MTL - Genshin Impact: I Sell Jars In Tivat Continent-Chapter 429

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At first, she used the wind element to drive quickly, but later she also felt tired, and when she stopped to rest, she also used to walk.

Recover your own wind element power while walking, and then complete a cycle.

Even so, one day and one night has passed, and this is the second day, and it is not long after entering the Liyue region.

If she can't reach Liyue today, she will be sleeping outside again today.

"I feel like it shouldn't."

Hearing Ying's words, Paimon puffed up his face: "With our current walking efficiency, even if you use the power of the wind element to hurry, you won't be able to reach Liyue today. After all, you have to sleep and rest at night."

"If you don't sleep, then you should be able to arrive at any city in Liyue at dawn tomorrow. If you sleep, then it is estimated that you won't be able to get there until tomorrow morning."


Hearing Paimon's words, Ying sighed: "I don't want to live in the wild anymore, I want to sleep on a soft bed."

"The sing-along is the real deal. He didn't give us a ride."

Seeing Ying sigh, Paimon curled his lips: "The singer is also interested in Liyue's magical jar shop, but he doesn't come with us. If we do, he can easily send us here. We don't need to hurry."

"If you want me to say, he must be lying in Mond's tavern now, drinking in the gift of the angel. He is definitely not doing business. He should show the people of all Mond to see what Fengshen's usual life is like."

Wen Di was obviously interested in the can shop, but she didn't come with them, so she couldn't even get a ride if she wanted to.

"Okay, don't complain, just keep on the road."

Seeing Paimon complaining, Ying smiled and said: "When we arrive at Liyue, we will be able to meet Hall Master Hutao, and then we can let Hall Master Hutao take us to play and eat all kinds of delicious food."


Hearing Ying's words, Paimon nodded, with desire in his face and eyes.

Thinking of Liyue's food, she felt hungry again.

When Paimon and Ying continued on the road.

Alice, who had already left here, also stopped, looking at Zhongli walking in front of her, she smiled brightly: "Oh, I didn't expect to meet Mr. Zhongli so soon, what a coincidence."

"I don't know what you have to do when you come to Liyue this time."

Seeing the woman with a bright smile in front of him, Zhong Li also had a smile on his face: "It's been a long time, old friend."

"I came to Liyue to hear that Liyue has a magical jar shop, so I came."

Alice smiled and said, "Mr. Zhongli should know about that magical jar shop, so let's go together. I've heard that many good things come from which jar shop."

"A can shop?"

Hearing Alice's words, Zhongli pinched his chin in thought.

This woman went to the jar shop to open a jar, and if she opened something, it would be bad to do something.

After all, tomorrow is the invitation ceremony.

And he can't stay with Alice for a long time, because he has to leave tonight.

"That's right...!"

Alice said with a smile: "It seems that Mr. Zhongli knows. This cans shop is incredible, and its reputation has spread to Mond. It was a coincidence that I came back this time, so I came to see it specially."

"Mr. Zhongli, you are here as well. Let's go to Liyue together. I don't know the location of that jar shop. I think you can take me there by the way."

"When I go to Liyue today, the time should not keep up."

Hearing Alice's words, Zhong Li smiled faintly: "Further ahead is Wangshu Inn. You can rest overnight at Wangshu Inn. Tomorrow, we will go to Liyue. Tomorrow is also Liyue's immortal invitation ceremony."

"Oh? Liyue's invitation ceremony? Is it so fast?"

Hearing Zhongli's words, Alice was a little surprised: "I thought it would take a while, but I didn't expect it to arrive so soon. Just in time, you can stop by and visit tomorrow."

"After visiting the ceremony of inviting immortals, let's stop by that magical jar shop to see, um, that's it."

While talking, Alice walked forward, looked at Zhongli and said with a smile: "Long time no see Mr. Zhongli, this time Mr. Zhongli will take me around Liyue again. Speaking of which, I haven't done well in some places. Been around."

Hearing Alice's words, Zhong Li nodded with a light smile, "Of course."

While the two were talking, they walked forward.


The entrance of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

Fengyuan Wanye stepped forward.

Seeing Fengyuan Wanye approaching, the shopkeeper of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce lit up and said quickly, "Is Young Master Wanye here to trade?"

As a sailor of the Southern Cross Fleet, Fengyuan Wanye, who has the eyes of God, has long been collected by him.

In addition, Fengyuan Wanye sometimes comes to trade, and the things he sells are very precious and rare, and he has always been a distinguished guest of his Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

Now that Young Master Xingqiu is not here, and Fengyuan Wanye is here, he naturally comes out as soon as possible.


Kaedehara Wanye nodded and took out a few green gems from his pocket.

The gemstone is green throughout and gleams in the sun, making it difficult to look at.

"Exquisite emerald."

Seeing what Fengyuan Wanye took out, the shopkeeper of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce suddenly lit up, it's a good thing.

Sure enough, in the hands of Fengyuan Wanye, there has always been such a good thing.

At the moment, the shopkeeper of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce warmly invited Wan Ye to come in and sit down and discuss.

