MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 53 Bring him home to be a guest

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Rick took the big bowl of noodles and took them to the table before they were ready to start eating.

The little fat man, the thin monkey and the macho also came to eat with their noodle bowls.

"Lee boss, how is your bowl bigger than us?" The fierce man looked at the big noodle bowl of Lake, and looked at his ordinary bowl and asked.

"Yeah, it seems like there are more meat sauces. How can I have so little meat sauce!" The little fat man looked at a lot of meat sauce in the rake bowl. What is even more irritating is that there is a piece of meat on it. There is only one bowl in his bowl. The small spoon of meat foam feels that the world is unfair.

Rick said with a smile: "When it happened to be my turn, the kitchen bowl was not delivered, just give me a big bowl. It’s the same, you are an illusion."

After Rick finished, he began to stir the meat sauce with chopsticks.

However, as the noodles were turned upside down, under the noodles, a large egg was revealed, and the eggs were good.

"Ah! It's no difference, you are an egg! You still have a big egg!" The little fat man looked at the egg in the rake bowl and smashed it. He became not calm.

Rick quickly picked up the eggs and swallowed them in two. The eggs were still warm and tasted good. "Oh, hallucinations, what eggs!"

The little fat man looked at Leek and ate the evidence. He was there and he couldn't be in love. He began to eat the noodles in his bowl.

The four people of Lek chatted about the day and quickly finished eating the noodles in the bowl.

The little fat man and the fierce man did not go to the second bowl as usual. Originally, the little fat man wanted to go to the store and was stopped by the macho.

"Listen to me, don't eat too much.

The first section of this afternoon is an outdoor practical class. Calculating the time, our fighting instructor Yan Jie should take us to practice, and look at the special 'sleepers' in the school! "The macho said mysteriously."

"The ‘sleeper’! What is that?” asked the skinny monkey.

"You will know when you are in class in the afternoon. It is a bit scary, mainly psychological!" The macho did not go down.

Rick is also a bit curious, what kind of existence is the "long sleeper" mentioned in the fierce male mouth.

Because of the maid's reminder, the four people left the canteen after eating the noodles in the rice bowl and went back to the dormitory.

Just after returning to the bedroom for a while, the Lake phone rang, and it was his sister’s rain.

Rick connected the phone, and there was a voice of light rain coming from there: "I know that my brother is the best, and that little ice girl seems to be like this!"

"That is, your brother, I command the first-class technology, and the consciousness is superior.

You get the information very fast, the third lesson is the end of the test, your outside school knows the result at noon, and it is quickly recruited, the student in our class is a traitor. "Lake asked happily."

Xiao Bingfu did not answer the question of Lake, but the tone of being angry instantly. She asked Leike: "But I heard that you still have a pre-war gamble with Xiao Bing, let her lose and it will rain for you. Umbrella.

It’s not always raining before you give me an umbrella! You are not allowed to let her call you an umbrella! "Little rain said angrily."

Rick only reacted now, and it is estimated that this is why his sister rushed to call at noon.

"You can rest assured that the bet is just a joke!"

Who is your brother, you still don't know, how can I let the girl give me an umbrella! "Lake laughed and managed to cope with the light rain."

"Oh, just know who you are, I know."

You like the thin, weak type of girl!

I am not by your side, I am afraid that you have been cheated.

I told you that the more girls who seem to be weak in appearance, the deeper their minds, the more they will lie! "Little rain is very serious about Rick."

"Well, I know, I hung up first." Rick said, but before he had to wait for the rain, he hung up the phone.

The skinny monkey, the little fat man and the macho look charmingly at Lake

"Lee boss, how good is a sister, especially Xiao Yu's sister is so smart girl!" The skinny monkey said, when the high school just started school, it was raining, but I went to the bedroom to see Lake, and was envied by three roommates.

"Ray boss, when, when you video with Xiao Yu sister, let her see my fat brother.

She hasn't seen me for months, and she won't remember my handsome appearance! "The little fat man shook his fat body and said."

Rick blinked directly: "I am going to go, that is my sister, don't think about it!"

And she is well-behaved? Oh, then you didn't see her ‘good-going’ on weekdays! If you look at people who are more conscious, don't mention this! ".

When the fierce man heard it, he was embarrassed to take out an envelope from the beggar. The envelope was still pink, and he also painted a red love.

"Ray boss, that, I wrote a letter, can help me hand over to Xiao Yu sister, no, ah, don't grab it, don't tear it, don't tear it! My heart!" The macho love letter, directly in anger The rake was torn into scraps of paper.


In the girls' bedroom, Xiao Bing, who had just finished her lunch and went to rest, picked up her mobile phone and hesitated to contact her father in the army.

"Dad, I lost the virtual match with my classmates today!" Xiao Bingyan said to the phone video.

"Oh! There are still students who can win my daughter!

Yeah, you always win, lose, and good commanders on a regular day, all grow up in failure!

Yes, tell me about your commanding battle today, I will give you an analysis! "On the other side of the phone, is a middle-aged man with a military uniform."

"Yeah. Actually, I feel very surprised about this match.

The battle was the "Moscow Guard War" in the late World War II. I controlled the Germans. My classmates controlled the Soviets.

At the beginning, I still had some advantages. Then the winter came. My classmate prepared the winter supplies in advance and also hidden a force suitable for winter combat.

Then the Soviet army carried out a counterattack and I was defeated! "Small ice girl is a little discouraged and told her father simply. After she said it, the mood she had suppressed before was better."

"Hey! Wait for me to mobilize the Soviet military materials of the year, wait for me for a few minutes." Xiaobing's father said.

After more than ten minutes, Xiaobing’s father returned to the phone again.

"Daughter, you are not losing. According to the military archives, the Soviets really prepared for winter supplies in the past, and they are also preparing to counterattack in the winter.

You didn't occupy the main city of the Soviets before the arrival of the cold winter. If you encounter a master in this battle, you are bound to fail.

I will remember in the future that to command such a large-scale battle, not only the number of soldiers, weapons and terrain, but also the interests of the people.

To put it simply, it is to take into account all the factors that can be related to the situation.

Perhaps a small omission has become a turning point in the war situation.

By the way, your classmate who directs the Soviet army is a boy. You have the opportunity to bring him to our house to be a guest! "The middle-aged officer said.