MTL - Get to Know about Wife Fan-Chapter 18

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After moving the luggage, everyone cleaned up in the room. Shengqiao paved the bed and was hanging clothes in the closet. The mobile phone rang, and Zhong Shen sent several WeChat:

- You look like you, don't lose people? Throw the dead!

- Isn't it a Horch? I am almost the same as me, can you control it?

- I have to get along for a month, live broadcast, give me a long snack!

- Hey, don't admit that you like him.

Sheng Qiao replied: Who does not recognize it? I like him, I like it very much! What?

Zhong Shen: You like to have a fart. Do you see people taking care of you? His fans are not so irritating, do you still think that you have not enough trouble?

Sheng Qiao: Shut up! Noisy!

The two were still bickering, and they heard the laughter downstairs: "All down, the director said that he would have a meeting."

Several people gathered downstairs in the living room and sat around the sofa. The director sat under the camera opposite him and smiled and said: "The rules, you all know that the one-month cohabitation life is now starting." Speaking of handing in a paper bag, "There is gold, one person and two hundred living expenses, a total of 1,200, and the next month, use this one to live."

Several people suddenly complained of bitterness.

"You see that you are taking two hundred people, or put them together."

Le laugh said: "Put it together, choose a person to manage the account, so you can save some points."

Everyone, you see me, I see you, no one responds, more than a thousand, and manage the fart account. Finally, Laughter couldn’t help but say, "Then I will manage."

The director handed the money to her and announced some rules. Then the entire film crew retreated to the side and left the shooting space.

Several people sat around the sofa staring at the one thousand and two hundred dollars and fell into meditation.

Zhong Shen broke the silence first. He said: "I am hungry. I will order the takeaway first."

Everyone just met, and I was too embarrassed to oppose it. Only Sheng Qiao yelled at him: "No! The take-away is too expensive. It costs enough to buy two days of food."

Zhong Shen grievances: "Then you starve me!"

Sheng Qiao gave him a look, got up and went to the refrigerator to get a bag of yoghurt, a bag of sandwiches came over, "first eat the padding belly."

Lu Yihan was too surprised: "Do we have these in the refrigerator?"

Sheng Qiao said: "I don't bring much, you have to eat some more."

Lu Yihan ran over: "Then I also eat one, I haven't had breakfast yet." He walked around the kitchen and looked back when he was shocked: "Little Joe sister, the soy sauce vinegar in the kitchen consumes oil and those bags. Are you bringing the seasonings?"

Sheng Qiao: "Well. I also brought ten salted duck eggs. In the refrigerator, whoever wants to eat can cook."


Sister, are you coming for an outing?

However, there was a seasoning and it saved a lot of money. Le laugh said: "Then we will cook for ourselves, but I will only scramble eggs."

Feng Wei: "Me too."

The other three boys are silent and do not speak. OK, I know that tomato scrambled eggs are national cuisines. Sheng Qiao said: "I don't know how to cook. I don't want to starve." She looked at the phone. "It's almost lunch time, go buy some. The dish was solved for lunch."

The weather is so cold, the surrounding is desolate, and the ghost knows where there is a vegetable market.

Le laughed and said: "Then I will clean the kitchen and I will do it when you buy it back."

Sheng Qiao glanced at her and smiled: "Well, Feng Wei, you help me laugh, and the public activity area is cleaned by the way."

Feng Wei nodded, Sheng Qiao said: "Xiaohan, if you are fine, clean up the flower beds outside? When I came in, I saw a lot of weeds inside."


Zhong Shen said: "Jojo, I am going shopping with you."

After the division of labor was completed, everyone got up, and Hoshi faintly said: "What about me?"

Sheng Qiaoton paused and said calmly: "You can check if the TV refrigerator washing machine can use these household appliances. If you are broken, look for the director group to report repairs in advance, otherwise they will not care."

Zhong Shen:? ? ?

Why are we cleaning and weeding and buying food, Horch only needs to check the electrical appliances that are impossible to break? Are you too biased too much? !

Several other people did not notice her eccentricity. She also felt that her reason was reasonable and urged Horch: "Hurry up and check! Otherwise, the director group will not recognize it for a while!"

Le Xiao took out two hundred from the bag and gave it to Sheng Qiao. She asked her to save some flowers. Sheng Qiao nodded and led a depressed face out of the door.

These few people did not find Sheng Qiao eccentric, watching the live broadcast of the netizens is eye-catching.

[I always feel that Sheng Qiao is in a biased Horch]

【Correct! I think so! When you were carrying the box, did you find out? If it wasn’t for Sheng Qiao’s first step, Horch would go downstairs to help.]

[When there is a room! Sheng Qiao also heard that Horch had to live in a double room and then came out quickly! 】

[How do I smell a sour smell of love? 】

[Love you mb, roll away, who loves who love]

[Happy post down, Miss Sheng]

[Please tell some of the Sheng Qiao powder weight in the barrage]

[What do I say, the first day of the show, or the same hype routine]

[Protect our Horch! 】

[I really hate Sheng Qiao, ah, can she get out of this show! 】

[I can't stand it anymore, wait for Horch's cut version, everyone goodbye]

This is to say, the number of live broadcasts continues to rise. After all, netizens who like to watch gossip will not miss this opportunity to eat melons. Apart from the black powder of Xiguang and Shengqiao, other viewers have maintained basic neutrality. attitude.

