MTL - God Level Star System-v2 Chapter 1865 Exaggerated bomb

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Zhang Yu called the camera and the gods and carefully examined the bombs on the table. After a short time, I found out the clue of this thing, which is simply a trap bomb. Don't look at there are so many lines outside, but they are all suspected. No matter which one he cuts, it will explode in the end, so you have to find another way.

Zhang Yu then frowned and carefully analyzed it. He planned to make an internal loop and remove the remote control detonator.

With the plan, he opened the toolbox, took out the soldering iron, plugged it in, and began to try to deal with what was in front of him.

Zhang Yu carefully bypassed the fragile wires, removed the circuit board, then welded two new wires, re-circulated, and finally removed the remote control system and disconnected. The green light on the bomb instantly lights up, indicating that the disassembly has been successful.

After getting the bomb in front of him, Zhang Yu turned and walked to Cao Bo not far away...


"Hey! How did the guy go?"

"Don't you explode?"

"The green light is on and the explosion is broken! The red light is the explosion. He should have been successfully dismantled!"

"So fast! But others are still studying now!"

"Right! You said that the guy's pumping bomb is too simple? So it's better to dismantle?"



"Get it! What do you know! The bombs have a total of four styles, one team of four, and the difficulty is randomly assigned."

"So he got a simple one! Good to disassemble!"

"That's not necessarily! It's not easy to dismantle others! It's as simple as it is simple."

"Alright to Ha! So, there are two brushes on the guy's bomb."

"It's too powerful! Even the bomb will be removed. It seems that I will use him as an idol in the future."

"Hey! Your previous idol is not Xue Wu, how can you change people so quickly?"

"Hey... the strong is respectful!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"


Zhang Yu came to Cao Bo's side at this time...

At this time, Cao Bo was frowning and studying the bombs in front of him! However, due to the concentration of attention, Zhang Yu did not notice when he came to him.

Zhang Yu used his knowledge to turn around the bomb and immediately understood the principle. It was much simpler than the bomb he had just removed. The timers are all mechanical, the only troublesome thing is the same color line, three fake one true.

Zhang Yu smiled and reached out and picked up the small scissors on the table.

Cao Bo saw a pair of scissors quickly reaching out to the bomb in front of him, and then jumped and hurriedly said: "Hey! Don't..." I want to go and pull the hand that stretched out, but it is still slow. One point, the small scissors quickly stretched forward and cut one of the lines.

Finished! Cao Bo felt that his hair was falling, but the green light on the bomb lighted up, indicating that the bomb was successfully disassembled.

Cao Bo saw a sigh of relief and hurriedly turned to see Zhang Yu had turned and walked away. He immediately said, "Zhang Zhang... How is he..." When it comes to this, it seems that there is something else, hurried. Turning his head and looking at Zhang Yu’s previous position, seeing the bomb on the other side’s desk, the green light has already been lit.

No! So fast! Cao Bo’s appearance was a stunned look.


The captains on the rostrum did not know what to say when they saw it... It can be said that the speed of the demolition of the backfire team exceeded that of other teams. You know that many teams are not even getting one! People have already got two.

Jiang Peng is happy to die. It seems that this round of his own team is only going to have five points.


Zhang Yu came to Lu Ming’s side and observed his bomb. I have to say that it is quite complicated, even more complicated than the one he just removed. However, Lu Ming has already been demolished at this time, and the idea of ​​disassembly is still correct.

Zhang Yu did not say anything, quietly passed by his side, and did not bother the other's thoughts. Straight to the Yan Hao.


When Zhang Yu came to Yan Hao's side, he saw that the other party was sweating, then smiled, and then looked at the bomb on his desk, and was immediately shocked. The conditioned reflex: "I rely! This is too exaggerated! How do you pick such a complicated bomb!"

Yan Hao heard someone talking, hurriedly turned his head and hurriedly said: "Zhang... Zhang Yu! How are you? Is your bomb exploding?"

Zhang Yuwen smiled and said: "I didn't leave the show after the explosion! I have all been dismantled."

"No! It's so fast!" Yan Hao heard a rush to look at the position before Zhang Yu, and after seeing the green light, he also let go of his heart.

Cao Bo also followed this time, Yan Hao looked at the other side, said: "Cao Bo! You have also been dismantled?"

Cao Bo nodded and said: "Yes! I am simple!" After he finished, he shifted his gaze to the bomb on Yan Hao's table, but glanced at it and scared almost no tongue out. Because this bomb is much more complicated than the bomb before him, it is known to be the most difficult guy here.

"No! This... this is too exaggerated!" Cao Bo also got into the bomb and carefully observed it. He felt that his forehead was sweating immediately.

Yan Hao also smiled a bit, said: "It seems that the most difficult bomb here! This is the big guy. How can I be so bad!"

Cao Bo heard the words and smiled a bit, and did not know what to say.


The bomb in front of Yan Hao is a very complicated comprehensive bomb. There are two types of stopwatches for light timing. There are mechanical and electronic, and there seems to be a balance system that cannot be moved and touched at will. Moreover, this bomb has almost no external lines. The entire control system and the detonating structure are composed of several connected circuit boards. The principle is very Zhang Yu sees that the brow is locked, it seems that this bomb, More trouble than he thought. Fortunately, when he closed the training, he took a lot of bombs and he was well informed. Although there is no such complexity, the principles are similar. What's more, he still has one other person who has no advantage, that is, the gods and the camera.

Zhang Yu carefully studied the bombs, Yan Hao and Cao Bo, both standing on one side and not talking. To know the level of bombs in the team, except for Lu Mingliang, it is Zhang Yu, so the two did not dare to speak, afraid to disturb the other party.


Just when Zhang Yu studied this most difficult bomb, other teams have already completed the disassembly. Almost all of the same bombs of Cao Bo, because the bomb is the simplest, naturally it was the first to be conquered.

The person who had dismantled the bomb rushed to the teammates of the same group to help.


The time on the bomb is reduced in a little bit...

:. :