MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 331 Zhu Junjie gets promoted

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 Chapter 331 Zhu Junjie is promoted


 Suifeng Hotel.

While Deng Shirong and Zhang Guangzong were drinking and chatting, a group of People's Liberation Army soldiers in military uniforms entered the hotel in neat steps.

Deng Shirong did not go up to greet him. He only waited for the other party to come in and sit down and order the food. Then he waved the waiter over and asked her to tell the kitchen to use all his skills to make enough portions so that the People's Liberation Army must eat well. full.

Deng Shirong, who was born in 1936, has special feelings for soldiers. It is this group of respectable, lovely and unafraid of sacrifices who drove away those disgusting beasts and left the Chinese nation more than a hundred years behind. Years later, it embarked on the road to revival again.

I have to say that soldiers eat quickly. After the food was served in the restaurant, the battle was over within a quarter of an hour, and then the group of soldiers paid their bills and left.

 When settling the bill, these soldiers also thanked Deng Yunzhen.

After all, they are not stupid. When they saw that the portions of the dishes were so ample, they knew that the restaurant owner was silently giving them more food. The reason why the boss did this was naturally because of their status as soldiers. Even if they wanted to, they couldn't help it. No, I can only accept this kindness.

At the same time, the belief in my heart has become stronger, and I must do my best to protect this land and this group of simple and kind-hearted people.

This incident was just a small incident, just to add something for everyone to talk about after dinner. Deng Yunzhen also felt that she would never have another chance to meet with this group of People's Liberation Army, so she quickly forgot about it.


However, envy is envy, but no one is jealous.

Once this power station is completed, it will play a huge role in solving the power supply difficulties in the southern part of our county, developing industrial and agricultural production, and promoting the construction of two civilizations, and the majority of people heartily support it.

Deng Yunzhen responded, took the bag and walked out of the hotel quickly, then rode a bicycle to chase the People's Liberation Army.

Hearing these words, Deng Shirong finally remembered a relatively sensational event that happened in Baiping Village in his previous life. At that time, the public security officers went to Baiping Village to arrest people.

The People's Liberation Army leader who led the team also quickly thanked him: "Thank you, boss. If this money is lost, we don't know how to explain it to the superiors. You have helped our XX department a lot. I don't know what I call you, boss?" "

Deng Shirong immediately asked: "Ajuan, where did you pick up the bag?"

In the hotel, Deng Shirong praised: "Ajuan, your spirit of saving money is very good. From now on, you will be the foreman of the hotel, and your salary will go up one level. I hope you will work hard and help Azhen manage the hotel well." ”

At this time, Deng Yunzhen had already arrived on his bicycle. Because he was pedaling faster, he was still out of breath. He said: "Comrade of the People's Liberation Army, you left this bag at the hotel. I will bring it to you."

At this time, Deng Yunzhen also came over. Deng Shirong immediately put the bag in her hand and ordered: "The People's Liberation Army should not have gone far yet. You should quickly ride your bicycle to chase and return this bag to the People's Liberation Army."

 While eating in the afternoon, Zhu Junjie asked: "Uncle Deng, are you familiar with Shuangwang Baiping?"

Although he and Deng Yunzhen received a marriage certificate, they were not married until they had served wine, so he had not yet changed his name to dad.


However, not long ago, some people with ulterior motives continued to interfere and sabotage, driving away the construction team and burning down the work sheds, causing serious losses to the power station project.

Deng Shirong took a look at the bag and saw that there were neat 10 bundles of money inside. As he often dealt with cash, he knew that there should be 10,000 yuan here, and there was also a check for 100,000 yuan. In this era, it was nothing. There is no doubt that it is a huge amount of money.

The other waiters all showed envious expressions, wishing they had picked up this bag when they were cleaning just now.

After all, Zhang Wenjuan is a veteran employee who has been working in the hotel since it opened. Even if there was no such thing, they would still be convinced by the boss's suggestion of her as the foreman.

