MTL - Global Awakening: Join The Chat Group At The Beginning-Chapter 642 The choice of the way of the sword, the confused poisonous island? Yao? /a>

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The richest man in the lighthouse: "I should have thought of it earlier."

Tony Stark felt helpless, how could he forget Bai Xuan's authority.

It's just a mere personality, can it affect Baixuan who has [Natural Authority]?

He shouldn't have asked, the more he asked, the more envious he became.

As they get along with Bai Xuan, they understand more about the power of [Natural Authority], the more they envy Bai Xuan who has this ability, and the more they desire to have a similar ability.

But it is a pity that although everyone is favored by the world and has the top luck in their respective worlds, authority, which involves world authority, is not easily given.

Even if it is given, there may be some unknown price.

Just like the original leader Luo Hao, he suddenly received the attention of the world, and even gave her some bonuses, allowing her to have a stronger talent in cultivation.

Even if there was no reminder from Bai Xuan, the more bonuses Luo Hao received from the world, the faster her emotions would pass, and in the end, she might be directly integrated into the world.

This price is not unreasonable.

Although the price is heavy enough, if it is discovered, this bonus can still be exploited.

For example, recycle part of it to the chat group, then raise it, and then recycle it.

This is completely a long-term income with no cost and a low harvest.

Of course, the biggest possibility will still be discovered by the world, after all, the world is not a fool.

But even that is enough.

Neither Luo Hao nor Bai Xuan thought of this at the beginning, but it was Su Yunqing who thought of it later.

I have to admit that Su Yunqing is talented in obtaining points.

Ganwumei Xiaobu: "So besides mission rewards and traveler rewards, Baixuan also gained a power worth millions to tens of millions of points?"

Qianwumei Xiaobu: "Although the physique and personality attached to the godslayer have been absorbed by Baixuan's authority, it is not cheap when converted into points, right?"

After all, it is a godslayer, which represents a top power in the world.

Although the value of the points is high, the physique and personality of the godslayer should be the biggest gain.

Ordinary group leader: "It's a pity, the Marquis's character is not good."

Ordinary group leader: "Although it has been strengthened for the second time, it is still not as high as Lu Yu's personality, and the power and power will not be effective. The connection between Lu Yu and Thunder God will be cut off."

Ordinary group leader: "Otherwise these things belong to the Marquis."

The oldest godslayer: "."

Is this something he can decide?

Who would have thought that his second strengthened Godslayer personality would be inferior to that of a time traveler!

The possibilities are so infinite!

He broke through the original limit of personality, broke through twice, isn't it considered infinite possibilities?

It's just that the powerful Marquis of Vauban certainly wouldn't be so angry. What he was angry about was that he was absolutely crushing the traversers from the beginning to the end of this battle, but in the end he caused so many reversals because of that particularity. .

The main reason is that he was a little embarrassing because he had spoken harshly to Bai Xuan before the mission.

Tell Bai Xuan not to be merciful, not to be modest.

The time traveler mentioned is a plaything in their hands, whoever wants him to die must die.

In the end, he couldn't kill him!

Xia Shizi: "I hope I can be selected for the next time traveler mission."

Xia Shizi: "It's not dangerous to have a big boss with you."

For the mission of the traverser, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu joined the chat group and has not participated in it yet.

Of course she would like to participate if she could.

It's not just her, Saeko Busujima, Xiaobu, Tony, Poros, Aizen...everyone in the chat group can refuse.

Unless the traverser is an ordinary person and has not carried regular-level items.

Saeko Busushima: "Yes."

In the academy world, Saeko Busujima held the long knife in her hand, looking at the rewards for clearing the tasks in the chat group, a bit of longing and longing inevitably flashed in her eyes.

It's not that she yearns for the rewards from Baixuan and Marquis, but that she fantasizes about what the chat group will reward her if she is the one who completes the task.

The road to the way of the sword is extremely long. Although her talent in the way of the sword is very high, and she has a passion for killing like a Shura, she may not encounter bottlenecks during a long period of time on this road.

But this should be the most suitable path for her, but she hesitated.

Is this path really the one she wants to choose?

Is it her real thoughts, or is it because of her desire to kill and the instinctive choice of a madman?

Whether it is Zhang Sanfeng and the Eastern Invincible World's cheats on swordsmanship; or the practice experience of the swordsman in One Piece World, there are similar descriptions.

Only by choosing a path that really suits you can you go further on the kendo.

Saeko Busujima knows what kind of kendo path is suitable for her, but she is entangled in whether this path is what she really wants.

If it was the past, she would not have hesitated at all; but the more she learned and the more knowledge she knew, the more confused she became, and even doubted herself.

When a swordsman begins to have doubts about himself, his path of swordsmanship is almost over.

How could an indomitable swordsman doubt himself?

Saeko Busujima wanted someone to give her an answer, but no matter who gave her the answer, it was difficult for her to trust her from the bottom of her heart, and it was even more difficult for her to understand her true thoughts.

Only the chat group, the answer given to her by the existence beyond the heavens and worlds, can she approve from the bottom of her heart, and she will not have any other thoughts.

If she is able to do the mission of the time traveler, UU Reading reclaims the particularity of the time traveler, the rewards given to her by the chat group must be the most suitable for her, and she can also use this to determine what the chat group thinks she is most suitable for. path of.

With Lu Yu's death, the mission of the traverser also ended.

Their battle is not hidden.

Even though the battle between the Marquis of Vauban and Bai Xuan basically did not cause much movement due to the difference in strength, the battle between Su Yunqing and Lu Yu at the very beginning attracted the attention of countless mysterious forces.

Especially when they saw that Lu Yu was on the other side of the battle.

Originally, Lu Yu was not well-known. Although he was the disciple of the leader Luo Hao, he was not the first one after all.

Coupled with the stupidity of Lu Yu's talent they collected, even less attention was paid.

But now he is the most famous person in the mysterious forces of various countries in the world, not even weaker than those demon kings and eccentric godslayers who are above the earth.

Not because of anything else, but because he dared to defect from Mount Lu and disobeyed the orders of the leader Luo Hao.

The entire Five Prison Sacred Religion and even Huaxia Martial Arts started violent movements because of him.

But it should be said that he is the disciple of the leader Luo Hao after all, and they have never found Lu Yu even in the whole of China; of course they are also looking for it in their own country.

(end of this chapter)