MTL - Fouls Prohibited-Chapter 25

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His hands were too cold, and he was sweating from nervousness. In contrast, Huo Tinglan's palms were dry and scorching like fire, making him restless.

Relying on the low friction of the silk, Ye Ci slowly slid into the bed, lying flat, with half of his face covered, the quilt resting on the bridge of his nose, revealing a pair of watery eyes.

Faintly, he guessed that those big hands were hiding evil intentions, but he didn't want to believe it, and he was reluctant to take it away, he was confused and deceived himself and others.

Ye Ci was lying on his side, in order not to feel awkward, Huo Tinglan also leaned on the head of the bed, holding the wet snow with his hands.

Ye Ci's hands are very thin, with sharp muscles and bones, they look like boys' hands.

But I don't know if it was affected by Omega hormones in the past few months. The thin layer of skin is as tender as tofu, as smooth as satin, and the five slender metacarpal bones are like bamboo supports under a paper umbrella, floating clearly.

Huo Tinglan's expression was upright, but he was so polite that he didn't move at all, allowing the pheromone to blend gently.

After a while, the hand in the palm softened, and the guard was relaxed, and the muscles were not so tense.

Huo Tinglan calmly rubbed it slowly, first rubbing the backs of his hands and the edges of his palms, and then rubbing Ye Ci's ten cold, kitten pad-like fingertips one by one to help activate the blood at the extremities.

That technique was not intimidating, as if it was purely for warming him up and passing on pheromones to him.

But Ye Ci lowered his eyes, his eyelashes trembling, he didn't dare to look at people.

"Xiaoci," Huo Tinglan said suddenly, as if to draw someone's attention, "I want to make a request to you, is that okay?"

"What?" Ye Ci raised his eyes, "Yes, you, you say."

The student was so angry and obedient that it made people itch.

Huo Tinglan pondered for a while, and said softly: "I hope you will encounter troubles in the future, and when you encounter difficulties, you can learn to take the initiative to tell me, let me solve it for you, and help you find a solution." He comforted Ye Ci's fragile Self-esteem, "Seeking help from the right person is a manifestation of cleverness, not incompetence, and..." He looked at him with pity in his eyes, but not pitiful, like looking at a wounded, young eagle, "Are you still like this? Little, you've been through a lot more than your peers, but you're not crushed, you're a strong, brave person, and that doesn't change just because you need help objectively... get it?"

It's a very common truth, Ye Ci would fall in deaf ears if someone else told it, but when Huo Tinglan said it, he listened to it.

"I, I understand Uncle Huo." He nodded vigorously.

At the same time, the graphite silk has delicate ripples.

As Huo Tinglan said, the slippery thin sweat that came out of his steady and powerful five fingers slowly slipped into Ye Ci's fingers without delay.

The palm prints overlap.

Ten fingers agree.

The pheromone melted into the sweat, efficiently soothing Ye Ci's temporarily heated glands.

This kind of hands-on exchange of pheromones would make people blush and heartbeat, Ye Ci struggled weakly.

"You don't have to think about tonight's matter when you go back. You don't have to think about it. It's embarrassing." Huo Tinglan thought carefully, fearing that Ye Ci's thoughts would get heavy, and the more he thought about it, the more embarrassing he would become. Half of it is yours, not to mention a bed, there is no need to apologize to me. Besides..." He smiled, with a frank but elegant look, "You have slept on this bed before, and I like it very much."

He speaks nonsense in a gentleman's tone, which is shameless. Ye Ci was stunned, ignoring the fingers that were overlapping with him, Gu Dong nodded carelessly: "Well, I don't, I don't think about it..."

He was molested again unknowingly.

Huo Zhai's central air conditioner has an intelligent temperature-sensing system, which will automatically adjust the indoor temperature to the range where the human body is most comfortable. The current wind force is just right, but Huo Tinglan seems to be too cold, and at some point he has already covered himself with a quilt.

It may be that his posture is too elegant and natural, so that when Ye Ci noticed, they were already lying in the same bed, the tips of their noses were close to each other, and the distance was only ten centimeters. A young couple with heads clasped and talking about themselves.

Ye Ci's ears were hot, he blinked frequently, and he didn't know where to look, but he didn't hide back, ten centimeters, the warm breath of the two blended in the square inch.

The tip of the nose, lips, and cheeks are warm.

Hands are warm.

The heart is also warm.

Ye Ci's face became more and more red.

Before he could finish the conversation, they were not counted as being together, but he let others take advantage of him ignorantly and shyly, and lay in the same bed with him, his hands were still red from "Wu".

Is this so...

No, something is wrong?

"You always say yes every time, and you will continue to be brave next time you encounter something, and don't tell me... This habit needs to be changed." Huo Tinglan's black eyes were full of smiles, as if teasing a cat with a cat teaser. Words pulled Ye Ci's mood. He is very bad, but he has to find a secret outlet for those magma-like boiling and dense love desires, otherwise it will be very difficult for him to put Ye Ci back whole, "So this time I want to give you a task. "

"What, what task?" Before the shame value reached the critical point, Ye Ci's attention was distracted again.

"Within a week, practice asking me once." Huo Tinglan looked at him solemnly, and said word by word, "Any request, as long as I can do it."

Ye Ci hesitated, but it was rare that he didn't answer.

Take the initiative to ask people.

This skill has long been neglected.