Deng Shirong said: "Of course I am familiar with it. Why do you ask this?"

Deng Yunzhen returned to the hotel in a happy mood. She knew that her father had promoted Zhang Wenjuan, who had found the bag, as the head waiter in the hotel. She was very much in favor of it. With such employees who are willing to make money, the boss can rest assured.

Now, after careful investigation, our Public Security Bureau has obtained conclusive evidence and submitted it to the County People's Procuratorate for approval. We are preparing to arrest the criminals who planned to set fire to the power station headquarters early tomorrow morning.

Zhu Junjie said: "The county was building the Longtan Power Station before. During the preparation process, the power station headquarters, in accordance with the party's policies and relevant regulations, adopted a year-by-year or one-off approach to compensate for the flooded farmland in the dam head reservoir area. , it can be said that it reasonably solves the farmers’ losses.

 A few minutes after the group of soldiers left, the exclamation of Zhang Wenjuan, an old employee, was suddenly heard.

After picking up so much cash, if you were a greedy person, you would have found a way to hide it and keep it for yourself. Zhang Wenjuan was not greedy for the money and just handed it over to the boss. She is naturally a very good character. Deng Shirong is naturally safe to use.

Deng Shirong followed the sound and saw Zhang Wenjuan running over with a bag, handed it to him and said: "Boss, look!"

Deng Yunzhen smiled and handed the bag over and said, "You're welcome, comrades of the People's Liberation Army. My husband is also a soldier. Please hurry up and see if there is anything missing?"

“The money and things are all here, I’m really grateful to my sister-in-law!”

Zhang Wenjuan, who was encountering so much money for the first time, was still heartbeating at a ridiculously fast rate and replied: "Boss, I picked it up from the chairs used by the People's Liberation Army to eat."

The PLA who led the team took the bag and handed it to the PLA who was the first to speak. He smiled and said, "So it's my sister-in-law. I wonder which army your husband is from?"

This incident was quite sensational, and the final result is needless to say. Going against the country is just like lighting a lantern in the toilet - looking for **** (seeking death)!

Deng Yunzhen reported the number of Zhu Junjie’s unit and said: “He has now transferred to work in our county’s Public Security Bureau!”

Zhang Wenjuan was surprised when she heard this and said: "Thank you boss, I will definitely work hard to help the little boss manage the hotel well."

  Hearing the word "transfer", all the People's Liberation Army present were shocked. Only cadres in the army are eligible to change their profession. It seems that the husband of the sister-in-law in front of me is not easy!

So I would like to ask Uncle Deng whether you are familiar with the natural villages such as Beitouxia, Changtian, Jiuding, and Darongshu in Baiping Village. I wonder what the folk customs there are like. If our police officers are dispatched, will anyone cause trouble? "

When one of the People's Liberation Army saw this bag, his expression changed instantly, and he quickly stood up and said: "Thank you, boss, you have helped me a lot!"

The People's Liberation Army leader who was leading the team couldn't help but stop when he heard the shouting. When the other People's Liberation Army soldiers saw this, they also stopped and turned their heads to look over.

 “You’re welcome, I won’t disturb you anymore. Goodbye!”

 “Okay, bye sister-in-law!”

Outside, because the People's Liberation Army had only walked for a few minutes, and Deng Yunzhen was chasing them on a bicycle, they caught up quickly.

From a distance, Deng Yunzhen shouted: "Comrade of the People's Liberation Army, please wait!"


Deng Shirong said: "The folk customs there are still very strong. If those bad guys are inciting you behind the scenes, the villagers who are not clear-headed will dare to come up and steal your weapons and equipment. So if you really want to take action, you'd better send more people to suppress it." , it won’t work if the number of people is small.”

Zhu Junjie heard this very seriously and asked again: "Uncle Deng, how many people do you think we need to send to suppress it?"

Deng Shirong thought for a while and said: "At least one or two hundred people must be dispatched, and they must be fully armed. At critical moments, warning shots must be fired."

