MTL - Go Legend-Chapter 15 Worst mistake

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  Chapter 15 The Most Popular Mistake

   "Brother Dingdingan, what do you mean by this move?"

   Li Xiangping was equally stunned when he saw Shi Xiangxia's sudden step of "Single Officer". You must know that the so-called "single official" in Go is a game without purpose, and it can also be regarded as a game without any value. Playing this kind of chess before the game is over is, of course, a problem hand.

It's just that although there is a problem, Li Xiangping dare not question it immediately, not because it is too complicated, but because the problem is too simple. You must know that it is even a beginner to go to the "single official" when the official is not finished. Don't make mistakes.

   A master like Shi Xiangxia, how could he make such a mistake? Therefore, Li Xiangping's reaction was the same as those of the Chinese Chess Academy. His first reaction was to be stunned, and then he re-examined the chess game to see if Lao Shi had discovered any problems in the black chess form and needed to be in this place. Make up.

It's just that Li Xiangping is a person close to the professional level after all. The current situation in this game of chess can be said to be very simple. Almost all places have been finalized. After a while, Li Xiangping couldn't help but ask.

   "Ah, mistakes, mistakes, I forgot that you explained to me that the rules of Go today are different from those in the past, and this is purely my habit."

Before Lao Shi finished speaking, Li Xiangping jumped up: "Ah?! It turned out to be a mistake, I said what happened to you, Lao Shi? You are a dignified chess master, how could you do this? Wrong, don't you know that this game of chess is very important to me today."

  Old Shi also looked embarrassed after making a mistake, he explained in a low voice; "Sorry, little friend Xiangping, in our era, this move is indeed the biggest official on the board"


After hearing this, Li Xiangping was thoughtful. He seemed to remember something. After he re-examined the chess game, Li Xiangping burst into laughter. At this time, he finally knew why Shi Xiangxia was guilty of making modern people look so low-level. wrong.

  This is actually related to the rule of "returning the head" in medieval chess.

The so-called "returning the chess head" means that the number of pieces in medieval chess is more than the number of pieces after the end of the chess game. If the black chess board is 4 pieces at the end of the game, and the white chess piece is 5 pieces, then according to the thinking of the ancients, survival of a piece of chess requires at least 4 pieces. 2 eyes do work, 2 eyes are 2 eyes. According to the rules of ancient chess, these 2 eyes cannot be calculated in value, and they need to be deducted at the end of the game. The more blocks, the more deductions. Black loses 4 blocks and deducts 8 points, and White loses 10 points for 5 blocks.

   So a simple sentence: "a piece of chess buckles 2 eyes", this is the core idea of ​​"returning the chess head".

   It was because of this that Li Xiangping immediately understood why Shi Xiangxia made the mistake just now. Because if this game of chess implements the "return head" rule, then the move just now is indeed valuable.

Because of the move Lao Shi made just now, it not only connected the two black pieces, but also cut off the two white pieces. With this addition and subtraction, this move is considered a "single official" by modern people. ”, and in medieval chess, there are 4 goals.

   This is why Shi Xiangxia said "accustomed", which is actually a more complicated part of medieval chess than modern Go, a kind of increased complexity caused by rules.

   In later generations, Li Xiangping often saw some shallow and ignorant people slandering ancient Chinese chess on the Internet, and some people with skill 3 and skill 4 even dared to criticize Huang Fan. Among them, the extremely confident people even dared to comment on their chess records, thinking that Fan Xiping's move was ignorant, and Shi Xiangxia's move was full of errors.

   But to be honest, in such comments, more than 90% of the reviews are basically unreliable, and more than 90% of the reviews are truly unintelligible and full of fallacies.

  Some people can't even figure out the core idea of ​​"returning the chess head". Such people dare to criticize ancient chess. Li Xiangping can only say "hehe" to this.

   Take today's chess game as an example. This "one increase and one decrease" is worth 4 goals. That's not the most complicated problem caused by the "return head" rule. If a connection or disconnection also involves the problem of robbery, anyone who knows a little bit of Go knows, then the complexity here will increase exponentially.

  If you want to comment on ancient chess, first clarify the complexity of it.

   Well, Li Xiangping doesn't think he is that kind of superficial person, so he can still understand Lao Shi's mistakes. However, what should I say, today's game of chess is a game after all, isn't it? Although it is just a game of online confrontation, but Li Xiangping defines this game as "a battle to break through the hard hands", especially now that the end game is approaching, and the victory is in sight, will this move affect the final outcome? ?

"This is equivalent to stopping a move. At present, the back hand has the largest 3 goals, so this move is likely to lose 3 goals. If you lose 3 goals, hurry up, Ding'an brother, hurry up, No, no, let's play a little bit together and see if this move will not affect the final outcome."

