MTL - Gentle to the Bone-Chapter 17

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Shen Yansheng originally only bought a half-hour ferry ticket, but because it was too comfortable to lie down on the boat and blow the air, he added another half an hour temporarily.

After swimming in the lake and returning to the shore, Shen Yansheng was still very happy, and when she saw the gadgets on the roadside, she couldn't help squatting down to take a look.

Later, she went to a stall that sold silver jewelry, and there happened to be a mirror on the stall. She picked up the small mirror and looked at her face, then turned to Lu Jingce and said, "Didn't you say that I don't even laugh? happy."

Lu Jingce smiled, stood beside him, teased her and said, "I should take a picture of you washing your face in tears every day a while ago."

Shen Yansheng couldn't hang on his face, he reached out and hit Lu Jingce's leg, and said, "You wronged me, when did I wash my face with tears?"

At most, when her father had an accident, she cried once.

She squatted in front of the stall for a long time and picked out two pairs of earrings. She looked up and showed it to Lu Jingce, asking, "How is it? Do they look good?"

Lu Jingce frowned, obviously not satisfied. He squatted down, took it over and glanced at it, and said, "This silver is impure, if you like it, go back and let me have some customized pairs for you."

Shen Yansheng said: "No. Anyway, I can wear anything on my ears, and I won't be allergic. And this style is beautiful."

Seeing that Shen Yansheng liked it, Lu Jingce didn't say any more, and reached into his trousers pocket to touch his wallet. As a result, he reached into his trouser pocket and remembered that his wallet was given to Shen Yansheng before boarding the boat.

Shen Yansheng smiled and took out Lu Jingce's wallet from the bag, opened it, took out a hundred-yuan bill, and said with a smile, "It feels so good to be in charge of someone else's wallet."

Lu Jingce laughed and said, "Yes. Buy me a lighter later by the way. I don't know where the lighter is."

Shen Yansheng raised her head with a smile, looked at Lu Jingce, and said, "Please."

She shook the wallet in her hand and said, "I have all your cash and bank cards in my hand."

Lu Jingce smiled, stretched out his hand and pulled Shen Yansheng up from the ground, and said, "Please, my aunt, quickly help me buy a lighter, I'm addicted to smoking."

Shen Yansheng smiled, and then went to the convenience store with Lu Jingce.

When I went to the convenience store to buy a lighter, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

The time was neither too early nor too late, and the sun in the middle of the afternoon made people sleepy again. It happened that Lu Jingce had some business to deal with, so he stopped shopping and headed back to the hotel.

As soon as he entered the hotel, the chilly air-conditioning from the lobby rushed towards his face, which made Shen Yansheng feel a little more energetic. I originally thought about going to bed as soon as I got back to my room, but now I feel more refreshed. After returning, I took my nightgown into the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, she came out of the bathroom and saw Lu Jingce sitting on the sofa using her laptop to hold a temporary video conference. She didn't make a sound to disturb her. She avoided the camera and walked to the refrigerator. She took a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator.

Unexpectedly, the mineral water was screwed too tightly at the factory. She twisted it for a long time without wringing it out. She squatted in front of the coffee table again, took two tissues to wrap the lid, and tried to twist it through the tissue, but the lid still remained motionless.

Lu Jingce looked up at Shen Yansheng while watching several department managers discussing the project in the video. Seeing Shen Yansheng squatting there seriously fighting with a bottle of mineral water, a faint smile appeared in his eyes, and he silently handed out his hand to Shen Yansheng.

Shen Yansheng saw Lu Jingce reaching out to her, his eyes rolled, and he immediately handed over the mineral water. Lu Jingce took it, unscrewed the lid easily, and handed it back to Shen Yansheng.

Shen Yansheng took it over, smiled, and blew a kiss to Lu Jingce in the air, receiving a deep look from Lu Jingce.

She drank a little ice water, quenched her thirst, and went to the bed with her mobile phone. She lifted the quilt and got into the bed.

The air-conditioned house in summer is the most suitable for sleeping. She was not sleepy at first, but after watching her mobile phone in the bed for a while, the sleepiness swept up uncontrollably.

She didn't remember when she fell asleep, but when she woke up, it was already dark outside, and there were beautiful lights outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. The sound insulation of the room is actually very good, but maybe it's too lively outside, you can still hear some laughter through the window.

Shen Yansheng sat up from the bed, put on slippers and got out of bed, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked down, and saw a bonfire party being held in the square not far away, many people wearing national costumes, dancing around the bonfire.

Shen Yansheng was somewhat infected by the liveliness of the night, and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and watched for a long time. It happened that Lu Jingce came back from outside at this time, still carrying something in his hand, when he saw Shen Yansheng standing at the floor-to-ceiling window looking out, he said, "Awake?"