 Zhu Junjie was taken aback and said, "Is it so exaggerated?"

Deng Shirong nodded and said: "You can't be scared with a small number of people, and you can't really point your guns at the masses, so you can only send more people, and at the same time, you have to invite leaders who can speak with you. This proves that There must be problems among the masses that have not been resolved, otherwise he would not be able to incite them.”

Hearing this, Zhu Junjie also felt that it made sense, so he put down his chopsticks and said, "Uncle Deng, your opinion is very important. It seems that I have to go back and report it to the leadership and discuss this matter together to avoid being passive due to insufficient preparation."

“It’s not too late to leave after eating enough. Anyway, your plan is to set out tomorrow morning.”

"I've almost eaten. Uncle Deng, you eat. I'll report to the leader first."

 “Okay, then go ahead!”

Seeing Zhu Junjie stand up and prepare to leave, Deng Yunzhen couldn't help but ask: "Will you lead the team tomorrow?"

Zhu Junjie said: "Originally, my men were leading the team, but Uncle Deng made this matter so serious. It seems that I will have to lead the team to deal with it myself tomorrow."

Deng Yunzhen warned: "Then you should be careful. Listen to my father and bring more people. Don't just go down and arrest people with more than ten or twenty people."

Zhu Junjie nodded and said: "Well, I understand, I will be fully prepared before going, don't worry!"

With that said, Zhu Junjie greeted Mr. Zhang, Deng Yuntai, Zhang Xiuping and others one by one, then quickly walked out of the hotel and went to the county government family home to discuss matters with the leaders. Deng Yuntai sighed: “I really don’t know what those people think. Going against the government, isn’t this looking for death?”

Deng Shirong said: "No matter what era you are in, there is no shortage of such fools."

Zhang Guangzong said: "Just like when the big bandit Long Sanba killed people in Hengkeng Village, Songwang Township, he only brought a few men with him, but there were 56 villagers. If they escaped, at most a few of them would be killed. Kill, or if you dare to fight, then we still don’t know who will die and who will live!

As a result, Long Sanba said that as long as he didn't run away and tied himself up obediently, he wouldn't kill him.

  Then, the villagers foolishly believed his lies and tied themselves up with towels hung around their necks to wipe sweat. They died so unjustly. "

Deng Yuntai said with emotion: "These villagers were also scared out of their wits by Long Sanba, the big bandit. After losing their courage, not to mention dozens of people, hundreds or even thousands of people were useless. I used to study When I was young, I heard a history teacher tell me that in ancient times, there was a fierce man who chased thousands of people and chopped them down. I can’t remember the details. Anyway, if this thing is true, those thousands of people who were chased and chopped down, He must have been frightened out of his wits.

 Otherwise, a person's spitting could drown him, so how could such a bizarre thing happen? "

Deng Shirong nodded and said: "That Long Thirty-eight can be said to be the biggest thieves of our Shuangwang. It extends from Yulin in the north to Baisha, Hepu and other places in the south. It stretches hundreds of miles from north to south. In the early days of the Republic of China, as long as his name was mentioned, There is no one who is not afraid. It is normal for the villagers in Hengkeng Village to be frightened by him. "

Zhang Xiuping continued: "I heard that there is a Feng Shui in the Long Thirty-eight Family, which says that digging three feet deep will reveal princes, and digging three feet shallow will reveal thieves. Is this true?"

Deng Shirong said: "There is indeed a saying. It is said that there was heavy wind and rain at that time. When the grave was dug there, there were rocks underneath that were difficult to dig out. Those people didn't believe this statement, so they just stopped working. The result was really... The big thief Long Sanba emerged."

After chatting here, several people started chatting around Long Sanba, the big thief. This big thief was killed by his followers in 1926, and only 60 years have passed. Some of his things are different. Even now, it means that it will still be remembered by the people of Bobai in future generations.

 After all, this big bandit had done all kinds of evil, and the disaster he caused was indeed great.


