MTL - Get to Know about Wife Fan-Chapter 133

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The bedside lamp reflects her blushing face.

He held his elbows on her cheeks and tried to lift his body. The back was stretched hard and straight. Even though the desire could not be concealed, he still resisted and said with a dumb voice: "Jojo, I want You." He kissed her eyes and breathed hot: "Well?"

She seemed to be awake, and her eyes opened with a flustered, captured by Horch.

Still not, she is still afraid.

The hand that held his face was pinched into a fist, and the blue veins on his back almost violently burst up, but the sound was still low and light: "Then you sleep."

He kissed her lips and straightened to leave.

Her arms suddenly came up, grabbed his neck, pulled his half-body back, and kissed his lips.

Horch had a misunderstanding, but she had already taken the initiative to stick her tongue, clumsily and carefully touching his lips and teeth. The faint wine was wrapped in a gauze, and he laughed silently. One hand reached behind her waist and pressed her whole body to herself. One hand clasped her back neck, so she had to lean halfway. Head, open his mouth to respond to the depths of his lips.

A kiss full of desires, intertwined with each other, almost sucked her all strength. When the alcohol is dispersed, the brain should be restored to the clear, but she is more and more blurred. When the reaction comes, the hand in the lower back does not know when it has moved up and unbuttoned.

She closed her eyes, shivering and shyly shouting: "Hoch..."

He pulled his hand and stretched forward, slamming and turning off the wall lamp.

The whole room was dark, and the curtains that were only half-draped penetrated into the moonlight, light and thin, and even his eyebrows could not be seen clearly.

She smells his taste, desire, sway, sweat, and is full of crazy charm. The body was pressed down, and the skin of each other was hot. Just when she was emptied, she wanted to grab something. His hands were covered, and the fingers were interlocked and entangled.

The heavy kiss went all the way down, kissed her jaw, kissed her collarbone, and then held her waist side with one hand and pushed her up, biting her head.

Sheng Qiao’s head slammed, and the sound was stuck in his throat. When he spilled his lips, he only made a sob. He still did not let her go, but the tongue tipped and sucked, and she bowed and leaned back, and he was pulled back.

The palm was covered with sweat. He lifted his body forward and sealed her lips again. Her hand held her hand to her waist and whispered: "Jojo, help me untie."

Her fingers shook so badly that she had no way to go, but he still had patience, and with her hands groping, just as she was clumsy and flustered, finally untied, and heard the sound of the bedside drawer, Horch stretched out and took it. What is coming out.

In the darkness, her blushing complexion became more red and sturdy, stuttering: ""

His hand was lifted up again, and her voice was turned into a flaw. Hey.

Never thought that one day, she would lie on his bed and lie down under him. She could feel his hard and hot body, and they were close to each other without a gap.

He kept kissing her lips, hot hands stroking every inch of her body, hoarse and said: "Joe Joe, relax."

Almost from that voice, I heard the pain of depression.

Her heart was soft, and the tight body slowly relaxed. He finally found a vent, but he was not eager to seek success. He was patient with the temper to develop a field that belongs to him alone.

Sheng Qiao screamed: "Horch, I hurt..."

He kissed her earlobe and his voice was low and dumb: "Hey, I love you."

The waist side is held by the cockroach and then goes forward.

All her voices were sealed by his lips.

Tears flowed to the day, the brain humming constantly, the pain was replaced by fullness, she could not feel the world, she could only feel him.

She loves him.


Until the middle of the night, Sheng Qiao's body was weak and unable to shrink into the bed, she heard Huo Qi get up, and then slammed the wall lamp. She slammed her head with a quilt, and the whole person shy and cried: "Don't turn on the lights!"

He smiled low, took off the robe on the hanger, put the hot water in the bathroom, and took out a clean bath towel from the closet. He whispered to the bed and said, "Is you taking a bath?" ”

Her trembling voice came out of the quilt: "I wash myself."

It was another bang and the light was dark again.

Horch touched her head across the quilt and whispered, "Oh, I am holding you, the lights are off."