After a while, Fengyuan Wanye walked out of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce with a bag of Mora.

"After buying those jars this time, I also need to make money."

Fengyuan Wanye, who walked out of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, secretly thought so.

To keep the jar from leaking every week, he would need to have one million morahs a week, and four million morahs a month, which was not a small amount for him.

Today, he is just a swordsman with no money. Although he is a sailor of the Southern Cross fleet, the salary of the sailor is just the same. For opening a jar, it is completely a drop in the bucket.

If you don't want to make money, you can only watch the magical jar flow away from your face.

He knew that if he opened one less jar a week, it would be a real loss forever.


Fengyuan Wanye, who was walking, suddenly turned around suddenly.

I saw not far away, Kujo Sora did not know when to appear there, squinting at him.

Fengyuan Wanye glanced at it, didn't care, but turned and left.

For him, it doesn't matter if Liyue really meets Kujo Sara, the shogunate of Inawi has no power to arrest him.

"I didn't expect that more and more acquaintances would come to Liyue."

Watching Kaedehara Wanye leave, Kujo Sara did not speak, but squinted his eyes.

She herself did not expect that she would see Fengyuan Wanye here.

After watching Fengyuan Wanye leave all the time, Kujo Saruo withdrew his gaze.

Her brows were furrowed. If Fengyuan Wanye appeared in Liyue, it would be unreasonable not to know about the can shop. What if there were some special props from the can shop?

This kind of thing gave her a headache just thinking about it.

Thinking that if Fengyuan Wanye opened something and entered the Tianshou Pavilion again, her eyelids twitched.

First was the Coral Palace Xinhai, and now it was Fengyuan Wanye.

If there are a few more, it would be unthinkable.

"I don't know when the orders from the generals and the palace ministers will come."

Thinking that she has yet to receive a reply from the general and Yae Gongji, Kujo Sahara even doubted whether those two took her words seriously.

It shouldn't be that I wrote all the information I learned in the letter. It makes no sense that these days have passed and I haven't received a reply.

"¨. I don't have enough money, so I have to trouble Master Gan Yu again."

Kujo Sahara thought again that he didn't have much Mora on him, and sighed slightly.

She really realized that in Liyue, there is no feeling that Mora can't move an inch.

The jar shop alone needs a million molars a week, and that doesn't include consumption in some other places.

While thinking so, Kujo Sara walked towards Yuehai Pavilion.

I have to find Gan Yu again.

At this moment.

Liyue region.

A road leading from Guiliyuan to Mingyun Town.

One after another, the fully armed Qianyan Army gathered in one place, holding the sniper rifles in their hands, and began to shoot at the distant shooting range.

The sound of "bang bang bang" sounded one after another.

Everyone had an excited smile on their face.

This new weapon is amazing and makes their experience better than ever.


Someone aimed at a rock element slime on the rock and fired a shot. Suddenly, a "bang" sounded, and a bullet was shot and landed on the slime.

Almost instantly, the rock element slime exploded.

The rock element shield outside the body shattered instantly.

"It's amazing."

Looking at the blasted slime, Qian Yanjun was shocked (Zhao Zhao): "Using the so-called elemental power bullet, it was easy to kill a slime, still at such a long distance."

"Yeah, Lord Ningguang is too powerful to actually develop such a powerful weapon. With this weapon, we are no longer afraid of those monsters."

"When it was delivered this morning, I couldn't believe that there were such convenient weapons in this world. It really means that it's more interesting than archery."


One after another, Qian Yanjun looked shocked.

while they were talking.

At the top of the cliff in Mingyun Town, the lady looked down at the scene below, her brows furrowed.

Originally, she should have arrived at Liyue this morning, but she stopped when she saw the sniper rifle as soon as she came out of Longji Snow Mountain.

Until now, Qian Yanjun, who was watching below, took the sniper rifle to easily deal with long-distance monsters, and even the elemental shields on the surface of the monsters could not resist.

That kind of weapon, even she was shocked,

Through inquiries from her subordinates, she learned some general information.

Is this a weapon developed by Li Yuexin?

Thinking that Liyue didn't know when such a terrifying weapon appeared, the lady's brows furrowed.

PS: I have a headache, thinking that the new January will start with the update, but it was written well in the afternoon, but the hard disk suddenly broke, and it has been repaired until now, and my mentality has collapsed.

Chapter 447 : Lady: Liyue, don't mess with it! Fengyuan Wanye: Magic knife? ! (Three shifts, three thousand five words)

You know, Liyue is not that place in Mond.

Now there is a gun that is even more exaggerated than her winter solstice gun. This time she set foot in Liyue, she must be very energetic.

The firearms below are even more powerful than their muskets in the Winter Kingdom. Even monsters with elemental shields can be easily dealt with, and they can explode with one shot from a long distance. One can imagine how powerful the sniper rifle is.

The most important thing is this kind of sniper rifle, Qianyan Army has one manpower!

This is completely armed to the teeth.

Even their muskets in the winter will not let the fools have one.

Even the elite of the fools don't necessarily have that kind of musket.