MTL - Genius Sword Immortal-v3 Chapter 1424 Sky Array

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The illusion of the exhibition, the revenge of the environment, will be trapped in the virtual inflammation and Tianyan.

If you don’t kill so many people and deliberately provoke the incident, just to satisfy your own **, at this moment, the revenge of the district How did you get them?

The situation of revenge, such a ban, if it is used to deal with Ye Feng, it must be used at all.

Because all the opponents who died under Ye Fengjian were killed by him alone. He never thought about tricks and squabbles and joined forces to kill opponents and the like.

Even if he is in a situation of revenge, the illusion of revenge that appears is also the killer, and the people who have been killed by him. Why is he afraid?

Flying swords can smash thousands of illusions!

However, this is too difficult for both the virtual and the Tianyan.

When the scene of revenge came out, the virtual inflammation and the daylight were suddenly trapped in it, and there was no possibility of breaking free.

The endless revenge illusion envelops the two bodies. Although these are illusions, they are illusions of revenge. Through the power of magical forbidden forces, some of the forces of the past are displayed.

Therefore, the current virtual inflammation and natural inflammation, is equivalent to facing all the opponents that have been killed before, the pressure can be imagined!

Numerous tyrannical forces, surging in the revenge, finally completely stopped after a period of time.

All the vengeance of revenge gradually dissipated, and the entire revenge scene finally vanished.

In front of everyone's eyes, there is nothing but an empty space. The virtual and the Tianyan are already under the tyrannical power of vengeance, and the souls are scattered, and even the bodies are not left behind.


The blaze changes back to the human form, the whole body is condensed by the flames, looking at the illusion of the side, can not help but be a little embarrassed.

He, and his wife, finally met again!


The illusion looked up, and the original illusory beauty finally became clear.

Her face, this time has never been seen by other people, only in front of her husband, blazing, she finally showed her most beautiful side!

Seeing the face of the most loved one again, the blazing eyes are full of peace.

"I miss you, let me go."

A sincere voice.


Magically nodded.

There is no place anywhere in the current Eight Dragons, but she has hatred even for her father.

If not at the time, her father imprisoned her, how could she not even know the whereabouts of the blaze?

How can we let the torrent fall into the world for a hundred years!

Over the boundless city, one after another, the battle of the Emperor of the Emperor divided the outcome.

Cold Mountain, lost to the Jinyi, no bones!

Virtual inflammation, Tianyan, lost to the blaze and illusion, no bones!

The three great emperors of the Eight Dragons are defeated by the reincarnation, and there is no bone!

This level of battle, once it fails, is the soul flying away, nothing can survive the ending, and for the immortal, if it is dead, leaving the body is of no use.

Since the reincarnation, after killing the three Emperors of the Eight Dragons, they were stopped by the Emperor of Heaven, and the Emperor of the Ages, to prevent him from continuing to make killings.

The Duanzi and Dapeng Yaozu’s Duan Qiong, together, fought against the left dragon, and stopped the left dragon to kill the candle.

In the battle that is still going on in the field, except for the unreasonable sentiment and the spar mask man, only the left aragon and the candlelight side are left, and the four monsters of the fairy demon city wind, frost, rain and snow, against the demon sword repair alliance four The emperor is!

"The sky is big, it is made!"

The four emperors opposed the four emperors, and they were the best in the field, but the two sides always tried each other and did not show real means.

Now, after seeing that both the virtual inflammation and the Tianyan have died in the context of forbidden revenge, the four queens of the wind, frost and snow finally looked at each other and nodded.

They have long been ready to fight together!

The celestial array is the banned level of the four people who practice together. They rely on this banned level of formation. If they join hands, they will be warned against the heavenly emperor.

Wind, frost, snow, and four directions, suddenly the sky will be laid out, and the four emperors of the demon sword repair alliance will be shrouded in it.

"It is a forbidden tactic, and each breaks out."

In the demon sword repair alliance, the fairy king of the demon wing swordsman, the sword evil, instantly turned into a double-winged sword demon, displayed a speed like a meteor, and quickly moved in one direction, wanting to break through the sky The siege.

It’s a pity that when the two sides confronted each other, the wind, the rain and the snow, the four emperors, had already prepared everything for the big needles!

At this moment, the Tianxiang Dazheng just started, and the next moment, the central demon sword repair alliance four people were trapped.

The wind, a dragon and a dragon, accompanied by frost and snow, formed a barrier of the sky, and surrounded the four emperors of the demon sword repair alliance.

At this moment, Yu Xianhuang's big hand waved, the whole body was condensed, and there was a burst of heavy rain, and then the face of the four emperors who were besieged by the big elephants was smashed down!

Yu Xianhuang, the father of the rain that died in the Eastern Region Wuzhong!

At this moment, although the face of the demon sword repair alliance of the emperor, but the demon sword repair alliance and the eight dragon devils are the same for the fairy demon city!

The eyes of Yu Xianhuang are full of killings, and the power of the torrential rain law that has been condensed makes the four emperors of the demon sword repair alliance fight their best to resist.

The torrential rain condensed by the law of rainstorms is completely different from the ordinary rainstorms in nature. I am afraid that just a drop of raindrops will allow the cultivators of the realm of the Emperor's emperor to die all of a sudden!

Following the rainstorm of Yuxianhuang, it was the turn of the Frost Emperor.

Frost Emperor, the father of Shuang Ruoyun who was seriously injured in the Eastern Region Wuzhong, at this time, all the space in the celestial array was filled with the law of frost!

The four demon swords repaired the Alliance's Emperor, suddenly covered by a layer of cold frost, the body's various forces are stagnant, almost even the blood is frozen into ice!

Then, it is Xuexianhuang, Fengxianhuang, and the flow hand!

The celestial array was dominated by three of them, and the other killed the enemy and then rotated. The four forces alternately shot, so that the opponents trapped in the big horoscope are invincible, and it is extremely difficult to resist, and it is even more impossible to escape.

Because of this, even if the Emperor of Heaven is in such a large array of heavenly elephants, it is not necessarily able to escape, let alone the four emperors of the demon sword repair alliance!

In the process of four kinds of celestial interlacing, there was soon a demon sword repairing the king of the emperor could not support, the blood was frozen into ice, and then was blown into a smash by the storm, and finally cut by the cold ice and snow. Smash!