She only grinded and peeled the quilt, knowing how it could be avoided, let Horch open the quilt, wrap her in a bath towel, and then take it to the bathroom.

The hot water has been put away. Without turning on the light, the bathroom was darker, but he was familiar with the road and carefully put her in the bathtub and asked: "Is the water temperature right?"

She whispered and repeated: "I wash myself."

The eyes adapt to the darkness, and gradually can see the watery pattern, and the upper half of her body exposed in the air.

With a bang, Sheng Qiao still did not respond, the whole person had been picked up by him, half holding it against the slippery wall.

Just have time to cry and say: "Hoch, you are too much!"

After that, only the rest is left. Hey.


Sheng Qiao had been sleeping until the next afternoon, when the eyes were blinking, the body's aches and discomforts rushed into the brain. She covered her head with a quilt and snorted.

It’s difficult to turn over, sit up and sit in a white pajamas next to the bed. It looks new, much like the little pajamas she used to wear.

She struggled to get dressed and got out of bed. Every time I walked, my legs and legs were soft. I wanted to lick it. It was my own baby, I loved the beans, and I couldn’t bear it. In the end, I could only be annoyed.

Finally, I walked out the door and went to the stairs. I heard that Horch downstairs answered the phone: "Yes, Jojo, she was drunk last night, spit it badly, still sleeping. Well, Auntie assured that she had already taken the medicine. I will send her back after dinner."

Sheng Qiao:............

It’s no longer the one that was so high in the past.

She pulled the fairy into the world.

Horch hung up the phone and looked back at her upstairs and smiled softly: "Wake up?"

Sheng Qiao grinned and didn't talk. He went upstairs and leaned over to kiss her forehead, then reached out and hugged her up and down the stairs. He hugged her, his taste was full of body, and then his face was red and hurried, and he hurriedly looked at the window.

It was discovered that it was snowing.

The snow covered the branches, but the house was full of heat. Horch put her on the sofa, and the fingers touched the strawberry print that was filled with her own neck. She held back and said, "Oh, porridge, just right, Sit here and don't move."

She found herself finished.

As soon as he touched her, his body immediately shivered sensitively and was terrible.

Busy pushing his hand away: "Good! Go!"

Horch smiled and turned to the kitchen. Not long after, he put the porridge and the vegetables out on the coffee table. Waiting for the bowl to cool down, only to give her a look, see her small mouth to drink porridge, and suddenly asked: "Is it still painful?"

Sheng Qiao was almost killed by porridge.

Horch was also taking a paper towel and taking a back. When she looked up, she saw her shy and annoyed and complained: "What do you say?!"

He has a smile in his eyes, but his voice is low: "I'm sorry, I will be lighter next time."

Sheng Qiao was so shy that he wanted to leave.

After dinner, Horch did not allow her to move, turned on the TV to let her see, and went to clean up the kitchen. When I came out, I heard Sheng Qiao answering the phone: "I can't do it today. I drank too much yesterday. Now my head is still dizzy. Well, my face is not good. It is definitely not good to shoot. Push it to the day after tomorrow."

After talking a few words, I looked up and saw Hooch looking at her like a smile. He whispered, "Becky asked me to shoot a magazine." After a while, he provoked courage and anger: "Laughter, not yet. Blame you!"

"Well, blame me." He came over and reached out and pulled her into his arms and hugged. "Look at the TV and send you back at night."

The snow outside the window was still silent, the curtains were half pulled, and the house was warm and warm. She shrank in his arms, and for a moment, almost doubted that it was like a dream.

Too good, always worried about losing.

But his arms are so real, the smell is so real, um, the abdominal muscles are also very real.

She sneaked through a thin layer of cloth.

After a long touch, I heard the shortness of breath on my head. Horch gritted her teeth and said, "Is it painless?"

Sheng Qiao retracted his hand and grievances: "I will touch my abdominal muscles. What happened?"

Horch nodded her face on her chest.

Sheng Qiao was stunned.

Horch: "I just touched my chest, what happened?"

Sheng Qiao: "........."

Love beans have gone bad.