MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 14 As I get older, eating ranks first

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Chapter 14: Being older, eating ranks first

 Bobai County belongs to the hilly area of ​​southeastern Guangxi in the geographical division of Guangxi. The landform types are complex and diverse, including plains, valleys, basins, hills, hills and mountains, all interlaced with each other.

 Shuangwang realm belongs to hilly areas.

There are many mountains here, but most of them are the kind of hills that can be climbed to the top of the mountain in one breath. In later generations, these hills were basically planted with lychee trees by various households, so they were also called lychee mountains.

Early in the morning, Deng Shirong, who had nothing to do, took a long stick and went to the hill opposite his door to see if he could get some good food to eat.

After going up the mountain, Deng Shirong saw that the myrtle trees all over the mountain were beginning to mature, so he picked a few and tasted them. The taste was still as sweet as in his memory.

However, this time going up the mountain, picking nizi was not his goal. After tasting it, Deng Shirong turned his attention to the weeds and slowly started searching.

As a result, Deng Shirong spent more than an hour searching the entire hill but couldn't find what he needed. He couldn't help but shook his head with regret.

 Deng Shirong’s goal is simple: to search for hornet nests and various wild fungi.

Needless to say, the hornet's nest, the bee pupae inside are fried and used for drinking, which is really unique. In later generations, even if it was frozen, it would sell for one or two hundred and one kilograms. If it were fresh, live bee pupae, it would sell for three or four hundred and one kilograms. normal.

As for wild fungi, in Shuangwang Realm, the most famous wild fungi are rice fungus, pine wood fungus, and arrowhead fungus. Whether used to cook soup or porridge, the taste is extremely delicious and can be encountered. Unforgettable deliciousness.

It is rare for future generations to eat such delicious wild mushrooms. Anyway, in my impression, Deng Shirong has not eaten them for at least ten years. If anyone is lucky enough to pick up such wild mushrooms, they can be sold for hundreds of yuan per kilogram. Grab people to buy.

After searching the hill carefully, he could not find a hornet's nest or wild fungi. Deng Shirong had already been mentally prepared for this. The main reason was that the hill was too close. If there was a hornet's nest, it would have been touched by others. If he goes, it will be his turn.

 As for those wild fungi, whether you can encounter them or not is entirely a matter of luck.

Let's take the arrowhead fungus as an example. If it grows in the morning, let alone wait until the next day, it will already be out of date even if you encounter it in the afternoon.

You must dig it out in the morning when it has just grown out of the soil and looks like an arrowhead, and then eat it immediately when you get back. If it is too late and the fungus has fully opened like an umbrella, it will start to rot and grow worms, and the taste will not be that good. .

 Precisely because of the harsh conditions, eating this wild fungus is entirely a matter of luck.

 Coupled with the fact that it hasn’t rained in the past two days, it’s not a good time to dig for wild mushrooms.

Of course, Deng Shirong did not gain anything at all. At least he found a nest of termites in a weed patch, and he immediately remembered the location.

As an experienced rural person, Deng Shirong naturally understands some of the growth rules of wild fungi. Where arrow fungi grow, there must be termite nests, and they often grow after rain.

So, Deng Shirong remembered this place and planned to wait for it to rain one day, and come over the next morning to see if there was any arrowhead fungi in this place.

When he got home, he saw his eldest son making a slingshot at the door. Deng Shirong said, "Yuntai, after breakfast later, if you have nothing to do, go for a walk on the mountain and see if you can find a hornet's nest."

Deng Yuntai stopped what he was doing and asked, "Dad, why are you looking for a hornet's nest?"

Deng Shirong took the chimney, took out tobacco and matches from his pocket, and said: "When you find it, burn the honeycomb back and blow up the bee pupae inside to drink. That's a great thing."

Deng Yuntai asked in surprise: "Dad, can bee pupae be fried and used for drinking?"

No wonder he asked this. In fact, as he has grown up, he has never heard of anyone frying bee pupae to drink wine. Usually bee pupae are either eaten raw or used to cook bee pupae porridge. This is his first time frying bee pupae. It is said that.

Deng Shirong stuffed shredded tobacco into the cigarette holder and said with a smile: "Fried bee pupae are fragrant and sweet, and are an excellent dish to go with wine." Deng Yuntai wondered: "If fried bee pupae tastes so good, why have I never tasted it? Have you heard of anyone frying bee pupae?”

Deng Shirong struck a match, lit the tobacco and took a few puffs before replying: "What's so strange about this? Every household in the village doesn't know how short of oil it is now. Who is willing to use oil to fry bee pupae?"

Deng Yuntai suddenly understood after hearing this, and then said with some expectation: "Okay, I will go to the mountains after breakfast to see if I can burn a few nests of wasps and come back."

Deng Shirong nodded and said, "Well, if we can't find the hornet's nest, we will find a way to catch a few fish in the river. We must get something delicious today no matter what."

Deng Yuntai responded. He was only interested in the fried bee pupae his father mentioned. He had no expectations for fish. There were plenty of them in the rivers and fields, but few people in the village caught them to eat.

 The reason is very simple, the fishy smell is too strong and not delicious.

 There are not many rural people today who are good at cooking. In addition, they are reluctant to use oil when cooking. You can imagine how the fish tastes. After eating it once, you will stay away from fish.

Of course, this is also because everyone can have a full stomach now. If there was no stomach full like in the old society, then even the most unpalatable fish would be caught and eaten.


Because he had to build a new house and buy a bicycle, Deng Shirong, who was under great pressure, did not let himself be idle. After having breakfast, he walked towards the home of another cousin, Deng Yunjin.

Although Deng Yunjin is Deng Shirong’s nephew, he is already 56 years old this year.

Deng Yunjin has three sons and two daughters. The first four eldest are all married, leaving only one younger daughter who has not yet named her in-laws.

If Deng Changfu and his wife were the model couple in the village in their previous life, then Deng Yunjin, the youngest daughter with a high school education, was the best married girl in Naye Village.

“Jiu Gong, have you eaten?” As soon as Deng Shirong arrived at Deng Yunjin’s house, Deng Changquan, Deng Yunjin’s second son, greeted him.

Deng Shirong nodded and said, "After eating, are your parents at home?"

"Yes." Deng Changquan responded, and then shouted loudly into the house: "Dad, Mom, Jiu Gong is here!" After shouting, he took a stool and a hookah, and said: "Jiu Gong, the fire pipe Smoke first.”

Deng Shirong sat down, waved his hands and said, "I just came here after burning two chimneys at home."

While talking, Deng Yunjin and his wife walked out of the house, greeted each other, and chatted for a while before they got down to business.

“Yunjin, how old is your younger sister this year?”

 “I am already twenty-one years old.”

Deng Shirong said: "At this age, it's appropriate to talk about your husband's family!"

Deng Yunjin figured out something from Uncle Jiu’s words and asked quickly: “Uncle Jiu, do you have a good leader (meaning that the man’s own conditions and family conditions are good) to introduce you?”

Deng Shirong smiled and nodded: "There is indeed a good boss who wants to introduce him to your little sister."

 (End of this chapter)