into chaos.

  The frightening power, the powerful imprint of the nine-headed dragon and the demonic way, even the demons who watched it trembled.

The nine-headed magic dragon roared up to the sky, and the starlight caused by the virgin's holy clothes couldn't even get close to the nine-headed magic dragon. When touched by the nine intertwined forces from a distance, the starlight was instantly shattered, completely unable to fall.

The reason why the Nine-Infant Demon Emperor was able to run rampant in the Demon Imperial City was due to the Infant Killing Technique and the Nine-Headed Demon Dragon. This imprint of the evil way, which was like an ancient monster, possessed the ability to be almost indestructible after materialization, coupled with the powerful The changeability of the body and the nine kinds of power gives the nine-headed dragon a strong adaptability, and it can fight against various powerful enemies without losing the wind.

  Among the imprints of the magic way in the entire Demon Imperial City, the Nine-headed Demon Dragon is also a terrifying existence that I can rank in the top ten. Its ability makes many Demon Emperors envious of it.

Bai Cangdong saw the nine-headed demon dragon coming with its wings flapping, but he was not surprised but delighted. If such a ferocious imprint of the demonic way can be collected into the gourd of cutting immortals and cultivated into an elixir for his own use, it would really be a blessing. A very good thing.

The black iron epee in Bai Cangdong's hand turned into a terrifying giant sword and slashed at the nine-headed dragon, but nine different terrifying powers erupted from the nine dragon heads, interweaving a terrifying web of rules. Dong's black iron epee couldn't cut down, and was blocked in the air forcibly.

   And the terrifying power intertwined together, covering Bai Cangdong like a net, it seems that Bai Cangdong has no escape and no escape.

Bai Cangdong's expression remained unchanged, a pair of crow wings appeared on his back, when the wings opened and closed, Bai Cangdong's body appeared and disappeared, flying in the magic arena strangely, unexpectedly from the nine forces intertwined The net of rules he formed kept shuttling, and the net of rules couldn't hurt him at all.

  The Nine-headed Demon Emperor was furious, and ordered the Nine-headed Demon Dragon to spit out terrifying dragon breath fiercely.

   "Closer...closer..." Seeing that the nine-headed dragon was so fierce, Bai Cangdong was already very fond of it.

It's just that he was afraid that the gourd would be too far away, and he couldn't directly take the nine-headed dragon into it. If it escaped, it would be difficult to have a second chance, so Bai Cangdong hoped to be as far away from the nine-headed dragon as possible. The dragon is closer.

The materialized crow wings, combined with Bai Cangdong's phoenix kill, gave him the feeling of flying in the space gap, his body sometimes disappeared and sometimes appeared, no matter how fierce the Nine Infant Demon Emperor was, it was still difficult to touch him every bit.

   "Such a powerful movement!" Li Henjian looked at Bai Cangdong with a complicated expression. He was also good at movement, but Bai Cangdong's movement seemed not inferior to him in the slightest.

The other demons also looked nervous, wishing that the nine-headed demon dragon could blow Bai Cangdong to death with one breath, but they couldn't do what they wished, Bai Cangdong kept flying without any dragon breath at all. Can hit him directly.

And the few human beings in the corner of the Demon Arena saw that from the beginning to now, Bai Cangdong was able to fight to such an extent that a sage fought against the Nine-Infant Demon Emperor. He was not inferior to the Nine Infant Demon Emperor whose rank was much higher than him, and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak, he clenched his fists involuntarily, and stared at Bai Cangdong, as if expecting something.

   What to expect? I'm afraid even they themselves can't tell clearly, do they expect Bai Cangdong to defeat the Nine Infant Demon Emperor? Even they themselves don't believe it's possible.

  That is the ghost emperor, the existence second only to the devil emperor, how could a human being of the sage rank defeat him? Bai Cangdong's ability to fight until now has already made them feel incredible.

  Although reason told them that it was impossible, they still couldn't help but look forward to something when they saw the erratic figure.

  The biggest difference between humans and demons may be this unrealistic expectation, this kind of delusion that knows it is impossible but can't help it, it is hope in a desperate situation.

Human beings look forward to miracles in desperation, just like the humans in the Demon Imperial City. Even if they are reduced to the point of slavery, they never give up hope, never give up delusions, and look forward to the day when they can really do it. A person, not a slave.

In the eyes of many humans in the Demon Imperial City, Bai Cangdong is their epitome, just like him, facing a powerful demon, he tried every means to fight, and their battle is to survive, and the only way to survive is to survive. Only then will there be hope.

  They are eager to see the dawn of hope, even if it is just a little firefly, and Bai Cangdong at this moment is a little firefly in the dark future in their eyes.

  The night is dark, the wind is blowing, and the firefly may go out at any time. They feel helpless in their hearts, but at the same time they are longing.

The nine-headed demon dragon dominates the sky, and has already forced Bai Cangdong into a corner. The terrifying dragon breaths of nine attributes are intertwined into regular nets, covering Bai Cangdong's body layer by layer. If he gets caught by any rule, Bai Cangdong will be caught in that layer upon layer of nets, and it will be difficult for him to escape.

  The demons widened their eyes excitedly, but the humans stared nervously at the figure struggling and flying in the net.

  Many human beings were ashamed of death, as if they had already fallen into that death situation, or they were already in death situation, but the net did not kill them so quickly.

  "Unwilling, angry, helpless, frustrated..." Various emotions are mixed together in people's hearts, and they don't know what it feels like.

   "God, even if it's only once, just once, let's see a miracle!"

  This is not a prayer, but the deepest cry of human beings. They just want something that can make them feel stinging before they become numb, and feel that they are still living in this world and are still a real person.

But the reality is ruthless. No matter how fast Bai Cangdong flew, he was still blocked in a corner of the arena. There was no way out, and no room to dodge. With a terrifying roar, the nine dragons merged into one, turning into a huge torrent and rushing towards Bai Cangdong.

   "There is no hope, there is really no hope, even that human being can't survive in such a situation." People lamented despair in their hearts.

  (end of this chapter)