Just when Li Xiangping was scrambling to re-evaluate the situation, something even stranger happened. After Shi Xiangxia made this very technical problem, the other side didn't know what they were thinking, and they didn't make a move. , 3 minutes later, with a "crack", Ben Yinfang Xiudou of the Axe Gang actually chose to admit defeat in the middle game.

   "Ha admit defeat? What does this kid Yan Qing mean, he has been fighting in this corner before, but now he finally waited for my mistake, how could he admit defeat so readily?"

   Of course Li Xiangping didn't know. At this time, at the Chinese Chess Academy, the people from the National Youth Team came up with another interpretation of Lao Shi's move.

   Just when they first saw this move, the gang of the national youth team were as stunned as Li Xiangping. It's just that their level is higher than Li Xiangping, so they realize that this is a step error sooner. It's just why the opponent who showed a very high level made such a low-level mistake. Just when everyone was talking about it, Kong Erjie suddenly said:

   "Ha, I got it!"

   "Huh? What did you see, Xiaomei, what does this move mean?"

   "What else do you mean? People are trying to persuade them to surrender."

   "Persuade to surrender?"

   "I just clicked carefully. Even if Black stopped here for a move, in the end it was 6 heads on the board, no more, no less, just half a head."

Speaking of this, Kong Erjie shook his head and sighed: "Tsk tsk, this guy is really amazing, who is he? With such a fierce chess game ahead, everyone should not have time to judge the situation? Anyway, I didn't see it clearly. But this person It's good, people not only judged it, but also judged it very clearly. When people play this move, they clearly tell us: You see, I "stop" a move at this moment, and it won't be too much or not. Isn't it a matter of persuasion?"

  Yan Qing and Ao Lang looked at each other, Hu Yaoyu and Qiu Jun looked at each other. Although Kong Erjie's statement sounds a bit strange, it must be admitted that this seems to be the most reasonable explanation.

   You must know that this is an online game. This kind of "conviction" may rarely happen in real life, but it is not uncommon in online games.

For example, Li Xiangping once saw a game of chess played on the Internet by the first domestic master "spy" in later generations. His opponent was a Korean chess player. Seeing that he killed two pieces of his opponent's chess, that person continued to fight stubbornly there. The little spy finally got impatient. He slammed "one, one", which is the most corner of the chessboard. This is a typical "stop move", which means why are you still playing.

   After listening to Kong Erjie's explanation, Gu Dali was not a Korean chess player after all, so he laughed:

"Hehe, it turned out to be persuasion to surrender, it's very powerful, but just because he can see clearly, people are indeed qualified to persuade surrender, then I will admit defeat now, brother Niu, come over quickly, if you want to avenge me, you have to talk to someone earlier. send invitation"

   So, at around 10:10 pm, the match between the Beggar Gang * Ben Yinfang Xiuqin VS Axe Gang * Ben Yinfang Xiudou ended in such an unexpected way.

  When Li Xiangping pressed the "Confirm" button, before he had time to be happy, all kinds of private chat messages rushed towards him, especially the news of the gang leader Hongqiao Wolong.

  Beggar Gang* Hongqiao Wolong: "Is that you in Baiyi? Hehe, congratulations."

  Beggar Gang* Ben Yinfang embroidered the qin: "Hehe, it's nothing, I already said that this **** horse Ben Yinfang Xiudou is not my opponent, how about the boss of Hongqiao, I'm lucky to not be humiliated by taking the initiative to invite Ting?"

  Beggar Gang* Hongqiao Wolong: "Hehe, is it you in Baiyi?"

  Beggar Gang* Ben Yinfang embroidered the qin: "It's me, eh? What do you mean, boss? You've asked this question twice."

  Beggar Gang* Hongqiao Wolong: "Hehe, it's nothing, white clothes"

  Beggar Gang* Ben Yinfang embroidered the qin: "Boss, what are you trying to say, why do I feel that you are weird now."

  Beggar Gang* Hongqiao Wolong: "Haha nothing, I actually want to tell you something, you know who your opponent just now is."

  Beggar Gang* Ben Yinfang embroidered the qin: "I know, I know this guy's bottom line very well, I already knew that he is not my opponent."

  Beggar Gang* Hongqiao Wolong: "Bai Yi will tell you the truth, it was Gu Dali who played chess with you just now."

  Beggar Gang* Ben Yinfang embroidered the qin: "Ah?!!"

  Beggar Gang* Hongqiao Wolong: "This news comes from Lao Mei, you know Lao Mei, his source is definitely fine."

  Beggar Gang* Ben Yinfang embroidered the qin: "Ah?!!!!!!"

   Of course Li Xiangping knew by this time, no wonder Hongqiao was hesitant to speak, he must have doubted his true identity, and slammed around to find out who his shooter was.

   Just when Li Xiangping was about to continue chatting with Hongqiao, another prompt appeared on the computer screen:

   "The Axe Gang * Ben Yinfang Xiudou has sent you an invitation to the game."


   (end of this chapter)