Naye Dengshi Community.

Today is a great day for Deng Yunqiang’s family to move to a new home, so naturally they want to invite relatives and friends over for a meal to celebrate.

Deng Yunqiang’s family has purchased three houses in total. Currently, only one of them has been renovated, and the remaining two will be renovated later.

Among the relatives who came, Guan Yongying’s natal family were all invited.

After all, when he originally wanted this house, because he didn't have enough money, Deng Yunqiang borrowed a lot of money from his in-laws to buy three houses. Now that he has moved to a new home, he naturally wants to invite his in-laws to join in the fun.

 Also, Deng Shirong was also invited.

 While eating, Guan Dewei kept toasting Deng Shirong. He was really grateful to his eldest daughter as a great matchmaker.

  Guan Dewei still vividly remembers the living conditions of their family a few years ago. At that time, the family could not eat meat once a month, and he was considered the most ordinary member of the village.

After Uncle Jiu came to be a matchmaker for his eldest daughter and asked him to marry her to Naye Village, everything slowly began to change. He followed his daughter and her son-in-law's family to plant lychees, then watermelons, and finally asked the in-laws to support them. , accounting for 4 shares in Naye Deng's passenger transport company.

 This series of operations has made Guan Dewei the undisputed richest man in Sham Shui Tin Village. His family situation is so good that the whole village is envious.

 All of this is the result of Uncle Jiu, and Guan Dewei knows it in his heart.

After finishing the meal, other relatives left one after another, and then Guan Dewei said, "Uncle Jiu, I still have something to trouble you with."

Deng Shirong said: "Relative, if anything happens, just tell me."

Guan Dewei said: "Uncle Jiu, it's like this. My little daughter is 20 years old this year, and it's time to talk about her husband's family, so I would like to ask Uncle Jiu to help find a matchmaker. I am the best at being a matchmaker." Convinced.”

He has four children, the eldest daughter Guan Yongying, the eldest son Guan Yongcong, the youngest daughter Guan Yongmei, and the youngest son Guan Yongming.

 The eldest daughter and son are both married, leaving only the two younger ones who are not yet married.

Deng Shirong did not refuse after hearing the words. He smiled and agreed: "Of course there is no problem. We have so many descendants of the Deng family. Do you have any relatives that you like?"

Guan Dewei smiled and shook his head, and said: "Uncle Jiu, I don't have many contacts with the young people in your clan. You know more about them. If you have suitable ones, please help lead them."

Deng Shirong nodded and said, "Of course you can. My dear, what is your little daughter's personality like? How many books has she read?"

Guan Dewei said: "Uncle Jiu, I have something to say in front of you. My little daughter's personality is a little bit fiercer. She is not as gentle and kind as Yongying. She has not read many books and only knows a few. Just simple words.”

Deng Shirong said in surprise: "What's going on? Didn't Yongying graduate from a high school? Why does my sister only know a few simple words?"

Guan Dewei sighed and said: "Well, it's our fault that we didn't pay enough attention to this matter. It was fine when Yongying and the others were studying. When it was my turn to study, Yongmei and the others, for some unknown reason, helped Bacun Together with the female students from Bangliang Village, they joined forces to bully our female students from Sham Shui Tam Village, beating them so hard that they dared not go to school.

 So, in our village, not only my Yongmei, but none of her peers or younger than her are literate. "

Deng Shirong was surprised and asked: "Is there such a thing? Is it still like this now?"

 Naye Primary School is the only primary school in Bangjie Village.

However, the administrative village of Bangjie Village is still very large. There are dozens of natural villages below. These natural villages are near or far from Naye Primary School. Needless to say, the ones that are close are several kilometers away. This is very convenient for children to go to school. Naturally very unfriendly.

Therefore, in addition to Naye Primary School, other natural villages will set up some primary schools according to their locations. These primary schools can provide students with education until the third grade. After the fourth grade, students will be concentrated in Naye Primary School.