Shen Yansheng turned his head with a smile on his face, and said happily to Lu Jingce, "Lu Jingce, there is a bonfire party outside."

Lu Jingce just came back from outside, of course he knew, seeing Shen Yansheng so happy, he knew what she was thinking. The corners of his lips curled into a smile, he walked over to the sofa and sat down, saying, "Come here to eat, and I'll take you to see it after eating."

Only then did Shen Yansheng notice that Lu Jingce had bought something. She walked over happily and asked, "What did you buy?"

"Just bought some." Lu Jingce helped open the bag and said, "Zhao Cheng said this thing is a special product here, I forgot what it's called."

Shen Yansheng sat over and saw the hot rice cakes in the box, and he smelled the fragrance before eating. She always liked sweets, and when she saw the hot and fragrant rice cakes, she felt a little greedy for a moment, and picked up a piece of chopsticks.

After taking a sip, his eyes twitched involuntarily.

Lu Jingce looked at her, "Is it delicious?"

Shen Yansheng nodded again and again, fed the remaining half of the chopsticks to Lu Jingce, and said, "As expected of a specialty, you can't buy it anywhere else."

Lu Jingce tasted the half of Shen Yansheng's meal. He didn't like sweets by nature, so he didn't think it was delicious. After eating, he reluctantly commented, "It's alright."

Shen Yansheng knew that he didn't like sweets, so he took care of the rest by himself.

After eating, Shen Yansheng went to the bathroom to change clothes, changed clothes, came out, sat on the edge of the bed, and groped for earrings.

She hadn't worn earrings for a long time, and her ear piercings were a little blocked.

Lu Jingce was sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette. Seeing Shen Yansheng sitting by the bed fumbling for a long time, he didn't know what he was doing, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Shen Yansheng frowned and said, "I can't wear the earrings."

Lu Jingce said, "Come and see."

Shen Yansheng had exhausted her patience now, picked up her earrings and got up, sat beside Lu Jingce, pinned her hair behind her ears, and turned her ears toward Lu Jingce.

Lu Jingce leaned lazily on the sofa, rubbed Shen Yansheng's earlobe and looked at it, and said, "The ear hole is a bit blocked, it may hurt to wear it."

Shen Yansheng handed the earring in his hand to Lu Jingce and said, "You help me put it on, I can't get another one."

Lu Jingce sat up slightly, put the cigarette in his hand between his lips, took the earring from Shen Yansheng's hand, frowned slightly when he put it on her, and said, "Are you sure you won't be allergic to wearing this kind of thing?"

Shen Yansheng said with an "um", "When I was in middle school, I bought a lot of earrings from the jewelry store in front of the school, and I never had any allergies."

Fortunately, Shen Yansheng's ear piercing was not completely healed, so Lu Jingce tried to put it on her, and finally put it on, and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Shen Yansheng raised his hand to touch the earring and said, "It's okay, it doesn't hurt."

When both earrings were put on, Shen Yansheng became happy and let Lu Jingce see, "How is it? Does it look good?"

Lu Jingce glanced at it and said with a smile, "It's okay."

Shen Yansheng tutted, stood up from Lu Jingce's side, and said, "Yes, Mr. Lu has probably seen more beautiful women than I have eaten."

Lu Jingce raised his eyebrows slightly, and when Shen Yansheng was about to move forward, he took her back into his arms again, his warm lips pressed against the skin behind her ears, and there was a slight smile in his voice, and he asked in a low voice: " What's wrong? Jealous?"

The author says:

Babies, I will enter v tomorrow, and the 4D update will drop. I hope everyone will join in and give everyone a refill~~

In addition, the next article will open "Love is Difficult to Control Yourself". Interested babies can click into the column to collect it in advance~


Xie Jiayu always thought that Meng Zhen loved him, but later learned that she had been lying to her.

The day he found out that he had been used as a double, Xie Jiayu was furious like never before, and broke up with Meng Zhen that night, swearing that he would never see her again for the rest of his life.

But why was his heart unwilling to let him go? Time flies, three years later, he still thinks of Meng Zhen often.

When I think of her, the hatred has faded, and more is the deep-rooted love.

Seeing Xie Jiayu again is the Lantern Festival three years later.

That night, she sat by the river watching the villagers set off lanterns. From a distance, she felt as if someone was watching her.

She turned her head, followed that line of sight, and saw Xie Jiayu standing under the wishing tree by the river.

They looked at each other for a long time, and finally Xie Jiayu walked towards her. He smiled at her and said, "Azhen, stay safe."

Broken Mirror Reunion/Standby Stem/HE/A little bit of glass **** in the sugar/

Ah Zhen, we haven't seen you for three years, do you miss me?