MTL - Game Designers: You Don’t Understand Charity-Chapter 352 Henry

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   "That being said, the addition of three newcomers still doesn't solve the problem."

  On the top floor of Fengyun Building, Fang Yun looked at the three of Su and Chu who still needed some time to get used to it, Fang Yun did not shy away from it, and said openly.

  The faces of Su and Chu also turned solemn. Just now, Yunfeng had introduced the current situation of Fengyun Studio to them.

   "Mr. Yun, if there is anything we can do, just tell us." Su Chu got up and said.

   "Don't worry yet." Yun Feng smiled and comforted, then looked at Henry Zhang.

   "Show that to everyone."

   Sure enough, Henry Zhang was a little bit drummed, and led everyone to his computer desk.

   "What?" Everyone looked at each other and gathered together.

   "This is something that Yunfeng asked me to develop a long time ago, and it was only recently completed." Henry Zhang glanced at Yunfeng, "I thought it would never be useful."

   Henry Zhang took out some game materials in his hand and quickly demonstrated them.

   "This, this is?!" Everyone was shocked.

   A piece of game data, after being input into Henry Zhang’s program, was directly transformed into game development content one by one.

   From music, original paintings to cg, models, everything is included!

   This is simply the most suitable software for their Fengyun Studio!

   "I see." Yun Feng said with a smile, "With this, even if only a few people are needed, the work speed can be compared to that of the peripheral members."

  Everyone knows that with the software developed by Henry Zhang, the workload is close to zero, and the rest of the game composition can be completed by only a few people.

   And this time, the work will obviously fall to... Everyone looked at the three of Su and Chu.

  Su Chu and the others trembled. This time, it was obviously Fengyun Studio's last fight.

   Such an important job, Yun Feng actually trusted them with a few fresh graduates, and they looked at Yun Feng, a little moved.

   "Okay, there are no doubts anymore, then let's start our game development as soon as possible." Yun Feng looked at everyone and smiled.

  Compared to the despair before, everyone now has no hesitation, and gets busy after taking over their respective jobs.

   Only Henry Zhang was left sitting at his station, suddenly turned his head, and looked at Yun Feng suspiciously.

   "By the way, why did you ask me to prepare these things so early, as if you knew something like this would happen."

   "This kind of thing..." Yun Feng looked at the busy Fengyun studio and smiled softly.

   "Probably only God knows..."



  In the Penguin Game Department, Henry let out an excited cry.

   "Oh? Got the game from Fengyun Studio?" With white hair, Yan Kang raised his head, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

   "Yes, although it's only a semi-finished product." Henry walked to Yan Kang's side.

   "However, I tried it on the mobile phone we developed just now, and it can already work initially." Henry took out his mobile phone and signaled it to Yan Kang.

  Yan Kang took a few glances, he already knew the relevant game information.

  Fruit Ninja is a casual game that combines screen sliding and gravity. It is extremely eye-catching in terms of game form and special effects.

  Even Yan Kang can be sure that once such a game is launched, it will definitely be very popular.

   "That's fine." Yan Kang looked away from the phone and said casually, "Then let's start the pre-sale and promotion directly."

  Henry was a little surprised, "But this game is only half..."

   "It doesn't matter." Yan Kang interrupted Henry's words, "What we have to do now is to be one step ahead of Fengyun Studio."

  "Although the opponent's game development line has been paralyzed, they will definitely not give up struggling now. What we have to do is to completely kill them in the cradle."

   "Isn't this what you want to see?" Yan Kang said to Henry with some encouragement.

  He took the other party back to the country just because he valued that the other party was cornered by Fengyun Studio and had a hatred that was not inferior to his own.

   Sure enough, after mentioning Fengyun Studio, Henry's tone suddenly turned cold, "I see."

   Then he walked to the computer silently and continued to work.

   "By the way, tell those game companies that those people must hide, at least not let them appear in a short time." Yan Kang ordered casually, he believed that Henry could handle things well.

   "Okay, boss." Henry listened to the order and called up the contact interface, on which was the contact information with the people from the Yiying game company controlled by Yan Kang before.

   With so many peripheral members of Fengyun Studio missing, it is not a trivial matter to want to hide.

  The best choice is naturally to divide and divide. Hiding under the command of these game companies, as long as the overall situation is determined, there will be no change in the release of these little people.

  Looking at the communication channel on the screen, Henry's eyes flickered.


  Penguin Game Phone, Penguin Game, Hot Sale!

  No one expected, without pre-heating, and without appetizing, just not long after the news came out, Penguin's mobile game has completely appeared in the world!

   This is not in line with Penguin's personality. While the players are surprised, it does not prevent them from starting to try the game.

   As a result, the entire game circle was completely amazed.

   "This... this is... too much fun~" The players who got it had bright eyes.

   "Mobile games can actually have such excellent playability?!"

  The entire game circle was a sensation.

   "Minister, the audience of mobile phone players has begun to surge." In the game department, Henry's voice could not hear emotion.

   "Mr. Huateng also decided to invest all resources in the production of our mobile phone brand."

   "Combined with the publicity that we spend a lot of money on, players' enthusiasm for mobile games has reached a turbulent level."

   "Very good." Yan Kang smiled happily.

  In the end, it was he who made the best move.

   "You did a good job, your task has been completed..." Looking at Henry, Yan Kang's voice was a little cold.

  Thanks to this talent, my plan was able to be completed cleanly.

  The only person who knows the complete inside story, besides himself, is Henry...

  As long as the opponent disappears, the last weakness in his plan will also disappear.

   "Yes, my task has been completed." At this moment, Henry stood up suddenly.

  Looking at Yan Kang, Henry suddenly showed a strange smile.

   "What do you mean!?" Yan Kang's pupils trembled, and a strong sense of unease suddenly surged in his heart.

   Anything, is there anything I missed? No, it's impossible!

   Own planning is seamless!

  The encounter with Henry was also a... accidentally...but...

  Cold sweat dripped down Yan Kang's face.

  Slums...My position...Pursuing soldiers...Henry...The opponent "escaped" from Fengyun Studio...

  Everything seems to be leading to a dire outcome.

   "I'm sorry, boss." Looking at Yan Kang, Henry shook his head.

   "After contacting you during this period of time, you are indeed an extremely terrifying person."

   "It's a pity, that side makes me dare not betray." Thinking of the faces of Mo Peifeng and Yun Feng, Henry shivered.