The natural villages of Bangba, Bangliang and Shenshuitian are connected together, so a primary school was established in Bangba Village. Children from these natural villages all go to Bangba Primary School.

Sham Shui Tin Village originally had a small population, and they went to other villages to study. It is normal for such young children to not want to go to school once they are bullied.

In addition, Bobai's patriarchal mentality is already serious. It would be good if his daughter can study. If she doesn't want to study, the parents will naturally not force it or even ask why. This has caused the whole village to have trouble. The consequences of most girls being illiterate.

Guan Dewei said: "I don't know if this phenomenon still exists now, because for so many years, the girls in the village have not gone to school, and over time everyone has become accustomed to it."

Deng Shirong frowned and said: "It's not enough if you don't study. I will pay attention to this matter later and ensure that this phenomenon will not happen again. When you go back, you will also persuade those girls of the right age in your village to go to school. In this era, we don't say how many books we need to read." , but at least I have to finish primary school, otherwise I won’t be able to do anything but farm the fields.”

Guan Dewei nodded and said: "Well, I will talk to the villagers about this matter after I go back and try to send the children to study."

Deng Shirong said: "Relative, your current family conditions are considered good. Your Yongmei is illiterate, which is still not good. I suggest you teach her yourself, or hire a teacher to teach her, and try to help her learn to read. words and learn some simple arithmetic.

 Otherwise, I won’t be able to travel far by myself in the future. Even if there is business, asking her to collect money will not count. If I go to my in-laws’ house, I will have to obey the command of the commander. "

Guan Dewei knew that Uncle Jiu was the person who valued education the most in Quan Shuangwang. When he heard what he said, he felt that it made sense, so he nodded and said: "Uncle Jiu, I listen to you. When I go back, I will let her elder brother or younger brother Teach her."

Deng Shirong hummed and said: "Based on your family's current conditions, if Yongmei can read and do arithmetic, then we can find her a partner with similar conditions, and her life will not be much different in the future. She doesn't need to be 20 years old anyway. I am in a hurry to get married. My eldest daughter is not ready to get married until she is 24 years old this year!”

“Uncle Jiu is right, let’s talk about it after a while, I will definitely let her learn simple arithmetic and recognize basic Chinese characters.”

“Well, I will help her find a good leader then.”


On the way back to the county seat from Baiping Village, the county leader praised: "Director Zhu, fortunately you reported this important situation to the county committee and county government last night and adjusted the deployment in a timely manner. This matter can be solved smoothly today, otherwise once the masses Being incited by them will probably have serious consequences, and you should take the first credit for this matter."

Zhu Junjie was happy in his heart, but on the surface he was still very calm and said: "Thank you for the leadership. Without you solving the people's difficulties in time, how could we have killed all the bad guys so smoothly!"

The county leader said with satisfaction: "Director Zhu, it has been more than two years since you changed jobs and returned to work, right?"

 Zhu Junjie nodded and said, "Yes, it's been two and a half years."

The county leader said: "After two and a half years of hard work, I believe you have the ability to coordinate the overall situation. Next, you will have to bear more burdens. You must be mentally prepared."

Zhu Junjie was overjoyed when he heard this, and said excitedly: "Thank you for your leadership, I will definitely live up to your expectations."

When he transferred to another job, he was a deputy regiment, which is equivalent to a deputy department. However, when he transferred to a local area, he basically had to be demoted to half a level or one level, and it was impossible to hold a full-time job. That's why he got the position of deputy director. Now he listens to the leadership and finally To be able to straighten him up is naturally a matter of joy.

It is worth mentioning that the director of the county public security bureau in this era was not basically the deputy county magistrate like in later generations. The director of the county public security bureau in this era was just the director, with a deputy county magistrate in charge, and his rank was only a full-time officer That’s all.

The county leader in front of Zhu Junjie is the deputy county magistrate in charge of the Public Security Bureau, Justice Bureau, Family Planning Commission and Mediation Office.

 (End of this chapter)