The hard life made him mature prematurely, and Xiao Yeci knew that requests should not be made indiscriminately. His mother is often in short supply and needs to be careful in life, so his practice has always been to suppress desires and try not to embarrass his mother by asking for toys and snacks. This is even more so when he grows up. He is a man, and if he wants to stand upright like a big tree and become the mother's reliance, he should be the one who solves the requirements.

"I don't seem to have mention." Ye Ci tried to take advantage of the loopholes, "Then I ask you to speak, the topic..."

"It doesn't count," Huo Tinglan said, seeing the child's dissatisfaction, "The final interpretation rests with me."

In the end, Ye Ci still couldn't say no to Huo Tinglan, so he agreed in a daze. The temporary fever gradually subsided under the comfort of pheromones, but when he climbed out of Huo Tinglan's bed, his legs were still very weak, and his pajamas and hair were also messy, like a small egg that had been sucked unconsciously. balloon.

It is very simple for ordinary people to make a request.

I really can't think of any special request, considering the Huo family's financial resources, at least one expensive gift can be requested.

But Ye Ci was stumped. He really didn't want anything other than getting into a good university. As for the biggest difficulty he was facing right now...

That was Ye Hongjun's illness.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are sometimes beyond the reach of human beings.

He didn't even dare to think deeply about this matter. Most of the time, he deliberately kept this area of ​​his brain in a state of numbness and dullness, not thinking that if the only person in the world who loved him left him What will happen, otherwise he will be trapped in panic and anxiety all day long, and it will be difficult to maintain his daily life.

On Saturday afternoon, the heat was extremely hot, a bench was located under the shade of an acacia tree, and Ye Ci was sitting under the tree, smoking a cigarette with a heavy heart.

Originally, he was tired from brushing the questions, so he went downstairs and strolled in the garden for a while, stretching his muscles and bones. But as he walked, he remembered what Uncle Huo asked him to ask for, and then followed this to think of his mother's illness.

At this thought, his stomach felt heavy, like a piece of lead had fallen, so he lit a cigarette, but the more he smoked, the more upset he became, and the more upset he became, the more he wanted to smoke.

A row of his finished cigarette butts were neatly placed on the bench, inexplicably cute.

He planned to throw away the pack of cigarettes when he was done smoking.

Ye Ci sat on the bench with his legs crossed, his elbows resting on his knees, holding a cigarette in one hand and fiddling with his phone in the other.

The patient group I added to Ye Hongjun is very lively at the moment, 99 after not reading the news for a few minutes, someone posted the registration information for going to country X to participate in clinical trials, and several family members of the patients were discussing visa processing and round-trip expenses Ye Ci frowned and flipped through the information.

When Ye Hongjun was ill, he was extremely sensitive to these news. In the past two years, he has seen many times, and the number of times of disappointment has also increased. He knows that most of them are really helpless, so he will try to have various unstable factors. Clinical Trials. If the patient is sent to the hospital, it's fine if it can't be cured. I'm afraid that the patient's constitution is weak and can't bear to toss, or it will have adverse effects due to adverse reactions. And the most terrible thing is that they don't know the authenticity and reliability. Some people in the patient group rely on this to make money. They claim to have channels to send patients to participate in some experiments. As an officer, the patient waited until he died but did not get the Schrödinger quota...

Ye Ci remembered that "request" again.

Maybe, Uncle Huo can do something? Is there any channel that he doesn't know, or at least can help him find out where the new treatment is more promising...

The heart suddenly beat violently.

Ye Ci was in a daze, and he passed the half of the cigarette left between his left fingers to his lips, halfway through, the fingers suddenly emptied.

"!" Ye Ci was startled, and when he raised his eyes, he saw Huo Tinglan standing beside him, holding the half cigarette with his thumb and forefinger, looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Huo, Uncle Huo!" Ye Citeng jumped up from the bench and frantically tugged at the hem of his clothes, "What are you doing, when did you come back?"

He remembered that Huo Tinglan was not at home when he went downstairs for a walk.

Huo Tinglan didn't answer, and looked down at the seven cute cigarette butts "sitting in a row", and took a lukewarm glance at Ye Ci: "The addiction to cigarettes is not small."

"Not addictive, that's it," Ye Ci's voice gradually lowered, "Smoking, smoking for fun..."

"Is smoking fun?" Huo Tinglan asked leisurely, as if wanting to verify Ye Ci's statement, he bowed his head reservedly and took a puff on the half cigarette.

The filter is still slightly wet.

"I smoked, I, too, don't mind..."

Ye Ci seemed to be on fire, watching helplessly as Uncle Huo smoked the cigarettes he had smoked, red from forehead to neck.

— It was really fun.

Huo Tinglan coughed lightly due to the cheap tobacco, and the curve of the corners of his lips was barely suppressed.

"I don't hate you." Huo Tinglan waved the cigarette in his hand calmly, "I'll catch you next time..."

"No, there won't be a next time!" Ye Ci shook his head and waved his hands, wishing he could grow a tail and shake it along with him.

Huo Tinglan spread his palms towards Ye Ci: "Is there any more?"

Ye Ci's face was red, and he handed over the remaining half pack of cigarettes and lighter in a very polite manner.

The cigarette case had been in Ye Ci's pocket for two days, and it was already crumpled.

Huo Tinglan nodded slightly, turned and left.

Ye Ci stood there in a daze.

He didn't see clearly either.

But after Uncle Huo turned around just now, didn't he...

He lowered his head and sniffed that cigarette case?