[Not who's the powder, I think Sheng Qiao's current performance seems normal, even very pleasing]

[Yes, I can laugh for a year with the operation of salted duck eggs on the show. hhhhh]

[And quite a family, it is very reasonable to arrange their own tasks, and the spices brought a lot of money]

[The feeling is different from before, and the change brought to her by this release is quite big.]

[Looking forward to follow]

Cold wind, the sky is gloomy, Sheng Qiao wrapped tight down jacket, go out to the left. The director team followed up with four people, two with two shooting assistants.

The clock was so cold that he asked, "Do you know where to sell vegetables?"

"I saw it on the way, not far."

The two men accelerated the pace with the cold wind and soon came to a farmer's market. At this time, people are not too many. I saw that the film crew also knew that it was a program, and they sipped. Sheng Qiao chose to choose, shop around, and also took out the signature smile to kill the price, spent less than 50, bought two large bags of vegetables, all kinds.

Meat is more expensive, a pound is more than 20, and Zhong Shen is distressed again: "If you are vegetarian, don't buy meat."

Sheng Qiaobai: "Small cold is still a long body, and you can't bitter your child." She yelled at the boss, "come two pounds of five flowers and two pounds of the loin."

Lu Yihan’s fans expressed satisfaction.

[Thank you for thinking about your brother]

[The daughter-in-law is still growing up, and I can’t suffer from it.]

[Sheng Joe buys food and talks like my mom seems to be oh]

[A batch of 6 to kill, is a good housekeeper]

[After all, 20,000 in January, I can't do it.]

[Ha ha ha ha ha 20,000 in January, really miserable ah]

[I also want to be so miserable, 20,000 in January! You actually said miserable! 】

[Of course, for the stars, it seems that Sheng Joe wears clothes that are cheap.]

[Just packed the suitcase, I saw that the skin care products she used turned out to be natural halls! 】

[What happened to the nature hall? I also use the nature hall, the hydration effect is very good! 】

The barrage began to use Amway’s own water emulsion...

After buying the food and buying rice to buy noodles to buy oil, the last two spent less than two hundred to buy a lot of things back.

The cleaning in the house continued. Le laughed and tired of the low back pain, and saw Sheng Qiao and Zhong Shen talking and laughing, and suddenly they were dissatisfied. I knew that I was going to buy food. The house was so big that I really had to exhaust her.

She quickly dropped the broom and ran to pick up the things and put them in the refrigerator. When I placed the objects, I saw three plastic pots in my pocket. I didn’t know what to do. I looked up and said, "Little Joe, what do you buy this pot?" ?"

"This is cheap, three for ten dollars, I see..."

If you haven't finished talking, you will be interrupted by laughter: "You can't spend money cheaply! We didn't have enough money, you bought these useless things!"

She was in a hurry, and the tone brought a accusation. Zhong Shen suddenly became unhappy: "How is it useless? There are so many green plants in the flower beds outside, transplanting a few plants into the pots, and putting them in the living room to clean the air. ?"

Sheng Qiao pulled him a bit and warmly calmed the atmosphere: "On the ten dollars, the food bargain is saved. Everyone is in the living room. It would be better to put some plants."

Le laugheng actually accepted this explanation, but she was still dissatisfied with Zhong Shen’s murder, and she said: “There may not be much purification. The effect is not as good as window ventilation.”

Zhong deep sneer: "Isn't it possible to embellish the environment? Doesn't life space need a little green? Look at how good you look, how can you live without fun?"

Le Xiao really cried: "Zhong Shen, why are you always targeting me?"

Sheng Qiao pushed the clock deep. "No, he boasted that you look good."

Le laugh really doesn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Sheng Qiao pushed the clock deep into the living room, and lowered his voice to teach him: "Live, can you converge! You are not allowed to talk to Le Xiao!"

This is the turn of Zhong Chen's grievance: "Jojo, you have changed, you have not been like this before. You used to be good to me, I am still not your favorite person?"

Sheng Qiao gave him a look and turned to the kitchen.

Le laugh said that she would scramble eggs with tomatoes. Sheng Qiao thought she knew the common sense of cooking. She didn't expect her eggs to be fried. When she knocked on the pot, she wanted to mix the tomatoes and fry. Sheng Qiao stopped her and saw. Feng Wei, who looked at the side of the hand, sighed: "Forget it, go out, I will come."

Qiao Jiayang pursues independence. When she goes abroad to study, she often cooks herself. Although the taste is average, it is still no problem to fill her stomach.

Two of the three primes quickly served on the table, Sheng Qiao also burned the soup, several people are hungry, but Le Xiao and Feng Wei did not eat much, the other three are normal food. The female artist has always paid more attention to the figure than the male artist. Sheng Joe looked at his bowl and silently took a meal.

After eating and drinking, Le laugh said: "Dr. Joe, I will give it to you after cooking! It's so delicious!"

Zhong Shen immediately said: "Jojo is not the chef you invited. I will go to school next time I cook! One person can do it one day, how can I eat white food?"

After dinner, Le Xiao and Feng Wei took the initiative to wash the dishes. After all, they were broadcast live, and they all knew that they should work hard for themselves. Sheng Qiao took the flower pot and transplanted the green plant outside. He was busy. Someone suddenly asked: "Would you like me to help?"

Horch knelt down next to him.

Sheng Qiao immediately muscled, and snorted and snorted, whispering: "No. Go in, cold outside."

Horch looked at her for a while and suddenly smiled.

He turned off the microphone: "Sheng Joe, how do I feel that you are a little scared of me?"